Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 29: Demon species...you are a demon!

Qiao Xun chose to strike first.

He did not leave any reaction time for this thin man. At the moment when the super-strong electromagnetic field based on the entire storage power plant was formed, he jumped from the balcony on the second floor. Roll up from the ground to form dense and high-frequency moving baffles, forming an easy labyrinth.

When fully mobilizing talent, it is impossible to hide the traces of mental traces and pollution.

But the most basic feature of Qiao Xun is that his mental value is extremely stable, and his pollution value is always zero. Therefore, even if he uses his full power to mobilize his talent, in an environment with a very high pollution value, there will be no change in the pollution value at all.

So, when he plunged into the moving maze composed of insulating baffles, the thin man at the door lost his direct vision of Qiao Xun.

His rolling eyeballs stabilized, and then the moving insulating baffles in the factory grounds gradually became transparent to his eyes. It looks like a perspective scene in a drawing software.

But, very strange.

Although he achieved perspective, he could not see Qiao Xun's figure.

Thermal Imaging? No;

Mental trajectory? no change;

Pollution track? There is no movement.

It was as if Qiao Xun had suddenly disappeared, and he was nowhere to be seen in the entire moving labyrinth composed of insulating baffles.

The skinny man knows his position and is not a fighter who is good at melee combat. He has seen the video of the breakout battle between Qiao Xun, and he also knows that he is a relatively comprehensive evolutionary. It's best to avoid situations where you get into close combat with him.

This moving maze needs to be dispelled immediately.

Although the process of thinking seems to be sloppy, it is just a flickering thought for the thin man.

He gathered the high-frequency rune energy in his body and poured it out in a way that was completely superior to the fourth-order evolutionary. After the correction of his main advanced talent "Master", it became the ability to drive the magnetic field of objects. Change the charge arrangement of an object for control purposes.

He was already familiar with this process, even more familiar than eating and drinking.

But, this time, when using. However, in a certain key link, it suffered great resistance - the process of changing the arrangement of the charge of the object.

The thin man's eyeballs rolled wildly. His brain was extremely active.

The charge arrangement of objects is not controlled, and the magnetic field is difficult to change. This shows that there is a very strong magnetic field source around.

Magnetic field source...

The skinny man suddenly reacted and looked at the power plant in shock.

This entire storage plant is the source of the magnetic field!

Strong magnetic fields affect every object. This greatly interferes with his natural ability.

Although he can drive objects, he simply cannot accelerate them to supersonic levels in a short period of time.

After realizing the result, the skinny man did not hesitate to control a floor tile and pour himself out of the door.

"Want to go now? It's too late."

The moving speed of the floor tiles is far below the speed of sound. Before the thin man's body jumped out of the factory gate, such a sound fell into his ears.

A fifth-order evolutionary, unless he was born in a laboratory, will experience battles big and small no matter what.

The skinny man is not the flower of the laboratory, he grew up from the battle.

He immediately analyzed that he was inseparable from this magnetic field source and had to change his approach.

Afterwards, he folded his body abruptly and flew over with a steel pipe not far away, piling up a defensive shield in front of him.


The detonation space of "Zhiyang" exploded on the defensive shield made of steel pipes.

The huge impact made the skinny man back more than ten meters.

There are also a lot of gaps in the arrangement of the steel pipes.

If there is no interference from the magnetic field source, he is sure that such an attack will never break his defensive shield.

However, there is no such if.

He is now in a large, strong magnetic field.

Qiao Xun is not the kind of person who gasps the enemy. After the first detonation space exploded, the second detonation space quickly formed.

The second detonation space is blessed with "greed".

In order to make the second meltdown of the blessed detonation space hit the target, Qiao Xun pulled up a high speed and rushed in front of the thin man. He began to use "three-dimensional" to control the alignment of the thin man's steel pipe defense shield.

Tier 4 talent is at a disadvantage when it comes to Tier 5 talent.

However, the "master" of the current thin man is a weakened version of the "master" because of the influence of the strong magnetic field, and the "three-dimensional" of Qiao Xun is blessed by various buffs.

Despite the obvious difference in the level of rune power between the two, Qiao Xun's purpose is not to seize control, but to interfere with it.

Feeling that the control strength was weakened and the control connection capacity was reduced, the thin man's eyeballs turned faster.

"You also have a controlling talent!"

Qiao Xun didn't talk nonsense with him, and tried his best to interfere with the control.

The first explosion of the detonation space had already appeared, and the defensive shield lined with steel pipes had been partially scattered.

A second meltdown is taking shape.

"I see, this is the talent of Cube 10! You stole his talent!" The thin man's eyes suddenly straightened, but there was a very obvious panic in it, "Devouring, you have a talent for swallowing! You are a devil , the devil!"

After realizing this, the skinny man suddenly laughed frantically, "Hahahaha, there are demons in such a glorious place in the Republic, hahaha! I thought it was too much, but it's just self-respect for pirates!"

Qiao Xun frowned.

It was the first time he heard the word "Demon Seed".

Whatever it is. But he was sure of one thing, this skinny man couldn't stay.

He accelerated sharply, slammed into the loosely arranged steel tube defense shield, and he had been interfering with the contention.

The powerful impact, plus interference, makes the steel tube defense shield appear for a short defense gap.

This is the gap!

Qiao Xun saw the needle and pushed the melted space that was charged.


Meltdown sounds different from explosions. Not loud, but very crisp, like walking in a quiet and deep mountain forest, suddenly heard the condensed water on the rocks falling into the cold pool.

Not very powerful, but powerful.

At that moment, the thin man who was directly impacted had a very obvious deformation in his body. The flesh and bones of the whole body seemed to be pressed by a road roller, and it was only about to burst into pulp.

Then, he was pushed to the back wall, limp like a pie.

Then, the toughness made the body start to rebound, and he became "full" again.

Not everyone is as gifted in every field as Joe is.

The thin man is a fifth-order evolutionary. Yes, when his talent "Master" is not disturbed, Qiao Xun is by no means unable to break his defense, he can use any object to build up a thick and hard defense.

However, in this strong magnetic field factory, the above conditions do not hold.

He is a mortal body, and he has no direct confrontational talent. He just can't withstand the meltdown attack, although his physical strength is much stronger than ordinary people because of the baptism of rune energy. However, the fifth-order evolutionary cannot escape the shackles of the body.

In a word, flesh and blood will always have an easily accessible limit.

Now, for this skinny man, the limit was pushed.

The result is only to fall.

Jingle bells-

Out of control, densely packed steel pipes fell to the floor and crashed.

The thin man slumped against the wall.

His eyes are still rolling, but the speed has become very low.

The disbelief in his eyes is very clear.

"You are thinking, I am a fourth-order evolutionary, why can I defeat you?" Qiao Xun walked towards him.

The organs in the thin man's body have long been in a mess, and now it is only his tenacious will that supports him to survive.

"Devil... You are a demon. I know... I know... Lord Bishop told us that demons... can eat people. You, you, you must have eaten a lot of people." The thin man spat out a mouthful of blood. "Otherwise...how could you have so much talent..."

Of course, Xun Qiao would not associate himself with the so-called "demon species", he said:

"There are many things you don't understand. People who try to know everything in vain fall into the swamp of history, sink deeper and deeper, until they are engulfed by history."

The skinny man suddenly became hysterical and shouted:

"You're a demon! A demon! And a sinister, cunning villain! Conspiracy..."

Qiao Xun's face was expressionless, and his eyes were even a little cruel because he had just ended a battle.

"I just need to see the outcome of the victory. It doesn't make sense what the process is. You wouldn't think this power plant was an ancient Roman arena, or an ancient Chinese martial arts leader selection arena."

He said with a mocking expression,

"You are just not sure to accept the fact that you were defeated by the fourth-order evolutionary."

The thin man looked at Qiao Xun viciously,

"I'm going to curse you! Curse you that you will never see the long steps of ascending the gods!"

Qiao Xun did not approach him. Controlling a sharp steel pipe approaching him.

"Drown in the abyss of pride with your curse."

The steel pipe was inserted into the thin man's forehead, stirring his brain to shreds.

Then, Qiao Xun launched "Zaiyin" to collect the fragments of his consciousness and devoured them with "gluttony", leaving no possibility of resurrection.

The enemy just has to die cleanly.

【Gulalan Bomeng】

【The Chosen One】

[Main advanced route: "Insulator" → "Cohesion" → "Folder" → "Interference Field" → "Master"]

[Other Talents: Supercomputing Vision]

[Totem: "The Order of Onomia of Sequence"]

[Series Runes: Order - Field]

[In mythology, Onomia's power of order seems to only represent order under the rule of law, representing law and order, and its responsibility is to maintain social stability. However, that is just a myth. As a **** alone, no one or **** can deny her powerful ability to control order. She is the aggregate of order, the aggregate of all orders, laws, laws and principles. As a huge collective, she has long been unable to be represented by the name "Onomia".

Therefore, her totem has many series of runes.

Gularan Bomeng, who experienced five lightning strikes successively, obtained the divine enlightenment of the series of runes "Order-Field". It's hard to say whether he was lucky or unlucky]

The chronological order of Onomia.

It is a new totem and a new advanced route.

The harvest is quite rich, but Qiao Xun has no time to feel it carefully, and it is worth a cursory scan.

"Insulator": As the name suggests, immune to electric shock. Qiao Xun thought, maybe this is the result of being struck by lightning many times.

"Cohesion": energy storage. Energy such as thermal energy, electrical energy, wind energy, mechanical energy, etc. can be in the body. For example, someone punches you, and the energy of that punch can be stored by you. It looks very strong, but it is quite tasteless, otherwise this thin man will not be killed by the meltdown space of "Zhiyang".

"Folded Body": The body is folded. A shapeshifting talent that allows the body to fold into any shape of equal mass. It is just equal mass, not equal volume, which means that the density of the body can be changed.

"Interference field": It can create an energy interference field with itself as the center, which can interfere with the conversion of all energy.

"Master": It is what Qiao Xun saw. Control the magnetic field of an object. The fifth-order talent, Qiao Xun is temporarily unavailable.

"Supercomputing Horizon": Temporarily increase the computing power of the brain, but only in the horizon. Useful for analyzing complex environments.

Gularan Pomon's talent is a bit more complicated than the previous Fujiwara Masato. After Qiao Xun had a general understanding, he left here.

Before leaving, he controlled the power storage device to short-circuit and catch fire.

Electric sparks crackled out, and the smell of burnt smell spread out, lingering in the wind, and I didn't know where to go.

The raging fire quickly swept up, engulfing the storage power plant.

A big fire would quickly attract attention on an ordinary night, but tonight, no one paid attention to a single fire.

Snowstorms, strong earthquakes, and light radiation have all been experienced. What else is worth mentioning?

After leaving the power plant, Qiao Xun discovered that the entire city center of Kabul was in chaos. The pollution value continues to soar, which means that there are high-level evolutionaries fighting.

He quickly climbed up a tall building and looked around.

There are four frontal confrontations that he can clearly see.

Among these four places, three were the participation of the Free Army and the Allied Army, and the other was the cube K "Warrior" of the Black Revolution that he had seen before, a person who was full of ordinary breath all over his body.

Qiao Xun watched the "Warrior" fight against a combined army evolutionary.

The fighting style of the "Warrior" is extremely simple and unpretentious, like a boxer. It doesn't seem to have much fighting power, but it can press the evolutionary who looks to be the Russian Federation to fight.

He predicts that without other interference, the evolution of the Russian Federation should eventually be defeated.

Although this result was predicted, Qiao Xun did not choose to help him.

After finally solving a passive battle, he didn't want to take the initiative to fight.

If the enemy does not look for me, I will never look for the enemy.

Playing a wave of dreams still relies on environmental advantages to win. But there aren't that many suitable environments to give him an edge.

His purpose was straightforward, and he continued to approach the Zhilan Hotel.

Go downstairs and re-enter the Independence Bazaar with its intricate mix of roads.

He provides his own environmental sensitivity and monitors the pollution aura on his route at any time. Once the pollution aura increases significantly, he will immediately change his route to ensure that he will not meet the fifth-order evolutionary who is fighting to the greatest extent possible.

Even the evolutionary of the United Army, he did not want to meet.

It is more convenient for him to sneak by acting alone.

Now that I think about it, the reason why I was discovered by Bo Meng is probably related to Bo Meng's talent "supercomputing horizon". With the improvement of computing power, he found him in a complex environment.

Qiao Xun simply used the newly stolen talent "Super Computing Vision".

Not proficient at first, but progressed quickly.

The available computing power of the brain increases, and the sensitivity of his visual field to the environment is further improved.

He can feel any small change in the field of view larger than 50 microns.

He believes that with his own proficiency, 50 microns can be reduced even lower, and the limit may be at the level of 10 microns.

The accuracy of the field of view is important to identify smaller fluctuations. The energy trajectory fluctuations of high-level evolutionaries are themselves highly accurate.

The visual field accuracy of a normal person is 20cm-300μm. That is, at a viewing distance of 20 cm, you can see objects up to 300 microns.

Qiao Xun uses the "supercomputing field of view", and the current field of view accuracy is 5m-50μm. And, this precision will be more accurate as he is familiar with the "supercomputing horizon".

In the field of view accuracy, there is the recognizable frame. The visual frame rate when the human eye is comfortable and relaxed is 24 frames per second, and even if you concentrate, it will not exceed 30 frames.

The recognition frame of a normal dog is 75 frames, and the cat is 100 frames.

Qiao Xun, as an evolutionary ~www.readwn.com~, has achieved 300 frames of recognition because of "amphibians" and "point-line-hedron".

And now, with the blessing of the "supercomputing horizon", his recognition frame has reached 1200 frames.

That is, he can identify 1,200 changing positions in one second of change. After he is familiar with this talent, the frame rate will be further improved.

It has to be said that "supercomputing vision" is another practical talent that Qiao Xun has gained.

He thought that it was not ashamed that he was discovered by this talent before.

This talent is very practical, but it also has a disadvantage, which is very eye-catching. Eyes are particularly prone to fatigue, but with the help of "withered trees and spring", this fatigue can be alleviated a lot.

Sure enough, the more talents and the more combinations, the better the results.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but raise a wild vision:

If, one day, all the talents under all the totems can be obtained, what will it be like...

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