Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 11: See you again, my old friend

Dirty, messy, bad.

It is the label of the second carriage in the livestock area. As soon as you step into the main street, the nasty stench hits your nostrils immediately. The stench of sweat, rancidity and the strong stench of water are intertwined in every corner, making the clean air nowhere to hide, all mixed together, changing into a bad breath.

The overall tone of the street is also low and dark. The wobbly street lights, the flickering lights, the warning signs hanging on the buildings have long been rusted beyond rust, and there are wine bottles everywhere, as well as food bags and boxes discarded everywhere.

The pollution in the drainage channels on both sides has turned into "ink", dark and viscous, as if some evil thing is dormant in it.

The special varieties of street trees planted on the streets have long since withered, withered to the point where there is not a single leaf, and the wrinkled trunk may whimper at any time, and then slam on the ground.

Walking on this kind of street, you can feel an unbearable stickiness from the soles of your feet.

Qiao Xun stood at the entrance of the street and looked into the depths. People came out of the dilapidated buildings. Those are all livestock, their clothes are old and dirty, like they have been in a machinery factory for several years, and they have never changed their clothes, and their faces are also camouflaged because of some smudges that make it difficult for people to see their specific appearance.

He glanced at Gallagher and asked:

"We also live on this street?"

"Of course not. This is where livestock live. How can we live with livestock. The mansion on the big platform is where we work and live." Gallagher pointed to the upper right of the street. There are about fifteen A large platform of meters high.

The wide stairs are paved from the basement, and in terms of color, they should be paved with marble. There are also guardrails shining with precious metal luster on both sides, as well as rows of ornamental trees, grass, flowers and stones.

And the mansion on the big platform is even more luxurious.

In fact, it is not considered luxurious, but compared to the street below where livestock live, it is like a palace.

A small three-story medieval castle with a large balcony, a bell tower, a minaret, an attic, a roof garden, and a whole team of clockwork guards outside.

Gallagher added,

"Master Abbott, we will not stand on the same plane as livestock."

Qiao Xun looked at the streets full of decay and said:

"The sanitation here is too poor. What if the livestock get sick?"

"No. There won't be a large-scale infectious disease here, and we will eliminate it regularly. As for other personal diseases, we don't care."

"Then why not just improve the living conditions here?"

Gallagher murmured in his heart, as expected, an inexperienced person would actually ask such a question. she says:

"If you live well and eat well, then you won't be called livestock. Similarly, without the worry of food, clothing, housing, and transportation, they want to live a better life. They can have weekends and leave work every day. Satisfied, they want spiritual entertainment, to read, play, socialize, even love and family. And if spiritual entertainment is also enriched, they want self-worth, to pursue power, to cross the mansion Stairs. If you let them into the mansion where we live, it's all over."

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"So, let them struggle on the line of survival, can't eat well, live well, don't wear well, work hard every day, and have no rest time, which is convenient for us to manage."

"Yes," Gallagher said, "but they can't have the idea of ​​fighting for their rights."

"That's the truth..."

Qiao Xun raised his head a little, the gray virtual sky was rippling with smoke and dust.

The sea train is definitely not incapable of providing good living conditions for the livestock in the lower compartments. But if that's the case, why separate livestock areas?

Even if the resources are rotten in the warehouse, it is impossible to give them out.

It is to make them think about having enough food, getting dressed, and sleeping well every day, and not having time to think about how to resist.

Let them live for the sake of labor, not the harvest after labor.

This is exploitation,

This is domination.

Qiao Xun also learned from Albert's cognitive fragments that not all livestock in the livestock area descended from the ordinary area. The train will regularly harvest the evolutionary resources from the outside world, tricking those who have just stepped into the evolutionary world, are still ignorant, and are still curious about the new world, to deceive them.

Moreover, the train does not oppose the birth of children in the livestock area. On the contrary, it is also encouraged that pregnant livestock can suspend work, and the train will provide special pregnancy meals.

Under such circumstances, there are some "sheep" who go to pregnancy specifically to avoid labor.

Of course, the children born are undoubtedly domestic animals. And yes, downright pure domestic animals.

Under such stimulation, livestock in the livestock area kept growing. The upper deck never worried that the bottom deck would break at some point.

Sea trains can run for so many years, which is supported by strong management capabilities.

Qiao Xun looked up at the sky. I don't know how capable the conductors in the restricted area of ​​the topmost compartment are. And the VIPs in the VIP seats, and what value they can create for the train, will receive special preferential treatment.

These are things that Albert doesn't understand. It can be seen from this that there is a huge information gap even among train personnel.

A line of clockwork guards whistled to drive away the livestock that came to watch.

The chief sheriff's dress has obvious differences and is more decent. But he is also a clockworker, and according to regulations, bares the joints of his arms, knees, and neck.

Clockworkers are not allowed to obscure their physical features.

"Commander Abbott, you are welcome! I'm Mengsi An Zhifu, the sergeant of the second car guard in the livestock area of ​​the bottom car of the sea train."

Qiao Xun smiled and nodded.

"Hello, Sheriff Muncy."

"The Second Car Guard will serve you wholeheartedly!"

"thank you very much."

Introduced. After saying hello, Sheriff Mengsi led the team and left.

Gallagher said:

"Master Abbott, let's go to the mansion first. The work to be dealt with has piled up into a hill."

"Gallacher, don't put pressure on me right away. I know what to do." Qiao Xun glanced at Gallagher.

This first assistant, who is good at dressing himself up, seems to have a strong enthusiasm for work.

As for whether she loves her job or can't wait to deal with the affairs that the director should handle, it is debatable.

However, Qiao Xun knows that an assistant who is too enthusiastic about his work is not a good thing.

He thought of Yu Xiaoshu.

Different from Yu Xiaoshu's enthusiasm for entering the workplace, Gallagher's enthusiasm is an arrogance of status.

They go around the street. Like Gallagher said, livestock go their way, they go their way.

From the road next to the street where the livestock live, go to the big platform on the upper right.

There are many clockworkers who handle housework in the mansion, and they perform their duties in their respective positions.

The interior decoration is nothing special, just a normal manor castle style.

Qiao Xun didn't like this feeling of emptiness very much, and was unwilling to pay more attention to it.

The files in the study are already half a table piled up.

Qiao Xun opened a scroll at random, and the records on it were basically that a certain factory in the carriage had fought again, livestock fell into the furnace, whoever was pregnant, applying for maternity treatment... Such chores, trivial matters. He put down the file, sat on a chair, pulled down his clothes slightly to cover his belly, and asked:

"Gallah, where's the riot dossier?"

Gallagher walked to the cabinet against the wall, took out a file with very different materials, and placed it in front of Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun flipped through the pages at random, then narrowed his eyes and said with a smile:

"I'm too lazy to watch it, you should tell me."

Gallagher paused, feeling a little angry right away. Why would such a person be sent to such an important carriage to be the pawnbroker?

She was angry, but did not dare to show it, saying:

"Last month, on September 21, a large-scale fight broke out in the fire scene in the southeast of the carriage. The guards were alerted and rushed over immediately. While maintaining order, one of our police officers fell into the In the furnace, died on the spot. This is the beginning of this riot.

"Criminal Skrillin was angry about this, and he imprisoned the livestock in the entire fire and asked them to confess the perpetrators. But they all kept silent. Mr. Skrillin had to promise that the donors could save half a year of labor and give them 500 points. Reward. But even then, no one spoke.

"Then Chief Skrillin drew lots in a rage to order the prisoner to be executed. But at this moment, a domestic animal named 'Gu Shengrong' took the initiative to confess his guilt. Chief Skrillin immediately decided to execute him. I thought this was the end of the matter. However, all the livestock in the fire field started to riot, and said that if Chief Scrim wanted to kill Gu Shengrong, they would strike and destroy the fire facilities.

"Director Scrim didn't kill Gu Shengrong on the spot, but he took him away. As a result, that night, the livestock in the two fire fields, two water fields, and three refineries in the second carriage all went on strike and caused extensive damage. facilities, and asked to let Gu Shengrong go.

"As soon as the carriage came to a standstill, Director Scrim was a little shaken. After negotiation, Gu Shengrong was released. Afterwards, the carriage quickly returned to order.

"But the same thing happened again a week later. The animals were still in the same way, forcing the Scrimmaster to be unable to punish. They even started asking for an extra half hour of rest time and an extra bun every morning. Scrim Dianchang Lin thought that if this continued, his management would be shaken. Now he had to rest for half an hour and add a steamed bun. He couldn't even think about what he wanted in the future, so he decided to kill Gu Shengrong in secret.

"But he didn't succeed. In this way, the riots of the livestock became more violent. Our guards sacrificed four people in the process of maintaining order. The livestock Gu Shengrong asked for negotiation, and it was impossible for Chief Scrim to sit in the same table with him. Negotiations on the table. So, the livestock continued to make troubles. At that time, the chief of the power area was coming down from the restraint area, and the chief scrim was so busy that he agreed to negotiate."

Speaking of which, Gallagher paused, glanced at Qiao Xun, and found that the latter's expression had not changed at all, and a pair of light-colored pupils reflected a deep light.

She swallowed and said:

"The negotiation took place at eight o'clock this morning. When the chief scrim was signing the agreement, he suddenly shouted 'all men are created equal', and then poured out rune energy and committed suicide."

The study became very quiet all of a sudden.

The needles can be heard falling.

At this moment, Qiao Xun was sitting on the chair of the former Warden Skrein. Perhaps Skrein was sitting here thinking about things before he set off this morning.

Gallagher looked at Qiao Xun's sluggish expression and thought, wouldn't he be frightened by this...

Qiao Xun suddenly said:


"Uh." Gallagher was expressing dissatisfaction in his heart, when he was suddenly called by his name, and when he subconsciously responded, the sound he made was a bit strange.

Qiao Xun glanced at her,

"Tell me about that person named Gu Shengrong."

"Gu Shengrong, who came to the livestock area last year, came with him, and his wife, Song Yuanxia. For more than a year, they all worked honestly, and there was no record of any activities that disrupted the order. , that started suddenly a month ago. His wife rarely shows up and is less documented."

"A couple?"

"Yes. According to the records of the general district, they were husband and wife before entering the sea train. Oh yes, they also have a son who came to the livestock district nearly a year ago."

The corner of Qiao Xun's mouth suddenly raised,

"A couple with a son. They are both in the livestock area, what can they do?"

"What does Commander Abbott mean?" Gallagher didn't understand Qiao Xun's sudden change in expression.

Qiao Xun was the same as when he went back, his slightly fat body squeezed and immediately filled the chairs. He looked at Gallagher and said:

"Miss Gallagher, you are my assistant, right?"


"You should share your worries for the Dianchang, right?"


"I'm very tired now, so what should you do to relieve my fatigue?" Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes, and the man-eating light flickered in them.

Gallagher stopped immediately. There was some tension on a straight and beautiful face, the muscles were tense, and the face was trembling. She looked at Qiao Xun's expression... What do you mean, this expression, tired, what should I do?

She immediately thought of that kind of thing, in the study, the boss and the subordinate, one man and one woman, relieve fatigue, a combination of these keywords would definitely not be anything that can open the curtain and open the door openly.

No, it's disgusting.

Looking at Qiao Xun's fat body, she immediately felt disgusting.

Although ~www.readwn.com~ Although she felt that the Abbott Commander did have a mysterious attraction sometimes, looking at this appearance, she only felt sick in her heart.


Pretend innocent, don't you understand?

Gallagher's expression changed in seconds, very complicated.

In the end, she seemed to have made a decision. She walked slowly towards Qiao Xun, and while walking, she began to release her restraints.

Just when she was still one meter away from Qiao Xun. Qiao Xun suddenly smiled and said:

"So, please go out, I want to rest."

Gallagher froze in place, like falling into an ice cave.

After the daze, a sense of humiliation from the soul immediately brushed every inch of her flesh and blood. She felt like her personality, everything about herself, had been trampled.

A face turned red in a few seconds.

Shame, embarrassment, anger, and a hint of happiness.

She tidyed up her clothes in a panic, trying to calm herself down as much as possible.

"Director Abbott will call me again if you have something to do."

After speaking, he turned around and left in a hurry.

A minute later, angry screams sounded in the castle. Clockwork people do not understand what happened to this beautiful assistant lady.

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