Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 3: 1 thinking stone

Latest website: The sea breeze brings the salty smell of the deep sea to Pemba Island. Looking out into the ocean, the dark blue water meets the deep blue sky, and it seems that something exists there.



Because of the special corals, the beach more than 400 meters east of a fish village in the Xiakoukou in the southern district of Pemba Island appears a powder blue in the blazing sun. "Pink" and "blue" are used together to describe the color of this beach, which is not so mainstream. Of course, this beach used to be, like other beaches, a sea blue mixed with the dry yellow of the beach and the green-brown of the reef.

However, everything is different now.

In the past few years, Pemba Island has been separated from the mainland for a long time. Of course, it's not that her country, Tanzania, is willing to give up this important port and its rich marine resources, but that since the "pollution and evolution" reform, the strait between the island and the mainland has been devastated by violent thunder, polluted creatures crawling under the sea, and lost The waves of ocean circulation rhythm cut the connection.

Tanzania is not a very strong country since the age of the evolutionary. There are many evolutionaries who have awakened independently within the country. In addition, this country itself is not a castle built of sand, and it can't stand the wind and waves. Conflicts on land are becoming more and more intense every day. Evolvers and non-evolutionaries, evolutionaries and ordinary people, evolutionaries and polluting creatures, ordinary people and polluting creatures... All kinds of conflicts are making this small country a mess. Chicken feathers all over the place.

However, compared with other weaker countries on the African continent, Tanzania has performed well. At least, it is still called Tanzania now, and the plate on the map has not completely lost any part.

For the out of touch Pemba. They also believe that once the pollution crisis is over, they can reconnect.

In fact, compared to the messy land part of Tanzania, Pemba, a small island, is much safer and more peaceful.

There are no extreme climates. The land beaches dozens of kilometers away are being attacked by strong waves all the time, but this island is as calm as the calmest time of the year.

It is obviously late autumn, and the Indian Ocean circulation, which is disturbed by deep-sea meteorological species, happens to pass through here, but this place has not been hit by a tsunami even for a day.

Compared with the outside world, Pemba Island is as peaceful as a paradise.

Although it is not rich here, there is no need to worry about various disasters, polluting organisms and rioting evolutionary organizations.

The only thing that could be said to be an anomaly was the powder blue beach. The island of Pemba, located near the equator, is hot even in late autumn.

Under the scorching sun, the pink-blue corals on the beach were dying. And when they take off their ugly shells, they reveal the crystalline objects that are wrapped inside. This is the key reason why this beach has such color.

Nearly a year ago, Chuck Chuck, the only city on Pemba Island, welcomed a guest.

The guest said that soon Pemba Island will become a mineral production area, and hoped that the mayor would organize the collection of the island's residential areas. He will buy it at a very high price, and give gold, which is so cherished in chaotic times, as currency. There will also be some necessities, such as vegetables, cloth, various processed goods, and so on.

The guests are very rich, how could the mayor not do business. Immediately, a decree was promulgated to set up a formal assembly line, from the collection in the front section, drying to the cleaning and drying in the middle section, and storage and storage at the end, everything was complete.

Even in the development of the fishing industry, the core industry of Pemba Island, the mayor has not been so concerned.

The answer is also obvious. The mineral resources mentioned by the guests are the crystalline objects after the molting of the pink-blue coral polyps.

The people on the island had no idea what these beautiful, gem-like minerals were used for. They only know that these can be exchanged for a large amount of currency and gold, as well as various living resources that cannot be obtained on the island, such as spices, vegetables, cloth, plastic materials, medicines and so on.

These are all urgently needed on the island after losing contact with the land of Tanzania.

The mayor is understandable. This can be related to whether Pemba Island can last to re-establish contact with the land.

Customers will be charged once every three months, that is, every quarter.

It's the last week of fall. Guests will arrive a week later to buy minerals with living supplies, gold, and more.

In the last few days, we must take minerals more seriously, ensure the integrity of the minerals, and make the guests feel satisfied. The mayor knows that this guest is probably the only material supplier on Kuba Island now, and he must be satisfied. Once the supplies are cut, Pemba Island can quickly become very chaotic.

Therefore, the mayor repeatedly emphasized to the subordinates, not to let the workers on the assembly line slack off, but rather to allocate more materials to them, but also to make them work more seriously.

Tiekalai Village in Xiakou, Pemba Island.

The villagers who have been fishing for generations have now given up fishing according to the mayor's request. Basically, the entire village, with long arms and legs, and those who can walk a few steps without gasping for breath, are all on the beach. mining. These fishermen, who once floated on the waves all day long, took a long time to get used to stepping on the solid ground every day.

On the powder blue beach 400 meters away, more than 200 villagers are evenly distributed on the beach. This scene looks like a large sea rush scene, except that they don't have cameras around their necks.

Wearing rubber gloves, they held a specially made mining pliers, while the other held a gourd-shaped storage bottle. The bottle is made of aluminum, there is no glaze and no clumps on the outside, and it gleams in the sun. Make it look like a starry sky here.

Special mining tongs can easily pick off the remaining polyp carcasses hanging from the powder blue crystals. The steam from their fishy corpses almost condenses into a faint smoke in the sunlight.

With a pair of pliers, the powder blue smoke immediately poured out of the mouthparts.

This scene seems to be easy to make the psychologically weak have nightmares, but it is really serious mental pollution.

The mining villagers have also adapted for a long time, so as not to be stunned by the confused colors and smoke and have nightmares.

Thirteen-year-old Boogie Casa is able-bodied. As the only male in the family, he needs to mine on this beach to support his family. Last fall, during the worst days of the waves, his father disappeared into the ocean and never came back.

Only him and his sickly mother were left at home.

Bujikasa takes on the responsibility of taking care of her mother and takes her work as a miner very seriously. He was afraid of losing the only job he could do. That way, the sick mother won't be able to get medical support, and the town doctor won't come to see her.

He was extremely serious and didn't dare to be lazy at all, for fear of being seen by the supervisors and deducting the resources allocated to his family.

Boogie Casa wears heavy water boots to avoid being stabbed by the sharp coral shells. These coral polyps are special, and they will inevitably suffer after being stabbed. In severe cases, they may become infected. The drug resources in Pemba Island are now tight, and if you are not careful, you may die.

Of course, more terrifying than dying is being polluted. Although Bujikasa has not seen the polluted people with his own eyes, he heard from fellow villagers that three beaches on the other side of Pemba Island have been polluted.

Contaminated people's eyes were red, their bodies were swollen, their teeth became more and more pointed, and their backs could not be straightened. Blade-like red fins grew from their waists, and their heads became fish-like.

Contaminated people will be dealt with as soon as possible.

The processing method is simple. Throw it in the meat grinder.

Pemba Island is too small. If the pollution spreads, it must be wiped out. The mayor, who lacked a professional control team, had to do this in order to avoid all possible risks. Throw it into a meat grinder, turn it into slag, and bury it in a landfill twenty meters deep. The surrounding area of ​​the landfill is still firmly blocked, for fear of a little accident.

Boogie Casa shuddered. Continue slowly and cautiously on the beach.

Due to the sand hitting by the waves, some crystal ore will be buried by the sand. So he needed to stick his mining tongs into the sand and search a little bit. After feeling the obstruction, put aside the sand pile to see if it is a crystal ore.

This kind of work, he does it every day, is already familiar with it. But he still didn't dare to slack off. On the one hand, there is the pressure of the mother, and on the other hand, the pressure of the meat grinder.

The mining area of ​​the beach is delimited. Because there is a place near the sea that used to be a cliff, and below it is very deep sea water, as well as some turbulent currents formed by hitting the reef.

Boogie Casa is close to that limit. Seeing the warning buoy floating on the sea in front of him, he turned around and planned to turn around and search back from another route.

At this time, a sudden surge of surf came over him, knocking him down to the ground.

Fortunately, the retreating waves did not involve people, otherwise, in his position, he might be washed under the cliff.

Although it was safe, Boogie Casa still trembled in his heart.

"It's dangerous..." he muttered softly.

Then he wiped the sand off his face, and stood up with his palms on the firm sand beneath him.

When the palm was pressed down, even through the thick rubber gloves, he felt a hard object underneath, pressing against the palm of his hand.

"Is there any crystal ore here? Did it leak before?"

He stood up and carefully removed the surrounding sand with mining tongs. Then, clamp it with the jaws at the front end of the pliers, slowly exert force, and drag it upwards. Don't use too much force, otherwise, if the coral polyp's shell cracks, it will be more troublesome to clean up.

The mining tongs clamped the hard object and broke the water.

Without seeing the powder blue smoke, Boogie Casa was disappointed. It's a pity, it's not a crystalline mine.

Just when he was about to throw this useless garbage away, he glanced at it casually, and suddenly felt that the shape of this little thing seemed to be very regular. It looks like... Boogie Casa thought about it, like the Greek number "X" that I saw in elementary school in the town before, and also like the "X" in the English alphabet.

Symmetrical, off-white, very textured.

It seems that most teenagers have a natural fondness for very symmetrical things. This is similar to the likes of straight sticks, or branches with the shape of "Ya".

I liked it right away.

Boogie Casa was reluctant to throw it away, so he wiped the water marks and some contaminated algae with his clothes.

He looked the "X" shaped object towards the sun.

Off-white, with good light transmittance, it has a matte grainy feel on the outside, and it is watery on the inside, like a shrunken river.

"The river flows quietly in it."

Boogie Casa put the newly harvested treasure into his pocket, and then continued to search for crystal ore.

Almost a year has passed, and he has given up thinking about the use of these crystal ore. It can be replaced anyway.

At seven o'clock in the evening, when the tide begins to rise, the day's mining work is over.

The beach is even more beautiful in the evening. A powder-blue halo lingers on the sea surface, a wave comes over, and the silver-white background and the powder-blue color together create a sparkling seascape. The crescent moon hangs high in the sky, and the sea line in the distance is calm, like the closed eyes of a giant beast.

The supervisors organized village miners to do their work in an orderly manner. They stood at the checkpoint at the entrance of the beach, recovering the crystal ore mined by the miners.

At the same time, they will withdraw to prevent some people from hiding crystal mines.

When it was Boogie Casa's turn, a foreman touched something hard outside his pocket and immediately asked:

"Turn out your pockets."

Boogie Kasa didn't dare to question, and hurriedly turned out his pocket, spread the "X"-shaped stone he had picked up in the palm of his hand, and said:

"I found this on the beach. I thought it looked good, and it didn't look like a crystal ore, so I just wanted to collect it myself."

The overseer brought it over and first looked at the moon. But Gouyue was too dim. He took out a small blue light from his pocket and shone it on the stone.

Under the blue light, the stone with good light transmittance shows a faint halo. If you look inside carefully, you can vaguely see something flowing, slowly, giving people a kind of peace from the soul.

The overseer thought this stone was too beautiful. He had been living on the island all the time and he didn't think it was an ordinary stone.

The shape is regular and symmetrical, and the interior deconstruction is very strange. It is definitely not an ordinary thing.

Maybe it's a special crystal ore. He said beyond doubt:

"This stone is too weird. It may be a special crystal ore. We took it away."

Of course, Boogie Casa will not question it, but he just feels a little pity. He nodded and said:

"You have worked hard."

The overseer touched his flat head and said to those behind him:

"Behind, keep up."

So ~www.readwn.com~ this "X" shaped special stone, along with the crystalline ore, entered the middle part of the cleaning and drying process.

Mixed in powder blue crystal ore. "X" is silent, only the gum-like fluid inside is slowly rippling. Under the powder-blue light, the fluid sloshed faster and faster.

However, this is clearly not an immediate sign.

It has become a member of the crystalline ore pile, squeezed in powder blue, and it seems to be waiting for something like a distant sea-sky line.

The calm night of Pemba Island blows the sea breeze, and the salty smell is an indelible mark here.

People living on the island wonder if mining will really replace their fishing industry as a pillar industry.

Just like "X" doesn't know, where will it go with these crystal ore,

In other words, why do you want to think about yourself when you are just a stone?

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