Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 12: Anger is the poison of reason, it goes deep into the bone marrow

That scream landed firmly in Qiao Xun's ears.

In the study, he sat upright on the chair by himself.

Gallagher left, and he finally no longer had to act like Albert.

This woman is not a simple and loyal subordinate. Qiao Xun had to beat her to force out the seeds of restlessness that she had hidden in her heart, forcing her to become a towering tree in order to be at ease. This is like guns. Why does the federal government strictly control small pistols, but not large rifles and submachine guns? It's because small guns can be hidden on the body without a trace, but big guns can't.

Let her state what happened before, also to see if she will hide anything.

This woman is smart enough not to lie at this moment.

Everything she stated was recorded on the file.

For the whole thing, Qiao Xun is most concerned about the person "Gu Rongsheng".

A couple who only came to the livestock area last year and have a son. This all shows that Qiao Xun is about to deal with his "good friend" love again. However, this time it is probably to have more than one of his parents.

He muttered to himself:

"I don't know if he still has the ability to continue playing tricks."

Of course, what is most involved with love and loving parents is the world sand table that is almost silent in Qiao Xun's consciousness. That thing comes from love after all. Except for the "book" that was one of the roots of the twenty-four worlds collected last time, I have never encountered anything related to the world sand table.

So far, Qiao Xun still doesn't know what kind of thing this is. He has always settled down in his consciousness, like a lazy guest who only cares about occupying a position and does not play a role.

Now that we have encountered it, we have to find a way to solve it, or in other words, to understand it.

Of course, Qiao Xun is not a running dog of the train. He wants to come here to continue to be an exploitative ruler full of evil, enslaving and oppressing livestock.

He's here to make trouble.

The premise is that the role of Chief Albert should be played well first.

Experienced the miraculous battle of the Akub Khanate. He understood a truth. For a matter, the foreshadowing in the early stage is very important. If you don't understand anything, ignore it, and just rush forward like walking on the Sunshine Avenue, you will soon be eaten and wiped clean, and your bones will be broken. left.

In the cabinet under the side wall, he found a list.

List of livestock in the second compartment.

Read, look for.

He quickly found the two names "Gu Shengrong" and "Song Yuanxia", and on the following pages, he saw the name "Love" again.

This confirmed his conjecture.

He read the entire list and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

I didn't see the name "Lu Xianyi" on it.

At the very least, she is not in the second carriage of the livestock area.

Qiao Xun also hoped that she would not be in the livestock area.

On this train, the only person who made him remember something was Lu Xianyi.

Looking at the file that was half a desk, Qiao Xun knew that just looking at it with a pair of eyes might not be enough. It is estimated that after reading it here, Gu Shengrong overturned the entire second carriage.

"True Ru" retrieves information,




"Zaiyin" looks for the dark side that might be hidden.

Half an hour later, Qiao Xun read the dossier of everything that happened in the second carriage during the year. Of course, it also takes the form of cognitive fragments, otherwise receiving so much information in a short period of time will be a burden to consciousness.

These things are not important things. There is no need to occupy a corner of consciousness in the form of memory. To know a general idea, it is enough to have a basic understanding of the second compartment.

After finishing this, he got up and walked out of the study.

Now, he plans to greet his old friend Ai. After all, in the ordinary area before, it was a life-threatening friendship.

Leaving the study, Qiao Xunwen stood outside waiting for the clockwork butler to be dispatched.

"Where's Miss Gallagher?"

The butler with a moustache said,

"Miss Gallagher is bathing in the hot spring on the left side of the castle. She said she wanted to relax."

"She has nothing to relax, she didn't do anything, she just walked for a while."

The butler smiled gently,

"Probably the mental fatigue also needs to be relieved."

Qiao Xun glanced at him and said:

"You have a nice beard."

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Abbott, by the way, maybe I should introduce myself to you. My name is Kedao Ziranya, I am a painter, and at this moment, I am your housekeeper."

"Painter?" Qiao Xun took a serious look at him and said with a smile, "Art career is going well, right?"

Codao said regretfully:

"It's a pity that I failed the first art test. I haven't referenced it since."

"Why not WWII?"

"The times have changed, and there is no chance."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly and turned to leave.

He followed Kodao's instructions and walked towards the hot spring on the east side of the castle.

Along the way, the clockwork servants greeted each other one after another. They used this to determine what kind of character the new owner of the castle was.

Polite, gentleman. This is their first impression.

Even in the same carriage, there will be both dirty sewers and clean open-air hot springs.

The dense heat blurs Qiao Xun's monocle. In the hot spring, about half the size of a basketball court, Gallagher covered his face with a towel, submerging his body from the neck down.

"Miss Gallagher, how long will you rest?"

Qiao Xun's voice sounded.

Gallagher was so frightened that the towel slipped from her face, she subconsciously covered her chest and asked:

"Master Albert, why are you here?"

"As my first assistant, I can't get in touch with you right away. Do you think this is appropriate?"

Qiao Xun's figure is in the misty weapons. His voice was illusory and shallow, disturbing Gallagher's ear like an auditory hallucination.

Gallagher didn't know how to answer. Indeed, it was her mistake. She should give her direct contact information as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry, Commander Abbott."

Saying that, Gallagher remembered the unpleasantness in the study before. She was a little angry, and at the same time harbored an attitude of revenge that would not admit defeat. So, she simply stood up.

The arrogant curve is looming in the mist.

Gallagher didn't hide it at all. She wants this man to take a good look at herself, that she has all the charm that a woman should have. Let him think about whether his previous behavior was appropriate and whether he should have done it to a beautiful woman.

Qiao Xun said:

"You'd better put away the two clumps of fat in front of you. I have a phobia of giants. In five minutes, be at the gate of the castle."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Just a few steps out, the annoyed scream resounded in the hot spring again.

Qiao Xun tilted his head slightly and said in his heart: Gallagher, it makes sense for the chief not to promote you, don't think that guy with braids is an idiot.

In less than five minutes, Qiao Xun, who was standing at the gate of the castle, waited for Gallagher.

She changed into casual clothes and put her hands in her pockets. She didn't have the image of a mature woman before.

Obviously, Gallagher also realized that in front of this Abbott, it is best to be simple.

"Master Albert, what are your plans?"

Qiao Xun walked forward and said as he walked:

"Since the cause of everything is that domestic animal named Gu Shengrong, then of course, when my new official takes office, I have to talk to him."

"Just the two of us?"

"How many more people do you want?"

Gallagher said solemnly:

"Mr. Abbott, the livestock there are not the same as the livestock in other carriages. We should be vigilant about them, but it's more dangerous for the two of us."

"If the two deacons are more dangerous, then the second carriage should really be beaten by an iron fist." Qiao Xun said: "Gallah, you should know that they are the ones who dare not take the initiative. This is a conflict. The confrontation between the initiative and the passive. The order of the carriages is established by this castle, the initiative is with us, and they are the passive.”

"Mr. Abbott, I still need to remind you not to think too simple. I have communicated with Gu Shengrong and his wife. They... are definitely not ordinary livestock."

"I've seen their files. They were attacking the VIP seats and failed, and they were reduced to domestic animals."

"Yes, this shows that they are qualified to become VIPs. You also know how noble the VIPs on the train are. That honor must be exchanged for strength."

Qiao Xun stepped on the leather shoes and stepped on the slightly sticky connection, making a muffled sound,

"Of course I know. So, we're just here to have a friendly exchange, not to set fire."

"Friendly communication with livestock?" Gallagher frowned.

"Do you think there is a problem?"

"They are livestock, our management class. Why should people communicate with livestock?"

Qiao Xun said:

"Could it be that you beat cattle and sheep every day to make them fatter?"

"It just takes their work."

Gu "Yeah, even ordinary people know how to give the hard-working cattle a bite of tender grass."

Gallagher disagreed.

But Qiao Xun's vague attitude made her even more unable to guess what he was thinking. This clerk seems to be significantly different from the previous clerk.

The mysterious genetic attraction that overflowed him made Gallagher panic.

She was really afraid that she would be out of proportion, so she said over and over in her heart, I am Yan Control... I am Yan Control...

Leaving the big platform and reaching the street where livestock live, the strong mixed stench challenges the patience of the sense of smell.

Under "True Ru", those domestic animals who were hiding and watching from a distance were retrieved simple information one by one.

He felt that it was difficult for people outside to imagine that the evolutionary people would actually be reduced to such a miserable level. Outside, even a first-order evolutionary is precious, and it is one in a hundred. But on the sea column, there is only a distinction between domestic animals and non-domestic animals.

No matter if you are Tier 3, Tier 4 or how many, as long as you become a livestock, you can only stay in the livestock area. Unless, you are strong enough to directly subvert the livestock system of the train.

Whispering, hiding in the dark, like a mouse gnawing at furniture at night.

The crumbling wooden buildings on both sides of the street creaked.

As Qiao Xun and Gallagher went deeper, more and more domestic animals emerged, hid in the distance, and looked at them with a blank look.


Qiao Xun felt that this was a remarkable performance. Bewilderment, not fear, or hatred.

So, what motivated them to start the riot?

There will never be rioters who take to the streets with dazed emotions to beat, smash, burn and loot.

Tread, step, step—

The sound of footsteps quickly stepping over the standing water sounded, and a rickety, skinny man ran out of a small alley. His hair was gone, and there were not a few teeth left, but his face was only about thirty-five years old.

"True Ru" retrieved relevant information based on the subtle changes in his body spirit, pollution, and rune energy.

This is a work in the water field, because direct contact with a piece of uncleaned source metal carrying pollution variants, resulting in pollution and alienation. In this case, the train's treatment method is very simple, unplug the rune energy channel to prevent the spread of pollution.

To put it simply, it is to knock down the long steps of ascending the gods.

However, the handling of the train was too violent, leaving him irreversible damage - cell contamination atrophy.

Daisuke Baxing ran to Qiao Xun and the two of them. He only reached their waists. He lowered his head, not knowing whether he didn't dare, or he couldn't raise his head to look directly.

He said in a timid, faltering voice:

"You... Hello, people in the castle. Excuse me, are you looking for Mr. Gu Shengrong?"

Gallagher asked,

"Why didn't Gu Shengrong come to meet us in person?"

Qiao Xun gave her a cold look, and Gallagher immediately closed his mouth and shrank his neck.

Qiao Xun showed his classic Albert smile again.

"Yes, can you take us to find him?"

"Yes, of course."

After Daisuke Baxing finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the alley. He was really too thin, his spine had bulged out, and there was not much flesh all over his body, making people wonder how he survived.

Gallagher said,

"Master Albert, this road is really dirty."

When she said this, Daisuke Baxing clearly trembled, and his body stooped even more.

Qiao Xun looked at her and said,

"Otherwise, I'll carry you over there?"

Gallagher paused, froze for a moment, and then said,

"I'm sorry, Commander Abbott, I was the one who was stupid."

Qiao Xun walked into the alley without looking at her.

Later, Gallagher suddenly wanted to give himself a slap. Why didn't he just refuse, but he hesitated for a while, what the **** are you hesitating about! Could it be that you want to lean on this greasy man's back?

The narrow alley was indeed a bit difficult for the chubby Qiao Xun to walk.

However, he was not embarrassed at all, but Gallagher, who was looking at him from behind, was so embarrassed that he wanted to run away.

Walking out of the alley with great effort, the windbreaker outside was scratched with a lot of stains.

The space behind the alley is much more spacious and clean. The building is still intact, at least there is no creaking sound.

In the middle is a white house, three stories high, and on the first floor is a pub. The smell of cheap wine is overflowing in the air. Although it doesn't smell very good, it is much better than the stinky gutters outside.

Daisuke Baxing still didn't raise his head to look at them, he stretched out his dry fingers, pointed to the second floor, and whispered:

"Mr. Gu Shengrong, it's on the second floor."

Joe asked:

"Why don't you take us up?"

"Yes! Of course not. I'm just leading the way."

After speaking, he quickly ran away.

Gallagher frowned and said:

"This man, his behavior is a little weird."

"A poor man whose personality has been completely destroyed, no matter what he does, it's weird."

Qiao Xun looked at the white house and frowned slightly. It gave him a strange feeling here, it's hard to say what it is, it's a little heavy and has a lot of weight.

He says:

"Go in, you go ahead."

Gallagher was stunned for a moment. What does this mean? let me go first...

"Why?" Gallagher asked.

Qiao Xun said:

"Of course the protagonist will appear last."

Gallagher blushed immediately. She felt humiliated again. Don't dare to attack, just grit your teeth and swallow it in your stomach.

With a restless and annoyed step, she walked quickly into the white house.

Qiao Xun followed slowly.

He murmured in his heart, anger is the poison of reason... Gallagher, what level is your emotional threshold?

Into the white house.

On the first floor is a tavern, which sells cheap wine, and of course the guests are cheap livestock.

As soon as the two entered, they immediately stopped drinking and looked at them suspiciously and uneasy.

Unaffected by this look, Gallagher quickly stepped onto the second floor.

She stepped on the stairs with a thud.

The two went up to the second floor. There is a faint tea fragrance on the second floor, which is the sober smell of green tea.

Tea, in livestock areas, is a luxury.

Gu Shengrong, a man with metal glasses and work clothes, sat at the old coffee table and said to the visitor:

"It's really hard to come to this dirty place in person. Drink some tea to quench your thirst."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and looked directly at Qiao Xun - a slightly chubby, greasy but polite middle-aged bald fat man.

Qiao Xun's image is one that doesn't give a good impression when you see it.

Gu Shengrong is polite and elegant.

Qiao Xun was not polite at all, he picked up a cup of tea on the coffee table and drank it~www.readwn.com~ Gallagher wanted to remind him before he had time.

In Gallagher's opinion, it is too stupid to drink the drink of the enemy casually.

Qiao Xun nodded slightly,

"Mr. Gu, where is your wife?"

"Working in a factory."

"It's really hard work. She's an excellent woman. I heard you have a son named... Love, isn't it?"

Gu Shengrong's peaceful expression changed slightly. His lips trembled a little, and then he said:

"Love is seriously ill, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you."

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Really, that's right, I'm a doctor, maybe, I can help Ling Zun take a look."

Gu Shengrong looked at Qiao Xun's harmless expression, then lowered his eyes. I don't know what to think.

After a while, he nodded,

"Since Mr. Dianchang has the will, I naturally can't refuse."

He walked to the room with the door closed, opened the door,

"Please come in."

Qiao Xun looked at the room with the open door and sighed in his heart,

Old friend, I came to see you.


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