Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 1: 1 person earthquake

Latest URL: March 12, 2036.

A week has passed since the battle for the miracle of the Akub Khanate. The international cleaning team is still busy on the ruins of Kabul and its surrounding cities. They are wearing thick and airtight equipment to investigate all potential safety hazards.

Lowering the pollution value and recycling equipment fragments is what they need to do.

On the GHG side, Wang Shi'an was appointed as a temporary supervisor, mainly responsible for recovering the fragments of GHG's derivative rune weapons and equipment to prevent others from being picked up. With the help of "Clear Line", things went very smoothly. In the field outside Kabul, the land base vehicle is parked under a low hill. The original observer of the base car became the temporary commander, and was instructing to overhaul the damaged part of the base car. After the repair was completed, and the professionals checked and accepted that there was no problem, they would set off across the ridge to return to China.

What is disappointing is that Lu Zeyuan, the original commander of the No. 004 land base car, died in the battle.

Kabul in spring is still a bit cold, and the snow on the mountain is not finished. A mountain tomb has been exposed at the junction of the Tepemarajan Mountains and the Hindu Kush Mountains due to a landslide, and scientific researchers from various countries are investigating. To their surprise, the source metal fragments were found here. After the analysis of the rune spectrum, it has a history of at least two thousand years. This may become a key site for studying the history of the settlers two thousand years ago.

But, also, to their regret, there were obvious etching marks on the walls of the tomb. Unfortunately, the etched bodies were all gone, leaving no traces.

Some things were found, but there was no substantial gain, which made the scientific examiners very unwilling and disappointed.

After following up with their superiors to apply, they chose to open the mountain and try to find more sites.


The sound of a large mountain machine resounded throughout the col. The sound passed over the edge of the mountain and rushed to the sky.

At this moment, on a military carrier plane in the sky, Kuyechva leaned against the cabin wall, lowered her head, and her eyes were dull. The tip of her right finger was playing with a small instrument. This is the sympathetic sensor, which can be used to share the senses with others. This should be a pair, but unfortunately, there is only one left now, and the other has disappeared forever in that night.

"Cather, are you okay?" her comrade asked.

Kuyecheva didn't hear.


She came back to her senses, put away the sensor in her hand, and asked:

"Did something happen?"

"No. Cather, what's the matter with you? We're all worried about you."

Kuyecheva looked at her comrades sitting in the same cabin. They all cast concerned eyes. Having won such a difficult battle, it stands to reason that even if he won't be very happy, he won't show such an obvious expression of loss.

Kuyecheva's beautiful blue eyes were as quiet as a lake in the middle of the night.

She laughed. The apple muscle squeezed up and pressed the eye socket, and it became a squinting look. she says:

"No. I just feel that there is still something that I have not done enough in the previous battle, and I am reviewing it."

"Relax. You're so nervous, so are we."

"Yes, yes, when we return to China, let's find a good place and have a few drinks to our heart's content."

Kuyecheva's heart suddenly throbbed like being stabbed by a knife. She pressed against her breast and said with a smile:



Lu Yangyi sat in his office with a personnel file in front of him.

He looked at this file for a long time, and his eyes became dry. He seemed to have forgotten how to blink.

There are three big words printed on the file -


The stroke composition of these three characters seems to be broken down and put back together again. Piece together a knife and stab Lu Yangyi.

He was lost, and he didn't understand one thing.

"Perhaps, with his level of excellence, the gene melting pot project can easily survive... In fact, there is no need to send him there..."

Thinking of this, he shook his head, feeling that he was too late.

If it is not sent, the battle will not be won, and the situation in the world will become more chaotic.

From a general perspective, this instruction is very correct.

"Yeah, that's the general direction..."

"But, how can people have no selfishness..."

dong dong dong.

The door was knocked.

"Come in."

Guard Wu Zuo pushed open the door and said:

"**, the press team of the committee has arrived, just outside. The director said that the documentary can start filming, and asked if there are any other instructions from your side."

As soon as Lu Yang stood up, he stood up straight with his hands behind his back. He said in a loud voice, walking out:

"I want to tell them about Comrade Qiao Xun's deeds."

His voice gradually became distant. Guard Wu Zuo watched his back from behind, followed him for more than ten years, and suddenly felt that he really seemed to be getting old.


Since the large-scale pollution incident caused great damage to Zhidong City, after three months of reconstruction, this city with tenacious vitality is now showing more vigorous vitality than before.

Presumably because of its post-disaster reconstruction funding to throw out a lot of money.

After all, being the first major city in GHG to experience a large-scale pollution incident is equivalent to a window to demonstrate the country's ability to control pollution, maintain stability, rebuild after disasters, and protect citizens. Through the recovery speed and state of Zhidong City, the whole world can feel the background behind GHG's gradual becoming a world pole in the past ten years, as well as its strong and solid governance capabilities.

Zhidong City now has no trace of pollution and damage.

Industry, commerce, agriculture, finance and other industries are in full swing, and one after another urban construction resource vehicles are driving at high speed in the dedicated lane. These vehicles transport resources for new infrastructure. The full name of the new infrastructure is pollution prevention and response engineering infrastructure. It mainly involves the monitoring stations and regional nodes for monitoring, timely and corresponding alarm facilities and closed devices, underground shelters for defense against sudden attacks, and anti-pollution biological weapons for cities that attack.

This set of infrastructure has been verified in Yandu City, and it is the most advanced new urban infrastructure in the world.

Zhidong City is the second pilot city. It is expected that the construction of all major cities in the country will be completed within five years.

As the general manager of the Zhidong City Emergency Response Center, Zhou Sibai has been very busy during this time. He needs to contact the "Tower" branch center and the relevant departments of the Gongjin R&D Committee to jointly direct the project arrangement of the new infrastructure.

In the midst of his busy schedule, he still received bad news from afar.

On this day, Zhou Sibai, who in the eyes of the team members "will not fall if the mountain does not fall", took an unprecedented half-morning leave, that is, two hours. Went for a walk in the artificial lake of Zhanbai River in Zhidong City. Look at the returning migratory birds and chat with the old men who feed the birds.

It seems that after chatting for a while, it will be much better.

In the afternoon, as always, he returned to work and continued to guide infrastructure construction.

At half past five, Sayori Gomo, who had left school, returned on time. After dinner and a two-hour Chinese class with her Chinese teacher, she began her daily training.

Sasori's daily life is very regular. Except for occasionally carrying out some ordinary pollution incidents with the control team as an intern, she basically walks back and forth between the dormitory, the school and the training base.

She didn't think about the things that girls her age would think.

Maybe, she should make one or two friends. After school, she can make an appointment to go to the newly opened dessert shop nearby and feel the sweet aroma; maybe, she should be beating an ignorant heart. Outside the basketball court in the afternoon, watching the sweaty teenagers on the court was fascinated; perhaps, she should go to the cinema with her friends on Sunday with a heart of anticipation...

She has none.

Her life is only learning, training and the necessary food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Show wisdom in the classroom and sweat in the training base. Saori has always felt that her life is very rich. She is very happy. You can train in a professional training base, watch the combat records of all kinds of powerful evolutionaries, and listen to very knowledgeable instructors about the cutting-edge knowledge about pollution and evolution. This was something that I had never imagined in Tateyama City before. Now, it's all in front of her. What reassured her the most and was full of expectations was that her efforts were clear and her direction remained the same.

She is looking forward to the day when we meet again.

must! She said in her heart that she will definitely not live up to your expectations. I will try very hard to put every drop of sweat in the right place and show you that Saori is a wonderful child.

Oh no, Saori is no longer a child!

She looked at the bright lights outside the training base, and saw a person in the shadow of the lights.

It was Zhou Sibai.

"Captain Zhou, good evening." Saxuri stood up and bowed to salute.

Zhou Sibai looked a little tired, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were thicker than before. Sayori thought, maybe that's why he's been so busy lately.

Zhou Sibai asked:

"Do you have time now? I have something to tell you."

Sayuri said softly:

"There is time."

"Let's talk outside."

"Is it important?" Saxuri asked as she followed Zhou Sibai. She looked at Zhou Sibai's profile, her expression became serious.

Zhou Sibai paused for a while, then nodded,

"Yes, it's important."

"Oh." Sasori became more serious.

In a small green park outside the training base. Zhou Sibai and Sa Xuli walked forward slowly one after the other.

The shadows of the trees swirled, and when the wind blew, the shadows of the lights were shaken to pieces.

Zhou Sibai asked:

"Sasori, it's been almost four months since you've been here, how are you feeling?"

"I feel good. It's been a very fulfilling life."

"Then, has the goal of your efforts, or the goal you set for yourself before coming here, changed?"

Sayuri said:

"No. It never changes!"

Zhou Sibai stopped. He looked back at the girl behind him.

Saori was wearing training clothes, her hair tucked down slightly down the back of her neck, and some loose strands of hair were leaking out, and the night wind blew them rustling. She opened her eyes, and the black and white eyes reflected the shadows of people, trees, and lights. In this slightly stubborn and persistent temperament, the quiet and elegant appearance is full of vigorous youthful breath. Her slender neck was slightly red from being too serious. Teeth bit her inner lip, making her lips appear thinner and her expression firmer.

Zhou Sibai turned his head, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes deepened.

He wanted to laugh and said, "It's fine if you don't have it, just keep working hard." In this way, tonight's walk can be concluded very happily.

But he can't.

"Saori, have you thought about changing your target?"

Sayori paused. Her eyes rolled up slightly,

"I don't understand, what does Captain Zhou mean?"

"That is to say, maybe, you should think about your future. The evolutionary world is completely different, and your previous thinking may not be suitable for the future. Your goals are more clear and specific."

"My goals are clear. And, it motivates me to train. I feel good."

Zhou Sibai's breath became slightly heavier,

"You have to enter the battlefield after all. On the battlefield, there is no shortage of talents that can affect the will and spirit. That's why I said that you need a more specific goal, not just an emotional yearning."

Saori thought he was serious about the future battle. She thought about it carefully and asked:

"Then what should I do?"

"First of all. You have to learn to accept things that are often on the battlefield."

"for example?"

"Like being injured."

"I can."

"Like... death."

When Saori heard the word "death" at her age, she actually felt an instinctive sense of strangeness. She had not seen death with her own eyes. The elderly in the family are still healthy. It's just that she has attended the funerals of some relatives or friends in the town before, but she doesn't have any affectionate experience.

Therefore, when she heard "death", her eyes showed a little confusion.

"Although I've barely touched it. But I'll be prepared. I know, a warrior, needs to have the further consideration of 'I might die'."

"Then, what about the death of a comrade-in-arms? For example, you become a member of the control team in the future, and your team members died. Even, I may also die in a pollution incident. What do you think about these? "

Sayori does not understand the philosophy of life and death. She just instinctively rejected death and asked anxiously:

"Why did you say this to me suddenly? If this is a class, it should be taught in the teaching room. Captain Zhou, do you have any dangerous task for me?"

Zhou Sibai looked at her.

Until this thought, Sasori was still thinking that "death" might be related to herself, not others.

He didn't know whether to say that this girl was too innocent, or whether she had not experienced a real life and death parting~www.readwn.com~ Zhou Sibai suddenly realized that he was going to leave her painful memories tonight.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, took advantage of the night wind, and said:

"Sasuri. Joe Xun is dead. In the battle for the miracles of the Akub Khanate, he..."

Saori couldn't hear what happened next.

She only felt that the sky was turning, the earth was turning, the swaying trees resembled the ghost's claws and long hair, and the soft shadows of the lights became dim, as if they had come to the border of hell.

Zhidong City in spring is suddenly as cold as winter.

A thunder-like voice seemed to fall from a distance. The world is like a big drum, beaten by an invisible giant hand.

"Ah, is there an earthquake..."

Indeed, there was an earthquake. However, it was her earthquake alone.

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