Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 18: Extraordinary things in the 2nd car

The latest website: After dealing with this matter, it happened that the assistant team of Dianchang also returned from the outside investigation.

There were three of them, two males and one female. The appearance features of the three people are very ordinary, and they do not belong to the existence that attracts attention in the crowd. Of course, an intelligence officer needs such qualities. If you are too handsome, too beautiful, the attention will naturally increase. Like Qiao Xun, it is clear that if he is not decorated, he is definitely not suitable to be an intelligence officer.

This is how he saw his assistant team completely.

On the train, there are very few normal people on the train side, but correspondingly, the quality is very high, whether it is strength or combat ability. After all, it is tested and screened, and those who are not qualified will be treated as livestock. Excellent talents can work for the train.

Gallagher immediately introduced them to the new commander, Joe Xun. After greeting, without a word of gossip, the three assistants reported their investigation work in turn, and compiled three investigation reports. The structure of the personnel present, etc., made a comprehensive report.

After seeing the serious reports from these academic schools, Qiao Xun felt a little more at ease. It could be seen that his assistants still had some abilities, not all of them were crooked.

But Gallagher, the first assistant...

Qiao Xun still couldn't see what level she had.

After receiving the report, Qiao Xun said:

"You have worked hard. In addition, there are still things to be handed over to you. You also know that the second carriage is very unstable now."

Assistants have said that this is what it should be.

Joe Tour said:

"For the changes in the mood of livestock in the livestock area, please do a complete survey. The time span is from when Gu Shengrong and his wife came to the second carriage to the present. The content includes changes in livestock behavior, livestock's views on riots, and opinions on how the carriages respond. Views on livestock management, and, most importantly, Gu Shengrong and his wife’s interaction experience with livestock.”

Qiao Xun's requirements seem to be many, but such requirements are better to do. Because it is very meticulous and detailed to every link, it will not only give them a general direction and let them play freely.

There are detailed and specific requirements in order to proceed smoothly.

After the assistants got the task, they immediately threw themselves into it.

Gallagher was still standing by.

Joe asked:

"Aren't you going with me?"

Gallagher froze and smiled dryly,

"Of course I want to be by your side, take care of me personally, and meet your needs around the clock."

Qiao Xun glanced at her,

"What can you help me with?"

After speaking, he turned and went upstairs. He also has to study the investigative report carefully.

Gallagher was powerless to refute, but as the first assistant, how could she do the same thing as other assistants, then she lost her identity.

Therefore, she still bites the bullet and keeps up with Qiao Xun.


Qiao Xun retrieved the three investigative reports with "truth".

An environmental change in the livestock area began a month ago, when the first Clockwork constable was murdered, and Chief Scrim committed suicide.

The weather, the rebuilding and collapse of buildings, the replacement and assembly of facilities inside various factories, changes in air pollution values, and changes in the concentration of runic energy were recorded in detail.

In it, Qiao Xun found the key information he needed——

During this month, the environmental pollution value of the second compartment changed, as well as the air rune energy concentration.

In one month, there are a total of seven small wave peaks, one large wave peak, and the average level at other times.

He immediately made a comparison, and the occurrence of several peaks completely coincided with the key riots that occurred within a month. And the last big wave peak, the corresponding time is... Director Skrin signed an agreement with Gu Shengrong. Skrein's death also happened during this crest time.

In the case of complete agreement, it is impossible to rule out thinking.

Qiao Xun looked at Gallagher who was sitting upright and asked:

"Miss Gallagher, what is the possibility of a sudden increase in pollution and energy concentration in the carriages of the livestock area?"

When Mr. Dianchang finally needed herself, Gallagher immediately became excited, and she answered loudly:

"Although the carriages in the livestock area look messy, it is to create simple living conditions for livestock. In fact, the environment here is the most stable under the deliberate arrangement of the train, and the pollution value and rune concentration are basically not. There are big fluctuations, and the bottom car is stable to ensure that the middle and upper floors are not affected. There are generally only two possibilities for a sudden rise, a factory accident and the ventilation of the car’s piping system.”

"Only these two possibilities?"

"Yes, it's a multi-year statistic."

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then, these seven peaks are very strange. Every time there is a riot, the pollution value and the energy concentration will rise, which means that during this time period, either there is a large-scale coverage talent covering the carriage, or there are pollutants that carry a lot of pollution.

"Gallacher, as I recall, the talent of livestock is limited, right."

"Yes, the commander. They can't use talents higher than the believer's rank. This is the ability of a train captain from the restraint area, which locks their ascension rank."

train conductor...

The sea train has three conductors.

They were powerful and insurmountable, and Abbott had never seen them.

Back to the topic. Since talents higher than the believer rank cannot be used, the possibility of large-scale coverage talents can be temporarily ruled out. The ability to cause the environmental pollution value to increase so much cannot be achieved by the talent of the believer.

There may be only one left,

There are pollutants that carry a lot of polluting breath, or very things.

Things like War Species, Mosuluo's Destroyed Zhi Xumi, the world sand table, the painting "Falling into the Starry Sky", etc. are all very things.

The first clue was laid out, and there was an extraordinary object in the second compartment, and the extraordinary object was related to the riot.

And the function of the non-material and the relationship with Gu Shengrong still need to be verified.

Gallagher watched Qiao Xun work diligently, feeling that it was not right for him to sit idle. As an assistant, how can the boss be too busy while the assistant has nothing to do?

I can't make the director feel that it's the same without me... Gallagher asked slightly embarrassedly:

"Mr. Dianchang, is there anything I can help you with?"

Qiao Xun looked down at the investigation report and said casually:


"Then, do you need a cup of afternoon tea? I make black tea, and the level of making dim sum is not bad."

Qiao Xun raised his head and looked at Gallagher suspiciously:

"Miss Gallagher, are you a maid?"

Gallagher blushed and said:

"If you want, you can also make me a maid. In short, please give me something to do."

Qiao Xun folded his hands, held his chin and said:

"If you really have nothing to do, you can investigate with the other three assistants."

"Do you really want that?"

Gallagher had a pleading look in his eyes. Of course she didn't want to be the first assistant, no different from ordinary assistants. That would seriously threaten her status.

"Then go and help the housekeeper Cohen with the housework."


"Aren't you going to be a maid?"

Gallagher pursed his lips and agreed with difficulty.


The train time is 9:00 pm, the second carriage of the livestock area on the ground floor, the water field in the southeast area.

Unlike the fire field, the water field uses the rune solution extraction method to extract the source metal ore. There is no furnace, but there is a circulating water tower of the same status. The source metal is inside the water tower and is washed and tempered by the rune solution.

The livestock work under the supervision of the clockwork overseer. Most of the work of livestock is some low-tech work that requires physical strength and simple athletic ability. It is almost an assembly line of handling, sorting, overheating, and more dangerous rune solution replacement.

A one-hour rune solution replacement is in progress. The two "sheep" took the elevator to the middle of the circulating water tower, where they were going to take out the rune solution that had lost its rune efficacy, and then replace it with a brand new one.

When the valve in the middle of the water tower was opened, as soon as the two "sheep" walked in, a beam of high-pressure steam rushed out, instantly rushing them away, hitting the wall in the distance of the water field, and all of a sudden they became bloody. Corpse separation.

At the same time, a silver-blue light appeared outside the water tower.

That's... a sign of a limit!

Suddenly, someone screamed and shouted:

"The cycle tower is over!"

Same script as last night.

On a path in the distance outside the water field, Gu Shengrong lit a cigarette and took a sharp breath. His expression suddenly became happy, and the heavy bags under his eyes seemed to have lightened a bit.

He couldn't wait to see the frowning expression of the Abbott, and couldn't wait to greet him and have a friendly exchange.

However, it has been less than a minute since the "cut limit" roared out.

The silver-blue light that appeared outside the water field disappeared, and the entire water field quickly resumed operation.


What's going on, why did it suddenly recover? Gu Shengrong cut off the cigarette and walked into the water field, intending to make sure.

As soon as I entered, I saw two **** corpses being shoveled by livestock, put into storage bags, and then thrown into the sewage outlet below the circulation tower. This sewage will be discharged into the sea.

And the circulation tower is intact.

The expected cycle tower was cut off, the rune energy leaked out uncontrollably, and then the entire water field came to a standstill, and the scene where Dian Abbott had to come in a hurry did not appear.

Everything was in order without any change, as if the "cut limit" just now was just a slogan.

Did something go wrong?

No, how could it be, I have calculated it carefully and simulated it hundreds of times in the sea of ​​consciousness... Even if it really goes wrong, it cannot be solved so quickly.

Gu Shengrong frowned deeply. What exactly went wrong?

He cautiously walked around the circulating water tower one after another. After careful observation, he found that today's circulating water tower seems to be different from before. There is a pure black box the size of a shoebox under the heating ring.

What is that device?

Gu Shengrong mixed in with the livestock, and after some inquiries, he learned that it was just installed this afternoon.

Could it be that the train has already thought of a way to deal with it?

How can it be so fast!

If that device can really avoid "please stay for a moment", it means that the first move arranged by the "reporter" has been cracked.

too fast!

In just one day, it cracked!

Gu Shengrong was reluctant to stay for a while, and left here in a hurry. He wanted to find a "reporter" to inform her of the incident.

It was solved too quickly and completely disrupted the pace of their plans.

That newly appointed chief is very unusual!


In the White House Tavern, Song Yuanxia was urgently called back by Gu Shengrong.

He explained today's events and his conjectures one by one.

"Are you sure that black box can solve the limit problem?" Song Yuanxia raised her slender eyebrows.

Gu Shengrong said:

"In addition to this, I really can't think of the possibility of suppressing the effect of derivative runes within a minute."

Song Yuanxia was silent for a moment,

"This situation shows that Abbott has the ability to deal with similar problems. It seems that the effect of interfering with the train order in this way is not enough."

"'Reporter', this Abbott upsets me."


Gu Shengrong frowned and said,

"I can't tell why. I tried to paint his personality before, guess what?"

"Is it very powerful?"

"It's not a matter of strength. I feel a lot of qualities in him, a lot! There is only one trait in ordinary people, which affects the long step of ascending the gods. But the traits in him are very vague and very complicated. Moreover, those traits are in mine. It feels like... a devil."

"Is he a demon?"

"I can't be sure. If he is a demon, how can he pass the test of the train? The train is more afraid of demons than us." Gu Shengrong said, "Maybe we have to speed up the process, and we can't wait for his foundation to be completely stabilized."

Song Yuanxia thought for a while, and then said:

"Today I also found out that the assistants in the castle are investigating something. It seems that it is a new task given to them by Abbott."

"So, 'reporter', what are you going to do?"

Song Yuanxia's face was expressionless, her tone was calm, her crisp short hair swayed in the night wind,

"The conflict has escalated. You also said that the qualities of the new magistrate make you uneasy. Then we must try his upper limit."

"Is there no upper limit?"

"As long as he is within any order, there can be no upper limit. 'Doctor', you have been too anxious recently."

Gu Shengrong can't help but be anxious. He is not like Song Yuanxia, ​​who is as rational as a robot, loves dying, makes mistakes over and over again, can't see through Abbott at all, and everything increases his pressure. He can't solve these pressures like Song Yuanxia relies on to solve physiological needs.

Song Yuanxia stroked his face and smiled to reassure:

"It doesn't matter. The 'diplomat' is still on the train. With him, everything can be at ease."

Hearing "diplomat", Gu Shengrong reluctantly relaxed.

Yes, the "diplomat" is still there, so why worry so much.

Song Yuanxia soothed Gu Shengrong, who was anxious. It was enough to show a smile and express some love.

The ignorant body is so vulnerable, a little false emotional expression can easily change it. There are not a few people in the world who are dragged down by various emotions such as love, friendship, and family affection. Sex hormones, progesterone, hormones, dopamine... The products of these gene expression manipulate the human body.

Song Yuanxia hugged Gu Shengrong's neck, stroked his back, and comforted him.

That alone is enough.

"Conflict escalation, what exactly?"

"Think about Skrein before, what was he angry about?"

"Livestock openly challenge authority."

"Yes, let's try it, the authority of the new magistrate. See if he will be angry at his authority being challenged and break the rules."

Gu Shengrong nodded. After all, the problem of the carriage facilities is an objective problem in the physical sense. If it is solved, it will have no effect. However, if it is related to authority and order, no matter how it is solved, it can make a big fuss.

he asks:

"'Reporter', what happened to you over there?"

"There is still a lack of incentives. The 'Law Code' needs to be absolutely subverted before it will appear. At the beginning, it would hide here because there is no more stable and unbreakable place than the order in the livestock area."

"However, what can we do when 'Law Dian' appears? We lost the world sand table. It was originally expected that when 'Law Dian' appeared, love would almost find the world sand table that was left outside~www.readwn.com ~ But now, the world sand table is gone, and love is dead."

Song Yuanxia said:

"Let everything be handled by the 'diplomat'."

"This feeling is really disturbing... Thinking about it, the source of the uneasiness is the new director."

Song Yuanxia looked at Gu Shengrong who frowned and said:

"Then deal with him. No matter how talented he is, he can't be indifferent under the light of reason of the 'laws'."

Gu Shengrong's shoulder muscles gradually eased, and his wife's loving touch made him feel relaxed.

Her sanity also made him feel reliable.

Gu Shengrong looked out the window, from here he could directly see the tall castle above the big platform. His eyes were sharp and he said:

"Then let the conflict fully escalate."

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