Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 7: Titan Fantasy

The latest website: The pink-blue light carries traces of rune energy, after being detected by "numerology follow the sky". Qiao Xun immediately began to devour with "gluttony" to gain energy.

Like this neat arrangement and a large number of high-concentration source metals, you don't have to think about it and know that they are definitely not naturally generated.

It's probably someone who stopped the hoarding here.

However, Qiao Xun can't care about these now. He continued to have a complete body, just staying in the "X"-shaped demigod-level skeleton, which was completely unable to carry out normal daily activities. Moreover, it is difficult for the entire consciousness to accumulate in such a small object, and it is difficult to exert its full thinking and computing power and control of talent.

After being squeezed out of rune energy, each crystal ore turned into annihilation powder, carrying the last trace of powder blue light, whimpered, and collapsed in the warehouse.

Although it is a high-concentration source metal, the next step is the pure rune. However, it still carries a lot of polluted aura, that is, the scattered rune fragments that do not form a series.

Like this, it still needs to be processed before it can be directly absorbed by the human body.

That is to say, Qiao Xun has the completely unreasonable trait of "gluttony", so that he can unscrupulously absorb the source metal carrying the scattered rune fragments.

Huge energy, plus complete life information, under the command of "Sheng Nandou", under the careful arrangement of "geometric manipulation".

Qiao Xun's body gradually formed.

He completely remembered what his original body was like, and with the help of "geometric manipulation", he was able to regenerate completely indistinguishably one-to-one.

Flesh, bones, nerves...

Various tissues emerge layer by layer in the powder-blue light.

Such a leap that energy is directly converted into matter can only be realized in the innate talent of the evolutionary. It is difficult for ordinary human technology to break through this fundamental barrier.

After building the body, Qiao Xun is planning to use "geometric manipulation" to replicate a piece of clothing for himself.

Suddenly, a sound of hinge sliding came from outside.

With a click, the door to the warehouse opened.

Abbott, this slightly chubby man wearing a monocle froze in place and looked at Qiao Xun.

And Qiao Xun was always vigilant, but he would not be stunned, and immediately used "True Ru" to probe Abbott.

The name "Albert Franklin" flashed in Qiao Xun's mind.

Immediately afterwards, his basic information, totems, talents, and ranks were all known to Qiao Xun.

Fifth-order evolutionary,

"Titan Fantasy" totem,

and his identity. Sea Train Energy Harvester.

"Sea train..."

What a familiar and disgusting name.

Qiao Xun raised his shoulders, his mouth slumped,

"Oh, it's been seen."

Abbott trembled with rage,

"You thief!"


Qiao Xun sniffed, and with a wave of his right hand, the source metal powder on the ground floated up, flashing like a galaxy.

These annihilation powders are arranged in a predetermined order under the "geometric manipulation", and after the subtle friction sounds between each other converge, it becomes like a bee colony transiting.


Several pieces of clothing were quickly made.

With a calm expression, Qiao Xun took a step forward and bumped into a few clothes. Immediately, he became a well-dressed gentleman.

People rely on clothes, horses rely on saddles,

Qiao Xun never minds dressing up a little more handsomely. Of course, his mentality doesn't have a high demand for appearance. The key is that he needs to present himself as a person who is peaceful, approachable, and will not give people a bad first impression.

That way he can do what he wants to do.

Qiao Xun rolled up his sleeves, smiled slightly, and said:

"I'm not a thief. Can it be called stealing when it comes to evolution? After all, no one's name is written on these high-concentration source metals."

This is called resource plunder.

The road of evolution, the big fish eat the small fish, isn't it a road of resource plunder?

The higher the structure of the pyramid, the more resources are required. Of course to loot from elsewhere.

After all, it is impossible for you to think that a demigod grows up slowly by finding some rune fragments today and some rune fragments tomorrow.

He was so arrogant when he obviously stole other people's things, and Albert felt even more angry. He growled angrily:

"You will pay the price, the price of blood!"

If it was someone else, Qiao Xun might still feel some guilt, after all, he did use something from someone else. But...the sea train.

Sorry, he not only doesn't feel guilty, he finds it funny.

The dystopian mobile society built by exploiting others, Qiao Xun will never be able to have any good feelings for it.

Qiao Xun twisted his neck slightly and moved the joints of his newly created body, while saying:

"Well, come on, let me pay the price in blood."

Abbott's monocle glowed eerily. He tried to see how much Qiao Xun weighed.

Qiao Xun immediately felt that there was an abstract rune energy invading his body.

He secretly smiled, the other party was also planning to get to know him.

Well, let me know.

As a result, Qiao Xun began to use the "lazy" simulation to forge his own concept of existence.

He made himself into a second-order believer who had just stepped into the evolutionary world.

This concept of existence was fed back into Abbott's consciousness. Abbott immediately became confident, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile, which became more and more intense. A pair of gray-brown eyes also seemed to flow a quiet river, becoming hesitant and deep.

He re-emerged as the "magical, esteemed guest" he was in the beginning.

Abbott's tone was soft. He likes to face people who are weaker than him with this attitude,

"Poor young and fearless boy. You should pay for your faults, and, I think, a terrible price. You should know that you are acting like a robber."

This kind of heavy preaching can only be felt by Qiao Xun when he was in school.

Joe Tour said:

"The things are here, and no one will come to get them, so I will use them myself."

"That's because those dirty guys didn't take good care of them, and they let you, a big mouse, get in."

Albert was in no hurry to kill Qiao Xun. He looked towards the warehouse behind. According to the mayor, there are more than 500 kilograms of high-concentration crystal ore. But now, it's all gone, and there's only one place where there is no splendor of annihilation powder. Of course he didn't think that a "second-order believer" of Qiao Xun could use up so much source metal at once, not to mention, the physical strength of a "second-order believer" simply couldn't bear the source metal without filtering.

Therefore, he thinks that Qiao Xun must have released the rune energy in the source metal in a special way, and then packed it in a special container.

Solving Qiao Xun is the second, the key is to get those energy back.

Abbott came here for these energies. Sea trains run all year round, and it is not enough to exploit passengers alone. External energy must be supplemented. That's why he has an energy gathering officer like him, searching for mines all over the world, and then collecting mines regularly.

He smiled and said:

"Poor boy, you'd better tell me where you hid that runic power. It's about your life."

Qiao Xun lowered his head slightly and patted his stomach.

What does it mean? Albert frowned, a little impatient,

"Young ignorance isn't your pretense capital."

"I ate it, are you already so senile that you can't even recognize your body movements?" Qiao Xun's eyes were clear and innocent, like a big child.

Abbott tried his best to maintain the attitude of a humble gentleman, gritted his teeth and said:

"It's not a sensible thing to tease me. Do you think a chubby man who likes to laugh is actually a little sheep?"

Qiao Xun muttered,

"Bad metaphor...you're from England."

Albert was stunned,

"What's wrong with the English..."

Qiao Xun shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands,

"Your metaphors are the same as your food."

When Albert heard this, he immediately became irritable.

An Englishman will never allow other people to humiliate their food. He squeezed the monocle of his left eye and said angrily:

"England is definitely more than chips and fish!"

Qiao Xun sniffed,

"I didn't say that again."

Abbot stopped. He finally understood that this nasty boy had been playing tricks on him from the very beginning. He yelled loudly:

"Do you think a bald middle-aged fat man is easy to bully! Or are you mocking my monocle!"


This is the first time Qiao Xun has seen someone who has humiliated himself.

"I definitely didn't find it funny that you had a piece of chewing gum on your leather shoes."

Abbott looked down subconsciously, and there was indeed a ball of chewing gum on the toe of his right foot. He said angrily:

"Damn Pemba, disgusting Tanzanians! Dirty and shameless!"

He couldn't get rid of the sticky gum. So he said angrily:

"If you don't say it, then I will force you to say it!"

The voice fell. A red hand suddenly stretched out from his monocle, like the legendary red ghost.

This hand was wrapped in violent rune energy and grabbed towards Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun's eyes lit up.

It came just right, and there was a trial object just after waking up.

The new version of "Zhiyang" instantly created two rune energy groups. The two groups of energy burst into a sharp whistle and whizzed away with a huge amount of rune energy.

Like a huge tsunami engulfing tall buildings. Completely covered crushing crushed Albert's red hand.

The crunching sound of grinding made people tremble.

Abbott's face changed greatly, wrinkled like a melon in Plants vs. Zombies. He screamed incredulously,

"Aren't you a second-order evolutionary!"

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Eyes can deceive people, not to mention your unreliable lenses."

Knowing that Qiao Xun was not a stupefied young man who could preach casually, Abbott completely tore off his gentleman mask. He stomped his right foot, and the majestic impact created a crack. The crack expanded rapidly, tearing the entire warehouse into two parts. The reinforced steel and aluminum alloys on the ceiling were shaking violently, rubbing bright metal sparks.

Like, someone lit fireworks for this battle.

The crack moved towards Qiao Xun, like a stealth warrior with a knife, slashing over.

The sharp light arrives in an instant,

Under "Zhiyang", an invisible rune barrier was created immediately. This effect, which originally required a large rune barrier tractor, was used by him when he raised his hand.

Qiao Xun was excited,

This is the sense of achievement brought about by strength growth.

I don't know how long it has been suppressed, and the low years of silence in "X" have passed.

He will try his best to live out his new life.

Use this battle to celebrate rebirth.

"Mr. Abbott, you are a witness."

The attack is blocked by Qiao Xun's rune barrier. Qiao Xun put away the irritating and irritating gesture of disgust before, his expression became calm, and his eyes were like a deep pool.

Abbott's pupils trembled in shock... How did he know my name! Did you know from the beginning that I would come and specifically block me here! Also, how could his eyes be like, why is he like a ghost!

Qiao Xun stretched out his left hand, activated "Master", and instantly buckled the steel and aluminum alloy above it, bent it into a chain, and bound the joints of Albert's limbs.

This thing that could have been easily freed by Abbott has now become very hard and firm under the control of the "Master".

He was lifted up and hung in the air.

Qiao Xun stretched out his right hand and used "Zhiyang" to condense a long spear of rune energy, aiming at Abbott.

"No! Do you know who I am! You dare to kill me!" Abbott screamed. His monocle fell off, and his glasses seemed to have their own independent consciousness, trembling wildly.

Joe Tour said:

"Of course I know, the energy harvester of the sea train, right."

Abbott's whole figure was like a balloon being punctured and deflated. Hearing what Qiao Xun said, he understood that the other party was indeed here to kill him.

Although not.

But Abbott already knew that he was powerless, he gritted his teeth, and spit out grievous words between his teeth,

"You will regret it, you will regret it! If I disappear, the train conductor will tear you to pieces!"

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Rest assured, Mr. Abbott, you will not disappear. Because, I will replace you as the energy collector of the sea train."

After finishing speaking, in Albert's unbelievable panic.

The energy spear pierced him, and then the overflowing runic energy reached every part of his body, consuming his life force.

Qiao Xun stepped forward immediately and launched "gluttony",




【Abbot Franklin】

[Totem: "Titan Fantasy"

Advanced route: "Riddle" → "Tear" → "Sturdy" → "Night Watcher" → "Imaginary Hand"

Other talents: "Kissing the Brain", "Elegant White Gloves"]

[Abbot's godfather once said to him more than once that anyone who is stronger than you is your goal; anyone who is weaker than you is the object of your kindness. This could have been used as a motto in life. But Abbott seems to have gone a little too far: he is angry with his strong man, and pitied with his weaker man.]

Qiao Xun felt all these talents. Basically, there is a superior replacement here.

Like "Riddle", a classic spiritual talent in the form of eavesdropping; "Tear", an antagonistic talent; "Sturdy", confrontation; "Night Watcher", a reconnaissance class, enhances the perception of the environment;

The "Imaginary Hand" is a bit interesting, and it can condense the body of the totem "Imagination Titan", just the scarlet hand.

However, it needs to be specially built to carry the container.

Abbott used the monocle as the carrying container.

Well, this talent is only interesting. If you have to spend special effort to build the carrying container, why not melt it.

"Kissing the Brain", a common talent for information exploration; "Elegant White Gloves", which can make the touched place cleaner.


This is why Qiao Xun did not dare to devour other people's totems in the past.

In a word, what is the use of his talent of "Elegant White Gloves"! To be a cleaning brother?

Seven talents, all melted.

Integrate "Riddle" into "Zaiyin". A feeling of overflowing with water rose in Qiao Xun's consciousness, this is... an advanced step. Since then, his "Zaiyin" has also become a fifth-order talent.

"Tear", "Sturdy", and "Elegant White Gloves" are all integrated into "Zhiyang~www.readwn.com~ to help advance again, and harvest the fifth-order "Zhiyang".

Melt out the talents of "Night Watcher" and "Kissing the Brain", which were replaced by "True Ru" of the Zhenwu route, and integrate them into "True Ru".

The last remaining "imaginary hand"?

Qiao Xun thought for a while, this should be regarded as a kind of belief, or a talent of summoning, after all, it is also directly related to "totem".

So, he blended "Hand of Imagination" with "Elegy".

Then... he discovered that after the fusion of the two talents, he could control both the tainted creature whose totem is "Siren", and the tainted creature whose totem is "Titan Fantasy".

His brain suddenly sobered up, realizing that he seemed to be able to create a talent for controlling polluting creatures...

So, he renamed this talent as:


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