Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 19: Inverse - group vigilance effect

In the middle of the night, Gu Shengrong sat alone on the desk in front of the window, with a thick stack of scratch paper in front of him, with complicated and dense symbols tumbling on it.

It's a tumbling in the true sense, those strange characters constantly undulating in and out of the paper in an irregular way.

Gu Shengrong worked hard, adjusting the position of the characters with his ten fingers.

In the distance, Song Yuanxia walked through the streets. The way she travels is very strange, and the route of travel is also a standard straight line, like some kind of electronic component moving on a huge mechanical disk.


The train time is half past four in the morning.

The livestock on the night shift ended their half-day work and got off work, and then the livestock on the day shift took their place.

The working hours of livestock on the train are two shifts, one for twelve hours.

Clockwork police officers organized alternate work in an orderly manner. A team of four police officers stood at the gates of several major factories. On the streets where the livestock live, there are also several teams of police officers patrolling non-stop. Since the riots of the previous month, police officers have stepped up their patrols to ensure that most livestock are within direct control and to avoid sudden large-scale riots.

East District Water Field,

Almost uninterrupted, the domestic animals who worked for twelve hours dragged their tired bodies out of the gate of the water field. Under the urging of the clockwork police officers, they passed through the entrance of the shift passage. The livestock that took over their work needed to be completed one by one. After that, you can enter the water field to continue working.

Beginning at 4:30, this shift lasted for about five minutes, and the long shift queue did not know where the problem occurred and congestion occurred.

The shift leader team stopped all of a sudden, and there was a disconnect.

Upon seeing this, a police officer shouted loudly:

"What are the people there doing! Don't be crowded!"

At the same time, he blew his sharp whistle. This whistle is aimed at the structure of the human body. When it falls into the human ear, it will cause the brain to release disordered electrical signals, resulting in dizziness and general paralysis.

When he blew like this, the surrounding livestock immediately tightened their bodies, covered their ears, and squatted on the ground in pain.

It's like reciting a mantra.

The whistle-blower policeman saw that the crowded side still did not restore order, and angrily kicked his heavy leather boots and stomped over.

"Idiots, bed bugs, what are you doing!"

He angrily cursed at the livestock that were stuck here. After all, it is necessary to attack and control them with the smashing gun powered by runic energy.

However, just as he raised his gun, the congested crowd suddenly dispersed with a scream.

The livestock ran around in terror like wild horses with their tails on fire. Although talents above Tier 1 are banned, among these livestock, there are many Tier 1 talents that are antagonistic and increase physical strength.

They ran around in panic and immediately made the congestion worse.

Completely messed up.

"Don't step on me!"

"Your **** hand touched Lao Tzu's ass!"

"Bastard, get your feet off!"

"You son of a bitch, if you don't run away, I will pinch your dick!"

"Ah! My hand!"

Angry insults, terrified screams, painful wailing...

All kinds of expressions that make people very annoyed at first glance are concentrated in this congested place. The railings on both sides of the shift passage are forcibly squeezed and bent, and the underground floor is obviously deformed. The stampede broke out in an instant. It had just rained, and the road outside was still muddy, with splashes of mud and water everywhere.

"Ah! God, bastards, get out! It's dirty!"

There was a lot of commotion, and the three police officers from other locations were immediately attracted.

They took out the smashing guns on their belts, designed them continuously at the crowd, and issued a loud and sharp whistle, violently suppressing the riots.

All livestock had to lie on the ground immediately and cover their ears to prevent injury.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

"Everyone, don't move! Lie down on the ground!"

The three police officers worked together to quickly suppress the riot. Then, they looked at the crowded place, where the clockwork cop fell on the crooked floor, and the surrounding livestock kept a distance from him.

The police officers rushed over and shouted his name.

"Constable Claymans, Constable Claymans!"

Officer Kleimans, who fell to the ground, did not respond.

A police officer turned him over, and was shocked to find that the joint bearing on his neck had been broken, and the colorful and oily rune solution dripped out. The power core at the heart was shattered, and his chest was almost completely collapsed. Going down, the head also has obvious deformation.

On the whole body, no one is intact.

The core components of his body were all destroyed. Moreover, every trace of destruction, footprints can be seen. This seems to show that he was trampled alive.

Something big happened!

The three police officers immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

One of them said aloud:

"Everyone, stay where you are and don't move!"

The other person quickly got in touch with Sheriff Mengxi through the network between clockworkers.

"Sheriff! A serious stampede accident occurred at the East District Water Field, and one of our team members was destroyed! Request support!"

When Sheriff Mengxi, who was patrolling in the livestock main block, heard the news, his face changed greatly.

The recent riots had not passed for too long, far to the extent that they were blurred, let alone the last clergyman who committed suicide two days ago. This could be another round of riots. Sheriff Mengsi knew that his authority could never fully deal with this matter, and immediately replied:

"You control the scene, we will come over immediately."

After notifying the police, Sergeant Muncy contacted Gallagher in the castle above the platform as soon as possible.

Except for Gallagher herself, everyone else needs to go through her first assistant to contact the director.

"Miss Gallagher, one of our police officers died in an accident at the Eastside Water Field."

Gallagher was resting at first, but after such an incident, he was completely drowsy. Knocked out the bedroom door, stepped into the corridor, and ran towards the Dianchang's study.

dong dong dong——

Knocked **** the door.

"Master Abbott, Master Abbott! Something big has happened!"

Qiao Xun woke up from the simulation. He's not used to devoting himself to sleep, so he usually does other things. Just now, I was deducing, what type of abnormal things can influence the riots that spawned social groups, and how the special social group of livestock will be instigated.

He got up and opened the door,

Gallagher looked anxious and did not dress up properly, which further showed the seriousness of the situation.

She said quickly:

"There was an accident at the East District Water Field, and one of our police officers died."

Qiao Xun's eyes were bright, and he took off his coat from the vertical hanger next to him and put it on.

"Go, go and have a look!"

The two walked quickly, left the castle, and rushed to the water field in the East District.

on the way,

Gallagher said uneasily:

"It was the same before, starting with the sacrifice of one of our police officers, and Commander Skrein took this as a starting point, and went step by step to commit suicide. Commander Abbott, it seems that they are going to use the old method again. However, the rhythm has picked up significantly and the time interval has been shortened considerably.”

"Don't worry, Gallagher. You need to know everything well before you can make a judgment."

"Chairman Abbott, we need to figure out a way to retreat in advance. Director Skrin has no way out at all, that's why he ended up like that."

Joe asked:

"Do you think I will follow in his footsteps?"

"Of course I didn't mean it that way. However, taking precautions is better than nothing."

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Then, when it's time to negotiate the contract, you just sign the contract for me."

"Huh?!" Gallagher panicked.

The meaning of this is to make her a shield.

"Mr. Dianchang, I don't have that kind of authority."

"Gallah, don't you want to risk it for me?"

"It's not a matter of willingness or not."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Just kidding, Gallagher, don't take it seriously."

"Mr. Dianchang! Now is not the time for jokes." Gallagher gave a false alarm, and the fine beads of sweat that had just appeared on his forehead disappeared immediately.

Her performance is all in the eyes of Qiao Xun, and also in "lust".

As someone who is by her side anytime, anywhere, Qiao Xun is very concerned about her mental state.

But don't, just cause yourself any more trouble.

Five minutes later, they arrived at the water field in the East End.

This place has been completely blocked by clockwork police officers from all over the place. The shift-shifting home does not let anyone go out, and all of them are locked inside the factory gate. In the shift passage, a group of livestock related to the stampede were not allowed to leave the scene. Sheriff Muncy walked around in the passage. On the floor of the passage, there was clearly a man in a police uniform.

Joe asked:

"Do you feel like a detective?"

Gallagher smiled dryly.

"Mr. Dianchang thinks there is, then there must be."

She was complaining in her heart. It's already this time, why are you not in a hurry, Director Abbott? You are so relaxed, don't take it seriously, isn't this the same as Director Skrin? He didn't take it to heart, and then let things get worse, and after the situation was irreversible, he tragically committed suicide.

Seeing the chief officer and the first assistant coming, the police officers quickly let go.

He walked quickly to the shift passage, and Sheriff Mengxi stepped forward and saluted, and quickly explained the cause, process, and result of the incident.

"What's the cause of the stampede?" Qiao Xun asked.

Sheriff Muncy said:

"We've already interrogated those domestic animals, and they don't know what's going on. They were lining up well one moment ago, but the next moment, they suddenly became chaotic."

"Did anyone coax?"


Qiao Xun looked at the dozen or so livestock that were forced to stay in the shift passage.

They all shrank their heads and looked at him cautiously. That kind of look is like seeing some wicked person. Even for livestock, the person at the top of the carriage is, of course, vicious.

What's more, Qiao Xun's current appearance is still the smiling gentleman and hypocritical Abbott. A greasy bald fat man, who has the highest power in the carriage, and laughs so hypocritically, is of course terrible. They prayed in their hearts not to be targeted by such people.

"Lust" took a comprehensive look at their emotions, and "True Ru" searched for the environmental information and the individual information of the livestock, after a comparison and verification.

Qiao Xun gave up interrogating them. Because they did not lie, the stampede happened suddenly without any instigation or coaxing.

This situation is very similar to the self-study class in the student days. Obviously there is no teacher coming, but at a certain moment, the noisy class immediately fell silent.

However, the stampede event here is not from chaos to order, but from order to chaos in an instant.

The former can be said to be the group vigilance effect, but how to explain the latter?

Qiao Xun did not think this would be a normal phenomenon. There must be some kind of influence that triggered a chain reaction, which made the range of body movements of more than one-third of the livestock in a limited number of groups during the movement of the livestock. Break through the optimal range preset by the human body to the greatest extent, and then spread to the entire group.

In a social group, if more than one-third of the people do the same thing, it will trigger the group preset alert. In such a situation, it is possible for all groups to do the same thing.

But this situation is a protective mechanism in group evolution.

The stampede accident that occurs in the shift passage is a reverse protection mechanism. Then, incentives are needed, and external factors need to be deliberately guided.

Qiao Xun was silent and didn't say a word, looking like he was in a daze.

Gallagher looked at him cautiously, and didn't dare to disturb Mr. Chang before he had finished thinking.

"Zhenru" is full, analyzing the environmental information to the greatest extent, and "Zaiyin" is also struggling to search for the shadows that exist nearby.

A few minutes passed, and he analyzed the complex and large amount of environmental information one by one. The surrounding environmental pollution value and the concentration of rune energy increased significantly, and he was in the process of falling back now. The rising peak is basically the same as that shown in the previous assistant's environmental survey report.

This shows that the chaotic incident just now is undoubtedly caused by the abnormal thing that may exist.

But even with such a definite direction, there is no incentive or trigger mechanism, and there is no way to know what the extraordinary thing is.

Qiao Xun remained calm.

There are a lot of people here. The sheriff of the guard, police officers, assistant Gallagher, and many livestock are all here. He must ensure that his authority is not compromised.

Even though no specific clues were obtained, Qiao Xun still said to Sheriff Muncy:

"Sheriff Muncy, this incident was not an accident. It was intentional."

Sheriff Mengsi looked serious and asked in a low voice:

"Did Mr. Dianchang find out? Do you need me to do anything?"

Qiao Xun said,

"Yes, but maybe, you have already felt it in the accident a month ago. The livestock here are different from other carriages."

Sheriff Muncy was outraged.

"Mr. Chief, it's still a domestic animal if it's different. If one of them really killed the police officer Kleimans, he will definitely be punished! The majesty of the train does not allow provocation!"

"Of course I know. But anger can't solve the problem, don't make it too big. I believe, you don't want to watch your car in charge of law and order become more and more chaotic."

"But we have to do something so that the animals don't feel that there will be no punishment for attacking us, so they will definitely get an inch. We should catch the dozen or so animals that caused the stampede, starve them, They hang upside down in the water prison and punish them properly."

Qiao Xun looked sad,

"I'm saddened by the sacrifice of Constable Kleimans. I know that punishing a single domestic animal must not be enough to quell the anger. Likewise, we can't give them an excuse to continue causing trouble."

If she is really like Sheriff Muncy, because she is angry, she locks up those domestic animals and punishes them, it will definitely cause a backlash.

Qiao Xun is familiar with the rules of the livestock area. In order to maintain the stability of the livestock area, the basic rights and interests of livestock themselves are also guaranteed by rules to prevent the labor of livestock from being harmed for no reason due to the selfishness of individual managers.

Under normal circumstances, because most of the livestock have their personalities destroyed, they will not resist the oppression~www.readwn.com~ Therefore, it happens that the managers treat livestock as slaves.

Qiao Xun estimated that Gu Shengrong used this rule to start the riot. In other words, any illegal operation of his own side will become a bargaining chip for him to launch a riot.

Qiao Xun added in a low voice:

"Don't let the livestock unite. You know what I mean, Mr. Sheriff."

Sheriff Muncy is not a fool. Contacting what happened when Chief Scrim was in power, he could imagine that if the livestock were given a legitimate reason to make trouble, the order in the carriage would become even more chaotic.

"But, we always need to do something. Otherwise, things like this will happen again and again."

Qiao Xun said softly:

"Since our police officers are in contact with them, they will be in danger. Then, don't contact them."

"However, we need to supervise and organize their work, maintain basic order, and prevent trouble."

Qiao Xun looked at the drowsy, timid livestock, narrowed his eyes slightly,

"Then, let them take care of themselves."

"What's the meaning?"

"Unity makes them strong, then divide them and let conflicts arise among themselves."


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