Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 2: Dedicated to my beloved friend

The latest website: The mist is dense, and the sound of water is rushing.

The rustling warm current slid across the curve, and the crystal water droplets reflected the water waves under the warm light, and cast them on the wall tiles with patterns printed on them. The lingering aroma is refreshing. The water dripping from the hair and neck should be turbulent, sending snow-like vitality in the mountains, valleys and rolling ground. On the other hand, the warm water droplets dripping from the fingertips fell to the ground, smashed into pieces, and the smaller water droplets that were shot out bounced around a short distance, then landed on the ground and merged into the trickle. Flow, and went to the sewer together.

Covered under the foam is youth and beauty.

The blurred mist in the eyes adds a touch of heat to this spring.

She came out of the steam, her long black hair still damp. Bare feet, stepping on the cold floor, leaving a string of shallow wet marks. The warm light illuminated her like a jade from a distant mountain fished out of the water just after being polished.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Nan Shizuku Hitomi admired herself to the fullest.

She pinched her face, neck, shoulders, chest, waist, pads and thighs respectively.

"Isn't this very good... Youth, shyness, um..." She thought for a while, clapped her hands, smiled and said to the mirror, "Full of future!"

This is a body full of the future!

She excitedly grabbed a bath towel and tied it in a knot on the side of her chest. Regardless of her wet hair, she hurriedly ran into the bedroom, got her mobile phone, and planned to take a picture of a "girl out of the bath" and send it to someone.

When her thumb was about to press the shutter, she paused.

Hmm... I always feel like I'm missing something, no, no... I'm too careless, I just planned to take a photo and send it over, it definitely won't give people a bright feeling. The other party will only click on the photo to take a look, and then say in his heart, ah, that's it, it's really ordinary.

How could Hitomi Minami Shizuku allow others to have such thoughts in their hearts!

A beautiful girl should be a beautiful girl with no dead ends in all directions! You have to manage yourself well!

Minami Shizuku Hitomi simply wiped her hair with a towel. Instead of drying it with a hairdryer, she kept a little dampness to achieve that rich luster without lack of smoothness. With warm lighting, there is a kind of "autumn hazy" mood.

Then, lie on your side on the bed, straighten your left leg and put it under it, bend your right leg slightly, make your knee protrude a little, straighten your ankle joint a little bit, apply a little force where your thighs overlap, squeeze your leg, and push Press the meat of the leg out a little bit. As for the cushion part, rely on the waist to exert force, tighten the back muscles, press back slightly, and keep a little pressure on the spine, so that the curve between the cushion part and the waist can be more prominent and beautiful.

The upper body can be a little more casual, but the most important thing is! There must be a squeezing feeling in the chest, no matter what the size and weight are, the arc should be left out. She felt that she was not really small. Although she didn't have that bumpy walking feeling, she was definitely the most standard and most beautiful!

In this regard, Nan Shizuku Hitomi is very confident.

The shoulders of beautiful girls are the third realm! Nan Shizuku Hitomi thought so, and leaned her right shoulder slightly to her chin, revealing her collarbone more clearly.

The most important thing is coming!


In this state, what should he look like?


Nan Shizuku Hitomi thought of someone's serious expression like someone owed him money, and immediately grinned.

Yes, naughty!


A perfect "beautiful girl taking a bath" is fine.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi sat up, checked it carefully, and after finding nothing wrong, nodded with satisfaction.

The next step is to hide this photo in the monthly growth report, and let someone review the growth report and suddenly see this photo.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi frowned, closed his eyes, and simulated possible situations in his mind.

Someone carefully reviewed the growth report, read the attendance record, read the training record, read the numerical test, read the task record, and then turned the page... a photo!

"Wow, surprise!" Nan Shizuku Hitomi exclaimed with wide eyes.

Then, she fell back onto the bed with a happy expression on her face.

It must be so!

She couldn't wait to send this picture to her "Tower Network" account, and then put it in this month's growth report record. Sort it out, edit it into a file, open the address book, select the unique serial number in the "special concern" column in the first row, and send it!

Really been waiting?

Nan Shizuku Hitomi looked at the feedback and paused.

【Failed to send】


Could it be that he blocked me...

Nan Shizuku Hitomi sat up abruptly, stared at him, and said angrily:

"Damn, could someone really block a beautiful girl?!"

She tried again, but it still failed to send.

What's going on!

Then Minami Shizuku Hitomi noticed a prompt at the bottom of the window. She clicked to take a look, and a series of instructions popped up.

【The current serial code has been cancelled】

"...Sign out?"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi suddenly stopped. She was a little overwhelmed, held her breath, and then began to inquire about the cancellation of the "Tawang" account serial code.

First, the user voluntarily logs out;

Second, the user dies.

"It must be the first reason!"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi let out a sigh of relief. This time, her shoulders trembled violently. Her facial muscles began to tremble, pulling the skin around the corners and sockets of her eyes, twitching her eyelashes and eyebrows together.

This is an expression of tension.

She was so nervous that she was so nervous that turning on her phone and finding contact information became very inconvenient.

Find that phone number and call it.

The other party is turned off.

"It must be the first reason, for sure!"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi put on her clothes as fast as she could while talking to herself. She didn't even have time to tidy up the crooked buttons, she forgot to turn off the lights, and forgot to take her cell phone, so she hurried out the door.

She runs at night.

Because her long hair was still wet, it couldn't float, but instead it brought her the coldness of spring.

"Minister! Minister!"

She ran outside the office of Kensuke Kamahara, the head of the Tokyo branch of the Tower, and hurriedly knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Kamahara Kensuke is reading a book. It is off-duty time now, but he is used to reading a book in the office for a while after get off work.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi knew his habit, so she came to him. After all, the minister was her immediate coach. Kamahara Kensuke thinks Minami Shizuku Hitomi is a very promising freshman, so he has been teaching her personally.

"What's the matter, Hitomi?" Kensuke Kamahara put down the book and asked, "Is there a problem with training?"

"Minister!" Nan Shizuku Hitomi is in a mess now, how can she care about the face of a beautiful girl, "How about the battle for the miracle of the Akub Khan Kingdom!"

Kamahara Kensuke felt strange,

"Why are you in such a hurry to ask this?"

"How is it!" Nan Shizuku Hitomi asked anxiously.

Kamahara Kensuke pressed the table with his palm and said:

"The coalition has won, as I said at the training conference. GHG's evolutionary turned the tide and dominated the final victory."

It was also said at the conference that this decisive victory in the battle for miracles for GHG laid the foundation for the situation where the world navigator would officially be transferred from the Federation to GHG.

"But, which evolutionary is it? Minister, you didn't say it!"

Kamahara Kensuke asked:

"Tonomi, what's the matter? You look so anxious."

"What do you say, Minister, say it quickly."

Kamahara Kensuke says:

"His information has not yet been made public, and the information I have obtained is incomplete. To decrypt it, the battle for miracles needs to be completely over. All I can know is that the evolutionary died. He chose Using transcendent runic power to perish with the war species. He's a hero."

"Impossible!" Nan Shizuku Hitomi suddenly shouted, "He can't die!"

"Hitomi, what's wrong with you?" Kamahara Kensuke asked again.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi shouted:

"It's impossible!"

She ran out like a fly.


The faster you run, the better.

She doesn't want to be in this **** place anymore.

What evolution, what adventure, it's all a lie!

Only deceit! Everyone cheats on me, and everyone doesn't really like me!

Why did he die?

No, he wouldn't die like that. Even when it was so dangerous, he didn't die. He was obviously so timid and cautious, so he definitely wouldn't be a hero! He clearly said that he would only hide behind others, hide under the shadow, and prevent the sun from shining his shadow. With that said, what kind of hero are you going to be?

He must, must have found a new adventure!

Yes, it sure is!

"Adventure together, you have to wait for me!"

Minami Shizuku Hitomi slammed into the wind. She didn't dare to stop, as if when she stopped, she would scratch her ears and cheeks in pain and feel so sad that she wanted to die.


Kamahara Kensuke shouted loudly from behind.

The minister's voice woke the whole night, and all of a sudden, the lights all over the center of the branch came on. Everyone saw Nan Shizuku Hitomi who was running forward desperately.

Leave me alone, leave me alone, please... Nan Shizuku Hitomi is a rebellious girl who wants to be well-behaved.

She has to run far away. To a place where there are no lies, but countless adventures. She was there, she could turn into a pen, she could turn into a cat, she could wear red contact lenses, dye her beautiful silver-white hair, and then said with a smile, did she fall in love with me!

She was clearly trying to run forward, but that place was getting farther and farther away.

A white light flashed in her eyes, paralyzing her nerves. Before she fell, she was supported by Kamhara Kensuke, who arrived in time.

"Hitomi." Kamahara Kensuke thought of something.

He knew that Nan Shizuku Hitomi joined the "tower" for a certain talent. Perhaps, that person is the hero in the battle for miracles.

He looked at the teardrops shining from the corner of Nan Shizuku Hitomi's eyes, and said in a low voice:

"Have a good night's sleep, and when you wake up, you'll be fine."

The medical staff rushed over and took Nan Shizuku Hitomi away.

The wind suddenly became very strong at night, and the trees in the green belt swayed constantly, making a whimpering sound.

Kamahara Kensuke looked into the distance, clouds gathered in the sky.

"It's going to rain again."


Get off the plane,

out of the airport,

The tall red ponytail beats rhythmically with the sassy pace. Its owner may be a punk musician, or a heavy metal rock lover. However, she is clearly an evolutionary in her formal clothes. That's... an evolutionary lover of heavy metal rock.

Unfortunately, Xin Yu didn't like those.

She just returned from Hokkaido, Japan.

The three giant meteorological species took a full month to solve, and many small islands in the north of Hokkaido were devastated. It used to be very cold there, but now it has been walked by the weather species, and it has become more like an extremely cold hell. There is no one to live there now, and it looks like a mess.

Subsequent environmental recovery will be very difficult, whether it is to remove the pollution or to stabilize the geological structure, it will take considerable human and material resources.

However, that has nothing to do with Xin Yu. She was just a member of the task force, ordered to go there to slay large polluting creatures.

This month, she has encountered very dangerous pollution turbulence, and she has also made great progress.

The talent "Time Lock" can now be fully used in combat. The biggest benefit should be that during the battle, she gradually learned not to rely on external forces, to control the changes in the pollution aura in her body independently, and to be able to quickly reduce the pollution value after the battle to avoid the chance of being alienated.

Having this ability means that she can leave the control team and become a combat individual.

In fact, she really likes to act alone, because she can control everything by herself, without having to adjust the relationship with other people, and it is easy to integrate intelligence and so on, not to mention tacit understanding. She thought that she should learn to be a combat individual in the future and do things that cannot be done in the name of the organization.

Xin Yu's outstanding temperament is too conspicuous on the street. Her steps were as clean as she had learned to walk the runway.

The rate of return is full.

However, her gaze didn't move anywhere else at all, just forward.

keep moving forward.

Finally, she stopped in front of a flower shop, stopped for a while, walked in, and bought a bunch of flowers.

Then, she stopped a taxi, got in the car, and said to the driver:

"Go to No. 199 Yulan Mountain Road."

The driver should get down, step on the accelerator, and walk away.

After half an hour, we reached our destination.

Xin Yu held flowers, showed her credentials, and explained her intentions, and the administrator took her around the winding mountain road to an independent tombstone.

There is no name or photo on the tombstone, just a sentence:

"The Tomb of the Great Warrior".

and time:

"March 24, 2036 A.D. ~www.readwn.com~ These two sentences are written on one side of the tombstone, and the middle is empty. Perhaps, after a long time has passed, when everything can be explained, the middle is empty. There will be names, photos, and epitaphs.

Anything will be there.

A lot of flowers have been placed in front of the tombstone. Some even withered, and the dried petals became very fragile. As soon as the wind blew a little, they split immediately and fell rustling.

This shows that she is late.

Yes, she came back late.

Xin Yu fumbled for the tombstone for a while, put down the flower in his hand, and turned away.

A long strip of paper fell from the cover of the flowers, and on it was written the sentence:

"To My Beloved Friend".

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