Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 30: I am your believer tonight

Heart J "Poet" took out a book from the pocket of the oversized jacket of the tunic suit and spread it on his hand.

He turned a page. On the originally blank page, a line of content that only he could see slowly appeared.

Hearts K "Mr." Norman asked with a smile:

"'Poet', what happened?"

"A dead person." The "Poet" pushed his heavy eyes, and a pair of eyes that were behind the lens rolled, "People from the Church of Yila."


"Poet" turned the page again, and another line of words appeared. He looked at the line of characters, and his palms closed, and the book closed with a snap.

He put the book in his pocket and said:

"A magician. A fifth-order evolutionary. His name is Gulalan Bomeng."

"Mr." Norman heard the name, and the image of a thin man immediately appeared in his mind.

"The guy who can control the magnetic field."

"Poet" nodded,

"He died. He died completely. There is no possibility of resurrection, and even if their high priest came forward, he would not be able to save him."

Norman knew that such a statement meant that Gularan Pomon died without leaving a single fragment of consciousness.

he asks:

"What about the man who killed him?"

"do not know."

"Demigods?" Norman frowned.

A person who can't even trace a "poet" can't think of any other possibility except a demigod.

"Poet" shook his head. He took off his glasses, wiped the dust off them with his sleeve, and said neither light nor heavy:

"Not a demigod. But the other party has the ability to change the concept of existence."

"Change...the concept of being."

"Yes. I can feel the ability, but I can't recognize it, I can't decipher it, I can't do reading comprehension. Very strong, or... noble."

Norman paused,

"Very noble... Could it be God's chosen talent?"

"That's not something I can understand. After all, the altered concept of existence is meaningless in itself, and any reading comprehension of it is a waste of energy and time. Of course, if he was standing in front of me, I should be able to recognize it."


"Because he is not strong. Although he has changed his concept of existence, his energy level is low, which cannot be concealed. At least, it is not as high as mine. If he is standing in front of me, it is not too difficult to identify. ."

Norman did not question. Because the "poet" can be said to be the most pragmatic person in the Black Revolution, when he said "maybe", it was probably a certainty.

Norman is also willing to believe in the "poet"'s ability to do reading comprehension.

He smiled and said to the "Poet":

"Thanks a lot."

"It's not hard." The Poet looked at Norman and said, "'Sir', can a fourth-order evolutionary kill a fifth-order evolutionary?"

"It's hard, but not impossible."

The "Poet" nodded, "Then I'm sure. The person who killed Gularan Bomeng was a fourth-order evolutionary."

Although Norman said "it's not impossible", he was still surprised when he heard the "Poet" say that the person was a fourth-order evolutionary with such certainty. The reason is that he knows that Gularan Bomeng is a very powerful person among the fifth-order evolutionaries, and it is very difficult to crack and deal with the magnetic field control with one hand.

Can a fourth-order evolutionary kill such a person?

He remembered that the last time he saw a fourth-order evolutionary kill a fifth-order evolutionary was a fourth-order "butcher". That battle also established the "Butcher"'s position in the Black Revolution, J of Spades, this extremely high position, and at the same time, she is also the youngest fifth-order evolutionary of the Black Revolution.

Although this is due to her having a crazy good teacher, it cannot hide her own extremely strong numerical value. There is no shortage of rumors in the Black Revolution that the "Butcher" is likely to be the next demigod within the organization.

But where is "The Butcher" now?

Norman didn't know why, but suddenly he couldn't get in touch with her.

Is the Ace of Hearts messing up?

Norman felt inexplicably upset at the thought of the ace of hearts. He hardly breeds negative emotions due to external pressure, but the Ace of Hearts within the organization can easily instill negative emotions into him.

In fact, he knew very well that his King of Hearts was more than one rank lower than the Ace of Hearts.

Pulling these irritating thoughts out of his head, Norman looked forward.

After the hotel was disintegrated, it has gradually piled up into an altar.

All external ceremonies are ready. More than 300 hugging angels are arranged in various positions of the altar, and their central axis points to the altar in the middle of the altar. They have different postures and shapes, but without exception, they all surround the altar in the middle.

Hearts Q "Pastor", this kind-hearted old man always has a kind and approachable smile on his face. The drooping eyelids, under the holy white light, reflected a touch of pink gold, making him look noble and inviolable, and the lenient priest uniform was shimmering with light.

Standing under the central altar, he stretched out his hands like dead branches and groped for the lower edge of the granite altar.

He began to chant:

"My dear angel, I should have prayed to you on the Wailing Wall of the Holy City, I should have sang to you on the holy white mountain, I should have told you about your glorious past in front of the believers, I should have I spare no effort to report to you all things in the world. I should have preached love and peace in your name. I have felt your greatness in the Quran, and I have glimpsed your love in the hearts of every believer. Bufan, I once prayed to you on the top of the snow-capped mountains and brought a little peace to the world. Tonight, your believers are gathered here, the servants who served you in the past are kneeling on the ground, paving for you, with suet jade The infiltrating sky steps are at your feet, tonight, in the name of your believers, I beg you to come."

Every word and phrase in every sentence of his was written in every corner of the altar, along with his eccentric singing style of syllables.

All the hugging angels twisted, and they all knelt on the ground, whether they were men or women, young or old, people and animals, monsters and devils.

Light poured out of them, like water flowing upstream, into the altar.

"Pastor"'s long beard fluttered in the wind. The frame of his entire body showed a faint glow, which shone on the altar.

"The great angel of order, death and punishment, come Azrai! I will look for your figure in the past history, and pave the sky for you to lead to the future. Come Azrael!"

As he finished with a long groan, the whole person was covered by "complete light".

His figure was lost in everyone's field of vision, and he could no longer see half a minute.

And in that "complete light", the "priest" is communicating with the past Azrael with his talent "apocalypse".

Outside, Norman, "Light" Delia, and "Poet" were all covered with this white light, completely covering all the features of their bodies.

This is one of the talents of "Priest", "Complete Light".

Where the "perfect light" shines, there is only light and nothing else. Everything, in front of the "perfect light", loses its meaning of existence.

This talent has no attack ability and no other auxiliary abilities. Its only function is to build an absolutely stable environment for the coming of gods.

Norman's voice was soft, he said:

"How beautiful. I can't wait to see Azrai come. Can't wait to find and control that seed with his energy."

"Light" Delia said:

"This kind of light is amazing, I can't rely on it."

"That's right. Delia, it's not light, it's full light, with no intermediary."


call out--

As soon as they finished speaking, a sharp and piercing explosion sounded from the west of the altar and reached the altar in a short two seconds.

Then, a cloud of blue rune energy exploded on a hugging angel.



First there was the sound of cracking, and then the hugging angel burst open. The way and path of the explosion is exactly the same as when the rune energy is exploded.

Norman recognized at a glance that this was the talent "Fatal Guidance", and it was Kaiser Visarionovich Kuyechva, a well-known fifth-order evolutionary from the Russian branch of the "Tower".

"Lethal Channeling", a rare structural talent, establishes a connection with a target, then uses runic energy to create a change, and then the target changes with it. Just like the hugging angel, it was the rune energy that guided the changes, so the performance of the explosion was exactly the same as the explosion of the rune energy group.

The moment Norman saw this situation, he immediately reacted and said:

"They have discovered the secret of hugging the angel!"

"Light" Delia lifted her spirits.

Norman pressed his fingers to the hollow under his ear and said aloud:

"Quickly return to defense and protect the hugging angel."

After that, he contacted Gundar, the leader of the soldiers of the Free Army, and said:

"Leader Ivey, change the offensive, and change the frontal confrontation to the side fighting."

After he finished speaking, he ignored Gondar, cut off the connection immediately, and then said to "Light" and "Poet":

"Delia, you are responsible for peripheral interference. 'Poet', you are responsible for intelligence integration and sharing, and by the way, correct our confrontation deficiencies. If you don't have enough energy, give up on the correction of the Free Army's deficiencies."

"Light" and "Poet" nodded in response.

"Light" Delia turned around and took a few steps, then got into a beam of light and disappeared in place.

The "Poet" took out his book from his pocket again and began to read it. He took out a pen, started to record on an empty page, wrote a few lines, and with a full stop in place, in an instant, within the entire city center, all the members of the Free Army and the Black Revolution in the beam of light established with him get in touch.

"Hello everyone, I'm the Black Revolution Hearts J 'Poet'. I will coordinate the information for this battle. Please don't resist me. Of course, don't worry about me, just do your business."

After the "Poet" said this to everyone, he looked at Norman next to him,

"'Sir', if you have nothing else to do, please take care of me."

Norman nodded,

"Of course, Poet, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere, I'll just stay here."


After speaking, the "Poet" concentrated on the pages in his hand.

After connecting with everyone, he has to deal with very complex content. Everyone's confrontation and fighting process appeared in his mind and expressed on the page. He needs to analyze the current situation of each person from the content expressed on the page, reasonably provide them with the information they need, and repair the talent defects in the battle process for them.

"Poet" is a powerful battlefield support.

That's one of the reasons Norman tolerates his over-the-top personality. After all, a powerful assistant is much more precious than a warrior.

After "Light" Delia left the altar, she walked among all the lights in the center of Kabul.

She is not an antagonistic fighter, and can only rely on the ability to lurk in the light to assist others in fighting and interfere with the enemy's natural ability.

Especially those enemies that create light when using the talent, she can easily lurk into the light and change the effect of the talent.

The battle for miracles broke out, and the entire Kabul fell into chaos.

Outside the city center, there is the continuous interference of light radiation weather species and seismic weather species, and in the city center is the confrontation and struggle between fifth-order evolutionaries.

In the west of the altar, Kaiser Visarionovich Kuyechva, the owner of the gifted "Deadly Guidance", this strong Russian Federation female fifth-order evolutionary is at the commanding heights. Since she received the task - destroying the Embrace Angel, she began to look for the commanding heights and expand the scope of vision.

Just now, when the "priest" burst out with "comprehensive light", she saw those hugging angels crawling on the ground, so her mission began.

Fabricate the rune energy group, connect the energy group and hug the angel, and then conduct a guided explosion.

The process is simple.

When she completed the explosion guidance of the first hugging angel and was about to perform the second one, her eyes suddenly became dark, all her senses were blocked, and the whole person seemed to be dreaming of falling from heights. If it were an ordinary person, she would have collapsed to the ground long ago, but her strong psychological quality made her very calm, and she quickly stopped against a wall according to her memory.

She wondered what kind of talent she had suffered.

Then, a voice sounded in her mind.

"Hello soldier, I am Wang Shi'an, the evolutionary of the Republic, and I am in charge of the intelligence coordination of this joint army. You are being attacked by the evolutionary of the black revolution, Meihua J'Night, and your senses have been blocked. Now, I will provide you with clarity. Please stay mentally stable."

Kuyecheva agreed.

Five seconds later, a sound of electricity passed through her ears.

Then, her senses began to recover.

"Hello soldier, because I am far away from you, I cannot completely clear your negative state. Please quickly find Plum Blossom J to counterattack."

Kuyecheva has a very high fighting literacy. After the communication was completed, she turned and rushed, and then stepped out of the balcony of the high-rise building. After the whole person was swept into the air, she twisted in mid-air, protruding mechanical flying claws from her palm, hooked the steel structure of the building, and moved towards the building. The right front of the body is thrown away.

At the same time, she concocted several runic energy spheres and directed them to explode nearby.

After the energy mass exploded, she judged the difference in pollution concentration with the difference of the explosion.

Then, select the line with the highest pollution concentration, and use the mechanical flying claws to quickly approach a low house on this line.

Strong, she was like a divine soldier descending from the sky, and her feet slammed on the roof of the low house.



Kuyecheva put her whole body in~www.readwn.com~ and kicked Plum Blossom J "Night" on the chest.

The skinny Ah Guo woman couldn't bear the kick and was slammed against the wall. The voice of "Poet" sounded in her mind, "'Night', leave her.". When she heard this, she didn't linger, threw a flashbang, then hit the wall behind her and started running.

Kuyecheva was about to pursue the flashbang when a woman suddenly appeared in the light of the flashbang. The woman flashed to her side and intercepted her.

She was about to fight back when the woman disappeared in an instant.

After going back and forth, not only did she lose the target "night", but she also couldn't find the woman who interfered with her.

Wang Shi'an's voice resounded in her mind again,

"Hello soldier, the one who intercepted you is the Black Revolution 9 of Spades 'Light'. You don't have to chase anymore, you can find a suitable position and continue to attack the hugging angel. I will cover you all the way."

Kuyecheva was not reckless, and according to Wang Shian's guidance, quickly left here and looked for the next commanding heights.

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