Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 34: "Soldier at the City"

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Kuyecheva begins to channel the runic energy group.

She first established a connection with a hugging angel crawling on the ground around the altar, and then manipulated the connected energy group to begin to distort and change.

Such changes are transmitted to each other through the connection between the two.

Qiao Xun watched from the side. He thought it was amazing. How could he be so far apart and unilaterally associated with the target?

Most interactive talents are bidirectional, meaning that while you are affecting the target, the target is also affecting you.

However, he did not feel that Kuyecheva was affected.

Although I was very curious and wanted to use "numerology to follow the sky" to analyze this talent of Kuyecheva, I still held back when I thought of her hard and stocky iron fist.

This woman can't be provoked. She can't be a friend and she must avoid becoming an enemy.

Same goes for something like "The Butcher".

Through the sensor, Kuyecheva borrowed the abilities of Qiao Xun's "Super Computational Vision" and "Zaiyin". Compared with before, she saw the deconstruction of the hugging angel crawling on the ground more clearly, and it was easier to establish contact and guide.

Plus, she can make the process more subtle and less noticeable.

The previous guided explosions were discovered quickly, and they were surrounded before they had time to move their positions.

This time, with Qiao Xun's ability to help, she is confident that it will not be the same as before.

build connection;




An embracing angel, who was lying on the ground to convey the power of faith to the altar, was torn apart, and the power of faith that was gradually transformed radiated out in the form of white light, squeezing the air and causing a huge noise.

And when the noise happened, Kuyecheva had already taken Joe to another commanding heights. She learns her lesson and definitely doesn't stay in the same place for too long.

Once guided, change position once.


Norman witnessed the explosion of the hugging angel in front of him.

He didn't stop it, and there's no need to stop it. No matter how hard you work, the income you get is very low.

As the general planner of this operation, what he needs to consider is absolute gains, not insignificant battle losses.

Battle damage doesn't hurt Heige, no matter how many people die, as long as some high-ranking members in key positions don't die, they can recover quickly. There is the "fatalism" of the ace of hearts "red", and the "lifeline" of the club 10 "doctor", as long as it is not directly dead, it can be saved in the end.

Of course, things that have lost their value are not counted, such as "light".

Black Leather doesn't waste resources on someone who has made a huge failure, "Light" is such a person. Only sleeping forever is the best way back for her.

For Norman, the most important thing now is to protect the "readers".

As long as the "readers" are intact, no amount of evolutionary outsiders can attack them, and as long as the number of hugging angels does not fall below the minimum threshold, what about letting them destroy some?

He had anticipated that the hugging angel would be destroyed, so he prepared a lot in advance.

According to the speed of their destruction, when the minimum threshold is reached, the angel Azrael has come a long time ago.

And once Azrael comes, the black leather has achieved the basic goal, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't get the war seed.

Norman's mouth filled with a confident smile. He muttered softly:

"From the very beginning...you were wrong...with the wrong chips, how can you compete with me."


Qiao Xun followed Kuyecheva to wander between the commanding heights. Those who pursued them could not keep up with the pace at all, and could only let them destroy the hugging angel.

Before the siege of sixteen people was not stopped, and after Norman no longer invested more human resources, no one could restrain Kuyecheva who had the buff of "Qiao Xun".

She is really like the unscrupulous Spider-Man, and she is also like Tarzan of the human ape, dragging the mechanical flying claws, and hugging Qiao Xun to shuttle between high-rise buildings.

The sturdy female warrior was reckless and laughed loudly.

But Qiao Xun was still calm, and the cold wind hanging from the high-speed movement made him even more calm.

He analyzed it carefully and thought that according to Kuyecheva's current speed, there is a high probability that the angel Azrai could not be prevented from coming, so he couldn't help asking:

"Ms. Cather—"

"Call me Kaiser, or Kuyecheva."

"Cather, you said before that you lit the first fire, and there are people behind to add fuel to it, but what about people? It's just you alone, it's not efficient enough. There are more than 300 hugging angels, and from the distribution point of view, only 180 are needed. To support the ceremony, you need to destroy more than 150. At the current speed, I am afraid it will be until dawn. But by then, everything will be too late. "

Kuyecheva dragged Qiao Xun to a stop, with a serious expression,

"This is indeed a problem. According to the plan, there are three people who will destroy the hug angel with me. A Japanese ninja, a federation's uncle, and a GHG aunt."

"Then why, you are the only one now?"

Kuyecheva shook her head,

"Without the guidance of the navigator, I don't know what happened. But it seems that most of them were blocked."

Qiao Xun frowned and asked:

"Most of the fifth-order of the Free Army has been solved by you, and even if the evolution of the black leather is very strong, the number is limited after all, not to mention that in addition to the four of you, there are many five-level soldiers in the United Army. Step. No matter how you look at it, it shouldn't be blocked, what's going on?"

"You overlooked one thing."


"The opponents of the United Army are not only the Black Leather and the Free Army. If it were just these two opponents, then we would have won it long ago. There are many Adventist organizations around the world, such as the Church of Yila, the House of Lamia, The Varan Society, the Yagmon Church, etc. Although these organizations are not as large as the Free Army, and their quality is not as high as that of the Black Leather, they are numerous, secretive, and highly complex, making it very difficult to study. Some organizations are neutral for a while, and Adventist for a while. It is very unprincipled, and it does not establish communication channels with countries, it is difficult to predict whether they will participate in it. Therefore, you seem to have an advantage in the number of coalition forces, but there are more people who are hiding in the shadows and watching the light.”

After Kuyecheva said this, Qiao Xun suddenly remembered the thin man he killed in the power plant before. he asks:

"Do you know Gularan Pomon?"

Kuyecheva nodded,

"Yes, very famous... It should be said that he is very famous in the circle of advanced evolutionaries. He is a magician from the Church of Yila. What's wrong?"

Qiao Xun groaned,

"Met him before. Got into a fight with him."

Kuyechva is no longer surprised now, after all, she has witnessed Qiao Xun's record of killing two and wounding one member of the fifth-order Black Revolution with three lives.

"You killed him?"

Qiao Xun did not admit it.

"No, I ran away after a fight with him. I don't know if he died or not. However, since he is a member of the Yila Church, this may indicate that there is more than one Yila Church on the battlefield." He moved. open a topic.

Kuyecheva nodded,

"This is obvious. The Church of Yila generally does not let magicians go out to perform tasks alone, at least with a knight."

Although he didn't know the detailed members of the Yila Church, Qiao Xun knew about their organizational structure.



High Priest, Magician, High Knight,

knight, apprentice,


Organizational structure from top to bottom.

"As such, other Adventist organizations should also have people here."

"Most of it is like this, otherwise the combined army of thirty-six fifth-order evolutionaries will not form a numerical advantage. Only the free army and the black leather will break through the defense line long ago."

"Is there any consensus among the Adventist organizations?"

Kuyecheva nodded,

"There is indeed a consensus. They may be hostile to each other, just like the church of Yila and the black leather don't get along well, but there is no doubt that they both want to see the war species turn the world into chaos and subvert the original The rules of modern civilization built by 'politics', 'law', 'military', 'business', etc. The more chaotic the world is, the more they like it, and the best state is the wasteland state of the apocalypse. Such a consensus, It is the fundamental reason why they let go of their prejudices and come together."

Qiao Xun thought seriously. He can understand Kuyecheva's words, even in peaceful times there are active elements who shout about the collapse of rituals and music, not to mention the times of strife.

However, it is terrifying that there are so many evolutionaries here.

The fact that the "adventists" will be born is definitely not just a matter of pure human nature, but there must be potential motivation.

Just don't know what it is, pushing the world into dire straits.

Evolutionary version of XTL?

Joe Tour said:

"It feels so chaotic. Before I became an evolutionary person, I never thought that the world would be so chaotic."

"So, people always have to go to high places, otherwise they can only see beautiful visions drawn by people in high places with brushes."

"It's better not to say such things, to be harmonious."

"What?" Kuyecheva looked blank.

Qiao Xun shrugged and said:

"Back to the topic, according to our speed, we will not be able to complete the task of destroying the hugging angel. The other three people will not be able to break the defense for a while. We can't just do something that doesn't make much sense."

Kuyecheva frowned,

"I also want to break the game. But now your navigator Wang Shi'an has not yet escaped the predicament, so he can't provide comprehensive information, and he can't establish a grid map of battlefield evolutionaries. I don't know where the other three are now and what their state is. Even, I can't even contact the front line."

"That's really a problem."

Qiao Xun looked into the distance. The entire sky of Kabul emits a kind of polluting fluorescence under the pale white beam of light and the various colors of light bursting from various talents. It is very dazzling, like a huge bar ceiling stage lamp hanging in the sky.

Although Kuyecheva could not find a way to break the game, she was not a person standing and waiting, saying:

"Let's continue."

After speaking, she opened her hand and motioned for Qiao Xun to come over.

Qiao Xun spread his hands:

"Don't make it so logical, it makes me look like a child begging to be embraced."

"You GHG people..."

"Don't do that."

Kuyecheva has a generous personality, and chats with Qiao Xun very well. Although she has just met, she can be regarded as a tacit partner.



A flare exploded over central Kabul.

Like fireworks that lift off. However, the exploding fireworks are brighter and straighter than fireworks.

That light shines on the ground and transmits some kind of special frequency.

This frequency is completely accepted by those with the Union Army identification mark. For others, it is just to see a different kind of fireworks in full bloom.

Kuyecheva's movements suddenly stopped. Because, she received a series of EEG signals:

"Interfere with 'readers'".

This series of EEG signals was also perceived by Qiao Xun because of the sensor.

They looked at each other.

Kuyechva said:

"It seems that people outside can't contact us, so this kind of signal bomb is used to transmit information."

"Has it all gotten to this point? At the beginning, I didn't think the battle would be this level."

Kuyechva said:

"The battle is like this. At the end, all the old antique equipment and old-fashioned tactics have appeared."

"Interference... 'reader'. It seems that the situation on the navigator's side is very bad."

"As expected. The 'reader' is very strong. This kind of evolutionary grid war, he is the only existence, and other organizational forces can only be regarded as novices." Kuyecheva shook her head, "Not far. Now, think about what to do. We should be the closest to the altar, and it seems that we have to take the lead in this mission."

Qiao Xun took a breath and said:

"You are the leader."

Kuyecheva was stunned for a while, then slapped Qiao Xun on the shoulder with a smile and scolded, "It's this time, you're still throwing your hands, right?"

"It's the truth. I'm a fourth-order, and I have done my best, and it is difficult for me to dominate your fifth-order stage."

"You have a good brain."

"The premise of a good brain is enough awareness. Obviously, I'm not enough."


"Forget it." Qiao Xun said, "I have a solution that is not a solution, try it."

"How are you going to come?"

"Look over there."

Qiao Xun pointed to a place forty meters south of the altar. There is another tall building there, the tallest building in Kabul, with forty floors and a height of more than 140 meters.

"We don't know the combat strength of the opponents around the altar, so it is not advisable to go in rashly, we need to disturb the situation. We are the disadvantaged party, and the situation has little impact on us. The key is Let there be chaos around the altar. This will make it easier to determine the position of the 'reader'."

Kuyecheva thought for a while, then nodded,

"You're right. Disruption is more important to us."

"Try it first, if you can determine the position of the 'reader' in the future, let's talk about it."

Kuyecheva paused,

"It's a bit far. To directional collapse a large building, you need to get closer."

"But then we would be in danger."

"it's the only way."

Qiao Xun shook his head and asked, "If your spirit value increases, can you do it?"

"It can be increased by 20%."

"That's good. I'll help you."

"Huh?" Kuyecheva asked, "Do you still have buff talents?"

"It's just a little talent."

"How much talent do you have..."

When Qiao Xun heard these words, he suddenly remembered the "devil seed" that Gularan Bomen screamed before his death. He deduced the "demon species" because he found out that Qiao Xun has the ability similar to the swallowing talent.

Although Qiao Xun didn't know what a "demon seed" was, judging from Gu Lalan's appearance, this was not a friendly existence.

"No, just these few. It just happened to come in handy." Qiao Xun said.

Although Kuyecheva's personality is cheerful and outgoing, it does not mean that she is a gluten, and it stops. Asking an evolutionary person about their talent is almost the same as asking the age of a woman who is neither old nor young.

"let's start."

Qiao Xun nodded, first used "greed" to bless "Withered Trees in Spring" to enhance its spiritual gain, and then applied the "Withered Trees in Spring" effect on Kuyecheva.

A warm current spreads along the body's tissues and spreads throughout the body.

Kuyecheva felt as if she smelled the fresh air of the prairie, and her whole body became more energetic.

This feeling,


She even became very smooth with the movements at hand, and in the blink of an eye, she guided a huge energy group to establish a connection with the building more than 140 meters high.

Then, the lower part of the energy group was pulled away in the form of an oblique wedge, and the upper part collapsed.

At the position of the building in equal proportions, the building deconstruction of the oblique wedge was pulled away, and the whole building suddenly tilted and fell uncontrollably towards the altar.

Soon, very suddenly.

It is the time of "sudden smoke rising".

The building crashed to the ground.



Concrete smashed and steel structures collapsed.

All kinds of voices stirred, all kinds of dust stirred up.

The altar was hit. The upper half of the building fell onto the altar covered by "Complete Light" and disappeared instantly, causing no damage.

Outside the altar, however, not so much luck.

Kuyecheva did not simply let the building collapse, but also directed the explosion response as it collapsed.

The blasted fragments hit the surrounding, densely packed like a torrential downpour.

The "reader" and "sir" outside the altar were covered by the smoke and dust caused by the collapse of the building.

Of course, it doesn't hurt them.

However, this sudden anti-stability event caused the "reader" to break away for a short time. The reason is that his eyes are covered by a layer of gray, which prevents him from seeing the text on the pages.

The "reader" is severely short-sighted.

Wang Shi'an, who was in a tense state all the time, immediately noticed that the "reader" had briefly detached, and quickly activated the supercomputer to seize the evolver grid.

Perhaps, this "brief" is less than a second.

But for their type of confrontation, 0.1s will be infinitely amplified by high-precision computing power.

Wang Shi'an took advantage of this little bit, put on all his spirit and energy, and launched a counterattack.

The team that fought against him all became agitated.

Having been at a disadvantage for so long, they are inevitably a little discouraged and unstable. It's hard to find a little advantage, which is naturally to ignite the heat of the counterattack.

here we go!

The counterattack has begun!

Outside the altar, Norman frowned.

The collapse of the building just now was not an accident, it must have been aimed at them. He looked at the "reader" next to him, the "reader" just paused for a moment, and immediately plunged into the confrontation.

There is a special supply for the art industry. Norman does not know how the "reader" is progressing, and it is inconvenient to ask. If it disturbs him, it will not be worth the loss.

However, what happened just now has raised the "accident index" a bit.

This "accidental index" is also a "thrilling index", which is set by Hei Ge in every action, and comes from the data model of the "Pi" of the internal block A of the organization.

For each action, different plans at different levels will be set for the "accident index". Once a certain level is reached, the plan will be changed immediately. ‘

It is under such a rigorous arrangement that Heige can win repeated battles. Because, they have largely ruled out the "human factor" that caused the failure of the mission.

The "surprise index" was raised...

There have been many surprises in this move, leading to several upward revisions in the index.

The first is that the "dream soil" of the mine was discovered and raised once. Norman's approach was to let the "butcher" kill the target person, and he didn't even give way to the lower "assassin", just to avoid new accidents;

Then comes the Ace of Hearts, up once. Although the Ace of Hearts is an insider, her own instability does not add to the success rate of this mission.

Followed by the breakout battle, the "annihilation-06" derivative rune bomb exploded, breaking the energy barrier in advance, and increasing it once. Norman solved it by once again persuading the Free Army to be a defensive line;

Then, "The Butcher" lost contact and was raised once. In this regard, Norman can do nothing, because "The Butcher" is a student of Ace of Hearts, and he cannot control it;

Sixteen evolutionaries did not trap Kuyecheva to death, allowing her to break out of the siege successfully, and it was raised once;

Just now the building collapsed and it was raised again.

With a face down, the "accident index" has been raised six times.

Norman looked at it, and if it was raised two more times, it would be the next level.

The next level is the final level.

That is, the plan of last resort.

He thought about it again, and there might be unexpected links in the future that need to increase the index.

"Reader" failed? there is a certain possibility;

The Embrace Angel is destroyed to the support line? doubtful;

Can't the "priest" summon Azrai? impossible;

The power of Azrael can't control the war species? impossible;

War species destroyed? There are scavengers, impossible.

He has thought about such a link many times, and every time he is convinced that as long as Azrai comes, the basic goal will be achieved. As for whether you can grab the war seed, it doesn't seem to matter.

The important thing is that the war kind comes and works, not gets.

This was certain because he knew that the scavengers were much more determined to protect and fight for the war species than they were.

Therefore, the scavengers sent this time must be very powerful.

They will spare no effort to bring the seed of war to come.

After analysis, the only thing that will make the surprise index increase is the failure of the "reader".

That is, the surprise index will be revised up at most once and will not break through the final grade.

This conclusion has been repeatedly verified by him, and it is not blind confidence that he takes for granted.

The reason why Norman has the title of "Mr." and has such a high rank as the King of Hearts is not because of his blind confidence, but because he has a fighter that leads the team to 100% victory in the mission, and every time The tasks are all big tasks, such as launching military reforms in some countries, subverting zhengquan, opening up high-risk pollution areas, and so on.

This time, the battle for miracles itself has been prepared for a long time in advance, and a lot of manpower and resources have been invested to exchange for the current situation.

Therefore, he has such confidence, and the last accidental command appeared on the failure of the "reader".

However, it is best not to have an accident at all.


"How?" Joe asked.

The collapse of the tall building made the surrounding area of ​​the altar become smoky and filled with dust.

"Go on!" Kuyecheva was excited.

The mental boost Qiao Xun gave her made her even more excited.

She herself is a person with higher emotions and stronger fighting ability, of course it is impossible to stop.

When Qiao Xun saw her like this, he was unequivocal and fully assisted.

Kuyechva transformed into a human-shaped high cannon, constantly guiding the energy group to destroy the buildings around the altar.

She couldn't make contact with the objects in the altar that were covered by "Complete Light". In her words, those things seemed like they didn't exist, and of course there was no way to contact them.

Keep up the good work!

Under the guidance of Kuyecheva, the ground on the outer edge of the altar broke open and surged.

Concrete, sand, and reinforced steel structures sprang out like a landslide. It looked like a giant earthworm was arching underneath.

"Little Qiao Xun, we are such a good partner!" Kuyecheva shouted excitedly in broken Chinese.

Qiao Xun is ashamed,

"Do you know what it means to be made in heaven, just say..."

"Oh, I don't really understand the idiom, it's literally."

"Chinese proficiency needs to be strengthened."

"Anyway, you can understand what I mean."

"Also, don't call me little guy. Childish names don't suit me no matter what."

Kuyecheva laughed.

The sturdy female warrior does not need to explain her sturdy character.

Qiao Xun can be the perfect fighter and the perfect support. With his assistance, Kuyecheva's combat power has risen steadily, realizing tactics that were almost impossible to achieve before.

She dug through a circle around the altar, lifted the entire area where the altar was located, and then violently lifted the altar with a radius of 100 meters by about ten centimeters, and then let go. This area slammed down hard, causing huge bumps.

Such turbulence caused a lot of trouble for the "reader", breaking the line from the evolutionary grid several times in a row.

Norman was not worried, not nervous.

Because, after the accident that Kuyecheva broke through the 16-man defense line, he no longer thought about things here, and the rest of the people could not stop her.

The original idea of ​​"minimizing losses" has also vanished.

However, he always sticks to the minimum goal——

Let the angel Azrai come successfully.

Before this target is in danger, he will not shoot casually.

Past experience has taught him that as a team leader, he must stick to the most important places. You have to watch key goals come to you and then complete them.

Others are not important.


Land base vehicle No. 004.

The "readers" who have been disconnected several times in a row have exposed great flaws. His combat style in the evolutionary grid is non-linear, the non-linear combat style is unpredictable, difficult to be locked, both confrontation and defense, but there is a fatal problem, that is, between the grid points representing each evolutionary connection is weak.

That is to say, the connection between the evolutionaries of the other side is more easily disturbed.

After figuring out this flaw, Wang Shian changed his mind and led the team, with the help of supercomputers, to stop targeting the "readers" themselves and attack those scattered grid points with all their might.

To put it bluntly, it is a guerrilla attack.

"Reader" is really good at this kind of grid confrontation, but after being interfered repeatedly, he can't avoid gradually losing absolute control.

It was turned over a little by Wang Shian.

In the end, Wang Shian's "guerrilla warfare" laid the foundation for victory.

The defenses of those grid points were simply vulnerable, and they were quickly attacked one by one.

In response to the Kabul city center, the evolutionaries who were originally connected by "readers" were disconnected one after another and fell out of the grid.

And they who lost the grid map, under the attack of a large number of coalition forces, gradually declined.





Until Wang Shian captured the last grid point, the situation of victory was completely established.

grid diagram.

The "reader" wrote what he wanted to say on a piece of paper and gave it to Wang Shian as a farewell speech.

"Young man, you are very good."

Having said that, the "reader" is dropped from the grid graph.

He looked at Norman next to him. There was no guilt of failure on his face, and he said calmly:

"I still failed."

"It's not your fault, 'reader'. Too many surprises."

The "reader" looked at his surroundings and said:

"It looks like a lot has happened."

"Yes. Our team is losing ground."

"Why is that?"

"As I said, there are too many accidents. The energy cover was broken ahead of time, sixteen fifth-orders could not stop one fifth-order, and there was no way to counteract the interference of others around the altar... These are all accidents. Of course... Norman took a breath. "The disappearance of the 'Butcher' is the biggest accident. It stands to reason that she is our strongest battle. If she was there, it would be impossible for Ms. Cather to break through."

Now, there are only "readers" and "sir" left here.

Standing in the midst of a mess of ruins, the two of them did not seem downcast.

On the contrary, a confident smile still hung on the corner of Norman's mouth.

"We lost a lot," said the "reader".

Norman replied,

"Yes, but this is not a real loss. Only a mission failure is a loss. For Hei Ge, as long as the mission is successful, there is no loss. If the mission fails, it is all lost."

"It's too extreme."

"'Reader', the black leather itself is an existence under the extreme will. The pilgrims~www.readwn.com~ Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts, which one is not an extreme existence? I know that you GHG pay attention to the middle way, pay attention to all things Reconcile with each other and look at things dialectically... But the world is going to extremes, either dark to the end, or light to the end. It just so happens that we are on the bright side, and they are on the dark side."

"Reader" said:

"What if the mission fails?"

"No such if." Norman tilted his head and smiled at him.

The two stood quietly on the ruins.

The evolutionary grid that lost the "reader", the Free Army, some members of the Black Leather, and other members of the Adventist organization who joined the grid were defeated like a mountain, and the last line of defense was mercilessly disintegrated.

Kuyecheva and Qiao Xun swayed from there and reached the front.

The altar covered with "Complete Light" is in front of you. The hugging angels worshiped tirelessly and conveyed the light of faith.

The coalition army evolutionaries who successfully broke through shouted "the fruits of victory" and rushed into the ruins on the corpses of the free army soldiers.

Norman turned to look at everyone and said with a smile:

"Welcome, you will witness the arrival of the angel with your own eyes."

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