Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 20: Appearance is only falsehood, but the soul is true knowledge

Sheriff Muncy and Gallagher cheered up. Dianchang's statement made them feel very different.

"First of all, we specially selected a group of livestock to improve welfare, provide more rest time, and specifically undertake the work of the guards. They do the daily patrols, supervision and organization. This batch of livestock... is called an agent. Then, the conflicts between the clockwork police officers and the livestock will only appear between the livestock. The original guards only need to contact the agents."

"But don't domestic animals shelter each other?"

"This situation will definitely exist. Therefore, we have to add a performance appraisal to them."

"Performance appraisal?"

"That is, give each agent a pass line for performance, such as how many conflicts have been handled, how many disputes have been resolved, etc. As for the level of pass line, it is based on the level of the guard's previous day-to-day business a little higher. Those who pass and are excellent will be given more rewards, those who fail to pass will be dismissed, return to the factory to work, and be replaced by other livestock with excellent performance."

Gallagher asked:

"Where does the agent's welfare come from? The materials in each carriage are fixed according to the head. Is it possible to sacrifice the materials in our castle?"

"Of course not, it will be deducted from the original welfare benefits of domestic animals. Since the contradiction should be placed between domestic animals, then it should be more thorough."

Qiao Xun continued:

"The livestock in the livestock area are actually not united. As long as they are not given a legitimate reason to resist, then they are all selfish."

Qiao Xun's words are not nonsense. But I read it in the assistant's investigation report before. The three assistants investigated the emotional structure of the livestock in detail. Since there are people from the ordinary area in the livestock, and various random events in the ordinary area have magnified their personality independence, under the high-pressure management of the livestock area, becomes more extreme.

Therefore, Qiao Xun had reason to suspect that Gu Shengrong used other means to unite them.

According to the current observation, this method is a borrowed "compartment rule".

Gallagher and Sheriff Muncy thought carefully about what Joe Tour said.

Gallagher reacted first, clapped his hands and said:

"This method is very feasible! The original conflict in the carriage is between livestock and trains, but if a group of agents is placed in the middle as a buffer, the conflict will only come to us after crossing a step. It is the agent's welfare issuer and will not control them with high pressure at all, so the chance of conflict between the two is even smaller, and what's more, in order to ensure their own welfare, the agent will most likely maintain our management."

Gallagher looked at Qiao Xun excitedly, his eyes burning.

"Chief Abbott, kill two birds with one stone! It not only prevents us from having direct contact with livestock, but also makes it more difficult to initiate conflict against us!"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, looked at Sheriff Mengxi and said:

"Mr. Sheriff, what do you think?"

Originally, Sheriff Muncy felt aggrieved and dissatisfied that Qiao Xun did not intend to trace the sacrifice of police officer Claymans, but when he heard his arrangement, his dissatisfaction was dispelled. This arrangement not only reduces the danger of their work, but also greatly reduces the workload, of course he is satisfied.

"Mr. Dianchang, then the welfare of our guards..."

"Don't worry, a little bit."

Sheriff Mengsi immediately smiled,

"This is good, this is good. Mr. Abbott is really a caring and generous teacher."

"Then, I'll trouble you to wrap things up here. Tomorrow, I'll organize the setting of the agent."

Sheriff Muncy stood with his legs straight and saluted,

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Qiao Xun turned around and said:

"Come on, Gallagher, get busy."


Gallagher really felt that Captain Abbott could bring a completely different change to the second carriage, and was looking forward and excited.

In fact, for Qiao Xun, this arrangement is not just two birds with one stone as Gallagher said, what he wants is three birds with one stone.

And, what he cares more about is the third bird.

Whether it is to reduce the conflict between the clockworker and the livestock, or add the buffer class of the agent, it is not as important as his third plan. In fact, he was even more curious as to what method Gu Shengrong used to unite the livestock. Even if the guidance was based on the "carriage rules", there should be a way. And the very thing that is closely related to every riot is What?

Qiao Xun broke Gu Shengrong's second move, just to force them to get bigger, to see what purpose they had in their pockets.

Back in the castle, the plan was finalized overnight.

This time, Qiao Xun gave Gallagher a chance to express himself. The latter was very satisfied, and letting her idle would make her uneasy.

Before dawn, the detailed plan for the implementation of the plan was ready.

Afterwards, Gallagher took Qiao Xun's warrant and went to meet with Sheriff Muncy. They called the livestock to the square in front of the big platform and detailed the "agent plan".

The first batch of agents was selected completely at random, and the follow-up was screened by performance appraisal.

This is definitely a big change for livestock. For many years, they can only be in the working class and have no chance to change at all. Now, after the implementation of the measures promulgated by Chief Abbott himself, even domestic animals can become different domestic animals.

When listening to the plan, Song Yuanxia and Gu Shengrong were also in the crowd.

At first, they were relieved that Chief Abbott had not reacted to the constable's death. I felt that the chief may not want to follow in Skrein's footsteps, but he couldn't find the specific reason, so he put the cold treatment on hold.

But I didn't expect that this early in the morning, the director immediately threw such a big bomb.

Gu Shengrong will be called a "doctor", of course, it is not that he has to give himself a prestigious title, that is his academic research, and his comprehensive cognitive ability has been approved by Heige. Otherwise, it would not have obtained such a high-ranking status as the club K.

The same goes for "reporter" Song Yuanxia.

So, after Gallagher read out the "agent plan", they thought for a while, and immediately realized that this chief is a ruthless man!

He is a smart person with a pattern and a very strong pertinence!

The "agent plan" not only cracked their second move, but also directly turned the defense into an attack, throwing a trick for them to deal with.

The "agent plan" has largely differentiated livestock, transferring the conflict of order and rules to between livestock groups. This is completely unfavorable to their plan. In itself, they want to use the complete breakthrough of the order and rules of the carriage to achieve their goal and make the "law" appear completely.

With this plan, the order and rules of the carriages became more stable, and it was more difficult to target the castle on the big platform. And if the right of the castle is not torn apart, it is impossible to complete the complete breakthrough of the order, and the "Law Code" will not be able to appear.

"'Reporter', what do you think?" Gu Shengrong and Song Yuanxia squeezed out of the crowd and went outside.

Song Yuanxia looked at Gallagher on the platform in front of him, who was telling the details. Her eyes were always firm and clear.

"Chief Abbott... Indeed, he is very smart and can see the essence through phenomena. In the past, the chiefs basically put their own interests the most, and prestige, the stability of power, etc. are what they value the most. But , just look at the operation of these two steps. Abbott, the purpose is not the same."

"What is it?"

"Adding an agent, although it will make the order more stable, will invisibly reduce the prestige of the chieftain in the hearts of the livestock. Abbott is either not selfish or has other plans. I am more inclined that he has other plans, There is no one who is not selfish on the train."

"Then what do you think is his plan?"

"This is going to go back to our original guess. Abbott was brought by the restraint area of ​​the upper compartment to restrain us. With 'diplomats' there, the restraint area can't directly dry us, so let Abbott make a knife , stab us."

"Looking at it this way, the world sand table was really captured by the train."

Song Yuanxia said,

"Probably yes. Otherwise, they don't need to come up with an Abbot."

"The point-to-point order breakthrough can't go on. Next, how should we deal with the agent plan?"

Song Yuanxia turned and left here, Gu Shengrong followed behind.

"The plan can't be delayed. It was originally planned to take him within three moves. Now, the two moves have been resolved. Next, the third move has to be a bit bigger. The longer the agent's plan is implemented, the higher the level. The more stable it is, the more unfavorable our situation will be. The third trick is to dig up a layer from the root."

"In what direction?"

"The most fundamental problem in the livestock area is that, as livestock, you are locked into the gods' long rank, and you can only use the first-rank talents. At the same time, the livestock do not have any way to ascend, so they can only do meaningless physical labor. The production technology of the train has been mastered by the train side. No matter what the livestock do, they are adding to the train, and they cannot effectively improve themselves. To break this status quo is to dig the roots. "

Gu Shengrong took a breath, his eyes were sharp,

"You mean to say..."

"Break the shackles and rebel!"

It's the opposite!

"No, this is too big, and we haven't prepared it well. Besides, Suodengshen Long Step is the method of the No. 3 train captain, the method of a demigod. How can you break it?"

Song Yuanxia said:

"Of course it won't start right away. First of all, we'll kick the livestock that were chosen as agents out of consideration, then organize the rest of the people to protest, rush into the castle and force Aberdeen before the agent solves the problem. Sit down with us to the negotiating table. When we get to the table, the personal duel with him begins. 'Doctor', are you confident to suppress him?"

Gu Shengrong adjusted his glasses,

"Not much."

"Then I'll go in person. As long as we sit at the negotiating table, and the issue of order and rules begins, then we can enter our rhythm. At this time, it is a good time to rebel. As for the question of Suo Deng's long order, you Don't worry, the Ace of Hearts has already given the answer."


"Yes. She knows how to fight against demigods best. Before I set off, I asked her for help."

"Will she be willing to help you?"

"She didn't help me, it was just for the conductor No. 3."

"Do they have a grudge?"

Song Yuanxia nodded.

"how do you know?"

Song Yuanxia brushed her hair on the temples and walked forward.

"Don't forget, I'm a 'reporter'."

Gu Shengrong's eyelids jumped.

Reporter... Are you sure it's not a paparazzi?

Forget it, he didn't want to ask what was going on, as long as it was helpful to the plan.


Once the agent plan was implemented, there was an uproar in the livestock area.

There are only domestic animals who work endlessly in life, and finally saw the opportunity to turn over. Even if the agent is essentially a domestic animal, it is also a high-level domestic animal.

Before that, the life of domestic animals could not be seen at a glance. Working for twelve hours a day, the supplies only meet the minimum survival needs, there are no entertainment activities, let alone the so-called evolution. After becoming a domestic animal, evolution was almost completely set aside.

Now, with the surrogate plan, everything is different.

That is equivalent to stepping from the working class to the management class.

The agent's plan was like a fire that ignited the stagnant lives of the livestock in the second carriage.

The first batch of agents is randomly selected, and after that, it is to see which livestock has a better labor performance.

Life, all of a sudden there is hope.

As long as you work hard enough and your labor performance is good enough, there is hope to get rid of the hard labor life!

And the first batch of selected agents were so excited that they could be promoted without doing anything.

He is simply the son of heaven.

Therefore, when the first group of people were brought to the castle and met with the Chief Abbott, they immediately greeted them respectfully. After all, this chief is the existence that changed their lives,

It is a great benefactor!

Of course, Qiao Xun expressed his expectations hilariously, hoping that they would work hard and contribute to the second carriage.

Amid the applause, the agents left and started a new life.

Looking at their distant backs, Gallagher was amazed.

"The images of the former chieftains in the hearts of livestock were all terrible and abhorrent, but I didn't expect that the livestock would thank you in return. Chief Abbott, this is amazing."

"That's what people are like. A small kindness and a small benefit are enough for them to be grateful, not to mention the domestic animals who have been bored for so long. After all, there are few smart people~www.readwn.com~ The corner of Gallagher's mouth smiled. She looked at the profile of Qiao Xun, Gradually, I actually felt that this greasy man became cute.

Sure enough, the appearance is only falsehood, and the soul is the true knowledge.

Director Abbott came here, but just three or four days brought such a big change. Sure enough, I was preconceived before, and when I saw him as ugly, I felt that others were not good enough.

You have to study hard with this master.

Thinking of this, Gallagher was ashamed and looking forward to it. Before he knew it, his shoulders collapsed, and he was very relaxed.

Qiao Xun said:

"Miss Gallagher, don't relax so early."

"Is there anything else?"

"This matter is far from over."

If that extraordinary thing does not show up, and the purpose of Gu Shengrong and his wife is not revealed, the matter will not end.

Qiao Xun looked forward, he could see the white house in the dilapidated, crowded and crowded buildings.

In the white house, Song Yuanxia's eyes were like sharp swords.

At a certain moment, they had a brief confrontation.

They all know that a good show is about to be staged.


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