Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 8: I'm waiting for your revenge

Latest website: Now, his two main talents "Zaiyin" and "Zhiyang" have become fifth-order talents.

A sense of security arises spontaneously.

"Sure enough, it's more reassuring that this fundamental talent becomes stronger."

"Life Nandou" and "Death Beidou" are still Tier 4. However, these two talents are supportive and have little impact.

Feeling the refreshing talent pool in his consciousness, Qiao Xun once again praised the "pureness of rage".

Then, he looked at Abbott who fell to the ground.

His "gluttony" has long had the ability to devour at a fixed point. Therefore, he only devoured the rune energy and totem, and was not interested in Abbott's flesh and blood.

When I was acting crazy and selling stupid with Albert before, the follow-up plan ideas had already been formed in my head.

He also had a yearning for the Sea Train, a place that Qiao Xun hated so much.

It's not that I like the atmosphere and life there, but I'm very curious about the secret behind Hai Lie.

Originally, he could understand the so-called "war from the past to the future" through war. But unfortunately, after the divine power of the angel Azrael collapsed, the derivative rune "Land of Fantasy" was also destroyed.

The war species lost its restraint and its container, and immediately disintegrated, hiding in the world again.

After all, it is only a concept hidden in history and all truth, not a real thing.

What's more, in such an emergency situation, Qiao Xun didn't have the energy to take care of it. I almost didn't save myself, let alone anything else.

Therefore, the plan to learn the secret through the war seed was completely unsuccessful.

It is precisely because of this that the demand for Qiao Xun to set foot on the sea train again is even stronger.

Besides, his "game friend" Lu Xianyi was still there.

"I don't know how she is now..."

Qiao Xun put away the thoughts that were gradually walking away, and looked at Abbott's body. He used "Dead Big Dipper" to extract Abbott's memory, and then used "Zaiyin" and "Zhenru" to retrieve information from this memory, eliminated meaningless and mixed memories, and edited the remaining memory content into cognitive fragments .

He pieced together these cognitive fragments and implanted them in his brain.

In this way, it can not only prevent self-consciousness from being interfered by Abbott's memory, prevent the situation where he can't tell whether he is Qiao Xun or Abbott, but also effectively use Abbott's knowledge of the sea train.

After all, if Qiao Xun wanted to replace him, of course, he had to be watertight.

After possessing the cognitive fragments, Qiao Xun adjusted his body image through "geometric manipulation". Under precise control, he became exactly like Albert.

Oh no, now, he's Abbott.

Picking up the monocle on the ground and clipping it under the eye socket of his left eye, Qiao Xun smiled slightly, his voice was low, and he made the voice of Abbott, his demeanor, movement, and temperament were exactly the same.

He looked at Abbott's body on the ground, used "geometric manipulation" to divide him into a large number of fine particles, and then spread it out of the warehouse, letting the wind blow away.

As a result, Abbott left no trace and disappeared completely.

"Isn't that better than setting fire to corpses?"

Judging from the cognitive fragments arranged in Abbott's memory, this island named Pemba Island, because there is a large sleeping pollution creature two kilometers deep underground. The tainted creature periodically breathes tainted breath.

The polluted breath that was exhaled was condensed by the special coral polyps raised by the sea train - macrophages, forming source metals.

Because the sea train never stops, it will only be charged on a periodic basis.

Sea trains have a natural peculiarity. In order to prevent others from being discovered, they adopted the method of mobilizing the aborigines to collect the source metals condensed by macrophages through mining.

This is the relationship between Pemba Island and the sea train.

And now, the large polluting creatures below Pemba Island have woken up and left. This means that no source metal will be produced here in the future.

According to Cognitive Fragments, there are a total of thirty-one mines on the track of the sea train. The source metal produced in these mines supports the operation of the entire sea train, and is also the source of their pure runes to reward passengers.

The special social structure of the sea train resembles a dystopian society under repression on the one hand, and an imperialist colonizer society on the other.

Behind all this, Qiao Xun thought, was closely related to the way of the hunting god.

To know more, only step on the train again.

However, this time, he will set foot in a brand new attitude.

He is no longer a passenger, but a spoiler.

After tidying up the place without any flaws, Qiao Xun walked out of the warehouse. When passing by the mayor's body, his "lust" could still feel the residual emotions of fear and doubt.

The poor mayor, who didn't understand until his death, why the honorable Mr. Abbott wanted to kill him.

After leaving the warehouse, Qiao Xun immediately saw the **** tragedy.

According to Abbott's intention, the clockworkers of the two sea columns were to clear the island of life.

In fact, Qiao Xun felt that Albert's idea was too naive.

It doesn't matter if the ordinary people on the island know about these crystal ore. From reading the cognitive fragments, it seems that Abbott just enjoys the feeling of being in a high position and arbitrarily dominating weak and small lives.

On the contrary, Qiao Xun didn't like this feeling very much.

It's pointless, it's just that the spiritual enjoyment of a dopamine scam is too low-level. For him, the indulgence of spiritual civilization is the enjoyment. It's just that it's so rare.

I used to roam the world in the "Book", the root of the world, once, but not once with Bingchen Taisui.

As for the arrival of angels...there is only natural rejection and aversion. This has to do with the great will in the depths of consciousness.

After leaving the warehouse, Qiao Xun went to Tekala Village in Xiakoukou, South District of Pemba Island.

There is the concentration of miners in the southern mines. Through the feeling of "Zaiyin", the two clockworkers of Hailie are slaughtering there.

Qiao Xun rushed over quickly.

It's not far, it'll be there soon.

The **** smell mixed with the salty sea breeze made Qiao Xun's nose itchy. The taste of this innocent blood is really unpleasant.

The two clockwork men with male physical signs acted as a killing tool for Abbott to vent his desire for control.

The blood dripped into the sandy beach of the seaside fishing village, infiltrating a dark red vertigo painting.

Qiao Xun strode over, his ears were full of cries and screams, and his eyes were full of fear and flight.

The two clockwork men stopped, ignoring the blood stains on their bodies, and came to Qiao Xun,

"Mr. Abbott."

Joe Tour said,

"Enough. I suddenly feel very bored again. Perhaps, letting them lose their supplies and continue to live in pain is the best torture."

"You are right."

Qiao Xun perfectly interprets a hypocritical devil gentleman. Abbott, now that he is Abbott, then he has to say what Abbott can only say, and show the look that only Abbott can show.

Qiao Xun had the smile of an English gentleman on his face, and his slightly chubby body was wrapped in a cover-like clothes, like a blessed baby.

"Devil, you are a devil! You will surely die under the sun's rays!"

Joe looked around. The sun is the sun in the sky.

he said with a smile,

"Probably everyone has a chance to die under the sun."

Boogie Casa cried bitterly, his eyes red. The thirteen-year-old had just lost his mother, who depended on him for life. He watched with his own eyes the tall and indifferent clockwork man cut off his mother's head. Blood splattered all over the room, and the mother's head couldn't even close her eyes.

All of this, under the "truth", entered Qiao Xun's consciousness.

Of course he knew how cruel it was to a thirteen-year-old boy. How horrible for these innocent people.

Therefore, he did not feel any guilt for killing Albert.

The demons raised by the sea train are fine to stay on the train, but once they get out, they are man-eating demons to the world under normal order.

Qiao Xun said softly:

"Little guy, no one will uphold justice for you, the day you yearn for will not, and neither will your country. So, you have to become stronger yourself."

As he spoke, he turned around and said as he walked:

"I'm waiting for your revenge, killing everyone who has hurt you, stuffing their heads into the cesspool, exposing them to the wilderness, and letting the seabirds peck them."

Boogie Casa screamed in the back,

"I will, I will!"

Joe rounds out,

"Your enemy is far stronger than you. So please work hard."

After speaking this time, Qiao Xun did not look back and went away.

He is not a messenger of justice and will not go out of his way to do justice for them.

The only ones who can do justice for them are themselves.

What will happen to Pemba Island, Qiao Xun no longer wants to think about it. Every day such a thing happens countless times all over the world, if you think about it, he is either a moral saint or a purposeless idler.

Neither is he.

After returning to the port, he dispatched other clockworkers to move the remaining source metals from the central warehouse one by one and put them into amphibious transport vehicles.

Because the high concentration of source metal was eaten up by Qiao Xun... so there are only medium and low grades left. According to Abbott's indicators, this did not meet the expected plan, which means that Qiao Xun will face the trouble of how to cross the train as soon as he gets on the train.

He didn't expect to use so many high-concentration source metals to build his body...

According to the feedback of "Sheng Nandou", more than 500 kilograms of high-concentration source metal is enough to create a hundred bodies.

Touching his wrist, Qiao Xun muttered in his heart,

"Now you have to cherish this body..."

If it is lost again, the consumption of just building the body will be unbearable.

Think about it, when you get on the train, how should you explain it to the chief of the power district who is in charge of yourself.


After loading all the source metal mines, Joe took a look at the messy Pemba Island, turned and got into the co-pilot of the amphibious transport vehicle.

He saw that the young man named Boogie Casa was in the distance, looking angrily at the sea train behind him.

It seems that this young man is very smart and knows that his real enemy is the sea train, not the simple Abbott.

The amphibious transport vehicle turned around and headed for the sea train several hundred meters away. The swaying waves shook the transporter.

Qiao Xun's body swayed rhythmically.

Looking at the sea train as huge as a mountain in front of him, there was even a hint of intimacy hidden in the disgust.

Of course, there is absolutely nothing about this sea train that Qiao Xun likes.

Instead, his friend Lu Xianyi was on it.

We can meet again.

It wasn't long before that, even though he slept until the end of autumn, the separation from Lu Xianyi was only eleven months.

Lu Xianyi's magical voice of "Uncle Qiao, let's play Cat and Cat Fight" fermented and brewed in Qiao Xun's mind.

The title of "Uncle Qiao" that he was originally dissatisfied with, now that he thinks about it, there is actually a little kindness, which makes him smile knowingly.

After going through so many things, he felt more and more that Lu Xianyi's attitude of being in danger, but unafraid, full of positive attitude was very precious.

Sitting in the car, he searched again in his mind and found that the connection between "Tower" and him was indeed completely terminated.

He can no longer enter the "Tower Network", and correspondingly, the "Tower" can no longer record his growth and changes.

Whether this is a good thing is unclear now.

Looking at it dialectically, Qiao Xun feels that it does not affect his current situation if he is separated from the "tower".

"Tower" is nothing more than giving him a formal system. The information, materials, etc. in it were still useful to Qiao Xun in the past, but they are not very useful now.

What makes Qiao Xun most suspicious is the "tower" itself.

How exactly the "tower" exists and what it is, is currently unknown.

The higher the contact and the more understanding, he can no longer look at the "tower" with simple thinking. It seems that it is not very appropriate to simply view the "tower" as an organization, a system that integrates evolutionaries.

Looking at it that way, it's not bad.

It's just a pity that I can't contact my friends who think I'm dead now.

Zhou Sibai and Xin Yu must have walked forward unswervingly. Their grand aspirations and tenacious will is a unique personality charm.

But what about Saori and Hitomi Minami Shizuku who haven't grown up yet?

Both of them were high school students before, and their three views were not fully formed.

Can Saori continue to move forward, and can she feel that "Cat Zhao Jian" is not stopping in place?

And is Minami Shizuku Hitomi returning to a life of ignorance?

Did Qi Boxue and Zhuo Jun recover from the stone statue state?

How is Ji Zhengzhi's archaeological work going?

Qiao Xun is not an empty fairy, and he can't get rid of these thoughts.

With these thoughts, he set foot on the sea train again.

The door of the second carriage was open, and clockworkers of different statures and appearances were already waiting inside.

The transport truck drove up, and they were immediately busy unloading the goods.

Qiao Xun stood in the corner of the carriage, feeling the breath of the train.

Nothing has changed, the smell here is still a mixture of metallic and salty smells.

A flight attendant came over and said to Qiao Xun:

"Mr. Abbott, you have worked hard."

Qiao Xun smiled ~www.readwn.com~ holding the monocle of his left eye and said:

"it is my responsibility."

"If you have nothing else to do, you can go to the commander's study now to deliver the list. The commander is in the power section right now and will be heading to the restraint section of the top car at 5pm, and is expected to be back the day after. You'd better not miss it. ."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Thank you for reminding me, beautiful lady."

The flight attendant gave a charming smile and turned to leave.

Qiao Xun took Albert's emphasis to the bone.

"Chief... I hope he doesn't get sick this time."

In Abbott's cognitive fragment, the head of the power zone is a tough guy.

If Qiao Xun wants to play the role of Albert well, he must first pass his level.

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