Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 4: Restless! Reborn!

The latest website: pat dong choke——

A crisp crash sounded continuously in the warehouse used to store crystal ore. The kinetic energy and thermal energy generated by the collision and friction excite the powder blue light contained in the ore.

As a result, the entire warehouse was covered with powder blue light covering every corner.

The special material and configuration of crystalline ore eliminates the need for warehousing personnel to organize. It is only necessary to pile up the cleaned and air-dried ore into the warehouse. They will arrange themselves in the collision and friction, which is very neat, even neater than manual arrangement, and they will fit tightly without wasting warehouse space.

However, a piece of "X" shaped ore broke this neat arrangement.

Its shape is so odd that it doesn't fit in with the polygonal prism-shaped crystalline ore.

Although the warehousing staff finds it strange, it is not in his job to question this. Since the middle section has been cleaned and air-dried, it means that this ore is normal, but its shape is rather special. No need to waste time asking this and that.

After all, we have to hurry now. Three days later, the distinguished guest will come to collect the mine, and the reserve of mine is still a little short. They don’t dare to use shoddy products. The guests will check carefully every time, even if there is a grain of ash hidden, they will be found out. Once there is a shoddy situation, the other party has the right to deduct gold and other living materials.

The warehousing staff placed the "X"-shaped ore alone at the end, and placed it on top after all the other regular crystalline ore were neatly arranged.

So, the whole day's work is over.

The warehouse staff checked the warehouse one last time to see if there were any cats and dogs sneaking in, to see if the doors and windows were closed, and if there was anything that needed repairs.

Half an hour later, he pulled down the shutters of the warehouse, closed the outside vault door, and got off work.

Then, it was all quiet. On the contrary, the sound of the sea breeze and the waves made this quietness even more obvious.

Absolute silence is not as good as silence with a little white noise. After all, white noise can mask the disturbing sounds of heartbeats, breathing, and more subtle pulses.

Of course, there is no one here right now.

In the warehouse, after the crystal ore was placed smoothly, the powder-blue light was silent due to the lack of movement, friction and collision.

Everything became dark and quiet.

However, there is always one thing that is restless, or at this moment, it is absolutely impossible to calm down.

The "X"-shaped ore lying on the top of the crystal ore pile in the warehouse became more and more restless. Whether it is the ore that the guest needs is still unclear. But there is no doubt that it is very restless and vigorous at this moment.

The fluid that was originally flowing slowly in it was very turbulent at the moment, like a stormy sea. The waves beat inside.

Think differently. At the moment, it still looks like a heart that was originally calm suddenly beating violently, and the fluid inside is warm blood.

Like, something is still missing.

The stone is thinking. What is it about?

Think...why think? What is the meaning of thinking? It also doesn't understand what it is thinking about at the moment.

In the end, what's more?

Lying on top of the crystal ore heap. "X" felt the darkness and silence around him. It feels that a stone must not be able to think, so it is not actually a stone.

If it's not a stone, what else can explain the current situation?

"X" is full of yearning for this question. It has to know what it is almost, what it needs to be...different?

The "heart" that had been immersed in seawater for a long time was beating faster and faster. And this change made it feel familiar, as if it had been through so many things before. Getting more and more excited and restless.

Excited, restless, and nervous, to the limit.

When the tension reaches the limit, what will happen?

It seems... to calm down in an instant.

It suddenly thought of this. Then, the "X" stone, which was so restless and turbulent that it was about to explode, suddenly quieted down. The roaring fluid inside became very calm in an instant.

This experience of "extremely nervous and then instantly calmed down" reminded me of many things.

It knows what it lacks. That is, a clear sense of self.

Now, it has. It can very smoothly use "I", the first person to start the memory.

Memory and perception are like light falling from the sky, washing over its sense of self.

It remembered that it was not actually a stone, but a person.

He thought about it, and then remembered that his name was "Qiao Xun".

He continued to think, remembering that he used to be a psychologist.

This feeling is very similar to a drop of ink dripping into clean water, and it spreads all at once.

Taking the birth of "self-consciousness" as the origin, all kinds of events, time and character nodes like tree-like nerves are born in his perception, no, it should be said. Reborn!

He was born again,

Qiao Xun is reborn.

Self-consciousness is born, and then there is a massive memory explosion.

People, things, objects, time, emotions, thinking... all kinds of concepts are all celestial bodies in this big bang. All memory celestial bodies revolve at high speed around a "self-consciousness".

Intertwined, collided, and rubbed, countless possibilities are born.

"'Gluttony' is the origin of growth and evolution;"

"'Lust', inquiring about my desires and emotions;"

"'Greed', never satisfied in a nightmare;"

"'Laziness' is a work of art of time;"

"'Rage,' write a motto with strength."

Here, stop.

Qiao Xun was completely reborn. In this "X" shaped stone. In his words, this is the remaining demigod-level skeleton of a lonely military god, which was once used to record a history spanning two thousand years.

Lying in the dark, that image flickered in his consciousness.

He tried to remember.

Angel Azrael's uncontrollable divine power poured out transcendent rune energy. That level of energy is unstoppable by any object made of universal truth. He can only be destroyed under such energy.

He had felt that he was indeed going to be destroyed. There are no hole cards. That in itself was an all-or-nothing battle.

Fight with Harvey, the scavenger, and lose your body;

Fighting with the scavenger Ling, he is ready to fight for his soul.

Under the transcendent rune energy, it is as powerful as Ling, and it can only run away desperately. That unspeakable feeling can easily push a person's characteristics to the extreme.

Therefore, all the qualities of Qiao Xun, under the transcendent rune energy from the angel Azrael, all broke through the limit.

his "gluttony"

his "lust",

his "greed"

his "lazy"

This pure, even pure force that was too strong to resist, made his "rage".

Qiao Xun lay on top of the quiet crystal ore heap and reviewed the process.

Indeed, it is pure and absolute power that breaks through "rage". "Rage" is the most direct of these five traits, unlike "greed", "lazy", etc., which require specific conditions and require careful preparation of promotion ceremonies. It just needs enough power.

It's just, I didn't expect that this powerful enough energy is the rune energy of transcendence.

The divine power from Azrael is the key factor in advancing to the fifth-order deacon rank. Qiao Xun understands this.

But at this moment, what he cares most about is the reason for surviving under such divine power.

During the review, the same trait quickly gave him the answer—

"Look straight at the gods".

This trait was obtained by using "gluttony" to devour and digest the demigod-level will in the 320,000 demigod-level skeletal text blocks. That is, all the wills of the lonely military **** before being promoted to god. This is easy to understand. The Lonely War God himself is a **** under the command of God. His demigod-level will was of course washed by divine power.

Therefore, this particularity was transformed into his characteristic under the digestion of "gluttony".

The transcendent rune energy can push all characteristics to the extreme. This characteristic of "looking directly at the gods" is naturally magnified to the extreme at the moment when the divine power is poured out.

At that moment, Qiao Xun was able to look directly at the gods.

He was not like Ling, who couldn't look directly, and could only run away.

He did not succumb to the power pouring down from the gods. Nor was it completely destroyed.

At the last moment, he used all his abilities to accumulate all his consciousness in a certain half-god-level loneliness of the Lonely Army God, which is one of the 320,000 words. Then, with the energy level of the fifth-order evolutionary, the strongest "space jump" was launched.

He didn't know where he jumped.

He was just under his survival instinct, grabbing whatever he could. Just like a drowning person who can't swim, he can only rely on his survival instinct to grab whatever he can.

Now it seems that this piece of "X" that carries his consciousness should have fallen into a river, merged into the sea under the impact of the river, and then drifted back and forth before returning to the shore.

During this period, his consciousness fell silent due to the enormous oppression.

And what finally woke him up was,

"Numerology follows the sky".

The gift of perpetually feeling and exploring all truths. No energy is needed, it exists because of truth.

And Qiao Xun is still alive, it is a fact, it is a truth of the moment.

The constant exploration of this truth kept him thinking consciously. Although it is very weak, it has always remained and has not disappeared.

It's just that I don't know how long this silence will last.

"Could it be that hundreds of years have passed?"

Qiao Xun was inexplicably afraid of this. He didn't want to wake up again, the world has completely changed.

Don't think about it for now. He will take a moment to sort out his consciousness. So cluttered, like a hard drive with files all over the place. It takes a while to think about something before you can remember it.

Miscellaneous consciousness can make people feel pain.

Qiao Xun first rearranged his self-consciousness to avoid all the psychological effects that induce schizophrenia. If the self-consciousness is messy, it is too prone to symptoms such as "depersonalization" and "personality fear".

Now his perception of time is still a little fuzzy, and he has not fully recovered. So, I don't know how long it took to sort out my self-awareness.

In reality, two hours have passed. Gouyue was lifted to the top of the head.

Get your self-awareness right, and then organize your memory, emotions, thinking perception abilities, and so on.

Having experienced a death and rebirth, his patience has now been raised to a new level. Processed in an orderly manner. Not fast, but refined.

For Qiao Xun, remembering emotions may have been things that had no feeling when thinking about them in the past. But after so many things, he sees it more and more important, and he must deal with it properly.

One of the principles of building intimacy with people is to cherish memories.

So, he spent more time on it.

When sorting out these memories, he can't help but think,

"Probably, in that case, in the eyes of others, I am dead. I don't know what will happen to them when they know that I am dead..."

Zhou Sibai, what happened to the captain who led him in? According to his strong character, he will probably endure it well;

Xin Yu, his good friend, good captain... Xin Yu, such a handsome person should not shed a single tear;

What about Sayori? It is probably difficult for her to accept it. After all, she gave her a new life experience, and she always said that she must be satisfied when she sees you next time. For her, there is no chance to see it again...I don't know what it will be like.

Qiao Xun said silently in his heart, girl, you have to be selfish.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi...she will probably collapse. It's not that she is self-indulgent. Qiao Xun feels that she is actually quite a lonely person, and she is a kind of support and motivation for her.

Will she return to her previous bad life under the blow?

Being a closed bad girl, her face is full of arrogance and unruly, completely covering the pain and cry in her heart.

He wants to tell them through the "tower net" that he is not dead.

But unfortunately, "Tower Network" has left him. After regaining his consciousness, Qiao Xun found that he was no longer a member of the "Tower". It might be said that even the "Tower" decided he was dead.

These things are woven into a web in consciousness. It takes time to dissolve slowly.

Put it on hold for now.

Subsequently, Qiao Xun began to check his current status as an evolutionary.

First of all, he was sure that he was indeed promoted to the deacon rank under the divine power of Azrael.

"It's really a promotion ceremony that I don't want to experience a second time."

The previous promotion ceremony, whether it was the execution of love or Bingchen's sense of grandeur, were all positive emotions to Qiao Xun. Enjoy and rejoice.

The promotion of the deacon rank is an endless pain.


This is a very powerful feature.

Qiao Xun felt it, and his consciousness immediately became hot. Because, this trait will once again improve his overall strength to a qualitative change.

The "Rage" label is pure power. But that doesn't mean it's an aggressive trait. Likewise, it is passive.

It has a very crucial ability for Qiao Xun——

"Rune Integration",

In his understanding, it can also be easily understood as:

"Talent Fusion".

Talents are essentially descriptions of how runic power is used. Runic power is pure, and talent is the way to shape runic power to perform different functions.

"Rage" can integrate different talents, in the form of a large set, including different ways of using rune energy.

At first glance, this ability is of little use to ordinary people.

After all, there are only a few general evolutionary talents.

But for Qiao Xun, it was very useful.

He has so many talents.

As you go further and further on the Ascension Rank, some talents will inevitably have less and less effect.

With "Talent Fusion" it's different. He can fuse those talents that are barely used and put it into the trait of "Rage". After the fusion of talent, the function is more comprehensive, and the effect is more powerful.

It can fully exert the effect of 1+1>2~www.readwn.com~ Moreover, this ability is very potential. Because, Qiao Xun knew that in future battles, he would inevitably devour more totems and gain more talents. If these talents cannot be effectively sorted out, it will be a burden in itself for him. This is also the reason why he sometimes kills some evolutionaries but does not devour them, because it will make his talent pool more complex, and many talents are completely replaced by upper ranks, which are basically unused and will only increase the burden.

Now, with "Rage", he can devour the totem at will without the burden of scruples.

Understanding this, he understands why "rage" is called pure power.

No matter how chaotic talent, in his hands, can be transformed into power.

Then, he planned to give this "intelligence fusion" a try.


(There are two more in the evening)

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