Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 17: 1 The once-and-for-all approach

Latest website: Sleepless all night, Qiao Xun was lying on the back of the desk chair, more than ten meters in front of the window.

The window was open, and the wind blew in from outside, rustling the curtains and hangings. The heavy rain lasted all night, adding to the strong and spicy smell of the carriage, and it smelled more like a sewer.

Qiao Xun closed his eyes and looked like he was asleep.

But at this moment, he was too excited. The brain's computing power is full, and the high-intensity tense consciousness maintains the operation of several talents, and his thoughts are carried out around "please stay for a while".

He wants to kill Gu Shengrong's first card once and for all: the problem of manufacturing facilities through derivative runes.

At six o'clock in the train time, a dull bell rang from the castle bell tower on the second carriage platform in the livestock area. The bell tower with a special emblem inscribed looked like a sharp sword at night. That bell was probably the sound of the sword.

Gallagher awoke from his slumber and opened his eyes in the darkness, their eyes flashing with the characteristic blue light of runic power.

She restrained the restless energy of her body because she had just woken up, and neatly dressed and washed.

She knew that the contest between the new chief and Gu Shengrong had officially begun.

Is it the newcomer Dian Chang suppressing everything, or Gu Shengrong entrenched in the carriage, from today onwards, there will be signs.

Gallagher finished arranging and walked down the long, dark corridor. The housekeeper Kedao had already started the day's overall planning and was admonishing the clockwork servants in the hall on the first floor of the castle, saying that he had to clean up the filth that had come up because of the heavy rain.

Seeing Gallagher walking by on Erlang's indoor balcony, Cordeau greeted cordially, Good Morning Miss Gallagher.

Gallagher didn't respond, and went straight across the corridor to the director's study. She has never been so serious and serious as this knocking on the door. She first organizes her clothes and appearance, and then maintains a healthy and positive demeanor.

Knock, knock, knock on the door.

The response to her was not to invite in, but to open the door directly inward.

Qiao Xun looked at Gallagher with a burning color in his eyes. He's just stepped down from his full run talent.

The scorching color gradually faded away. It would have been normal.

But in Gallagher's eyes, she saw with her own eyes that the enthusiasm in Qiao Xun's eyes disappeared little by little when she saw herself.

Why? ! Gallagher cried out inwardly.

Not really, is seeing me early in the morning something that will make people lose their good mood for a day?

This hit her hard. She had planned to perform well today in order to eliminate the bad impression she left on the director yesterday, but this time, it made her even more uncomfortable.

Between the awkwardness, Gallagher said with a dry smile:

"Good morning, Lord Abbott."

"Good morning, Assistant Gallagher." Qiao Xun said with a smile.

Gallagher moved the tip of his nose slightly and asked:

"Mr. Dianchang, what are our plans for today?"

"There's absolutely no way the furnace shutdown that happened a few hours ago happened just once. We need to brace ourselves and be ready for the next one."

Gallagher frowned,

"Can't we just allow this to happen? Mr. Dianchang, I still feel that Gu Shengrong needs to be controlled." She continued, "Of course, it is not a binding control. We can find a reason to transfer him from any The factory, for example, had him come to the castle to work, make sure he was under surveillance at all times."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"It's not necessary. Gu Shengrong didn't make the furnace limit by touching the furnace. The occurrence of the problem has nothing to do with where he is."

Saying that, he looked at Gallagher and asked:

"Miss Gallagher, do you think our opponent is Gu Shengrong?"

Gallagher stopped, and after thinking carefully, he asked tentatively:

"Is there someone else?"

Qiao Xun laughed dumbly, and he walked forward over Gallagher,

"Our opponent is not Gu Shengrong and his wife, but a rebellion against the order."

"What does this mean, Mr. Chief?"

"Think about it, how can Gu Shengrong unite livestock. With one mouth?"

"Probably not. The livestock in the livestock area is depersonalized. In the previous observation and inquiry, we really did not find out how he motivated the livestock. He did not even give an effective speech, and he did not Not that kind of leader."

"Hasn't this made you think about it?"

Gallaher ashamed. It is true that they have not thought about it seriously, including the previous Director Skrin, they have not regarded Gu Shengrong as an enemy in a real sense. To them, the riots launched by Gu Shengrong were nothing but slaves' disobedience to their masters.

Slaves disobey their masters? One beat is fine, if one beat is not good, then beat to death.

But the sudden death of Archbishop Skrein changed all that.

Gallagher was also in the communication with Qiao Xun, and gradually realized that all this... is not simple.

"Sorry, Mr. Dianchang, we haven't thought about it rigorously."

Joe looked at her with a fluttering head,

"It's okay, I can understand."

This made Gallagher even more ashamed.

Qiao Xun continued:

"If a person is normal, then there must be a purpose in what he does. When the police handle a case, they also need to figure out the motive of the criminal suspect. What is Gu Shengrong's motive? Did he start the riot for better treatment of domestic animals? Gala Miss He, what do you think?"

Gallagher said:

"If Gu Shengrong is a smart enough person, then he should know that in the closed environment of the train, when all resources, force and information are controlled by the upper compartment, the only thing that can change the status quo of livestock is the restricted area of ​​the upper compartment. , rather than relying on an uprising to make trouble."

"So, his motives are even more intriguing. Likewise, how he unites the livestock is equally worth thinking about."

"Listen to what Mr. Dianchang said, do you think he has special means to unite livestock?"

"That's not clear."

Qiao Xun went downstairs, went to the first floor of the castle, and said to the housekeeper Ke Dao:

"Mr. Butler, please do something for me."

Coda is frightened,

"Mr. Director, if you have any needs, you can directly order it, you don't have to be so polite."

"You clockworkers can communicate with each other, right?"

"Yes sir, we share an energy system and we can connect with each other."

"Please help me call the technicians in charge of several factories."

"Ok sir."

The housekeeper took the order, walked aside, and started to contact the technician in charge of the factory.

This is the special ability of the clockwork man, similar to the "tower net", but much simpler than the "tower net", only for mutual connection and basic communication. Equivalent to a local area network. This is also one of the reasons why the clockwork has high work efficiency, clear division of labor, and tacit understanding.

"Mr. Dianchang, please wait thirty minutes." Ke Dao said.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"this is necessary."

Gallagher leaned over and asked curiously:

"Mr. Dianchang, what is this for?"

"A once and for all solution."

"Solve the furnace limit?"


Gallagher still felt uncomfortable with this passive response, but it was not easy to say something like "get Gu Shengrong arrested directly". After all, she wasn't really stupid, and she knew that Gu Shengrong was not a good person. Say:

"We can't keep following his ass. We'll lose our dignity if it goes on like this."

"Before fishing, you must first prepare bait and weave fishing nets. The process of weaving fishing nets is always slow, you need patience, and ensure the quality. Otherwise, as soon as the net is collected, it will be pierced by the fish immediately, so what's the point. "

"Lay a long line and catch a big fish?" Gallagher said in Chinese.

"You still know this sentence?"

Gallagher said:

"I lived in China for a while before, and I didn't change my name at that time."

Qiao Xun glanced at her and asked:

"How did you get on the train?"

"A shipwreck. When I returned from China by boat, the bottom of the ship hit a rock and sank. When I woke up, I was already on the train. I was only thirteen years old then. There were other people with me, But after one test, I was the only one left, and since then I have been living on the train, and I was placed in a job after the age of sixteen."

The test... Qiao Xun knew what the test was. In fact, it is the road to the long-level awakening of the gods.

Abbott experienced it too.

This is seen in Abbott's Cognitive Fragment.

The train travels all over the world, and it often gathers a group of people through various methods, such as rescue, temptation, abduction, etc. After some awakening tests, after passing the test, they can become a member of the train, and those who fail to pass become livestock. .

Destiny was decided in that test.

"Didn't you think about leaving?" Qiao Xun asked.

Gallagher's eyes became distant and he said:

"I thought about it. But the train is more attractive to me, and I want to be a member of the upper deck..."

Leaping across classes is the will of most people.

And this will was magnified on the train.

Half an hour later, the technicians in charge of two fire fields, two water fields, three grinding fields, and one connecting field rushed to the castle.

They bowed respectfully to Joe,

"Hello, Mr. Dianchang."

Qiao Xunxian, as a normal manager, made a speech to start:

"Presumably, you all know what happened last night. The furnace in the southeast area was out of control, which delayed the processing of the source metal ore in the carriage for more than an hour, and created a serious safety crisis, which is related to the source metal output of our carriage. Ore rate, quantity and texture! This is a serious challenge to me, Director Abbott and the assistant team behind him! We must not tolerate it, and we cannot tolerate such a thing happening a second time."

The heads of the clockwork technicians were frightened and serious.

Especially the person in charge of the southeast area, because of nervousness at this time, all the bearings are creaking. Last night's limit event happened in his complex area.

Qiao Xun continued:

"For this problem, we have to strengthen preventive measures to prevent it from happening again. So, everyone, you are all technicians, is there any good way?"

The head of the Southeast District said bitterly:

"Mr. Dianchang, we have not found the specific reason for the limit problem that occurred yesterday. It has exceeded the upper limit of our ability as a clockworker."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, humble and kind,

"It doesn't matter, I came to you to solve this problem. Please keep this information function package. It contains some of my insights, which may be useful to you."

Eight packets of information wrapped in runic energy appeared in his hand.

The eight persons in charge accepted them one after another.

"Okay, go back and think about it, and work out a solution as soon as possible based on the situation in your respective areas. Before tonight, I want to see the results."

"Okay, sir."

The people in charge saluted and left.

After they were gone, Gallagher couldn't help asking:

"Mr. Chief, what did you give them?"

"Just speaking from experience."

Qiao Xun did not elaborate.

No matter how curious Gallagher was, he refrained from asking.

In fact, those info function packs contain the usual solution to the derived rune "please stay a moment".

The derivative rune attack cannot be dealt with by the general rune energy talent, so for the clockwork people driven by the rune energy, there is no way to solve it. They can't even feel the existence of the derived runes.

Before that, there was no regular way to deal with derivative rune attacks.

Qiao Xun studied for a long time last night before he came up with a solution.

He disassembled "please stay for a moment" over and over again, simulated its operation process many times, and finally found a conventional solution with the help of "numerology follow the sky". He designed an induction device powered by runic energy, inspired by the previously derived runic weapon guidance signal markers at Kabul.

Adjust the arrangement structure of the derived runes, remove the core energy channel, retain the external attack form, and then implant such an attack form into the whole system device driven by the rune energy, which becomes the induction device. Due to the lack of energy channels, this device cannot launch derivative rune attacks,

However, when the same kind of derivative rune attack is launched, it can quickly seize the rune channel.

That is to say, if the derivative rune of "please stay for a while" is in operation, the energy channel inside the rune will be immediately preempted by the attack form outside the induction device~www.readwn.com~ so that the attack effect only appears on the device internal.

And the device is an independent whole system, the effect will not be transmitted to the outside, and will be firmly limited to the internally modified derivative rune.

In this way, the effect of the derived rune is resolved by the transfer.

To be honest, the derivative rune is too complicated. Even if Qiao Xun has so many talents to help, he just came up with this method, and the premise is that he has mastered the inscription method of the derivative rune of "please stay for a while". Inducing devices can be designed in a targeted manner.

Because of the scavengers, all countries in the world have done a lot of research on derivative runes, and they have produced large, medium and small derivative rune weapons, but there is no way to completely decipher the derivative runes, and there is no way to avoid them. Therefore, facing the scavengers repeatedly, they are all at a loss.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to deal with the effects of derivative runes.

In short, dealing with derivative runes is a very difficult road, there is no way to do it overnight, and it requires a lot of experiments.

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