Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 28: Magnetic field control

The situation in the white beam of light was no longer broadcast live by the federal official media.

On the one hand, the situation inside the white light beam is too complicated, and it is basically a battle involving fifth-order evolutionaries, and there are two giant meteorological species. The excessively large pollution aura seriously interferes with general monitoring methods, especially the light radiation meteorology. This kind of pouring light fog can affect electronic products to a large extent.

Therefore, general monitoring methods have no chance.

On the other hand, the situation inside is not suitable for the general public to see.

Even if the Federation is doing live broadcasts, it wants the general public to see the real battle of "technology and talent". But the fifth-order evolutionary, and this exaggerated miracle have gone beyond general cognition, beyond the level of battle Z, and more like magic written in a storybook and reflected in film and television dramas.

It's too easy to panic.

Therefore, it is enough for them to watch the scene of Qiao Xun's breakout battle, the scene of the explosion of the Republic's "annihilation-06" derivative rune bomb, and the scene of the Union Army's orderly handling of the endgame. It's enough to make them think the coalition has won, no need to show them any more.

Public opinion and public opinion need to be regulated to a certain extent, and we must not allow the influence of real events to ferment to an uncontrollable level.

After a sentence is finished, what ordinary people can see is over.

Next, it is not suitable for public disclosure.

Therefore, when all unnecessary monitoring methods are withdrawn, only the monitoring methods used by the command posts of various countries to keep an eye on the front line are left.

In terms of the coalition army, the three base vehicles of the Republic land base vehicle, the federal land base vehicle and the European contract land base vehicle have come out one after another.

They don't group, they all act alone, both men and women.

Immediately after leaving the base car, they converged in the direction of the white light beam from different directions at an astonishing speed.

If you look at their actions from God's perspective, it becomes very clear that there is absolutely no connection between these people. In other words, at this time, they are all combat soldiers, and the tasks are so detailed that everyone is different. However, what is surprising is that the travel routes of each of them, the target points converge, just completely surrounded by the white beam of light, and not even a blind spot will exceed their observation range.

Obviously, these are the high-level evolutionaries of the coalition army, and they are the core figures of the battle.

Therefore, there are not many. Even though Kabul is not a very big city, the magnitude of the two is completely incomparable. So, their actions are inconspicuous, especially with Kabul now under the influence of two giant weather species.


Joe patrolling into the range of the beam of light is more careful.

Fortunately, the buildings, road distribution and structures inside were not damaged, and the direction could be clearly identified based on the city map in mind.

He headed towards the Zhilan Hotel.

There, is the location of "Embrace the Angel".

The coalition's short-term mission now is to destroy those angel servants, the plaster statues, and prevent the arrival of the angel Azrael.

Although he still does not quite understand, what is the connection between Azrael and the war species.

Just thinking about this question, he suddenly felt that the pollution atmosphere in the 300 meters ahead became a little richer, so he hurriedly lowered the range of motion and leaned behind a relatively thick building.

Watch carefully.

Wearing the "lurking clothes", coupled with the talent "camouflage" and the talent "Zaiyin", Qiao Xun can be said to hide very deep in this "technology + talent" mode, if not for his strong reconnaissance. If you are talented, even if you walk in front of him, it will be difficult to find him.

Then, he looked forward.

Although the blizzard has left, the fine snow **** is still falling from the sky, and the small but very cold wind is still scurrying between the streets and alleys.

In the dazzling night, he saw a woman standing at the end of the street.

She was clearly wearing the uniform of the Free Army, her face was completely covered, and only a pair of eyes were exposed.

Qiao Xun was quite surprised. There are women soldiers in the Free Army.

Doesn't the Sunni version of the Qur'an say that women are not allowed to work in any public affairs career that requires publicity?

There are women soldiers in an organization like the Free Army, which is united with such a creed and belief. This is what Qiao Xun didn't realize.

Maybe they opened up a bit, though. Or this female warrior is so powerful that the Free Army is willing to give her the green light.

Qiao Xun didn't want to face her anyway.

This is not the breakout battle it was before. The battle for the core area is not surprising, but it is all point-to-point precision strikes.

He didn't want to be targeted by fifth-order evolutionaries.

Then go the other way.

With a low attitude, he took advantage of the dazzling night to carefully change his path.

Knowing enough about the distribution here, he is not worried at all if he gets lost, but he is afraid that there will be such a strong sentinel. The environmental smell of the fifth-order sentry is completely unimaginable to him now.

He turned an acute corner at the previous position and set off in the direction of west-north. He remembered that there was a Datongpu Market Street in this direction.

Aluminium poufs, sheltered from the rain, whistled in the night wind in the fair, which had been nearly destroyed by previous blizzards. Many rolling shutter doors and windows are almost out of the frame, flapping at a certain frequency, making a very loud sound.

This is great for cover.

After diving headlong into the market street, the road behind will be relatively safe.

Because this market street has four main streets in the shape of a tic-tac toe, and each main street is irregularly divided into a large number of alleys. In the past, a lot of people lived here, like a slum, even if this is the city center, so is also common.

However, last night's blizzard is estimated to have buried most of the people. Even those who were still lingering did not dare to show their heads, and cautiously hid in the shadowy corners and made a wish to their God, God, Lord, please bless me and spend this night safely.

The extremely complicated road conditions are not difficult for Qiao Xun, but will become his "right-hand man".

Once targeted, he can quickly plunge into the intricate alleys, and rely on his knowledge of the terrain and his excellent stealth ability to get rid of the opponent. Unless the opponent has a very strong tracking ability, or no matter how big it is, directly use the large AOE talent to blow up this market area.

The former is possible, the latter is not worth the loss.

But if it's just tracking, he's not afraid. Fighting can't beat the fifth-order evolutionary, but there are still many ways to save lives.

If you can't beat it, just run, no shame.

In the market area about 600 meters long, after Qiao Xun walked the second 100 meters, a voice sounded from his left front.

Concentrate, focus, look at the past.

Yes... a house collapsed. He was recognizing the cause, but the next moment changed.

Because, he saw a layer of misty light on the surface of the wreckage after the collapse of the house, with various colors, showing different colors due to the different base colors of the wreckage. The gray light of concrete, the orange-red of red bricks, the blue-black of blue tiles, and the white light of white rolling shutter doors.

Qiao Xun held his breath and remained motionless, pretending that he was just a decoration on the street in the night.

But the glowing wreck moved at a certain moment. They accelerated around an obvious central axis with extremely high acceleration, and the speed increased to the point of forming a luminous arc in a short period of time. Then, at a certain node, they suddenly changed the direction of acceleration and went straight to Qiao Xun.

At a distance of about 20 meters, he reached Qiao Xun within 0.1s.

The speed was extremely fast, completely exceeding the reaction time of Qiao Xun.

The neural response speed of adult men is excellent within 0.43s. Excellent athletes are generally between 0.15 and 0.25s. As an evolutionary player, Qiao Xun's neural response speed improved to 0.11s in the last "Tower" test.

However, the speed of these glowing wreckage was a little faster for him. That's it.

So much so that when he reacted, a blue tile with a blue-black light slammed into his right shoulder.

His right scapula collapsed directly, and the ligaments were pulled at high speed beyond the maximum pressure range and became inflexible.

After all this happened, Qiao Xun only reacted.

He immediately urged "Withered Trees in Spring" and "Sheng Nandou" to recover, and at the same time quickly got into an alleyway on the lower right.

In his previous Kabul map plan, this lane was marked as a safe lane. That is, there will be no dead ends, and there will be a lot of fork in the road.

Because of the snow, this road is not as easy to walk as before, and a lot of debris swept up by the storm accumulates here, which looks very messy.

Qiao Xun, who has a higher agility point, is basically able to respond quickly under various fancy actions such as "stepping on the wall + sliding shovel + jumping".

Compared to his parkour-like escape, the pursuit from the rear is much more violent.

The sound of objects colliding constantly came from behind.

Every time he turned his head, he could see a lot of shiny debris being lifted off, including snow. The snow that was blown away was scattered around, like the snow from a giant tree was shaken off.

This energy level must be a fifth-order evolutionary, and it has not run away.

However, the pursuer was hidden in the luminous debris, and it was impossible to distinguish whether it was a member of the Free Army or something else.

Since it is a direct attack without any interaction, at least it means that it is not a friendly force, but an enemy.

The intelligence cooperation of the United Army is very meticulous. The Republic has Wang Shi'an, a powerful fifth-order sentinel in charge. Under the "clear line", it is basically impossible for the intelligence to be disconnected. Not to mention that the base vehicles are equipped with Spiritual Amplifier. Unless there is a disturbance as powerful as the "Oblivion-06" bomb.

In the process of escaping, Qiao Xun began to analyze the principle of the opponent's attack.

When he crossed a certain corner, he deliberately slowed down his pace, waited for a brick with orange-red light to fly behind him, used "Zhiyang" to create a detonation space to stop it, and then took advantage of the fact that he had not separated from the pursuer. When contacting, "numerology follows the sky" quickly drilled in.

Deconstruct, analyze.

The obscure principle becomes clearly visible under "numerology follows the sky".

The product under the combination of magnetic field control and photoelectric control.

To put this complex principle in simple terms. The pursuers in the rear have the ability to control the object's magnetic field, which in turn affects the movement of the extranuclear electrons of the atoms that make up the object.

The repulsion of positive and negative charges is directly reflected in the influence on the motion state of the object.

The reason why those controlled objects emit light is also because of the performance of the light signal converted from the electrical signal under the control of the electric charge.

When you understand such a principle, you can better think about countermeasures.

Head-to-head confrontation is definitely a disadvantage.

Although Qiao Xun can control three-dimensional geometric objects with his talent "three-dimensional", his combat ability is not comparable to the opponent's. After all, although he can control the object, he cannot accelerate the object to such a high speed. In the frontal confrontation, the strength is definitely not the same level.

What's more, the opponent, a fifth-order evolutionary, must have more than one talent.

Breaking the game in principle is the optimal solution.

I have to say that Qiao Xun's previous thinking was right. The intricate road environment really suits him very well. He seems to be fighting a guerrilla war now, and his equipment is not enough, so he has to make up for it with his understanding of the environment.

The pursuers in the back could not cause direct damage to him in such an environment for a while.

Qiao Xun tried to find a way while running.

Magnetic field control...

If a strong magnetic field is used for interference, it should be able to play a certain role.

This made Qiao Xun think of the electromagnetic effect.

A fully closed energized circuit is accompanied by a magnetic field, and the greater the current, the stronger the magnetic field of the current.

Thinking of this, some key elements popped up in Qiao Xun's mind.

Because this market area gathers people of the same belief, in order to reflect the obvious difference between residents in other areas, it has a complete social ecology, and the power supply, material supply and social structure are independent. Qiao Xun did not study it in detail, but he knew that there was an independent power generation system here.

There is a small storage power plant in the northwest corner of the market area. There is a considerable amount of power stored there.

After clarifying this point, Qiao Xun's thinking continued logically.

As a result, he began to move towards the storage power plant in the northwest corner.

In order to avoid the possibility of being directly seen through his thoughts, he did not run directly there, but went around in circles, going around in circles, and after half a circle, he walked around the corner.

The blizzard destroyed the line, but not the storage power plant.

Qiao Xun slammed open the door and plunged in.

Then the "greedy" livestock "Zaiyin" broke out, covering every corner of the power storage plant, and began to look for the power storage device and operation console of the power storage power plant.

At the same time, the four talents of "point-line-surface body" kept on controlling the movement of these power storage devices and circuits.

The pursuers from the rear chased in.

He stood at the gate. Qiao Xun stood in the corridor on the second floor of the factory.

Their eyes met for the first time.

Then, with the light from the object under his control, Qiao Xun could clearly see his appearance.

It was a thin, blond man who looked like he was smoking numb, with a pair of eyeballs constantly rolling against his deep concave sockets. In the true sense of 180-degree irregular rotation, the two eyeballs seem to be completely controlled by the same person.

Most importantly, he is not a free army. Regardless of race or clothing, nothing fits the image of the Free Army.

The strong doctrinal beliefs of the Free Army do not allow them to wear other clothing.

It appears that this person is either black or some other Adventist faction.

He didn't chat at all, he pulled down the big iron gate behind him, accelerated and threw it to Qiao Xun.

The gate under his control glowed taupe, reflecting on the surrounding walls, making the scene in the power plant look like Avici Hell.

Qiao Xun is doing his best to control the integration of the power storage device and the connection of the line, which cannot be destroyed by him.

As a result, Qiao Xun was forced to deal with it head-on.

Refill your own buff, and "Zhiyang" condenses a double detonation space.

The heavy iron gate that glows at high speed carries momentum that cannot be blocked by ordinary objects.

The explosion of the double detonation space only caused it to deviate a bit, and Qiao Xun's right shoulder was still hit.

He slammed directly into the wall behind him.

Enduring the discomfort of being hit by a huge body, Qiao Xun pulled himself out. He started by constantly shifting positions to avoid being locked into too many controlled objects.

"You're like a clown jumping up and down in a circus."

The thin man at the door said.

Qiao Xun did not respond to him. I don't want to waste extra energy on pointless talk.

"Look at you, you're a soldier of the Republic. Why, can't the Republic send a fifth-order evolutionary? I want you to be a fourth-order kid who can only run away. Unfortunately, running away will not have any effect on your situation. Done. Oh, no, let me see,"

The thin man's constantly rolling eyeballs were fixed, and then he said:

"It turned out to be you, that kid who broke through. Why, could it be that the Republic feels that here, you can still be as reckless as you are outside? The Free Army with sad beliefs in its mind is just the obvious wall of flesh for everyone. Those who defeated the wall of flesh Why are you so funny now?"

Although he kept talking, the attack in his hand did not stop for half a minute.

In just a few words, Qiao Xun was attacked ten times, and his chest and limbs were injured. The most dangerous one was that a steel bar almost went straight through his forehead.

"So, you are a black leather person?"

In a short interval, Qiao Xun asked.

He wants to make sure of that. Because, he always remembered Xin Yu's words, it is best not to kill members of the black revolution casually.

The skinny man said in a urn-like tone,

"Maybe, your vision only stops at knowing about black leather."


"It's obvious."

Qiao Xun said in a low voice:

"It's fine, then I... can let go."

The thin man narrowed his eyes,

"Buffing~www.readwn.com~ My voice is very low, and my momentum is also very restrained."

After that, Qiao Paun controlled the last circuit together.

The console moved in front of him.

Without hesitation, he pulled down the control valve.

A large current poured out from twenty-four large-scale power storage devices, and along the cables, connected the entire storage power plant transformed by Qiao Xun to form a large closed circuit.

A huge electromagnetic field enveloped the two of them.

All the conductors around the storage power plant began to spiral around in the electromagnetic field, and under the constant acceleration, they quickly created a huge wind field.

For a while, the originally peaceful storage power plant staged an apocalyptic scene.

Qiao Xun stood on the indoor balcony on the second floor, staring at the thin man at the gate on the first floor.

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