Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 21: Hang that **** chief from the street lamp!

Latest website: Within a week of the implementation of the agent plan, Gallagher has always been on the front line, sorting out and counting the changes in the livestock area every day after the plan is carried out.

Because it is a relatively large reform, comprehensive statistics need to be carried out, and the results will be reported to the power district at that time.

These results will become the score index of the second compartment, which is related to the allocation of resources and the promotion of personnel. Qiao Xun didn't care about this, so he left it to Gallagher to take care of it.

Gallagher, of course, was very concerned about the "promotion" issue, and she didn't want to be frustrated in the livestock area for a long time. The power area, the control area of ​​the middle compartment, and the restraint area of ​​the upper compartment are the places that make her fascinated.

Therefore, the performance of these cars is very important to her.

During the week, she fully realized how much the surrogate's plan would change the second car. Most of the previous carriages were stubborn conservatives, who generally only guarded their positions of power, resources and achievements, and refused to make any changes that might affect them.

Therefore, the huge changes brought by the agent's plan to the carriage made Gallagher realize that the new director is definitely not just a temporary transfer. Maybe, he came here with more tasks.

She couldn't corroborate her guess, but no matter what, Chief Abbott's ability made her think that she really needed to study hard behind him.

During this week, it was clear that a group of agents were selected from the livestock group who did not need to engage in labor production, but the work efficiency of the remaining livestock was greatly improved.

"As long as you work hard, you can change the status quo". After this concept has penetrated into the livestock area, it has greatly activated their enthusiasm and worked harder, just to ensure that the next time they choose an agent, their work performance will be good enough.

At the same time, daily problems such as factory failures and livestock disputes have been significantly reduced. The rest of the livestock do not want to be caught by the agents and rush their performance. Only in this way can they be more easily replaced.

On the contrary, in order to rush performance, the agents will try their best to grasp the problem, and they will discipline them for the slightest problem.

With this coming and going, there will be more conflicts and conflicts between the agents and the livestock.

But that doesn't matter. For the castle on the big platform, as long as the efficiency of the factory increases and its own status is affected, it is enough. Conflict between livestock and proxies was something Gallagher would rather see.

The deeper the conflict between them, the stronger the status of the castle. Because, no matter what, the power class in the castle won't be hurt.

What Gallagher enjoys every day is to report to Qiao Xun about the situation observed during the day, the improvement of factory efficiency, conflicts and other issues.

On the contrary, Qiao Xun has become very low-key these days. He has not walked around the livestock streets and factories where the agent's plan has just been formed.

He spends most of his time in the castle, alone in his study.

Gallagher, as always, knocked on the study door at seven o'clock in the evening train time.

"Come in."

Gallagher pushed through the door, a brochure in his hand. This is a related matter to be reported today.

As usual, she reported first.

After listening, nothing special. Qiao Xun nodded,

"Thank you, Gallagher."

Generally speaking, Gallagher should have left by this time. However, she paused and asked after thinking for a while:

"Mr. Dianchang, won't you go and see for yourself?"

"It's fine outside, what am I going to see?"

"But Gu Shengrong and his wife are too quiet. These days, they are very honest, just working hard, working non-stop. Could it be that they gave up? You said before, the real challenge has not yet begun. What is the real challenge? ?"

Qiao Xun got up, left his seat, and came to the window. From this location, you can have a panoramic view of Livestock Street.

"Gallagher, from the beginning to the end, we don't know what their purpose is."

"But they are restless, sharp knives dangling from their necks."

"Whether it's a sharp knife or not. I've read the investigations of the other three assistants."

"Any gains?"

Joe Tour said,

"From the beginning to the end, Gu Shengrong and his wife did not bring any adjustment to the emotional structure of the livestock. They are not the kind of bully. The bully either arm everyone's strength or arm everyone's mind. However, they None. The unity of the livestock is a false unity. The program is not pure enough, and the uprising is too fragile. Now think about the death of Chief Skrillin, suicide, first rule out. It can be clearly found that Gu Shengrong and his wife Third-party means were used."

"Innate ability? However, they should be locked up to ascend to the god's long order."

"So, this is curious. Gallagher, if you were Gu Shengrong, what would you do at this time?"

Gallagher pondered seriously, and pressed his elbows against his chest, pressing hard, with distinct streaks squeezed out from both sides. She maintained this posture, thought for about half a minute, not quite sure, and said cautiously:

"There are two situations. First, I will hibernate first, and wait for the opportunity when you leave here, Mr. Dianchang. Second, if there is a necessary purpose, then I may be desperate."

"Wait for an opportunity, or go all out, it's a new week. If they don't take action, the agent class will go through the first cycle smoothly."

"So, you should cheer up these two days, right!" Gallagher's eyes became fiery.

Qiao Xun nodded with a smile.


The train time is two in the middle of the night.

Gu Shengrong, who is off duty, has been burying his head in front of the desk for several hours. He is doing repeated verification of a set of formulas-

"The Chain Response Formula of Status Concepts After Runes Infiltrate Consciousness".

This topic is something he has spent a lot of time researching before. Repeated verification, there are no errors.

The status concept chain response is, in essence, the "integration of the will" often mentioned by the believers. Human will has the sameness, and the proper use of the sameness can greatly save the cost of unifying thoughts.

Gu Shengrong has no talent for belief and lacks innate conditions. Even if his personal research on "pollution and evolution" has reached a fairly in-depth level, he has never had a suitable opportunity.

After coming to the livestock area of ​​the sea train, the lack of innate conditions have been made up. In the second carriage, there is not only strict order and oppression, but also the powerful abnormal "law", which can replace the talent of belief, and more importantly The thing is, this is a closed environment, which greatly reduces the error rate.

After a year of preparing the ground for the research on the second carriage, his first "integration of will" achieved great success and successfully launched a riot.

But, that's on a small scale.

This time, he wants to carry out "will integration" in an all-round way. Success must be ensured and no mistakes can be tolerated.

Of course, it is to integrate the will of the livestock.

He has excluded livestock from being agents. Because agents have no common interests with ordinary livestock, the will convergence is low, or even contradictory.

His brows were furrowed, and it was wrinkled into the word "Well", and the thick stacks of drafts were all used for deduction formulas.

Under normal circumstances, he doesn't need pen and paper at all, and meditation is enough.

However, in the livestock area, the Ascension Rank is locked, and cannot be deduced with the help of talent calculations.

burn brain,

Picture and classify each livestock animal that needs to be integrated. This is undoubtedly a huge workload. Therefore, there will be a silent period of seven days. For the whole seven days, except for the necessary labor as a domestic animal, at any other time, whether it was eating, resting, or whatever, he kept thinking.

Short sleep, did not stop thinking. This is his ability.

The classification of characteristics of 1,233 livestock was finally completed tonight.

Gu Shengrong exhaled a long breath and collapsed on the chair. After being paralyzed for about ten minutes, his muscles were tense and he sat up straight.

He's about to start,

Will integration.

Before you start, go through the formula one last time and assign the characteristics of each animal to the corresponding position in the formula.

Then, with the help of the power of the "Law Code".

The "Law Code", one of the root of the twenty-four worlds, can also be said to be a miracle, and at this moment, it is hidden in this carriage. Gu Shengrong, who has studied the world sand table and the world roots for 20 years, has already experienced the abilities of different world roots in the past collection tasks, and he is very clear about how to guide the abilities of the world roots.

Without the world sand table, it may not be possible to exert the full capabilities of the root of the world, nor to realize the final imagination. However, it is still possible to just guide the ability.

In response, Gu Shengrong researched an extraordinary thing early in the morning, specially designed to guide the ability of the root of the world.

He took out a palm-sized piece of hard paper from his pocket.

If you look closely, you will see that this is not paper, but similar in texture. Each particle above is independent and very smooth, like a miniature version of the core of a ballpoint pen tip.

Each of them is silver-blue, but when stacked together, they become white.

Silver-blue, of course, because they store runic power.

Gu Shengrong named this kind of extraordinary things "abstracts", just like writing the preface of an article.

let's start,

Integrate will.

His fingers lightly rested on the "Summary", pouring in a faint trace of rune energy, and then the small particles on it spun at a high speed, inspiring a strange power.

In the whole room, silver-blue light spots flickered. It's like a galaxy falling down here.

At a certain moment, a phantom flashed past, it was a heavy book with a sharp sword inserted in the middle of the book.

After flashing, the chain response formula begins.

One thousand two hundred and thirty-three beams of light shot out from the "Summary", penetrated all buildings, and fell precisely on each corresponding person.

integrated will,

In loose terms,

It is a word full of exploitative connotations:


People tend to have an overall will when the individual will is independent, which is called belief.

To make people ignore their own individual will and tend to the same whole is called brainwashing.

Brainwashing begins.

At this moment, whether they are working, resting, or doing other things, all domestic animals are instilled with the same will:

"Go to that castle, that castle has everything I want!"

"What do I want? Food and clothing;"

"No labor;"

"love and sex;"


"that power;"

"Inexhaustible money;"

"Honor, achievement and respect for all;"

"The realization of self-worth..."

"That castle is a shackle, a beast, a beast that guards us! Cut off its head, eat its flesh, drink its blood, and use its bones as a scepter!"

"It oppresses us, rules us, and exploits us! We have paid so much labor, but what we get is only the bottom line of survival! It has overdrawn our value, and we must take it back with our own hands!"

"Smash, smash that step;"

"Knock, break every brick that made that castle!"

"Throw that **** chief, and his accomplices, into the furnace, into the circulation tower, into the grinder!"

Suddenly, the livestock street and several factories turned from calm and stable to noisy and riotous.

This is not the riot like the stampede incident before,

Nor is it a senseless strike,

It's a rebellion!

These 1,233 domestic animals, no matter what they have at hand, are all fucked,

Whether it's a sickle, a hammer, or an iron rod and a steel pan, take them all.

The agents were still complacent just a moment ago, enjoying the advantages brought by this privilege, and suddenly they saw that those domestic animals were all red-faced, their eyes were fierce, and they were smashing themselves with various tools.

Even if the agent has equipment, but after all, there are few people, and he will be disarmed in three or two times. The timid, who hides in the corner and dare not move. Go to the castle and smash that **** chief to pieces.

They lit torches and rushed out into the street, shouting slogans and angrily rushing towards the castle on the large platform.

The fire suddenly shot into the sky, and a large number of wooden structures were destroyed in the fire, and the smoke from the collapsed and smashed was noisy.

Domestic animals gathered from all directions completely surrounded the castle.

Gu Shengrong, who had already infiltrated the crowd, seemed to be the leader. He stood at the forefront, carrying a "Summary" that borrowed the power of "Law Code", and shouted a loud slogan,

"Break open that gate and rush in! Go and get back what should belong to you!"

After Gu Shengrong shouted, the livestock rushed up, but he stood there, motionless, refusing to step in half a step.

It all happened so fast that the Clockwork Police officers who hurried over after hearing about it couldn't control it at all. No matter how they used various weapons and blew various whistles, they couldn't shake the domestic animals who seemed to be hugging a group.

The livestock have only one goal~www.readwn.com~ rush into the castle and sacrifice the chief to the sky!

"Master Abbott, it's not good!" Gallagher panicked, forgot to knock on the door, and rushed directly into the study.

Qiao Xun stood in front of the window of the study, his face glowing with fire.

"Gallah, look, the real riots have just begun. That's right. The livestock that don't want to cut off the chief's head and hang it on the street lamps are livestock that can't stand up for a lifetime."

Gallagher suddenly couldn't understand the cleric even more.

She caught a glimpse of his flaming face, a little... excited?

"Director, they are going to rush in."

"no, I can not."


"Because, this is a false revolution."

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