Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 14: A gift to the Chief Abbott

The candles on the floor burned to the point where less than half of a finger was left, and the wax oil slowly rolled down and solidified on the contact surface of the candle and the floor, forming an irregular "base", which made them stand. Very stable, even if the wind blows in outside, it just shakes the flames and dances.

Ai's cold corpse lay on the bed with a happy smile on his face. Under the flickering candlelight, his face gradually lost its luster, becoming pale and tired.

Gu Shengrong sat on the chair by the bed. This elegant man looked like a teaching worker or an academic worker with exhaustion and doubts written all over his face.

"Love it to death." He said to Song Yuanxia, ​​who was standing at the door of the bedroom to block the light.

Song Yuanxia, ​​a woman with neat short hair and a very simple dress. She looks good and has a relatively small face, but with the blessing of her firm eyes, she does not appear weak, and she all reveals the temperament of an independent woman in the new era. Just by looking at it, you can tell that she is a very capable woman.

Song Yuanxia didn't speak, she waited for Gu Shengrong to explain the reason.

Gu Shengrong looked at Ai's face, his face hidden in the shadows, and slowly told what happened this afternoon.

He clearly and methodically stated everything he had seen, heard and heard.

The communication with Director Abbott, the communication and treatment between Director Abbott and Love. He told the details of what he had observed, even the piece of chewing gum on the toe of Albert's long shoe.

Song Yuanxia said,

"So, you don't know how love dies."

She spoke in a hard tone, her articulation was clear, and the syllables of each word were very short and powerful.

Gu Shengrong nodded,

"Abbot said he cured Love. I also checked Love's body, and indeed, the vital signs are very stable, the spirit is very calm, and the emotional clutter that was covering the consciousness has disappeared. I thought he would He woke up when he had enough sleep, but he died in his sleep."

Song Yuanxia stood at the door. She didn't want to really go into this room,

"If love was killed by Abbott, then two points need to be considered. First, how did he kill it, and second, why did he kill love. You have had direct contact with him, you should talk about it."

Gu Shengrong supported the temples of his glasses and sat up straight, as if he was about to make a serious speech. After organizing the language, he said:

"How it was killed, I don't know. Before you came back, I had thought about it many times, and checked the body of love many times. Whether it was from the body, energy, or spirit and consciousness, there was no such thing as Found any anomalies. The cells of love died in an instant, and consciousness ceased immediately, leaving no fragments of consciousness. I can't be sure if love died at the hands of Abbott, because I did it to Abbott Temptation, the power he showed, was not enough to kill love in this way."

"If he really killed him, what do you think the purpose might be?"

To determine the motive, it is better to further verify the means.

Gu Shengrong said:

"Before this, Abbott and Love had never even met. This was the first time they met, and I couldn't find his motive for Love. So, I can only think that his purpose was to give us a Killing love is just a way of getting off the horse this purpose."

"Love is a sacrifice. In your opinion."

"Yes. Love is the victim of Abbott's challenge to us."

"Then, what if he came for love?"

Gu Shengrong thought for a while, then shook his head,

"Without the cause, the process, and the details, it's impossible for me to make an imaginative guess."

Song Yuanxia leaned against the door frame and said:

"Maybe, he knows the special nature of love. Killing love is just to hide something. After all, you also know that love lost the sand table of the world on the train, and Abbott is the person on the train side."

Gu Shengrong looked at her, raised his eyebrows slightly,

"You start from the fact that the world sand table was taken by the train side. But doesn't the train side know that the world sand table is made of black leather? Or, they have to take the risk of the four to get one. Something that doesn't do anything for their purpose?"

Song Yuanxia said,

"Your way of thinking is too regular. Of course, the train side will not take the world sand table in an open and honest way, so the 'diplomat' will definitely make solemn representations, which is a burden on the train. However, the solemn representation of the 'diplomat' needs to be justified. Reasons. If the train side seized the world sand table, and did not leak, then naturally it can avoid negotiation. "

"But what is the use of the world sand table to them? The role of the world sand table is completely different from their plan. What's more, the train crews rely on the train for their activities. If they are only at sea, it is impossible for them to collect all the leftovers. the roots of the world."

"As I said, your way of thinking is too regular. They can absolutely not use the world sand table, let it rot in the warehouse, and don't let others use it. The black leather and the train are different now, but it does not mean that there will be no conflicts in the future. As long as we're not cooperating, they have every reason to get in our way."

Gu Shengrong shook his head,

"No, no, no. You've also overlooked one thing. The train side doesn't have a container to carry the world's sandbox, and they don't have the ability to create perfect geneticists."

Song Yuanxia was silent. She lowered her head slightly, resting her chin in her hand, thinking.

This is indeed a problem.

Without a container, how did the train take away the world sand table? She has no doubt that the train must not have the ability to create perfect genes, which is exclusive to the black leather.

"Maybe, they have other ways."

Gu Shengrong said solemnly,

"According to my repeated verification, the world sand table currently only has containers of perfect genes. The average level of rune energy in the world is still too low, and there is no way to store it in the form of rune energy."

"Your repeated verification? 'Doctor', don't be too confident, and don't rush to a conclusion. This is not the attitude of doing research. You must maintain a humble heart of learning."

Gu Shengrong took a breath and said:

"It's true that I won't be like this, but I'm sure about this."

Gu Shengrong's firm attitude made Song Yuanxia feel irritated. Of course, she also knows that the possibility of the train taking the world sand table is relatively low, but there must be an explanation for where the world sand table has gone! Originally, they had been guarding love, waiting for love to recover and ask for a clearer, but now they love to death, and there is no final starting point.

This made Song Yuanxia put more thought into the purpose of Director Abbott.

Is he trying to make a fuss and kill love by accident, or is it just love?

For the former, Song Yuanxia could only admit that she was unlucky;

In the latter case, the scope for thinking is too large. The train party knows that love is a container, and is currently the only Akiko who knows the whereabouts of the sand table in the world, so he deliberately kills him to cause trouble for Heige. This can be regarded as a provocation to the black leather. If this is confirmed, then the "diplomat" can immediately initiate solemn representations to turn the situation around.

"'Reporter', this newly appointed chief, will he cause us a lot of trouble?"

Song Yuanxia didn't know how to answer this question.

She couldn't be sure. She hadn't even had a face-to-face with Xindian.

"No matter what his purpose is or what trouble he will cause, we should finish the task at hand first. Of course, if we can deal with him during this process, that would be the best."

"Do you have an idea?"

Song Yuanxia's eyelids closed slightly,

"Chang Xindian gave us such a big gift as soon as he took office. How could we not return the gift. Return a big gift."

After speaking, Song Yuanxia turned around and left.

Gu Shengrong looked back at Ai lying on the bed. Love still has a pale happy smile on her face.

Seeing that satisfied smile, Gu Shengrong gradually understood the words that Dian Albert said before he left, "When he wakes up, all the pain will be over..."

Perhaps, for love, death is the only way to wake up.

Gu Shengrong stretched out his hand and stroked Ai's cheek slightly.

It was only at this last moment that he regarded love as his former son.

He also knew that for Song Yuanxia, ​​there was never a daughter or a son.


Gu The strong wind slapped the windows, the flowers and trees in the courtyard downstairs swayed violently, and the sound of wailing rippled in the empty and circuitous castle.

This place is more like the legendary vampire castle, gorgeous and dark.

In the past, Qiao Xun didn't quite understand the purpose of the train's artificial weather simulation. Now, looking at Abbott's cognitive fragments, I understand a little bit. The rhythmic feeling of the weather is a part of human genes. In order to make the people in the train always be human and not become "train creatures", it is necessary to simulate the rhythmic weather.

It's going to rain heavily.

Qiao Xun looked out the window and thought, love is probably dead at this time.

Sending love a ride, even if it is the final release. Before leaving, "Zaiyin" walked around in his consciousness, re-edited his consciousness, and weaved a beautiful dream for him. Dying in a beautiful dream is not a kind of torture.

As for why he killed love, the reason is very simple and straightforward. Love is the only one who knows or can realize that the sand table of the world is in its own hands.

In the previous communication with Ai, the string of information retrieved by "Zhenru" was telling Qiao Xun a fact:

Love is not the product of reproductive behavior, but a gene carrier in a nurturing container.

The only value of love's existence is to allow that unique gene to be fully expressed.

Qiao Xun thought, that unique gene is probably the reason why love can carry the world sand table and use its ability.


He doesn't know how to define "perfect". Does it mean that there are no genetic defects, or that all gene activities can be expressed normally?

He originally planned to use "numerology to follow the sky" to analyze the gene of love, or use "gluttony" to directly devour his gene sequence.

But when he activated these two talents for the gene of love, he immediately felt a gaze,

A gigantic gaze that looked from nowhere. That look dissuaded him. Don't take that risk.

Anyway, Ai also said that before him, there was a sister named Humble, and after him, there would also be a younger brother or sister named Wen Wen. This shows that people with perfect genes can produce multiple ones. As long as they are not extinct, there are infinite possibilities for encounters and re-contacts in the future.

Therefore, Qiao Xun is not in a hurry to take such risks. After all, the need for adventure is nowhere near what it was before the battle for miracles.

Here, adventure is also calculated and quantified.

Regrettably, Gu Shengrong himself was not detected. Even if it is "true", there is not much useful information. Compared with other evolutionaries, Gu Shengrong is very restrained, probably because he has special means to guard against outside temptations.

This also made Qiao Xun understand that Gu Shengrong and his wife came to the livestock area not because they lost the challenge. In this way, the purpose of their rioting is intriguing.

Is it really to make livestock turn over?

Qiao Xun disagreed. After all, the emotion he felt in the livestock was "confused".

"Confused" is not the emotion to start a riot. Think about it too, if the livestock were simply united to fight against the management class, then over the years, I don't know how many riots and uprisings have occurred in the lower compartments, but in the records, there are only a handful of them.

Perhaps, Gu Shengrong and his wife have other ways to unite the livestock.

"Unite livestock to achieve some kind of private purpose... Mr. Gu, your program is not pure."

History has proved that revolutions under impure programs are weak.

And the riot in the second compartment was so tough, it was hard not to suspect that there was a third-party means.

Then, to understand this third-party method, it is necessary to solve the riot in the second carriage.

"Gallah, do you think Gu Shengrong will succeed?"


Sitting on the sofa in the corner, Gallagher shuddered in a trance and answered immediately.

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"I haven't said that the purpose will be successful."

Gallagher affirms:

"No matter what the purpose is, it will not succeed. Because, he went against the train's will."

"Then, do you want him to succeed?" Qiao Xun looked at Gallagher lightly with a casual expression, probably just asking casually.

Gallagher paused and said:

"of course not."

Qiao Xun nodded and didn't speak, but he knew in his heart that the slowness had made her answer lose credibility.

He knew very well that the troubles that he, the newly appointed chief, needed to solve were not only outside, but also inside the castle.

"Gallah, are there any other normal people in the castle?"

"Yes, your assistant team are all normal people."

"Apart from you, what about them?"

Gallagher said:

"The former Dianchang just died today. Before you came, I asked them to investigate the cause. I'll be back after dawn."

"You asked them to investigate?"

"Yes, Dianchang. The situation is too urgent and serious, and a lot of first-hand information will be lost if it is too late."

Qiao Xun nodded ~www.readwn.com~ and said with a smile:

"Well then, you can rest. Tomorrow's business will be dealt with tomorrow."

Gallagher stood up, bowed respectfully and saluted, looking and acting properly, and said sincerely:

"Good night, Commander Abbott."

Then, she took the door and left.

Qiao Xun began to think about countermeasures.

He was thinking about what Gu Shengrong and his wife would do to respond to him.



At three o'clock in the middle of the train time, lightning pierced through, thunder rang through the second carriage, and heavy rain came in an instant, bombarding every street here.

An hour later, a rapid and high-pitched siren sounded from the fire on the southeast side of the second carriage, but it was quickly covered up by the sound of thunder and heavy rain.

someone shouted,

"No, the furnace is out of limit!"

Accompanied by the sound of a mountain bursting.

Afterwards, the sound of dense footsteps rang out in the streets and alleys, and the rain splashed everywhere.

The sound of thunder, rain, wind, whistles, footsteps, shouts, and explosions interweaves together to compose the night.


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