Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 33: Faith is higher than life!

You can search for "Evolution Search Novels () from polluting the world" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!

(Anti-harmony, rewritten by the poet for the reader)

Qiao Xun is indeed very adventurous, playing the big ticket.

Use half of the pure rune to create such an oversized steel ball bomb.

The detonation space created by his talent "Zhiyang" has a high utilization rate of energy, and is densely stacked in a closed space. Coupled with the large number, it is expected that such an effect can be produced.

Several links cannot be missed.

There must be a "master" to control the steel structure and compress it into a closed sphere;

Also need "cat" and "assassin" to just enter that sphere;

A lot of runic power is also required to create the detonation space.

If any one of the three links is missing, it will not be able to achieve such an effect.

The "Cat" and "Assassin" who were in the heart of the explosion naturally did not leave any body tissue and turned into ashes. They are not confrontational fighters themselves, and it is normal that they cannot withstand such an explosion. Even the "Langya" who had just arrived was blown to the brink of death, not to mention them.

Of course, Qiao Xun himself was not much better.

In order to ensure that the explosion could go smoothly, he did not get too far. If it is too far away, it is difficult to control the uniform distribution of the steel ball and the detonation space.

That is to say, his physical fitness is high, so he survived.

"Born Nandou" and "Withered Trees in Spring" are fully open, increasing energy to heal the body.

The broken bones, broken muscles, and squeezed internal organs slowly recovered under the healing power.

The injury was too severe to be repaired in a short time.

Qiao Xun didn't want to be compensated at this time, so he walked into an abandoned warehouse next to him with difficulty. There is a lot of cement piled up inside, and the air is very turbid.

But, it doesn't matter that much.

Lie in the corner. He closed his eyes and tried his best to repair his body.

Hope...don't come.

But when he thought so, someone was already sitting on the concrete table next to him.

The sound of breathing, soft breathing fell into his ears.

He opened his eyes abruptly, and caught a glimpse of a red flash in front of him.

"who is it!"

Qiao Xun frowned, tightening the muscles in his shoulders.

"You killed the people of the Black Revolution again."

A familiar voice rang from his ear.

He turned his head suddenly and found the Ace of Hearts sitting next to him.

He hurried away and looked at her warily.

The image of the Ace of Hearts is out of tune with this wasteland industrial style. In the midst of gray, black and dilapidated, her clean-looking high school student image is like a modified texture of a thriller game.

Qiao Xun reacted.

Xin Yu said that it is best not to kill the people of the black revolution, because the Ace of Hearts is connected with everyone in the black leather.

This was verified again.

The Ace of Hearts is right next to him.

Qiao Xun gasped slightly. In the face of "Cat", "Assassin" and "Langya" who are not very high ranking people, half of the pure rune and most of their lives can be abolished to solve it, not to mention the Ace of Hearts.

He didn't expect to beat her at all.

"what are you going to do?"

The Ace of Hearts looked at Qiao Xun. The normal eye she exposed was very dark and bright, reflecting a little faint firelight, and the brilliance swayed and spread in it.

"I won't kill you, don't worry."

"So, what exactly do you mean?"

Ace of Hearts giggled, more like a high school student,

"I just found out that someone in Hei Ge was killed and came to see. I didn't expect it to be you. You've become stronger again. I'm very happy."

"I'm stronger, why are you happy?" Qiao Xun stared at the ace of hearts, "don't think I won't attack someone with a high school student face."

The Ace of Hearts lifted the hair that covered her eyes and said:

"I'm really afraid that you won't attack me at that time."

"You are disgusting."

"It's okay, it's good to hate me." The Ace of Hearts stood up.

Instead of walking towards Qiao Xun, she turned around and walked outside, saying as she walked:

"The scavengers won't shoot you for three years, so feel free to do what you want."

"Why?" Qiao Xun asked loudly, not understanding.

The Ace of Hearts stopped, turned her head and said with a smile:

"Because of me."

"No, I was asking why you did it. Shouldn't you kill me?"

"Why did you want to kill you?"

"I am your enemy."

"You're not worthy."

From a strength point of view, there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

The Ace of Hearts is rare and serious. She looked at Qiao Xun and said:

"After this time, you have a greater chance to learn more. I won't target you again, but you'd better keep going and don't stop. Of course, you should thank me. Thank me Help you temporarily solve the trouble of scavengers."

Qiao Xun looked at the Ace of Hearts coldly.

This high school-sized guy has an evil spirit in it.

Ace of Hearts opened her vertical pupil, and a swirling red swirled in it, like a vortex.

"You can't get rid of me, and I can't get rid of you. This is our destiny."

After speaking, she turned around and left, disappearing into the wind and snow.


Qiao Xun muttered the word.

In the materialist world, "destiny" once sounded too far away and broken.

The Ace of Hearts talent "Fate" is hidden deep in his brain, but he can't learn it now, and has no way of understanding it. I don't know what effect this talent has, and what kind of calculus is the Ace of Hearts on him.

The injury is getting better.

Qiao Xun got up, left here, and rushed to Kuyecheva.

No matter what happens in the future, you have to live right now.

If the ace of hearts is a ghost, dance with the ghost;

If it is a nightmare, be with the nightmare.

Until the moment when she can be killed.

Qiao Xun said in his heart, you won't kill me, but I will definitely kill you.


A small fourth-order evolutionary person, facing three fifth-order evolutionary people, was able to escape, and killed two and seriously injured one.

It's an appalling thing to do elsewhere.

If he didn't see it with his own eyes, but heard someone say that to him, "Light" would definitely cast a disdainful look at her, thinking that he was treating her as a fool.

But now, I saw it with my own eyes.

"Cat" and "Assassin" are indeed dead, and the Ace of Hearts has just taken away their soul crystals.

She didn't know how to analyze such a situation.

Kuyecheva is not disturbed by "night", and suddenly has a strong ability to recognize and analyze the environment, which she can analyze.

But a fourth-order evolutionary against three fifth-order evolutionary at the same time, killing two and wounding one, she did not know how to analyze this matter.

There is no such situation in her cognitive concept, this is an unexpected result.

At most, she analyzed the situation that he might have run away, but she did not expect such a result at all.

"Light", Miss Delia, at this moment, was a little lost.

Because this result happened under her command.

This is an extremely significant loss.

There has never been a single pollution incident in the Black Revolution that killed two high-level evolutionaries at the same time.

She dejectedly reported the result to Norman "Mr." far away from the altar.

"Sir" was calm, not angry, not disappointed when he heard the result. He says:

"Okay, Delia, you've done your best."

"Light" immediately became very frightened when he heard these words, causing the light source to become very unstable and swaying.

Because, for "Mr.", if you try your best, you will never be able to use it again.

Norman said:

"Have a good rest."

After hearing this sentence, Delia lost consciousness. The street light she was carrying went out immediately.

The "light" went out.

Norman stood in front of the altar with an insidious attack in his eyes. He stopped thinking about the real thing, and looked at the hugging angels crawling on the ground with joy. Nothing else matters, the important thing is to see the moment when the angel comes.


How did he do it?

It was too difficult for Kuyecheva to understand this.

Obviously only a fourth-order evolutionary, how can he cross the energy level between the fourth and fifth orders, and he is still facing three people. Doesn't it seem ridiculous that they have worked so hard to advance to the fifth-order evolutionary stage?

Of course, Kuyecheva would only be happy because of Qiao Xun's side.

The little fourth-order evolutionaries have accomplished the impossible, so what reason do they have to say that it is difficult.

She became more restless, more excited.

Others are restless and excited, which will reduce combat ability, because it will affect making correct battlefield decisions. But she won't. She has a talent called "nerve inhibition". Normally, the excitement level of nerves is suppressed and does not reach the threshold. The advantage of doing this is equivalent to the weight-bearing training in ordinary battles. Once the restraint is lifted and the threshold is broken, the combat power will be greatly improved.

Release the "nerve inhibition", plus the "energy sublimation agent" injected before.

Kuyecheva's combat power is rising steadily.

The rune energy in the body was almost uncontrollably overflowing.

Speed, maneuverability, and strength have all been upgraded by a notch. If it was A before, it is now S.

In her eyes, everyone has become a wandering energy, the distribution of energy is very clear, and their shortcomings and strengths have changed from abstract to concrete.

And the effects of "Dark Night", "Downr" and "Musician" on her are down a notch again.

As a fifth-order evolutionary well-known all over the world, her strength has been fully utilized.

He moved at high speed in front of a Free Army soldier, punched his defense shield with a punch, the hard defense shield exploded directly, and the energy was transmitted to him, and the bones all over his body were broken inch by inch, and no one was intact. She quickly made up the knife and smashed his head with one punch.

The first encirclement was immediately broken by her.

The enemy in the second encirclement circle came up. A total of five, attacked her at the same time.

It is easy to find flaws in the talent of a single evolutionary person, but when there are many people, it is easy to complement each other. Therefore, even the current Kuyecheva cannot simply deal with it.

She quickly fell into the chaos.

There are auxiliary control interference far away, and there are warriors who integrate confrontation, offense and defense.

Can't break the game for a while.

Until a voice passed through the sensor and sounded in my mind:

"Ms. Kuyechva, here I am."

Qiao Xun once again climbed to the commanding heights, let go of the "supercomputing vision" and "Zaiyin", and shared his senses with Kuyecheva through the sensor.

If Kuyecheva is assisted by gods, her previous confrontation, defense, maneuvering, and strength are all full, and she is only short of environmental recognition and judgment.

Now, Qiao Xun's sense-sharing directly turns her into a hexagonal warrior.

With Qiao Xun's ability to recognize and judge the environment, the changes in the body, energy trajectory, and mental trajectory of each evolutionary who surrounded her became very clear, so clear that they could be calculated into specific formulas in their minds. She only needs to enter her own combat parameters to get the optimal solution.

It's as easy as doing math.

This strong female warrior also wants Qiao Xun to see that she is not a vegetarian. If you can make a big scene, so can I!

The body moves at high speed.

Reach a certain node, when the time is right. She quickly climbed onto a street lamp, led out a few rune energy groups, and then connected these energy groups with the soldiers who surrounded her.

Then, like the Broken Embrace Angel, she disintegrated the runic energies.

The talent "Deadly Guidance" played a role, and passed all the disintegration gestures to the bodies of several Free Army soldiers.

She is now at the pinnacle of her life. The huge energy is not something they can quickly get rid of, so there is only one result, and they will complete the disintegration posture together.

Several Free Army fighters were running and their bodies were dismembered.

The head, arms, legs, and torso all ran each other and collapsed to the ground. Because of inertia, they slipped out dozens of meters, dragging more than a dozen long bloodstains on the ground.

If the big scene made by Qiao Xun is shocking, then the big scene made by Kuyecheva is cruel and violent.

Such a **** scene made Qiao Xun feel terrified.

Those people are not pork, they are sturdy people, and they are high-level evolutionaries.

This woman is strong! Also fights.

The battlefield situation turned upside down.

A total of nine fifth-order evolutionaries of the Free Army were wiped out.

The defeat cannot be reversed.

"Musician," "Night," and "Shooter" stopped fighting and left here decisively.

They are not religious believers.

Those who were steadfast in their faith had fallen in a pool of blood.

Kuyecheva knew the situation clearly and didn't waste her energy chasing them. She looked at Qiao Xun, who was standing on the commanding heights, and waved with a bright smile.


"You are hurt?"

Kuyecheva looked at the pale-lipped Joe Patrol.

Qiao Xun coughed twice and said:

"It's weird not to get hurt."

Kuyecheva laughed twice,

"That's true. I still wanted to save you, but I didn't expect you to solve it so quickly." She looked at Qiao Xun excitedly, "How did you do it?"

She wanted to know so much, her expectations were written all over her face.

Qiao Xun simply said:

"They chased me, I ran, and when I got to a suitable place, I blew them up with my talent."


Ghosts will believe.

But Qiao Xun didn't lie, just omitted a little detail.

Kuyecheva is not an upright person, and she is quite funny, haha ​​and said with a smile:

"You are so exciting. After this time, you must have a few drinks with me."

A few cups... A few cups of Russian drinking probably refer to a few cylinders.

Qiao Xun smiled, his face pale.


I don't know if it was because of the injury or because of drinking with the Russians.

Kuyecheva looked into the distance, her eyes glowing,

"Right now, it's finally going to fix those hugging angels."

"I won't be with you anymore." Qiao Xun said.


"Sheng Nandou" was repaired to the neck, Qiao Xun twisted and said:

"I'm a free man, and I'm only a small fourth-order, so let's not hold you back."

A small fourth...

Kuyechva raised her eyebrows immediately, and this rather handsome female warrior looked even more arrogant when she raised her eyebrows.

"You mock me?"

"I do not……"

"You killed two Tier 5s, and then told me you were a little Tier 4...Aren't you mocking people?"


"You people of the Republic like this. One is one and two is two. Don't talk like that."

Qiao Xun sighed and said,

"Well, I feel dangerous and don't want to take risks with you."

It was the two scavengers that he felt dangerous. Although the ace of hearts told him that the scavengers would not deal with him again. But he couldn't really trust the Ace of Hearts completely. After all, she had just ripped his throat to pieces not long ago. Who knows what this lunatic is paying attention to, and it's hard to tell him that he can be tricked at a critical moment.

Kuyecheva smiled, hugged her chest confidently and said:

"Dangerous? Boy, in this place, you and I are the safest. Without a demigod, you can't be in danger."

Qiao Xun thought about it for a while, and seemed to be unable to refute it.

He has only seen Kuyecheva's strength. He can single out so many evolutionaries and still be able to retreat. Although he is helpful... but this further shows that the two of them can play a 1+1>2 effect together.

It seems that it is.

Qiao Xun took a breath and said:

"You have a little bit of truth in what you say."

"Haha." Kuyecheva looked at him with a smile.

Qiao Xun exhaled and compromised:

"Okay, I'll be with you."

"Okay, let's go!"

Kuyecheva took a step forward, hugged Qiao Xun, then freed up one hand to stick out the mechanical flying claw, hooked the building and quickly left here, rushing to the altar.

Qiao Xun thought to himself, Spider-Man... not bad.


Gondar slumped down in his chair, decadently. He felt dizzy and the whole world seemed to be turning upside down.

Just now, he saw with his own eyes on the heat map, his nine fifth-order evolutionaries were wiped out.

As for the black revolutionaries, only two died.

The fool can also see that the Free Army is completely treated as a meat pad.

He feels guilty,

I'm sorry for those steadfast warriors. I clearly knew that the Black Revolution intended them to be targets, thugs, and tools, but I agreed.

I killed them.

Gondar looked sullen, and with his unshaven beard, he looked as if he had been locked up in a cellar without seeing the sun for half a year.

He is also a staunch Sunni believer. I can't bear to make such a command to hurt my compatriots.


"I must kneel before Azrael and make atonement to Him."

However, before that, he needs to know an answer. That is, why did the doctrinal leader make such a decision, didn't he know that it was hurting his fellow man?

He's going to ask.

Turning his head and turning around, Gondar stumbled to the QZ Temple in the backyard of the headquarters.

With the departure of the war leaders, the Free Army Command Office, which was on the verge of collapse, could no longer hold on. Those with firm beliefs began to pray, while those without firm beliefs fled in all directions. They all knew that with the Nine fifth-order soldiers were wiped out, and the Free Army was completely finished.

This organization brought together by faith also collapsed because of their firm belief.

Gundar rushed into the backyard and knocked open the gate of the QZ Temple.


The door slammed against the wall, stirring up dust on the ground. He stood in the light, and the light shone on the dust.

Gondar looked at the war leader sitting under the relief of God and asked:


The war leader was an old man, an old man with a long beard. His long beards are all white, and he wears a robe printed with divine patterns.

The old man opened his eyes. A pair of unremarkable eyes, without the light of wisdom shining inside.

His voice was muddy and powerful, or rather heavy.

"To see the angel Azrael come."

Gondar said bitterly:

"But we've lost a lot of soldiers. The Free Army . . . is dead."

"They were freed, they were given a chance to go to heaven," said the old man. "Ivey, they died for their faith."

Gondar clenched his hands into fists and lowered his head.

This man, who used to be a general, can no longer straighten his spine.

"But, we believe in God because He will bring me peace and health. No, endless death. Now, one by one, our compatriots, those warriors who firmly believe in God, because of their faith , because of their pure program, they were used by the black leather as a meat shield and a shield."

He raised his head and looked at the old man in pain,

"Pope, do you really think this is right?"

The old man's voice was flat,

"For Azrael, any sacrifice is worth it."

"It's not you who sacrificed! Of course you can say that!" Gundar was angry.

It also means that the war leaders and doctrinal leaders of the Free Army have completely turned their faces.

"Ivy, I have already made up my mind to sacrifice." The old man stood up and walked towards Gundar, "For Azrael, even me, I must worship."

Gondar was stunned,

"Why do you want to do this?"

The old man said:

"Ivey. That's what we believe in. That's why we set up the Freedom Army. Everything in the world is a painful oppression, either rebel or sink. We chose a path of rebellion, of course, to go. In the end. You still retain the concept of the past, the concept of war in the world. However, we have the teachings of God, and we should abandon the concept of the world."

"Abandon the mundane...concept?"

"Do you really think those warriors who sacrificed were in pain? They fought for their faith from beginning to end, and even if they died, they would not feel pain. Similarly, you see people living in this world, everyone's neck There are heavy shackles on them."

The old man seemed to speak with a magical power, soothing Gondar.

"Ivy. Faith is our driving force, and we must keep it at all costs. Even if the entire army is wiped out, we must keep the seeds of faith. If the seeds of faith die, no matter how many people the Free Army survives, they will no longer be alive. It's the Free Army that you and I saw first."

Gondar's restless heart gradually became peaceful.

The Pope was right, he thought.

For the Free Army, what should live is faith, not flesh.

The old man infected Gondar.

Gondar whispered:

"I feel guilty, Pope. I questioned you, my faith was not strong enough."

The old man smiled, stroked Gondar's neck and said:

"It doesn't matter children, everyone makes mistakes, the important thing is to correct."

"Then what shall we do next? Please instruct, Pope."

"Go and meet the angel Azrai."

After that, the old man walked out of the gate of QZ Temple. Gondar followed.


Wang Shian's confrontation with "readers" continues.

His consciousness is connected to the supercomputer, as well as a variety of derivative rune equipment, as well as the support of other evolutionaries.

Lu Zeyuan next to him waited nervously.

"Readers" are strong. This is one thing everyone understands.

But no matter what, the initiative on the battlefield must be taken back from him.

However, looking at the supercomputer next to him, one after another, of failure signals that marked "defeated", he knew that the situation was becoming more and more uncertain.

Wang Shian is not the opponent of "readers".

"Readers" have long been familiar with this evolutionary neural grid confrontation, and have used it on multiple battlefields, and have rich experience. And Wang Shi'an is the first time to face this form of confrontation, not to mention lack of experience, the most important thing is that the evolutionary of the United Army is farther away from him, while the evolutionary of Heige and the Free Army is closer to the "reader".

Each additional grid unit distance increases the difficulty of consciousness connection.

If this goes on, Wang Shian's final failure will come sooner or later.

In that case, it really means that the Allied Army has fallen into a comprehensive disadvantage, and the giant who has lost his "eyes" is just Roshan to be slaughtered by others.

This is unacceptable anyway.

From the inside, there is no way to help Wang Shian, only from the outside.

An observer came to him and reported:

"Captain, a large-scale confrontation has just occurred in the northwest of Kabul city center. A total of 18 people participated. Seventeen fifth-order evolutionaries and one fourth-order evolutionary."

"Say it!"

The observers will report to Lu Zeyuan what they have monitored in detail.

When he heard that Qiao Xun killed "Cat" and "Assassin", Lu Zeyuan was stunned and asked:

"you sure?"

"Yes. And we made one thing clear in our follow-up observations. Qiao Xun helped Kuyecheva a lot, and she successfully escaped the danger. Now she has arrived at the central battlefield and is preparing to attack the hugging angel."

Lu Zeyuan looked at the heat map and found the locations of Qiao Xun and Kuyecheva.

This location...is very close to the "reader".

He immediately asked:

"Can I contact them now?"

Observer replied:

"Because navigator Wang Shi'an was temporarily restrained, we couldn't communicate directly. EEG signals can be transmitted through signal bombs. However, because there are light radiation weather species outside, the signal bombs will be disturbed."

Lu Zeyuan said:

"I remember that the interior of that beam was unaffected by optical radiation."


"Then go to the inside of the light column and contact again."

"That would be too expensive. The evolutionary ones left in the base car at the moment cannot get there in a short time."

"I'm going!" Lu Zeyuan said.

Observers immediately objected,

"Captain Lu, you are the commander of the land base vehicle, you can't just leave!"

Lu Zeyuan frowned,

"It's the only way."

"But what about the commander?"

"You come."

"No, I can't."

Lu Zeyuan said:

"You are an observer, you understand the battlefield, and the overall situation. I have known you for so long, and I know that you are capable, but you just lack an opportunity to perform."

"But such an important thing!"

"This is an opportunity!"

Lu Zeyuan did not accept the rebuttal, and said firmly:

"That's it, prepare the flares for me."

Observers had to come down.

A minute later, Lu Zeyuan popped up with a signal.

The EEG signal contained in the flare is: to interfere with the "reader".

It can only start from the outside, interfere with the behavior of the "reader" from the physical level, and create an advantage opportunity for Wang Shian.


Qiao Xun and Kuyecheva arrive at a crumbling TV tower. The altar is less than two hundred meters ahead. "Complete Light" covers there.

Standing on a steel cable, Kuyecheva looked at the altar and said:

"If not stopped, the angel Azrael will descend there."

Qiao Xun stood below, looked at Kuyechva and asked:

"Azrai is here, it's God, right?"

"Yes, the real God."

"Will he also be the real body when he comes?"

Kuyecheva shook her head, "Of course not. He won't appear again."

"Then why?"

"The Q of Hearts 'Pastor' of the Black Revolution has a talent called 'Bible'. It has nothing to do with the "Bible" taught by JD. This talent has no fighting ability, its only use is to communicate beliefs, and any gods who have beliefs in their hearts will be scolded by '' The Bible 'communicates. In the name of the believer, he searches the faith inscribed on the world line, and communicates with the angel Azrael of the past by embracing the angels. Of course, the angel Azrael does not come from the past Now, this violates the law of time. However, he can briefly obtain the divine power of the angel Azrael."

"What's the principle?"

"Totem. Azrael also left totems. Totems are elements outside of space and time, so he can transmit divine power in the past."

"Very complicated."

"Indeed, I only know a rough idea, and I don't know what the secret is in the middle. Perhaps, human wisdom is not enough to identify it."

"What do they do with divine power?"

"Control the war species. The war species is not a specific object, but exists in a historical concept. That is to say, it is abstract and needs to be embodied with transcendent energy, that is, god-level."

"Changing the abstract into the concrete?"

Kuyecheva nodded.

"That being said, it's not a philosophical concept, you have to figure it out."

"Theology itself is philosophy."

"But theology does not represent God. Our study of God, pollution, and evolution is a new natural science, and it must have a rational logic as the skeleton." Kuyecheva said discouraged, "but, currently we are still I don't know what that logic is."

Qiao Xun thought about it and nodded,

"Indeed, it is a natural science."

Kuyecheva exhaled,

"Okay, I'm going to destroy those hugging angels."

"Do you need my help?" The scientific examination was reliable, he gritted his teeth, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy dizzy dizzy dizzy dizzy dizzy dizzy dizzy

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''', ''Let''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s will be more ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Notes:

Let’s talk about it here, we won’t open a single chapter. The writing of this book can be said to be extremely bumpy up to now. As soon as the book was published, it was caught by the river crab, and it took three days to pass the trial. Subsequent chapters have also been blocked a lot. I looked at the backstage and were blocked 23 times in total. Especially in this volume, five chapters were blocked this afternoon.

Different from the **** violence in the previous two volumes, this volume involves issues such as sensitive areas, war, politics, etc., and the plot is more serious. According to my current outline, there is a high probability that it will be taken off the shelf, and there will be more problems like this later.

It is difficult to bypass these problems with the theme of global evolution and human and **** itself. can also understand.

If it goes on like this, the result may be that the entire book will be taken off the shelves.

Therefore, the outline of the last few chapters of this volume will have to be overturned and may be unfinished. Give everyone a shot first.

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