Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 22: The light of reason shines, the power of the king of spades, the enemy of "red&quo

Latest website: Just half an hour before the livestock waving torches came outside the castle, Qiao Xun stood in front of the window and felt a throbbing.

He is very sensitive to the environment, and he is very sure that just now, the environmental pollution value and rune energy concentration of the second compartment increased sharply. This is definitely not an illusion. Since the last time he verified in the investigation report that the seven fluctuations corresponded to the riot events one by one, he has paid close attention to the environment of the carriage.

Of course, the most important thing is that "True Ru" retrieves a picture from complex environmental information.

In that picture, a phantom flickered past.

A heavy book and a sharp sword.

This pattern all told him that it was one of the twenty-four "laws" of the world's sand table, representing the rules.

And the world sand table deep in his consciousness also woke up and responded to him with the same attitude as he had discovered the "book" representing knowledge.

The sand table of the world is longing, just like a mother longing for her child to return home.

Qiao Xun also finally understood that it was confirmed repeatedly by himself, but he just didn't know what the extraordinary thing was.

However, how did Gu Shengrong and his wife use the "compartment rules" to unite the domestic animals whose personalities were oppressed.

He figured it all out.

The idea suddenly became very clear.

Gu Shengrong and his wife have the world sand table themselves, and they came to the livestock area to obtain the "law". For some reason, they couldn't bring the world sand table with them. They could only put it outside and let their son with perfect genes go. get back.

Qiao Xun thought, if he guessed correctly, even without that gamble, love would have been living in the livestock area under the arrangement of Gu Shengrong and his wife.

Break through the order, get the "Code of Law", put it into the world sand table, and then walk away.

Very smooth plan.

Unfortunately, all this was interrupted because of his appearance.

Now, Qiao Xun had a sharp conflict with Gu Shengrong and his wife.

"Mr. Chief, what should we do?" Gallagher asked eagerly. "It's impossible to let them rush in."

Joe Tour said,

"Gallah, aren't you a fifth-order evolutionary? It's not difficult to block a group of domestic animals that have been locked up to the long-order gods."

Gallagher nodded,

"Definitely can stop it. But what to do later? Now they are clearly going to rebel. Before, they just went on strike to protest... Mr. Dianchang, why on earth?"

"Don't worry. As I said, it's a fake revolution. Don't be intimidated. There's no way the animals in the second carriage would have united in rebellion like this."

"But even if it doesn't threaten us, the carriage is facing a complete shutdown. If the factory stops working all day, the power area will immediately ask about the situation. This kind of thing is the last thing the power area wants to see."

Qiao Xun looked at her and said,

"Gallacher, do you think I'm a competent magistrate?"


"Then you can trust me. Put away your nervousness and bring out the confidence of the past few days. Gallagher has grown from an assistant to a director, but he really needs this poise."

Gallagher's shoulders shook,

"Mr. Chief..."

"Gallagher, if this crisis is over, I will return to the power zone. I will properly mention you to Mr. Chief and tell him that perhaps, our beautiful Miss Gallagher, who has grown a lot, is the Let her learn to take more responsibility."

Qiao Xun smiled.

There must be something magical about that smile that makes Gallagher wonder.

After a while, she trembled and came back to her senses, with a bright red on her face,

"Mr. Dianchang, of course I believe you!"

"Then, it's hard work for you."

"it is my responsibility."

After speaking, Gallagher turned around gracefully, shaking his long hair and chest, and strode down the castle.

As a fifth-order evolutionary, it is no problem to block a group of domestic animals that have been locked up to the gods.

And Qiao Xun also went downstairs and stood under the flower shelf in the front yard.

He didn't hide, but generously let himself out and let Gu Shengrong see him.

Sure enough, as soon as Qiao Xun stood under the flower shelf, Gu Shengrong pointed at him and said loudly:

"That **** chief is there!"

So, everyone used torches to face Qiao Xun, and they clamored to roll down.

He kept hitting him with all kinds of things.

Of course, this is of no use to Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun looked at Gu Shengrong and asked loudly, in a very relaxed tone,

"Mr. Gu, I didn't expect our goodbyes to be like this."

"You vampire, you cannibalize our labor, you should be punished."

"Mr. Gu, do you want to punish me? Do you think it's possible? You are a domestic animal, what are you using to punish me? I don't know how high the sky is, why do you think you can change your life against the sky? Look at your ridiculous power, you can't even enter this gate. , and tried to punish me. Come on, when your enthusiasm dissipates, I will see what you will do. In the end, you have to return to the factory honestly. "

Qiao Xun plays the role of a clerk, saying what a clerk should say.

"Ridiculous power?" Gu Shengrong glared at Qiao Xun and said, "You will pay for your arrogance."

Qiao Xun said disdainfully,

"Come on, let me see how much you have."

At this moment, Song Yuanxia walked out from the crowd. She looked directly at Qiao Xun.

Strictly speaking, this was the first time Song Yuanxia and Qiao Xun met head-on.

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Why, bring a woman to block the knife?"

Song Yuanxia was not moved by Qiao Xun's sarcasm. Her eyes are clear and firm, her voice is clear, her tone is steady,

"Mr. Abbott, if you think we can't do you any harm, you're wrong. Maybe it's going to be a little harder to break into your castle. But can you afford to stop the carriage? The daily source metal output requirements of the second carriage are 40 tons of rough ore for energy, 2 tons of concentrate for energy, and 50 kilograms of pure ore. Commander Abbott, do you think we can't stand twelve hours in front of your castle?"

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes slightly.

In Zhenru's vision, he was certain that these livestock could not maintain this state for too long. Of course he could confidently ignore it until they regained their individual will.

However, that is what Dian Albert would do. Qiao Xun, as the owner of the world sand table, of course wants to see the "law code".

Since the purpose of Gu Shengrong and his wife is "laws", why not use their power.

Qiao Xun laughed,

"Twelve hours..."

Gu Shengrong's eyes were a little uncertain. He couldn't be sure if he could integrate his will for twelve hours.

Song Yuanxia's expression was very firm, and people could not doubt what she said just by looking at her.

Qiao Xun inhaled a little, frowned slightly, showing a little timidity, and said:

"Don't try to provoke me."

With "lust", Qiao Xun controls his emotions very well.

Song Yuanxia's tone was firm and continued:

"I don't believe it, we can give it a try. Let's see, when the time comes, whether you leave the second carriage for negligence first, or we can't hold back."

Qiao Xun said angrily:

"Damn stupid woman, do you really think you can threaten me?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I just told you the current situation. Mr. Dianchang, if you are a smart person, you shouldn't be angry at this time."

"Just a bunch of filthy domestic animals, what do you want from me? Ridiculous, pathetic! From the day you became a domestic animal, you should have been trampled under your feet and trampled! Finally buried in the billowing smoke, choked out. Bitter water!"

Song Yuanxia said,

"If you have to ruin your career, then try it. We are already domestic animals, and there is no way to retreat. No matter how miserable it is, it will not be worse than it is now. As for you, you are Mr. Dianchang, presumably, I'm used to a life of grace and people kneeling down, I'm afraid it will be difficult to come down again. It's up to you to decide whether you want to protect yourself or die."

"Bug, what do you want!" Qiao Xun said loudly.

Below, Gallagher looked worried.

She felt so familiar, so familiar. The same is true of the Chief Scrim before committing suicide, angered by shame.

Commissioner Abbott, is he... okay?

Song Yuanxia said:

"It's very simple, we just want basic human rights guarantees."

"Human rights? What human rights do livestock have!"

"We've had enough. If our hard work doesn't pay off, what's the difference with zombies? You ghosts have taken over our hard-working bodies! Now, we just want our bodies back. ."

Song Yuanxia said calmly:

"Mr. Chief, maybe, we should sit down and have a good talk."

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes,

"You want to talk to me?"

"Are you afraid?"

"Of course not. Talk, you can talk. I'll see if you have any confidence to talk to me."

As soon as these words came out, Gallagher screamed:

"Chief Abbott, you can't promise her!"

Joe Tour said,

"It's okay Gallagher."

As he spoke, he put his hands behind his back, left with a big belly, and said as he walked:

"Let her in and we'll have a good talk."

In the crowd, Song Yuanxia whispered to Gu Shengrong:

"When I go in, I will unlock it at the right time. You will quickly occupy the castle and break through the order."

Gu Shengrong nodded secretly, and then hid in the crowd.

Song Yuanxia strode into the castle with her head held high.

Gallagher looked at her hard,

"You'd better not play tricks."

Song Yuanxia glanced at her. This petite, short-haired woman looked extraordinarily tall in front of Gallagher,

"Miss Gallagher, don't you want to be the chief?"

After speaking, Song Yuanxia walked in without waiting for an answer.

While Gallagher was stunned, Song Yuanxia had already gone far. She hurried to follow.

In the hall on the first floor of the castle, a long table has been prepared, with a chair on each end.

Qiao Xun, sitting at one end of the inside.

Song Yuanxia looked at it, and her heart moved slightly. This was clearly prepared in advance. Could it be that this director thought that I would ask for negotiation?

This is the end, there is no way out. She sits down.

Gallagher walked over to Qiao Xun, lowered his body, and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Chief, Chief Skrillin died here. Are you really going to negotiate with her?"

"Of course. This is a hurdle that must be overcome."


Gallagher sighed, her emotions mixed. I thought that I could follow Albert's long-term success until the performance was enough to be promoted. Unexpectedly, such a thing happened suddenly.

Will Commissioner Abbott, he, follow in the footsteps of Commissioner Skrein?

"Director, it's time, what do I need to do?"

Joe Tour said:

"Remember what I said at the beginning? Leave the second car in the second car. So, no matter how chaotic this is, Gallagher, you must not let anyone out of here. Including our own."


Gallagher didn't ask why, his expression softened a little,

"Master, please pay attention to safety."

After speaking, she got up and strode away, holding her head high, her steps swift but graceful.

Close the gate on the first floor of the castle,

A crystal chandelier hanging above casts a soft light.

Qiao Xun and Song Yuanxia sat opposite each other. The eight-meter long table stretched their positions far apart.

Qiao Xun changed his annoyed expression before and said with a smile:

"I thought it would be your husband who would negotiate. In this way, you are in charge of your family. A lot of Chinese families are like this."

"Mr. Chief, it's useless to talk too much. We have nothing in common to chat about."

Song Yuanxia is a very purposeful person, and she will never be distracted from the topic in the middle.

She only focuses on the core interests she wants to pursue.

"Of course. So, what are your thoughts? We're in this situation."

Song Yuanxia looked at Qiao Xun, her eyes fixed on him,

"First, remove the proxy class. Proxies will aggravate conflicts within livestock, and we are firmly opposed to this."

"However, the presence of an agent will improve the efficiency of the carriage. This is my core appeal."

"No, you have to remove. Our livestock must also fight for our own rights. Working for the train itself is oppressing us. We must ensure that the livestock itself is not disturbed."

Qiao Xun did not answer directly, but said with a smile:

"What about your other requests?"

"Second, the two-shift system is replaced by a three-shift system. Each shift works for eight hours. At the same time, each person must have two days of rest per week. Twelve hours of work will greatly damage our bodies."

"anything else?"

"Third, the treatment of meals must be improved. We do not require any food, but we must ensure a basic daily calorie intake, sugar intake and various nutritional intakes."

"go on."

"Fourth, improve our living conditions, including but not limited to cleaning sewers, optimizing sewage systems, rebuilding dormitories, and adding recreational areas, such as bathhouses, chess and card rooms, and reading rooms. Even livestock, we should enjoy spiritual substances."

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes, smiled and said:

"It's all given to you, so are you still domestic animals? Are you still here to suffer?"

Song Yuanxia's eyes shone brightly, her temperament changed significantly, and she became very oppressive.

"So, here comes the most crucial one. Fifth, abolish the livestock class! Restore our personality integrity!"

When he said this, it seemed like a thunderstorm fell from the sky, covering his face.

What are the carriages in the livestock area built on?

Without a doubt, the livestock system.

Destroy the personality of domestic animals and make them humanoid tools that can only provide labor! The livestock system is the core of the rules of the carriages in the livestock area. Each car has different rules, but the livestock system is the core rule and the general existence of the constitution.

To change the livestock system is to overthrow the order and tear up the system!

At the same time, Song Yuanxia brazenly inserted a finger into her temple.

Immediately a large hole appeared in her temple. And inside, there is a black crystal-like thing.

Finger, press on that crystal.

The crimson light blazed out, landed on the brick wall of the castle, and spread rapidly, like a poisonous snake showing its fangs, in just three seconds, it covered the entire second carriage.

The crimson light permeated everyone, as if to break open their brains, get in, and smash something to shreds.


All the domestic animals vaguely heard such a voice, and then, they were surprised to find that their Ascendant Steps had returned!

More powerful high-level talents can be used!

Outside, Gu Shengrong declared to everyone with his will to integrate:

"You are free! Do whatever you want, do whatever you want!"


Get agitated!

The livestock unleashed runic energy to destroy everything they hated.

The locks on the long steps of the gods were broken, and their destroyed personalities were restored.

All sorts of talents manipulate the runic energy to shatter the entire second carriage.

at the same time,

In the restricted area of ​​the upper deck of the train, in a certain room, the person who was sleeping and resting opened his eyes.

"Yihong? It seems to smell like... 'fatalism'. Let me see who it is, um... a fat man? Yihong, your taste is too perverted."


Gallagher watched in horror at what was happening in front of him,

All kinds of talents recklessly rioted in front of her. Within three or two strokes, the castle courtyard wall was torn down, the tall bell tower was directly broken, and the floor tiles on the ground were peeled off inch by inch. Among these livestock, there is no lack of all fourth-order evolutionaries!

what happened?

Aren't they locked up to ascend the god's long steps?

How can you use such talent!

Gallagher felt cold, she turned around quickly and planned to rush into the castle to tell the chief that something was wrong! But as soon as he reached the gate and stepped on the steps, he immediately felt like stepping into a swamp and sank crazily. She quickly controlled her body, got up, and looked forward.

The whole castle suddenly became like jelly, twisting constantly.

A force that Gallagher simply could not overcome trapped the castle. She couldn't get in, and she had no way of knowing what was going on inside.

How to do?

The chief is also in danger!

What should I do?

Gallagher panicked. This kind of situation is too scary. Who would have thought that a large tsunami would suddenly appear in the livestock area that has always been like stagnant water.

Calm down Gallagher!

Calm down and think about Mr. Dianchang.

Think about it, how would you deal with it if it was the director?

Think about it...


Gallagher's eyes welled up.

The Dian Chang said that no matter what happened, the matter of the second carriage must be left in the second carriage.

Yes, when the chief is in trouble, then I must do it well!

Gallaher had a clear goal, and quickly drove the rune energy in his body, running non-stop to the rail elevator in the carriage.

It must be blocked! Don't let anyone leave!


In the castle, only Qiao Xun and Song Yuanxia were left.

Feeling the changes around him, Qiao Xun asked:

"Is that what you do? Keep me here."

Just now, Song Yuanxia activated her talent. And Qiao Xun's "True Ru" was also able to retrieve the changing form of her power rune energy, and parsed out the name and ability of this talent.

"Information Domain", plan a domain, and gather any objects that carry information cognition and cognition information in the domain. Before the domain is lifted, the gathered objects cannot leave.

The talent activator, in the field, can use any information to launch an attack. Rune energy is also a part of this information, so any drive of rune energy will be captured by the talent activator. In other words, for the duration of the realm, runic power is ineffective against her.

Song Yuanxia said:

"Master Abbott, I know that you are not an ordinary person, and even the 'Doctor' can't see through you. But, all I want is to trap you a little."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"You know? You don't know anything, you can't even know who I really am."

Song Yuanxia frowned. She suddenly felt that the man in front of her didn't seem to be on the "reasonable" side, as if he was expressing another kind of "rationality".

Qiao Xun continued:

"'Doctor'... This title, it seems, you are people of black leather. Of course, you are plum Q 'reporter'. It's surprising, black leather's plum K and plum Q are two here. year's livestock."

"Of course I can't deprive you of your right to speak. So, you can say whatever you want."

Of course, Qiao Xun continued to say,

"In your opinion, as long as I sit at the negotiating table with you, it will be a success. Although I don't know how you unlocked the lock of the No. 3 train captain, it is clear that you can no longer be tolerated by the train."

"that's not important."

"So, I'm just curious, what... is what's important to you. Subvert the train order?"

"As you can see."

Joe Tour said,

"I think it's after subverting the train order."

Song Yuanxia's eyes sank,

"Sure enough. Your train has been restless."

"It's you who are restless."

Qiao Xun said and laughed,

"So, Ms. Song, are we still negotiating? An agreement between us."

"That doesn't matter anymore."

"No no no, that's important."

Song Yuanxia looked at Qiao Xun strangely.

Is this insane?

Crazy because you can't accept failure?

Still, other. What the **** is this chief thinking?

No, don't think too much. Song Yuanxia's reason told directly, don't have anything to do with Qiao Xun, just wait for the "Law Code" to appear.

Qiao Xun stood up and said:

"I knew from the moment I saw you. You are a very rational person. You put aside any emotion and suppress the secretion of hormones in your body. Probably, in your opinion, these things affect your rational judgment. However, Song Actually, lady, you should try to understand that, perhaps, emotion is an integral part of reason. There is never an opposite between the two."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Joe Tour said:

"You can't trap me. You have holes in your 'information domain'. You think rationality is to separate out emotions, yes, it makes you think very rigorously, but at the same time, you also lack the Judgment of emotional information. You can use all the information in this field, but you cannot use emotional information. For me, emotional information is very large.”





And, "Rage".

Which does not push the emotion to the extreme.

Qiao Xun walked towards Song Yuanxia step by step. He drives his five characteristics.

As a result, a very emotional Qiao Xun appeared in front of Song Yuanxia.

However, she was unable to capture these emotional messages.

Let these information flow overflow the "information field" and dismantle everything recklessly.

"Gluttony", frantically eating away all information in the domain, including the domain itself.

Song Yuanxia watched as the splendor of information overflowed to Qiao Xun.

Until Qiao Xun came to her, the "information field" was completely disintegrated.

A large hand grabbed Song Yuanxia's neck and lifted him up from the chair.

Qiao Xun stared at her expressionlessly,

"If you don't even know emotions, how can you not be bound by emotions? It is precisely by experiencing emotions and understanding emotions that you can know how to not be affected by them. Only a fool who knows nothing about it will feel that the road of heartlessness will make you feel become stronger."

Song Yuanxia was strangled by the neck, and her face gradually turned red. She was completely unable to escape the suppression of Qiao Xun.

That hand resisted like a pair of pliers.

Qiao Xun reached into her chest pocket, took out a piece of paper, then threw her off, threw her heavily on the ground, and said:

"Ms. Song, don't you and your husband want to completely break the rules of the carriage and create a completely chaotic environment? Well, let me help you and let you see that scene in advance."

Song Yuanxia's eyes suddenly widened.

"what are you going to do!"

Intense unease quickly took over her body. This body, which is rarely occupied by negative emotions, at this moment, after removing the trace of resistance, immediately lost its purity.

"Subverting the livestock system, in your opinion, is about breaking the rules of the carriages, right. You want to do it overnight through violence and negotiation. Yes, you're smart enough to realize that it's getting harder and harder for you to keep the surrogate program going."

Qiao Xun spread out the paper he took out from her arms.

This is a contract prepared in advance. Negotiation requirements are listed above.

Qiao Xun took out the official seal of the director, slammed it on it, and said loudly:

"I agree with your request to abolish the livestock system in the second compartment of the livestock area on the bottom compartment of the sea train!"

After he finished speaking, there was a strange wave in the second carriage.

Colorless, shapeless and light,

The volatility permeated the streets, including the castle.

The phantom of the huge book and sword slowly appeared on the negotiating table in the castle, and then the light of reason poured out, shining on every corner.

Song Yuanxia stood up, her whole person lost some sense of reason, and became extremely excited.

"You will regret your arrogance! You don't know anything at all, whether it's the rules or the 'Law Code', you don't know its power at all, and you don't even know how to use it, let me tell you!" She roared frantically, "The light of reason will engulf you and destroy your personality to nothing!"

After saying these words frantically, Song Yuanxia took out a piece of paper from her cuff, which was a "summary" given to her by Gu Shengrong to activate the power of the root of the world.

She smashed this "summary" violently, mobilized the "laws" of the book and sword with her will, and let the light of reason shine on Qiao Xun, and then,

"Go to the ideal country."

Light engulfed Qiao Xun.


Everything is in order here.

Pedestrians and vehicles abide by traffic rules; merchants strictly enforce commercial laws and operate with integrity; there will be no negative emotions between people, and of course, there will be no positive emotions.

In other words, here, following rationality is the only positive emotion.

A huge statue of a book and a sword is located at the highest point and in the center of the city.

Everyone born in this city will accept the arrangement of books and swords in their lives.

What book to read? What will you do in the future? When to get married, when to have children, when to retire, and when to die... everything is arranged by the light of reason.

Abbott, the child was assigned the job of a supermarket cashier from the moment he was born.

A supermarket cashier doesn't need a high degree, so Light of Reason only let him leave school after finishing high school and work in a supermarket.

He would marry a female teacher at twenty-five and have his first child the following year. Their first child is an ordinary-looking girl assigned a job as an urban gardener, and their second child is a beautiful girl who will be a teller in a bank.

Abbott, will work in the supermarket until he is sixty-five and then retire.

After retirement, he will spend the next fifteen years in a nursing home, dying on his eightieth birthday.

His whole life has been arranged and can be viewed anytime and anywhere at the Book and Sword Statue.

Today, he put on his uniform as always, making sure that not even a single corner of his clothes was improper, and came to the supermarket counter to start his day's work.

"Good morning, Abbott."

"You too, Mrs Forens."

Mrs Forens is a cleaner in the supermarket.

"Today is another day full of rational light."

"Of course, the light of reason shines upon us."

Abbott smiled at each guest.

Among them, one of the guests said:

"Abbot, your shoes are really polished today."

Abbott smiled and said:

"No, I clearly remember a piece of chewing gum on my right leather shoe."

"No. It's obviously clean."

"If you don't believe me, look."

Abbott stretched out his right foot and looked at it himself.

There was indeed no chewing gum on the leather shoes. Very clean, clean and shiny! It almost reflected his face.

Abbott stopped,

No, obviously I remember sticking a piece of chewing gum!

Why is it gone?

"Isn't that chewing gum arranged for me by the Light of Reason?"

The guest laughed and said:

"How can the Light of Reason arrange chewing gum for you. You are a supermarket cashier, of course you have to be decent."

No no no!

I clearly remember one!

Must have!

Abbott frowned, showing a very difficult expression abnormally.

"Abbot, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable? Go to the hospital and see, the light of reason will bless you. You won't die until you are eighty years old, so you'll be fine."

Do not!

Chewing gum is my label, a label I left on purpose, and it shouldn't go away!

Abbott's eyes widened sharply,

"Fake, it's fake!"

Suddenly, everything in front of me began to reverse, and at a certain moment, it fell apart and shattered in an instant.

After being slightly stunned, Qiao Xun's eyes became clear, and he looked coldly at Song Yuanxia who was about to kill him in front of him.

Song Yuanxia looked terrified,

"How! How can you not be affected!"

Joe Tour said,

"Of course I was affected. But thanks to the gum on the toe of my right foot."

Song Yuanxia looked at Qiao Xun's right foot, and there was indeed a piece of chewing gum.

But she still didn't understand why, and screamed:

"You broke the rules."

Joe Tour said,

"You've lost your reason. Madam Song, your proud reason is worthless."

In fact, Qiao Xun kept the piece of chewing gum when he fashioned this Abbott skin.

So, to him, it wasn't the gum he got on, but a part of his body.

The Light of Reason does not seem to have taken this into consideration.

Qiao Xun stretched out his hand to the "Law Code" in front of him.

The moment the finger touched, the world sand table that could not wait for a long time, directly engulfed it.

Then, he felt that, deep in his consciousness, in the world sand table, the image of the original missing regular position lighted up——

A book with a sword in it.

"Law Code".

"Do not!"

Song Yuanxia looked at all this and screamed.

Qiao Xun would not give her a reason to continue to survive.

If you see it, then die forever.

He stepped forward and grabbed her.

When he was about to twist his neck, a force suddenly trapped his arm, preventing him from exerting any force.

"Stop, that's enough, you've won."

The castle gates opened and the light came in.

Qiao Xun couldn't see what the person standing in the light looked like, but from his body shape, he was a man, maybe a very handsome man.

"Hello, I'm the Black Revolutionary Spade K 'diplomat', I hereby ask you to let go of the lady in your hand."

These words fell into Qiao Xun's ears.

He felt like his arms were completely out of control, and he was about to let go, and his mouth was out of control, and he was about to say, "Okay."

Do not,

Qiao Xun hated this feeling. I hate the feeling that I can't control my own destiny.

The "diplomat" stood in the light, completely unable to see his face at all.

However, his will seems to be irreversible.

Qiao Xun, let go...

However, the next moment, he regained control of his body, and at the same time, a voice sounded from behind him,

"K of spades, bullying a child with the power of a demigod is not a serious negotiation."

Then, Qiao Xun heard the person behind him say to him:

"Do what you want, and I'll help you with other things."

Qiao Xun can't accept others controlling his will,

He must not allow the man standing in the light to give orders to him.

His hands are hard,


Song Yuanxia's neck was twisted and her vitality was quickly lost.

At the same time, Qiao Xun devoured her totem.


The corpse fell to the floor.

In front, the man standing in the light, the king of spades, turned away without saying a word.

After he disappeared, the door was closed again, and it was closed in a "upside down" way. Like, the progress bar of this matter was dragged back by someone.

Qiao Xun turned around suddenly and looked behind him.

A pale blonde girl stood behind, her sapphire eyes full of fantasy.

she says:

"Hello, my name is Agnes Jean Hibernian, and I'm the third conductor of the Sea Train."

Qiao Xun was about to introduce himself.

Agnes asked:

"Is Yihong~www.readwn.com~ your enemy?"

"Ace of Hearts?"


"That's it."

Agnes smiled mysteriously,

"That's good. From today, we are friends. Since we are friends, we must be honest with each other, right. To show sincerity, I will first say that I am a vampire. Then, tell me what you really are. ?"

She deliberately showed her fangs and smiled very brightly.




The first half of this volume is over.

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