Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 24: When a knife, cut off those tumors

The latest website: Joe Tour:

"What kind of hatred do you have with the Ace of Hearts?"

Agnes smiled and said:

"The feud between the two women is endless when you ask questions. Also, her name is Yihong, don't be trapped by her current status as the Ace of Hearts."

"But you don't even know the ace of hearts... what happened to Yihong and me."

"That doesn't matter. The fatalism in you will tell me everything, that you don't even know yourself."

She stood up. Not high, just blocking the light coming in through the slits in the curtains. Suddenly, her face darkened.

Agnes' voice became more moving, but also more distant,

"Qiao Xun, I will give you the proper identity of the train crew, so you can let go of your guilt."

"what do I need to do?"

"Be my knife."

"What's the meaning?"

"The VIP seats are not clean. I want you to sharpen your knife and cut off those unclean things."

Agnes finally looked like a demigod at this time. That high-profile temperament is like a city wall with no edge in sight.

She looked at Qiao Xun, the corners of her mouth curved slightly,

"I will help you arrange the follow-up. As for which step you can take, it depends on your ability. If you feel tired, come to me and have a good rest. After all, we are friends, of course you can lie down. Relax in my arms."

Qiao Xun had no way of knowing, for Agnes, whether a "friend" was as fragile and light as paper, or as thick and reliable as a mountain.

However, for the current situation, she will indeed be a very solid backer.

"Okay, you can go back, as Qiao Xun."


"Faking your identity will make it easier for you to be exposed. Only by staying true will you not be suspected."

This is indeed the truth.

Any camouflage, no matter how clever, will have traces, after all, it is not the original.

Agnes said:

"I'll take care of the legitimacy of your identity." She laughed. "Go, my friend."

As she spoke, a cloud of blood spread behind her.

A star-shifting change appeared. The surrounding colors and objects gradually change in the distortion.

He only heard Agnes say at last:

"The glass is watermelon juice."

A question mark slowly appeared in Qiao Xun's head.


The next moment, when he came back to his senses, he was already standing at the gate of the castle in the second carriage of the livestock area.

Gallagher stood in the castle with a sad face, staring at the stamped treaty in a daze.

Qiao Xun's demeanor and emotions returned to normal, maintaining the attitude that a chief should have. He opened his mouth to speak, and his voice echoed in the great castle,

"Miss Gallagher, what are you upset about?"

Gallagher frowned, because the sound was unfamiliar. She turned her head sharply, and sure enough, she saw a stranger standing at the door, and the rune energy in her body suddenly became restless, and asked sternly:

"Who are you?"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"I thought you would remember my temperament."

Gallagher froze. That smile is indeed familiar, and the tone is indeed familiar. But this face is too unfamiliar.

Qiao Xun stepped forward.

His body and appearance changed little by little, and in front of Gallagher, he turned into Abbott's appearance with "geometric manipulation".

"Do you want to see me like this more? Or, this way?"

As he spoke, his body and appearance returned to normal.

Gallagher's eyes widened, too surprised to speak. In the slightly open mouth, the red tongue couldn't stop shaking.

"Master... sir?"

"Thank you for your sadness, but I'm not dead yet."

"But why, who are you... who are you?"

"I borrowed Abbott's identity, but don't worry, I'm still a member of the train."

Gallagher understood suddenly,

"Could it be that you were sent from above to deal with the second carriage?"

"You may think so."

Qiao Xun came to her, took the paper from her hand and said,

"This thing, it's better to tear it up."

The rune energy ignited the treaty, and in the silver-blue flame, the treaty turned to ashes.

Gallagher's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Qiao Xun completely.

His hair, his forehead, his nose, his mouth, his eyes... his body.

Completely different, completely different from Abbott.

"Miss Gallagher?"

Gallagher realized that he was too absorbed, and hurriedly looked away, but his hands became cramped. He didn't know whether to put it in his pocket or exposed it. In frustration, he had to squeeze the slightly longer sleeves.

"it's okay no problem."

"You have a lot of dust on your body, thank you for your hard work."

Gallagher wanted to keep an elegant smile, but when he did, it was a little awkward.

"It's just my duty."

Qiao Xun glanced at Song Yuanxia's body, and then looked at the billowing smoke outside,

"Miss Gallagher. I will do what I promised you before."

"What?" Gallagher looked up and looked at Qiao Xun cautiously.

For some reason, she didn't dare to face this man for too long.

"I will recommend you to Mr. Chief before leaving."

"Ah, that's it."

"Aren't you happy?" Qiao Xun asked, "Didn't you always want to be the chief here?"

Gallagher averted his eyes and looked outside,

"It's just... Ah... Mr. Dianchang, are you going to leave the lower compartment directly?"


"Oh." Gallagher took a deep breath and said, "Thank you so much for your guidance during this time, and I'm proud to have learned a little from you."

Qiao Xun walked outside the castle and said as he walked:

"Don't stand still, Gallagher. Come on, try to be a marshal in advance. There's a lot of trouble in the second car for you to deal with."

Gallagher looked at Qiao Xun's back, and he didn't know how to say many words.

She also quickly came to understand that there are some things that must not be said.

"Okay, Mr. Chief."

Gallagher seemed to be quickly overwhelmed by a strong drive. She quickly threw herself into the aftermath of the second carriage, organized clockwork police officers and technicians, and started emergency repair work. She promised that as long as the domestic animals who had damaged the carriage were properly repaired, then she could appropriately reduce their punishment.

The repair work of the carriage is in the hands of a group of evolutionaries, and it is progressing quickly. Although it can only use first-order talent, it is also much stronger than ordinary people, as well as the excellent engineering ability of clockwork technicians.

But let Qiao Xun, the chief officer, not have to do anything.

After he returned to the carriage, he immediately went to look for Gu Shengrong.

He hadn't learned about the role of the world sand table and the use of the world root from Ai before, but he clearly saw that Gu Shengrong and his wife borrowed the power of the world root "law code". This seems to show that they know how to use the root of the world.

After devouring Song Yuanxia's totem and cognitive fragments, he did not find the desired result, so he could only pin his hopes on Gu Shengrong.

However, Gu Shengrong disappeared.

There was no trace of him in the entire carriage. Xun Qiao could only think of one possibility, the king of spades, that the "diplomat" took him away. If it wasn't for Agnes, probably, even Song Yuanxia wouldn't be killed.

It is a pity.

Still can't figure out what a perfect gene is, and how love activates the power of the root of the world.

There is also a lot of confusion on Agnes' side.

Her hatred with the Ace of Hearts and her reasons for valuing herself are all incomprehensible.

And why she didn't ask about the "laws".

Qiao Xun didn't think that Agnes didn't know what "law" was. As for why she didn't ask, maybe she had more ideas.

It is really difficult to guess the thoughts of a demigod at the fifth level. Besides, it was a vampire who had lived for more than five hundred years.

"Vampires... Really there is such a thing? But a vampire likes to drink watermelon juice, it's ridiculous!"

Qiao Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

His train journey is not over yet, and next, he will face something completely different.

"There is something unclean in the VIP seat... Is it a human or a ghost?"

That will have to wait to find out.

Sitting on the chair in the study, Qiao Xun closed his eyes.

He relaxed, his consciousness sank into the ocean, and he felt the digested gains of "gluttony"——


【Song Yuanxia】

[Totem: "Six eyes, eight ears and nine dislikes"

Advanced route: "Smell" → "See" → "Want to see" → "Determination Desk" → "Information Field"

Other talents: "I am alone", "Hiding with my body"]

["See six roads with the eyes, listen to all directions with the ears", we will use this word to describe a person's wit, saying that this person can judge the situation based on the people and the environment around him. In fact, there is such a **** who can hear everything in heaven and earth, and there is also a **** who can see everything in heaven and earth. In the complicated years, gradually, two different gods became The support behind the same totem.

Song Yuanxia should have seen more things and heard more whispers under the illumination of this totem. However, her self-castration led her astray]

In the advanced route, the five main talents are all information talents, including the collection, sorting, thinking, analysis, summarization and secondary utilization of information.

This is worthy of her "reporter" title.

Indeed, her unbiased rationality, combined with this advanced route, can be perfectly qualified for the qualities a reporter needs.

No matter how Qiao Xun looks, she thinks that her talent is very strong, which is the ultimate strengthening of a single talent. Each talent in the first four ranks can serve the "information field" very well, further enhancing the ability of this talent.

She can become a more powerful fifth-order evolutionary.

But, where is the problem?

Qiao Xun's consciousness stayed on the talent of "I am alone".

This talent... is very special. Qiao Xun could not simply classify it.

"I'm alone" strengthens self-awareness.

It is not easy to categorize them just by looking at their abilities. Auxiliary? Spirit? information? can't describe their abilities well.

Song Yuanxia probably gradually came to the idea of ​​"the existence of individual life is above everything else" through self-reinforcing over and over again.

Qiao Xun does not believe that the existence of the individual is above everything else. The individual should be a complete concept and should not be divided into multiple parts such as existence, meaning, and cognition.

It seems that some talents are not only useless, but also exert negative effects.

"I am alone" may be a unique talent, but, for ordinary evolutionaries, it will only lead them astray.

This talent, Qiao Xun chose to integrate it into his "belief". The talent of "faith", compared with other talents, needs to strengthen the ability of self-knowledge, which can help him to emphasize his independence when using this talent, and not be affected by those **** totems in "faith".

"Hiding with one's body" is a gift that can turn other objects into parts of the body. Song Yuanxia used this talent to hide things that deal with Agnes' locks.

Incorporates "geometric manipulation".

As for the five talents of the main advanced route, they are all integrated into "True Ru" to further strengthen their abilities.

After swallowing the entire route, "True Ru" became more powerful, and almost achieved advanced performance on the road of fifth-order talent. However, Qiao Xun is completely ignorant of the demigod world, and I don't know how far this performance is from demigods.

And "Zhenru" can also use the ability of "information domain" to activate the domain space and take all the information for its own use.

Compared with Song Yuanxia, ​​Qiao Xun has no information cognition deficit.

This ability, in his hands, will become even stronger.

After finishing this, Qiao Xun rubbed his brows and got up and left the desk.

Going to the window and looking out, everything is getting better quickly.

The repairing abilities displayed by the livestock and clockwork technicians are quite powerful.

Revisiting the days when I was the Dianchang during this period of time.

The harvest is still good, the root of the world "law", a powerful totem,

as well as,

Having seen the ability of the king of spades,

I got to know Agnes, the demigod of the third train conductor, and also got a reasonable status on the train and the opportunity to go to a higher carriage.

Either way, it's very rich.

But, unfortunately,

Without Gu Shengrong, his knowledge of the world's sand table, his knowledge of the perfect gene, and his knowledge of how to use the roots of the world are all very needed by Qiao Xun.

From getting the world sand table, to harvesting "books", to harvesting "laws",

Qiao Xun wanted to know what it was and how to use it.

They have grown from a third-order evolutionary to a fifth-order evolutionary, but they still don't know anything about it. With a powerful talent, he still couldn't figure it out.

Taking a look at the world sand table, it occupies a place in the sea of ​​consciousness, but like a dead thing, it has no life.

Many of the twenty-four inside are already lit, and it probably took a lot of time for Black Leather to collect them.

Currently remaining:

"Universe" - stars;

"Land of Life" - Earth;

"Still" - mountain;

"weather" - cloud;

"rule" - the throne;

"Industry" - hammer;

"God" - light.

A total of seven world roots are still vacant. Everything else lights up.

Looking at the seventeen roots of the world illuminated, Qiao Xun was so moved that a single "book~www.readwn.com~ can build a world in information, a "law" can shape the rules, strong, Strong!

But it just doesn't work.

It's like a naked beauty in front of you, you can only watch.

Qiao Xun reluctantly quit the world sand table.

No matter how hard you are, this thing will not change because of your thoughts.

Thinking about what's next is the best thing to do.

think about it,

Think of Agnes.

Her eyes are so beautiful, dreamy and quiet, they are the vitality in decay and the light in the extreme night.

And Qiao Xun is an eye control. He likes pretty eyes.

"Agnes Jean Hibernian..."

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