Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 15: Your opponent is not Abbott, it's Joe Tour

The sound of "The furnace is broken", like thunder, exploded in Qiao Xun's ears.

The dense and mixed sounds at night convey complex sound information together. Relying on "True Ru", Qiao Xun classifies and retrieves each type of information, and makes judgment and analysis one by one.

Furnace, this can only appear in the field of fire.

The fire field in the carriage of the livestock area is where the first process of processing the source metal ore is located. Any kind of source metal is very unstable because it carries rune energy, and most source metals have very miscellaneous rune fragments.

The fire field is the place where the source metal is purified and strengthened. Through special rune energy, in a specially manufactured furnace, the source metal is first melted, then classified and purified, and finally polymerized and strengthened.

There is another way to consolidate and purify source metal, namely rune solution extraction, which is carried out in a water field and is generally used to consolidate and purify source metal ores mined on the seabed.

The reinforced and purified source metal will enter the next link through the pipeline system of the train, the fine grinding field, and be finished by grades.

"Furnace breaking limit" is a problem that only occurs in the fire scene.

The furnace in the fire field itself is made of source metal, and it is naturally driven by rune energy. In order to prevent rune energy from getting out of control, engineers set a limit of rune energy level and concentration threshold at the same time when designing the furnace. The furnace will only operate if the level and concentration of rune energy are within this limit.

And the "break limit" means that beyond or below the limit, the furnace continues to operate.

Through Abbott's cognitive fragments, Qiao Xun immediately understood that this was a very important engineering problem.

If it breaks through the maximum threshold and continues to operate, the consequences will be disastrous.

The situation was urgent, Qiao Xun didn't think about anything else, put on his clothes and walked out of the study, while flipping a pick on his waist belt. Here's how to contact Gallagher.

Soon, from the end of the corridor on the second floor of the castle, Gallagher's hurried footsteps sounded, and her voice echoed in the empty corridor,

"Master Abbott, here I am!"

Qiao Xun quickly met her and said:

"There seems to be something wrong outside."

Gallagher still had his hair loose. she says:

"Every car in the livestock area has problems every day. Mr. Abbott, you don't have to be so concerned. When the morning comes, someone will naturally report it."

Qiao Xun glanced at her, then turned around and went downstairs, saying as he walked:

"If you can sleep at ease during such a sensitive period, then you'd better get enough sleep."

After he finished speaking, the figure had disappeared at the entrance of the corridor.

Gallagher patted his forehead, wanting to say, you are a magistrate, the most honorable person in the entire second carriage, why do you have to do it yourself.

But the director had already set off, and Gallagher, who was an assistant, had no reason to sleep peacefully.

She didn't care about dressing up either, she casually pulled up her long hair and chased after her.


The air was filled with a very pungent and spicy smell, a disgusting smell between body odor and peppercorns.

The heavy rain poured in, the stagnant water on the street quickly covered his ankles, and thick flocs gushed out from the drainage channel on the side. The heavy rain not only did not make the streets of the livestock clean, but instead washed out the filth that was usually hidden in the corners.

The building complex in the southeast is filled with silver-blue mist, is it spitting out blue tongues of fire?

Qiao Xun is very familiar with the silver-blue color, which is caused by the interference of rune energy to light in a high-pressure environment.

In the Kabul battle before, it could be seen almost every moment. Whether it's a rune energy barrier, a rune bomb, or some talent.

Seeing that light, Gallagher's expression changed, and he raised his eyebrows suddenly and said:

"The furnace is out of order!"

Qiao Xun said coldly:

"So, are you still going to sleep until dawn?"

Gallagher was at a loss and could not answer directly, so he changed the subject and said:

"It was only overhauled a week ago. If it is used normally, it is impossible for the furnace to break down so quickly."

"Normal use is impossible, so what about abnormal use?"

Gallagher thought about it and said:

"If people interfere with the running process of the rune energy, and at the same time close the furnace's threshold booster and decompression valve, this will also happen." She said solemnly: "Master Abbott, Gu Shengrong and the others must have done it."

Qiao Xun said:

"However, the running process of the rune energy and the pressure valve are all controlled by the clockwork on the train side. If it was them, how would they intervene?"

Gallagher thought about it, but couldn't figure it out.

"Let's go to the place to have a look first."

They quickened their pace.

Above the building complex on the southeast side, the silver-blue light poured out one after another, in a state like charging before a sneeze.

But Qiao Xun understood that if the charging was really completed, it would not be a sneeze, but a huge thunder.

The rune energy concentration of molten source metal ore is very high.

Qiao Xun frowned.

If the rune energy is really out of control in the end, there will be a chain reaction in the second compartment. Originally, there was a large amount of high-pressure rune energy floating in the air of the livestock area. If it continued to pour, not only the fire field on the southeast side would be razed to the ground, but also runes would appear in the fine grinding field with the pipes figured out. Energy riot.

When this happens, the second carriage is bound to stop and cannot be restored in a short time.

Because there are frequent problems in the livestock area, the power area has set a failure response time of 36 hours for the livestock area. If the fault is not resolved within 36 hours, the power area will send a rune engineer to repair it.

This is not a good thing.

Because the rune engineer dispatched from the power area needs to report to the restraint area of ​​the upper compartment, it is necessary to investigate the specific reasons.

The first responsible person is, of course, the captain of the carriage.

In a simple word, that is to alarm the upper levels.

At that time, if it's too serious, Qiao Xun, the chief priest, will even be dismissed and punished.

The identity of Qiao Xun is relatively sensitive. Until the foundation is stabilized, it is best to avoid getting too much attention.

So, he told Gallagher at the very beginning to keep things in the second compartment in the second compartment.

The two moved very fast. Five minutes later, after the heavy rain, they arrived at the fire scene on the southeast side.

There are already quite a few guardsmen who have organized evacuation here.

Clockwork technicians are doing their best to rescue.

The heavy rain made everything here very busy and tense.

The buildings closer to the fire were crumbling under the pouring rune energy, and coupled with the strong wind and rain, they could be lifted at any time.

The spicy smell in the air is more intense.

When Qiao Xun came here, he immediately saw Gu Shengrong standing outside. He was standing with a group of livestock and was evacuated by Clockwork Police.

Gu Shengrong seemed to be waiting here on purpose. As soon as he saw Qiao Xun, he immediately greeted him with a smile:

"Hello, Commissioner Abbott, I didn't expect you to come here in person."

Gallagher stepped up, grabbed Gu Shengrong's throat, and said cruelly:

"It's you who did it again, right?"

Gu Shengrong was not panicking,

"I, Gu Shengrong, do things upright, Miss Gallagher, have you seen me wreaking havoc? I work diligently for the train, please don't wrong me."

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, your disgusting thoughts have been recorded countless times."

"Miss Gallagher, you must obey the order of the train. You can't give me a hat without any evidence."

Qiao Xun frowned and said:

"Let go of her, Gallagher."

"Dian Chang, he clearly-"

"Obey." Qiao Xun's voice was cold.

Gallagher gritted his teeth and shook off Gu Shengrong.

Gu Shengrong rubbed his neck, adjusted his bow tie, and said with a smile:

"It's still Mr. Dianchang's righteousness."

Qiao Xun didn't say anything else, just smiled and asked:

"Mr. Gu, is Ling Lang okay?"

Gu Shengrong's brows froze immediately, and he suppressed his smile.

"Don't worry about Mr. Lawrence, love is fine now."

Qiao Xun nodded and said cheerfully:

"That's good, that's good. I'm afraid Ling Lang won't survive tonight. After all, this is the first time I've given treatment."

"You!" Gu Shengrong pointed at Qiao Xun, his eyes widened.

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"Hmph, I hope Mr. Dianchang likes the beautiful scenery tonight. Look, does that silver-blue light look like the Milky Way?"

After speaking, Gu Shengrong turned around and left.

"Master! Why are you—" Gallagher was talking.

Gu Qiao Xun squeezed her chin, approached her, and whispered into her ear:

"Gallah, don't take me with you if you want to die. I'm not going to follow in the footsteps of Chief Skrim."

He threw Gallagher away and walked forward.

Gallagher's shoulders trembled and he swallowed. What does he mean? Why do I want to die, don't take him with me...

She looked at the slightly fat back in front of her and walked gracefully in the rain, her heart beating faster.

She didn't know whether this restless emotion was unease or what.

She touched her chin and thought, "Why is my chin pinched... I don't resist..."

What is the attraction of Dianchang?

"No, no, this is an illusion."

Gallagher murmured and hurried to catch up.

Seeing Qiao Xun approaching, Sergeant Muncy of the guard team immediately ran over in the heavy rain. The rainwater kept falling from the bearing gear structure at his joints, bringing out strands of colorful oil.

Sheriff Muncy exclaimed:

"Master Abbott, the furnace of this fire is out of order!"

"What's the situation now?" Qiao Xun asked.

Sheriff Mengsi didn't look very good.

"The furnace suddenly shuts down, and the technicians are controlling the pressure of the furnace. Now the problem is very serious, because the operation of the rune energy is out of order, and a large amount of rune energy has escaped from the limit of the furnace and is escaping. Environmental pollution value and rune energy concentration It is constantly rising, and if it cannot be controlled, within four hours, the maximum load of the environment will be exceeded, and there will be an energy riot.”

Qiao Xun frowned and said:

"Take me to see."

"Master Abbott, don't go in, it's too dangerous. Our technicians are already controlling the repairs."

"But I think the situation is getting worse."

"But with such an honorable status, you shouldn't go in and take risks."

Qiao Xun said solemnly,

"Take me in. Sheriff Muncy, I need to be responsible for my fire."

Sheriff Mengsi immediately stood up and saluted,


Afterwards, Muncy took Qiao Xun to the inside of the fire. Gallagher hesitated before following up.

The closer you get to the fire, the stronger the pungent smell.

Rune energy out of control is different from fire. It can be extinguished by external means. It is necessary to control the rune energy itself.

As soon as he walked into the fire field, a rune energy poured out and crashed into the bodies of Qiao Xun and others. The restless energy immediately tried to contaminate the clean rune energy in their bodies, causing them to riot together.

Qiao Xun immediately suppressed it with "Sheng Nandou", but he was still affected, and his eyes became burning.

Gallagher, too, flushed and coughed.

However, the clockworker, Sheriff Mengsi, was not affected. The structure of the clockwork man is different from that of human beings. It is only rune energy, without the effect of talent, and its influence on them is very low. Therefore, he advised Qiao Xun not to enter.

Inside the fire field is a huge deep pit. In the deep pit stands an ellipsoidal source metal structure with a height of about thirty meters and a maximum diameter of ten meters.

That's the melting pot.

The luster of the furnace made from the dequalified source metal fragments is very different, emitting a gray-blue light.

At this moment, the densely twisted and complex runes flickered outside the furnace. The rune structure inside is very unstable due to the runaway energy of the rune. If this instability continues, the rune structure will soon disintegrate. The furnace was also abandoned.

More than a dozen clockwork technicians are using hoverboards to rotate around the furnace, adjusting the arrangement of the rune structures and controlling the pressure of the source metal structure of the furnace.

However, those restless rune energies once disrupted the arrangement they had just adjusted. Just as the front feet were neatly arranged, a burst of energy poured out from the back feet, which immediately became chaotic, and the chaotic state was still irregular, and the arrangement needed to be recalculated.

Very inefficient.

Under this circumstance, it will be a matter of time before the furnace collapses and the rune energy riots.

Qiao Xun frowned and asked Sheriff Mengsi:

"Do you know the reason for this?"

Sheriff Mengsi also had a nervous expression and said:

"The reason is unknown. At that time, a domestic animal noticed that a rune was lit up outside the furnace, and then notified the technician. When the technician came over, all the rune structures were lit up, and the rune energy inside the furnace began to pour. ."

"What about the livestock that discovered the situation?"

"It's already under control, but I'm outside now, because I'm afraid they can't bear the rune energy."

Qiao Xun nodded and walked around the furnace.

Gallagher followed and said:

"Chief Abbott, arrest Gu Shengrong first. He must know the reason."

Qiao Xun sneered,

"You're in a hurry to send bullets to others. He wants me to arrest him and torture him. Have you forgotten the reason for the riot?"

Gallagher said anxiously:

"But you can't let the furnace continue to get out of control. Looking at the efficiency of the technicians, it's impossible to control it within four hours. At that time, it will cause a bigger crisis, and it will inevitably disturb the power area."

Qiao Xun didn't answer her, and stepped on a hoverboard and flew towards the furnace in the middle.

"Commander! It's dangerous there, don't get close!" Sheriff Muncy shouted loudly from behind.

It is well known that the rune energy does more damage to the evolutionary.

As the sheriff of the Second Car Guard, Sergeant Mengxi's first duty is always to protect the chief's safety, and his second duty is to maintain the basic order of the carriage.

So, seeing Qiao Xun suddenly stepping on the hoverboard and flying over, Sheriff Mengxi became nervous all of a sudden, and hurriedly stepped on the hoverboard to catch up.

Gallagher didn't know what Qiao Xun was thinking, and put himself in the most dangerous place regardless of his own safety.

To be able to follow Qiao Xun into the interior of the fire, she has done her best, and it is impossible to continue to catch up.

Just standing on the outer edge, the impact and interference of the rune energy has made her nauseated. If she comes into zero-distance contact with the furnace, her body will be seriously polluted.

Seeing the Dianchang coming, the other clockwork technicians were about to greet him immediately. Qiao Xun stretched out his hand to stop him.

"I'm busy with you."

Sheriff Mengsi caught up and said anxiously:

"Master Abbott, it's too dangerous here, you'd better stay away."

Qiao Xun stepped on the hoverboard and slowly rotated around the furnace while saying:

"Sheriff, I'm actually an engineer too."

"But the runic energy will damage your body. You don't need to take the risk at all."

"Compared to some physical damage, it is better to keep the fire scene and not damage the interests of the train."

Qiao Xun's words were high-sounding, and Sheriff Mengsi couldn't find a better reason to persuade him, so he had to follow him closely and take him out immediately after his consciousness was eroded by the rune energy.

"Zaiyin" flooded into the furnace,

Scattered into strands, like tree-like nerves, touching every corner of the furnace.

Inside the furnace, the source metals that stopped reacting were piled up in a cylindrical pressure tube, which was covered with dense runes. These runes should correspond one-to-one with the runes on the inner wall of the furnace, and the pressure tube can only be controlled under the corresponding circumstances.

But now, the rune arrangement on the inner wall of the furnace is completely chaotic, causing the pressure inside the pressure tube to rise steadily. After breaking the threshold, the rune energy is poured out due to the excessive pressure.

Therefore, the principle of fixing this problem is to make the rune arrangement on the inner wall of the furnace back to positive, adjust the pressure of the pressure tube back to the normal level, and suppress the rune energy.

The current hindrance is that the technicians have arranged the runes, and the runes will be immediately scrambled by the rune energy.

And the rune energy pouring out under natural conditions is pouring out, and it will not affect the rune arrangement on the inner wall.

This situation shows that it must not be a natural situation, there are other interferences.

With this judgment ~www.readwn.com~ Qiao Xun's thinking is more clear, that is, to figure out why the rune energy poured out disturbs the rune arrangement on the inner wall.

This time, just relying on "Zaiyin" is not enough, because "Zaiyin" itself needs energy to drive.

With energy-driven talent, to explore energy itself, the error is too large.

Therefore, he used "numerology follow the sky".

Control "Numerology Follow the Sky" to enter a mass of rune energy, and then record its trajectory, the process has already been running.

This mass of rune energy was really going to pour out of the furnace, but when it reached the inner wall of the furnace, a strange force pulled it, no, it should be induced to stay on the inner wall for three seconds. It was the three seconds of staying that interfered with the runes arranged on the inner wall.

Qiao Xun changed his target and deconstructed that strange power with "numerology following the sky".

This is... a derivative rune!

Perceiving this, Qiao Xun's eyes burst into light.

Good guy, I even used derivative runes, but I'm really determined to create problems that I can't solve.

But, unfortunately,

This time, your opponent is not Abbott, but me in Abbott.


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