Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 25: Mr. President, you can't drink tea indiscriminately.

The messenger came and brought the follow-up career arrangement to the commander of the second carriage.

Even though the sea train has the rune wisdom technology like the clockwork man, it has the top technology of the rune pipe system covering the carriage. However, in the transmission of information, the former "messenger" is still used. Of course, this is by no means the fact that the sea train does not have the corresponding technology for transmitting information, and it is even said that it is still very developed.

However, the person who arranged for a full-time delivery of information seemed more rigorous and solemn.

The messenger communicated the restraint area with other carriages of the train, adding mystery to the restraint area and establishing an insurmountable information gap. The restraint area can easily know what happened in other carriages, but other carriages cannot see half of the restraint area.

This is also a way of management.

The messenger was very well-dressed, covered with brown hemp-colored leather, and wore what looked like a fencing peep on his head.

There is no way to know what he looks like.

The messenger sent the letter to Qiao Xun's desk and said:

"Hello, Your Excellency Qiao Xun, this is a letter from Captain Hibo'an."

"thank you very much."

The mysterious messenger finished, "No, this is my duty." Then he left.

Qiao Xun watched his back quickly disappear into the carriage, and couldn't help but think, what is the necessary purpose for establishing the post of messenger?

This mysterious color seems to want people to explore more.

Although the train does not lack modern technology, it hardly uses the information technology of the outside world.

Probably, it also has a deep meaning.

Qiao Xun didn't think about it, he shoveled off the ink pad on the envelope and took out the letter inside.

The stationery is clean and brand new. But for some reason, it just gave Qiao Xun a very decayed feeling, a faint smell of decay rippling on the surface of the paper.

His nose moved slightly.

This is the taste of Agnes.

The graceful and upright floral characters, like swimming fish, slowly emerged with his gaze. Wherever he sees, the characters emerge, and the rest of the time, it's a blank sheet of paper, revealed only for his gaze.

Magical means.

Confidentiality is sufficient.

"My friend, in the future, I will contact you by letter. Don't ask why, I will just tell you that Agnes likes to write to friends. Of course, you can also guess as much as you like. As a friend, I have Wouldn't mind your imaginings of me and my thoughts—

Your Agnes Jean Hibernian. "

There is no substantive content, just said that the contact method in the future will be a letter.

But Qiao Xun was very helpless, because Agnes didn't say how to write to her.

It seemed that he received her letter unilaterally.

This is probably also a deep consideration.

It was difficult for Qiao Xun to guess what this demigod was thinking and how he viewed his position.

Throwing the letter into Mosuluo's Destruction Zhi Xumi, he stood up and tidied up his clothes.

Then Gallagher knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Gallagher pushed open the door and said:

"Mr. Dianchang—"

"I'm no longer the chief. Gallagher, you can call me by my name."

"Qiao Xun... Your Excellency." Gallagher said with a smile, "Your work report has been prepared, and the personnel transfer documents have also been sent to the power area."

"Thanks a lot."

Gallagher shook his head.

"However, Your Excellency Qiao Xun, I have a request."

"Tell me."

"Please let me take you for a ride. I will greet you, and I should also take you home."

Qiao Xun took a serious look at Gallagher, but did not refuse,

"Gallah, thank you."

"you are welcome."

On the way to see you home, nothing special happened.

During the daily chat, Qiao Xun ended his trip to the livestock area.

Just let the matter of the second carriage in the livestock area remain in the second carriage.


Coming to the office building of the Power District, Qiao Xun knocked on the door of President He Xiujie's office again.

"Please come in."

Qiao Xun pushed open the door.

He Xiujie, who was still like that, immediately stood up from the desk, smiled kindly and said:

"Your Excellency Qiao Xun, right? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

He looked at Qiao Xun's leather shoes, his eyelids lowered slightly, and joked:

"Your shoes are clean, no chewing gum or anything like that."

The change in attitude is obvious.

Of course, He Xiujie can give orders to Albert, because that is his subordinate. However, for Qiao Xun, he didn't even know who Qiao Xun's immediate boss was, and of course he couldn't treat him with that kind of arrogant attitude.

The tea has been brewed on the coffee table.

Qiao Xun smiled politely,

"Mr. Chief, you look more energetic."

"Of course I'm happy that you solved the hidden danger in the second compartment. Your Excellency Qiao Xun, thank you for solving such a big trouble for us. Please take a seat."

Qiao Xun and He Xiujie sat down on the sofa.

The steaming tea was placed in front of him.

Qiao Xun glanced at He Xiujie, and then took a sip of the tea. Although the tea was clear, the taste was very strong. It spread on the tip of the tongue and was fragrant. He smiled and said:

"What a reassuring cup of tea, it's even better than the last time."

When He Xiujie heard this, he felt a drum in his heart. It was immediately clear that Qiao Xun actually knew that there was something wrong with his previous tea.

Knowing this, I couldn't help but feel fortunate. Fortunately, the tea this time was normal. He said with a little pity:

"I'm really sorry, Your Excellency Qiao Xun, I didn't know it was you before, so I couldn't treat you to a good tea, and I hope you don't take offense. This is an apology gift for you."

He Xiujie took out a delicate wooden box from under the coffee table. Just the box gives people a unique feeling. The patterns, glazes, etc. on the top are full of design flavors, which must be from the hands of art craftsmen.

Qiao Xun felt amused in his heart, as expected of a person with pigtails.

Of course he took it. I don't have any deep hatred with this chief, and if someone is willing to send an apology gift, then I accept it, and I don't have to pinch the flaw and tear my face.

"Mr. Chief, this is my work report, please take a look. The personnel transfer documents should be sent first."

Qiao Xun pushed his report forward.

He Xiujie wiggled her braid and said with a smile:

"What Your Excellency Qiao Xun has done in the second carriage, no one knows about the entire power area, no one knows about it. The two pests are completely eradicated. This report, compared with your deeds, is already eclipsed. As for personnel affairs I also received and approved the transfer documents. It is Qiao Xun, Your Excellency, who has accomplished such a remarkable thing. I wonder if there is any personal need, the Power Zone should help you to complete it."

"Mr. Chief has won the prize. The second carriage is not my fault alone. My assistant team, especially Miss Gallagher, have helped a lot. Maybe, without me, Miss Gallagher can also bring other people with you. Assistant, great job done."

Gu When He Xiujie heard this, His Excellency Qiao Xun's words contained a lot of information. He, who is well versed in language arts, said with a smile:

"Understood, Your Excellency Qiao Xun is indeed worthy of love."

That's right, isn't it just to support Gallagher?

Qiao Xun said lightly:

"Also, I came here with a mission in mind. Mr. Chief doesn't have to think about me. Completing the mission is what I need."

"Your Excellency Qiao Xun is really humble."

He Xiujie's skinny face was no longer fleshy, and he looked dry when he smiled. The stone in his heart had fallen, and he felt relieved when he heard from Qiao Xun that "it came with a mission". There is no need to be responsible for Abbott's disappearance, and there is no need to ask the details of the second carriage.

No matter how big the stake is, it has nothing to do with him, He Xiujie.

After staying in this power zone for so long, He Xiujie, who has lived for a few years, just wants to relax. It's good to drink tea at ordinary times.

Sometimes, when something unsettled in my mind hangs, I have to eat unsteady meals and drink tea for many days. If you are uncertain, you must come down, and the meal will be fragrant immediately.

Qiao Xun looked at Qingying's tea, the corners of his mouth curved,

"Master Chief, you can't drink this tea indiscriminately. You have to be careful, right?"

The word "adult" immediately brought He Xiujie back to the past.

Thinking back to the past, it seems... it seems that there were indeed many people who knelt down in front of him and called him lord, and he didn't just knelt down in front of others, but he had to shout your majesty.

When I think of those things, the braids at the back of my head are straightened.

However, a loud bell from outside smashed into his ear, which immediately shocked him, and all of a sudden, fine beads of sweat on his forehead ooze out. His already dry face became even stiffer.

He Xiujie kept beating haha,

"Yes yes yes, pay attention to more."

But a storm surged in his heart. This Joe Tour is not easy! To be able to unknowingly affect his will... It's scary, and it really has a lot to do.

He Xiujie's performance was exactly under Qiao Xun's observation.

It seems that this adult has indeed lived from the Qing Dynasty to the present.

The "True Ru" who had just swallowed an entire advanced route was used by Qiao Xun on He Xiujie. In fact, since he entered the door, the information field has been quietly arranged. The "adult" just now was an information incentive, just to dig out He Xiujie's past. With the cooperation of "Zaiyin", the process went smoothly.

Qiao Xun thought to himself, it seems that there is indeed a way to prolong life in this world... Thinking about it this way, I am afraid that there are many old monsters like He Xiujie who have lived for a few years. Of course, the vampire Agnes is not counted in the category of people by him.

Vampires... Probably, it's already another race.

He Xiujie asked carefully:

"Your Excellency Qiao Xun, it should be Chinese."

Qiao Xun stood up and said with a smile:

"I'm from the Republic. Well, Mr. Chief, it's a pleasure to chat with you, but I have to leave."

"I send you."

"You're welcome."

After Qiao Xun finished speaking, he strode away.

He Xiujie looked at the door, his eyes became as sharp as an eagle.

Qiao Xun... It's really not easy to send such a person from above.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard the sound of broken porcelain.

He hurriedly turned his head to look, the cup of tea that had been placed in front of Qiao Xun before was shattered in a mess. The tea, however, lasted for a while before it suddenly turned into a mist of water and dissipated, leaving only a strand of dried tea powder, which generally fell on the coffee table in an hourglass and sand.

He Xiujie held her breath and took a sip of tea tremblingly.

After a while, he spit out these words:

"This tea, you really can't drink it indiscriminately."


After leaving Mr. Chief's office, Qiao Xun went straight to the Personnel Management Office in the same building.

The previous personnel transfer documents have been processed here, have been recorded, and have been fed back to the transfer party.

Qiao Xun fetched the appointment document certified by the No. 1 conductor's label.

The No. 1 train captain's label is a very unique pattern, consisting of many complicated lines and plane graphics. At first glance it looks like a rose, but when you get closer, you will find that it is not at all.

Qiao Xun looked at the pattern seriously, and was dizzy. It didn't work if several talents took turns in battle.

The criss-crossing lines and figures seem to hide many parts under a special expression, just like the difference in the volume of icebergs above and below the water.

"Sure enough, trying to figure out the ability of a demigod is still too difficult."

Qiao Xun was at the fourth rank, he tried his best to give full play to his fighting skills, and he could even fight against the fifth rank, and even if he was lucky, he could kill the fifth rank. However, at the fifth rank, he was completely unable to cross the difference and explore the demigods.

Even if it is only a demigod, the energy level is also linked to the transcendent level. It's not that he can understand the fifth order.

It is also because of this pattern from the conductor of No. 1 that the train's documents cannot be faked, and there is almost no fake identity.

Qiao Xun pretended to be Abbott, that's why he got all Abbott's documents.

Open the document and take a closer look.

The above details his work history. These unimportant, important matters The transfer order on the last page of the document——

[According to the needs of the marine train, after research and decision by the management of the restraint area, "Qiao Xun" is now transferred to serve as the fourth group leader of the "Correction Area Correction Meeting for the Upper Carriage of the Sea Train".

Hereby appointed.

Effective Date: November 10, 2036.

The binding zone was signed on November 9, 2036. 】

"Correction area... Correction meeting, team leader?"

Qiao Xun murmured in his heart, this position doesn't sound like a good job... Did Agnes really want me to be a knife?

There are four areas in the upper compartment:

the highest constraint area;

The VIP area, the correction area and the overall planning area are located side by side.

The highest restraint area is of course the highest authority of the train.

Needless to say, the VIP area is where the VIPs are. For passengers in civilian areas, the VIP area is actually much more dazzling than the restricted area. Even if the restraint area is the real highest institution of the train, it is low-key and serious after all, unlike the VIP area, which is the highest yearning of ordinary passengers. Every VIP in the VIP area is extremely honorable, has a lot of resources, and can send livestock at will. It can be said that the train is the ultimate form of all desires in the dystopian society.

The correction area can be said to be the legislative and law enforcement agency of the train. The train is dynamic and developing, and there will inevitably be various conflicts in the development process~www.readwn.com~ internal and external. The correction area is to deal with these problems and maintain order internally. Just like in the livestock area, you don’t want to make a big deal, but you are afraid that the correction area will know. If the correction area is dispatched, many people will inevitably be punished. Externally, it is related to negotiations with some forces.

The overall planning area is the place to manage the material arrangement of the train, the exploration of external mines, the distribution of bounty tasks, the management of random events, etc. to maintain the daily operation of the train.

Qiao Xun even, Agnes didn't joke with himself.

Going to the correction area must be to deal with the internal contradictions of the train.

He couldn't help but think, what happened to the VIP seats that Agnes needed to handle with his hands.

Could it be that the conductor can't interfere with the affairs of the train as he pleases?

Thinking about it, he gradually realized that the sea train has three conductors...

Holding the appointment documents, Qiao Xun dressed up, rationalized his thoughts and emotions, took a last look at the lower compartment, and set off towards the upper compartment of the sea train.



(Note: There is only one chapter today, so you don’t have to wait at night. There are still some areas in front of you that need to be rectified, and it will take some time; in addition, you need to sort out the plot in the second half. The plot in the second half is not very easy to write, so write it right It will be wonderful if you taste it, it will be a pity if you write it wrong)

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