Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 13: Indulge in the illusion of happiness and die

There is a strong smell of confetti in the room of love.

The window inside was tightly sealed, and only an old small table lamp was on, emitting a weak light, and it felt like it might go out at any time.

Love is not in direct vision.

Gu Shengrong said:

"He's afraid of light."

Saying that, he walked ahead. The room is not small, it is more like an independent suite. After entering, there is a small living room, and behind the small living room is the bedroom.

"Love, I'm in." Gu Shengrong's voice was a little helpless.

A ray of candlelight lit from the depths of the corridor. I only saw a candle appearing at the door of the bedroom, but no one was seen.

Qiao Xun looked towards the living room, the coffee table was full of playing cards. The code is very neat, there are all kinds of back colors, patterns, image maps, character maps...

"So much poker?"

Gu Shengrong's face was hidden in the shadows, and the metal legs of the round-rimmed glasses reflected a dim yellow light. He said:

"Ever since Ai came to the livestock area, he has been hooked on playing cards."

Qiao Xun looked at Gu Shengrong and asked:

"Don't you know the reason as parents?"

Gu Shengrong looked at Qiao Xun. His eyes were very deep and wise, as if he was judging that Qiao Xun came here, not talking about business, and caring about his son for what purpose. Of course, even if he felt that Qiao Xun's intentions were not pure, he wouldn't say anything directly. After all, the new director was very friendly, and he had no reason to be in such a hurry to start a conflict.

First, let's see how much this person weighs.

Gu Shengrong said:

"Human consciousness has always been very mysterious. Especially in terms of focus and emotion, every livestock here has experienced emotional setbacks. Love will appear here, and it must have encountered huge setbacks. It's just that he Wouldn't say it. We couldn't open his closed heart either."

"So, this is a heart attack?" Qiao Xun nodded and said with a concerned look on his face.


"Mr. Gu, you are from the Republic, so you probably know this sentence, you must tie the bell to untie the bell."

"Mr. Abbott knows the culture of the Republic very well."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Who asked me to have a Qing officer."

Gu Shengrong looked at the candle and said:

"Wait a moment, love will come out later. Mr. Dianchang, you are right. You have to tie the bell to untie the bell. But the bell guy is hard to find. Besides, what if you find it? Love itself It was under the rules of the train."

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"You can't give up on yourself. There will be hope."

Gallagher was almost unbearable. She doesn't understand what the director is doing, come to this dirty place to talk about family affairs? Could it be that he really still cares about whether he loves him or not? Don't he know that this person has just killed the previous chief? Don't you really care about the danger?

Her hands in her pockets clenched into fists.

Gu Shengrong took out a cigarette and lit it. The hand that ignited the fire trembled slightly.

He took a puff of smoke into his lungs, his expression became more relaxed, and his eyes became a lot more excited. he asks:

"Mr. Dianchang, there is actually something you want to say. You call me. I will go to your mansion in person, so why come over in person?"

"When a new official takes office, he must be familiar with the area under his jurisdiction."

"Other chiefs won't do the same as you." Gu Shengrong said, "They will only sit high in the castle and issue orders. That is indeed what managers should do."

The implication is that Qiao Xun's behavior is not like a manager.

Qiao Xun sighed and said:

"This second carriage, several major events have happened. It's impossible not to go out for a walk."

Gu Shengrong asked with a smile:

"What's the big deal?"

Qiao Xun looked astonished,

"You do not know?"

"I've been busy smelting mines in the fire all day, where did I find the time?" Gu Shengrong exhaled, it was very turbid and thick, and the smoke was lingering.

The corner of Qiao Xun's mouth twitched, and he said to Gallagher:

"Gallah, say what you said to me in the study before without a word."

Gallagher was even more astonished,

"Director, he is obviously pretending to be stupid."

Qiao Xun's expression did not change.


Gallagher gritted his teeth, held his breath, and spoke in a low voice.

He stated what he said to Qiao Xun before, as it was.

There was only her voice in the room. Under the dim light, the expressions of the three people are all hidden in the shadows, looming, elusive, and mingling with each other ambiguous.

After Gallagher finished speaking in one breath, Qiao Xun clapped his hands,

"Okay, well said Gallagher, articulate, precise and fluent."

Gallagher was stunned.

She didn't understand what was being sold in this Dianchang gourd. She tried to see through the shadows, to see his eyes clearly, and to analyze his intentions from the little flashes inside. But it was like an invisible mountain barrier, far and thick.

Qiao Xun asked softly:

"Mr. Gu, do you know what happened now?"

Gu Shengrong stood at the forefront, hiding his expression tightly. He looked at the flickering candlelight, and suddenly, the candlelight went out. He immediately smiled and said:

"It seems that there are two domestic animals named Gu Shengrong in this second carriage."

Gallagher was angry at Gu Shengrong's act of pretending to be stupid. She couldn't figure out what kind of restless seeds this domestic animal had grown, or she felt that she was no longer a domestic animal, so she didn't need to fear the iron whip from the manager.

At the same time, Qiao Xun's inaction made her feel that she lost her face as a manager.

People have humiliated you like this, yet they still stand there pretending to be nothing.

"Chancellor!" Gallagher said in a low and depressed voice with his shoulders undulating.

"What's wrong?"

Gallagher felt that if he stayed any longer, he might be driven out of his mind by these two people. She said angrily:

"I feel very stuffy and want to go out to get some air."

Qiao Xun looked at her performance, squinted slightly, and then said:


Then Gallagher slammed out the door.

Gu Shengrong said with a smile,

"Mr. Dianchang, it seems that your assistant is a very personable person."

"Personality is a thorn flower."


The bedroom door opened.

The dim and weak light overflowed from the crack of the door and hung down in the dark corridor, leaving a straight path of light.

A dark and godless eye, stuck in the crack of the door, peeking out.

The moment he saw his eyes, Qiao Xun felt a sense of familiarity in his heart. It is love, the love that has experienced extreme despair.

Gu Shengrong said:

"Love, a guest is here."

Love didn't speak, just opened the door and walked into the depths.

Gu Shengrong walked in, and Qiao Xun followed.

As soon as he entered, he immediately saw that the floor of Ai's bedroom was full of candles, which were displayed in a regular but very complicated manner. It's a bit like the projection of a complicated three-dimensional pattern on a plane. The positions of corners, edges, and faces are very purposeless.

The talent of "geometric manipulation" with powerful deconstruction ability for space objects and points, lines and planes is naturally activated.

Treat the whole room as a whole, an independent and complete system space,

Mark the position of each candle, and then use "geometric manipulation" to display them one by one in your mind. "Zaiyin" and "Zhenru" quickly started different connection tests.

Under the powerful brain power, in just three seconds, the 10,000-minute connection method was tested.

Among them, the third thousand two hundred and twelve were locked by Qiao Xun.

Because, when the plane structure formed by that connection method is raised to a dimension, when displayed in a three-dimensional space, it is a picture of two people sitting opposite each other.

There was a table between the two of them. On the table was a deck of playing cards, two revolvers, a few bullets, and a scorecard that owed millions of points.

"What a familiar picture..."

In this picture, Qiao Xun destroyed love and was promoted.

But now, for Love, this picture is fixed in his consciousness and cannot be erased.

look forward,

Ai sits in the corner with her legs in her arms, staring dumbly at the candle in the middle of the bedroom.

"Has he always been like this?" Joe asked.

Gu Shengrong looked at his son, and his expression became more stable. Reluctantly said:


"Probably, the pattern formed by these candles has a very special meaning to him."

"I have tried to interpret it, and conducted research from various aspects such as humanities, psychology, psychopathology, inheritance, talent, totems, etc. But I have not figured out what kind of pattern it is."

Joe asked:

"Can I talk to him?"

"You can try."

Qiao Xun crossed the candle, and the wind brought by his steps shook the candle light.

He came to Ai, and a large figure blocked Ai's eyes. Love raised her head a little.

It was such a desperate pair of eyes, as if everything had been lost.

Qiao Xun squatted down and was as high as Ai. He smiled and said:

Gu "Hello, love."

Love looked at him without any feedback.

Qiao Xun began to use the "master" to control the changes in the surrounding magnetic field, delimiting a small space only for him and his love. Once the sound comes out of this space, it changes.

He says:

"Love, we meet again."

Hearing this sentence, Love's expression changed slightly. There was a hint of doubt in his eyes, as if he was thinking, when did he meet the Mr. Abbott in front of him.

"Oh right, you can't recognize it like this. Then... what about this?"

Saying that, the combination of "geometric manipulation" and "shengnandou" changed Qiao Xun's appearance little by little. Turn him from Abbott to Joe Tour. Of course, only the change of the face, and the figure has not changed.

Qiao Xun turned his back to Gu Shengrong and his face to Love, in two ways.

The pupils of love suddenly trembled, and fear grew in them. He screamed.

But after the voice came out of Qiao Xun's magnetic field, it changed and became a sentence "Hello".

This fell into Gu Shengrong's ears behind, causing his shoulders to tremble.

From Ai to the livestock area, it was the first time he heard Ai talk. A year ago, after I brought love to my home, I never heard him speak.

Gu Shengrong's breathing became rapid.

At this moment, his judgment on Qiao Xun became very complicated. He didn't know what the attitude of the trust officer was, so he had been tempted all the time.

Until now, when he heard the voice of love, his rationality gradually went astray, and he couldn't help but wonder, could this chief priest really be able to cure love?

Love is very important to them!

Inside the magnetic field, Ai kept kicking with her legs, desperately trying to step back. But he squatted in the corner and couldn't go anywhere.

"Devil!" Love screamed.

This embarrassed young man has hatred in his eyes and a trembling expression.

"Ai, is that how you treat your former partner?" Qiao Xun asked with a smile.

"You are not a partner, you are an enemy, you are a demon! You are a ghost, a villain, a beast!"

The love language was incoherent, and the tears flowed down.

Qiao Xun said casually:

"Originally, there should be no conflict between us. You intended to harm me, and I punished you. We have cleared up. I didn't expect that, now that we meet again, you have become like this. Love, even if it is My hard-hearted person is also a little sad."

His expression deeply hurts love. In Love's eyes, he has become even more hateful, a hypocritical devil.

"Father, father, save me!" Ai seemed to have caught the life-saving straw and desperately cast Gu Shengrong's eyes for help outside.

However, after the change of the magnetic field boundary, it became a kind of relieved smile and cordial greetings.

At this moment, in Gu Shengrong's eyes, Ai Zheng smiled and said to himself, "Father, I'm back."

As a result, Gu Shengrong's face was full of relief and joy, and he said:

"Welcome home. Love, welcome home."

In this case, it was not changed by the magnetic field boundary, and fell into the ear of love intact.

Ai's eyes widened, but the pupils became extremely small. His father did not save him.

Qiao Xun said:

"Gambling is about winning and losing. Love, why did you become like this? Just because of those five million points? Or, you lost something more important."

Love bit her lip tremblingly, huddled in the corner without speaking.

"Did you live up to your parents' expectations? Or, let your parents' plan fail?" Qiao Xun asked tentatively, observing his performance, "Or, lost the patterns in his head?"

Love suddenly hugged her head and said in pain:

"I didn't lose it! Don't! Father and mother, I didn't lose it, it was stolen! I didn't lose it on purpose. I will find it, I will definitely find it! No, don't kill me , I'm sure, I'll find it back."

Qiao Xun suddenly stopped.


Father and mother, kill the son?

Because you lost the world sandbox?

Qiao Xun frowned slightly.

"Love, what's your real name?"

"Love! I am love! Love is me!" Ai screamed.

He wasn't conscious at all.

Qiao Xun asked again,

"Before you, did you have older brothers and sisters? Or, after you, did you have younger siblings?"

Ai's nails pinched her face, plucking the blood from her face, trying to remember something,

"Humble... Humble... my sister, Humble! Yes, I have a sister, her name is Humble! But," Love cried, "she's dead, drowned in the sink by her mother."

Qiao Xun quickly launched "True Ru" to capture the information, and then a figure flashed by in his consciousness.

It was a girl with long black straight hair.

Only the back.


Love said in pain,

"Don't kill me, don't drown me in the sink."

Qiao Xun stretched out his hand and stroked his forehead, "Zaiyin" soothed his soul,

"Love, tell me why your parents killed you."

"Because...because I lost something precious. When I'm about to die, I'll have a younger sister or younger brother. He (she) may be called Wen Wen."

"Are you...really human?"

Ai looked at Qiao Xun in confusion and asked:

"Am I really human?"

The answer is already obvious. Love is just a genetic product created by his parents.

Joe asked:

"Why, parents put precious things in your consciousness?"

Love raised her head and proudly said:

"Because, I am a genetically perfect child."

Qiao Xun was about to ask again.

Love suddenly hugged her head and cried,

"Don't kill me! I'll definitely... I'll find it back!"

Qiao Xun looked at him and whispered:

"Poor guy, I'll never get it back."

After speaking, he pressed his right hand on Ai's eyebrows, and a trace of rune energy entered it, "Zaiyin" walked around in it, and then withdrew.

Later, love returned to normal, and eyes became clear. He looked at Qiao Xun for a long time and said:

"I remember you."

After speaking, he closed his eyes and fell asleep tiredly.

Qiao Xun stood up, released the magnetic field, and restored his appearance.

Gu Shengrong's expression was still a little excited. Just now, he witnessed Qiao Xun's "healing process" for love, which was so smooth and gentle.

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Mr. Gu, your child is asleep. I have tried my best to save him, when he wakes up,"

As he spoke, he walked out and said as he walked,

"All suffering is over, and you don't have to worry about anything anymore."

Qiao Xun stood at the door, blocking the light from outside, leaving only flickering candlelight in the room.

Gu Shengrong looked at Qiao Xun's back, his slightly fat body suddenly became very tall.

Qiao Xun said:

"Mr. Gu, farewell."

Until the end, Gu Shengrong didn't understand what kind of person Qiao Xun was. His speech, his demeanor, his expression, and his abilities are all covered with a layer of fog. Whether this layer of fog will cover the entire second carriage is unknown.

Gu Shengrong didn't care about Qiao Xun anymore, so he hurriedly helped Ai and carried him to the bed.

He held the hand of love and felt it. Indeed, all the vital signs of love have become very stable, even the consciousness is very mild, just falling asleep.

Love is so important to Gu Shengrong and his wife that he stayed in front of Ai's bed, waiting for him to wake up, and then asked carefully... what happened to the world sand table.

late at night,

Wife Song Yuanxia hasn't returned yet~www.readwn.com~ is busy with the follow-up outside.

Gu Shengrong stood by his son's bed.

Suddenly, a happy smile appeared on Son Ai's face.

Just now, Ai had a dream that he and Qiao Xun were sitting at the gambling table again and played those three kinds of gambling again. This time, he won, he earned 5 million points, and the world sand table was also returned. , his parents don't blame him anymore, and his sister's humility is actually not dead. Their family of four lived a happy life.

In a happy dream, love dies quietly.

Gu Shengrong sat silently in front of the bed, feeling the warmth of love being lost little by little.

He looked out the door, and his wife Song Yuanxia had returned, standing at the door, with a long, slender shadow behind him.

In the distant castle,

Qiao Xun sat on a chair in the study, while Gallagher, the first assistant, sat on the sofa in the corner, carefully looking at this fat, but attractive man.

Suddenly, Qiao Xun raised his head and looked out the window,

The dark virtual sky is brewing today's climate, with overcast clouds and low pressure, and howling winds.

Qiao Xun said:

"It's going to rain heavily."


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