Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 26: There are beautiful jade in the mountains, and the beautiful jade is full of blood

The Sea Train is a behemoth. If it is coiled like a snake and coiled in a circle, it can definitely form a small island, and the island is divided into three layers.

It can be seen from the dedicated rail elevator station for each car, the size of the sea train is absolutely no less than a city.

However, this city is in the form of a train, which runs on the endless sea all day long.

In particular, the train was expanded a year ago, and more people came here, making it more prosperous and lively.

Qiao Xun took the rail elevator all the way from the power area to the engineering area, and then, around the huge bearing, through the "coiled mountain track", and ascended to the middle car.

He is very familiar with the middle-level compartment. He has deeply felt the atmosphere here and the atmosphere here.

Now, stand in the rail elevator dedicated to the train crew and look outside. Everything in the middle compartment was placed in front of him. Ordinary passengers with different expressions hurriedly walked on the regional aisles. Although the tense atmosphere did not decrease in the slightest, they were not as cautious as Qiao Xun had seen before, and there was almost no communication between them.

A variety of noisy and chaotic sounds were beating on the towering iron wall.

This is probably because of the expansion a year ago. A large number of new passengers board the trains from all over the world every week, and naturally, every week adds a fresh flavor to the normal areas of the trains. More dense and cruel random events baptized them. But even so, there is always a steady stream of new passengers diluting the depressing atmosphere of the common area.

From another angle, perhaps, the ordinary area is more vibrant than before.

Like, tap water pipes with increased flow. More come, more come out. Where can I go out? Of course the livestock area. If you don't have 1500 points, you can't get off the train.

"Dear traveller friends:


"Tomorrow, there will be a new round of random events, this time the random event is... 'Reversal Moment', please..."

The same voice broadcast full of "respect and friendliness"...

Xianyi... is she still here?

Qiao Xun had no way of knowing. It's been a year.

Put away your mind for the time being and don't think about the ordinary area.

Sit on a hard bench. The experience of the train on the rail elevator will never improve, it is just a big iron box.

Qiao Xun remembered the gift He Xiujie gave him.

A box the size of a palm. What's in a delicate, art-filled box? It's not going to be the kind of "buying the casket and returning the pearl" thing.

Open the box, and there is a layer of bright yellow silk inside, with a crystal appearance and a smooth touch.

On the silk, there is a simple ring.

It looks like the old ring worn by nobles on the thumb. Emerald green jade. Qiao Xun didn't know much about jade, but he just thought it was very beautiful. It looked like a cloud or a mist of mountains and lakes hanging in it. He didn't know much about what jade it was.

Gently touched with fingers, it was cold and smooth.

"True" to investigate.

As soon as you get into it, you immediately feel a solid and vast feeling.

"This feeling……"

It's like the feeling that Night Watch Street is about to annihilate the space and emerge into nothingness.

This is the feeling of space creation.

Soon, he made it clear that this thing was the same type of thing as Mosuluo's Destroyed Zhi Xumi, and the space category was very different.

It has to be said that He Xiujie really intends to put his past suspicions to rest. Spaces are very rare, so there is no need to say much about their value. This kind of thing is willing to take out... It seems that the position of the chief is not so secure in vain.

However, Mosuluo's destruction of Zhi Xumi is a miracle. Is this thing a miracle?

Qiao Xun's thirst for knowledge surged.

"Numerology follows the sky" is used, and deconstruction begins.

Its manufacturing principles and deeper connotations are deconstructed one by one. After the deconstructed information is processed by "gluttony", it becomes clearer——

【Miracle (Pollution)】

【Blood Jade】

[In the age when the gods were germinated, the ancient kingdom of Baipu once performed extraordinary miracles. In the mountains where rune energy is rampant, the things that have been infiltrated and completely changed are unknown. Flowers, trees, rocks, sand, and soil are all bad. When beliefs converged, someone privately built the drum of the God Raven Society, and the shaman was born. There is a mountain named Kaichang, and there are beautiful jade in the mountain. The witch tribe fabricated beliefs and tricked the people into digging up the mountain to dig the jade.

[Blood jade flows in Kyushu, creating all kinds of extraordinary things. Among them, there are things that are widely loved, ring-shaped, easy to carry, easy to use, and can be installed between rulers]

Gluttony never digests useless information.

This blood jade ring is simply a portable folding warehouse.

For Qiao Xun, who has the even more remarkable portable folding space of Mashuro's Destroyed Zhi Xumi, it's not very attractive. Qiao Xun was more interested in the story contained in the ring than the ring itself.

The ring is made of something called "blood jade".

The Kingdom of Baipu was the name of the land in the western Yunnan of the Republic during the Yin and Zhou Dynasties.

Was the Yin and Zhou dynasties the time when the gods sprouted?

What is the extraordinary miracle created by the Kingdom of Hundred Pu? There was a time when runic energy was rampant.

Also, what kind of existence is when beliefs converge. Someone made the drum of the God Crow Society privately, and the witch department breeds... What does it mean?

This story probably wants to express that the witch department fabricated beliefs and coaxed ordinary people to dig those jade mines that were ravaged by rune energy and degenerated. However, something happened, and there was a very serious and large-scale bloodshed. The bloodshed turned the jade mine into a unique blood jade.

These blood jades flowed in the land of Shenzhou and were made into all kinds of extraordinary things. Storage rings are one of them.

Is there still Kaichang Mountain in Yunnan Province now? I don't know, there are no miracle sites yet.

The past years are far from being as simple as compiled into history.

Qiao Xun couldn't help thinking, if he has evolved to a certain level and his ability has reached a certain level, will he have the opportunity to fully understand the past?

Such a thing is so dreamy. In fact, it is very romantic. Who doesn't want to glimpse the whole line of human civilization.

Thoughts wandered a little further.

Joe looked around, but had to get back to the ring itself.

You must first see if the folding space inside the ring is stable and suitable for use as a warehouse. Not to mention that it has to be as stable as Mosuluo's Destroyed Spirit Sumeru, at least it can hold some daily things without exceeding the load range.

To test this, of course, "geometric manipulation" and "Zaiyin" have to come into play.

A "Zaiyin" is used to probe the shady side to see if there is any weaker spot, as well as some idle debris;

A "geometric manipulation" is used to explore whether the internal folding space conforms to the basic principles of space creation and is stable.

The orbital elevator slowly advanced around the huge bearing, and Qiao Xun sat on it with his eyes closed for a nap.

However, his attention was entirely on the ring clenched in the palm of his hand.

The probing process requires a little more detail. After all, things like space creations have a complex structure, and if you are a little careless, it is easy to miss some places.

Structural Strength... Pass;

Creation is reasonable... pass;

Load range... Fifth-order energy level, 24 tons, 400 cubic meters of volume, equivalent to a master bedroom.

The space is quite spacious and clean inside, there is no strange smell or mixed energy. It looks like it has been carefully cleaned.

He Xiujie is really serious about doing this kind of thing.

Qiao Xun checked and was very satisfied. Just when he was about to quit and take another look habitually, he suddenly stopped.

He saw that in a corner of the space, there seemed to be an unusual...shadow.

There is no light source inside the folded space, or the energy of the folded space itself carries a certain amount of radiant light.

There is nothing inside, there should be no shadows.

What is the shadow in the corner?

"Zaiyin" moves slowly along the inner space wall, weaving a net constructed by spiritual trajectory while advancing. Like approaching a swimming fish swimming slowly in the water...


Then, suddenly close the net!

The mental trajectory network suddenly shrank, and the shadow was immediately sealed.

Afterwards, Qiao Xun felt that his mental trajectory was like 10,000 army ants crawling on it, which conveyed a dense numbness to his consciousness.

The shadows trapped in him attack him,

However, the attack strength is too weak, like an ant crawling.

The shadow shrank in the corner, and after struggling to no avail, Qiao Xun felt the meaning of surrender and begging to be spared.

He was very curious, so he turned his consciousness into the corner after all.

As he got closer, the shadows shrank even tighter, like a frightened kitten trying to protect its stomach.

From the shadow's perspective, Qiao Xun's huge consciousness and scorching mental trajectory are like an ancient giant coming from the skyline, huge and oppressive.


Qiao Xun's consciousness trembled and he made a sound.

The shadow in the corner immediately shrinks into a ball.

After realizing that the shadows had no offensive ability, Qiao Xunle became more and more childish, like a child who discovered a new toy, and became playful.

"Hey, kid!" he said.

Shadows shivered.

"If you don't speak up, I'll kick you out immediately!" Qiao Xun threatened.



What is this nonsense?

It is definitely not the mainstream language that is popular now, and Qiao Xun's language skills did not respond.

He can only use "numerology to follow the sky", as long as it is a text syllable with a specific meaning, he can parse it out.

Then, it was resolved that it was...

"do not!"

Ah...it's actually a child's voice, child. It's not time for a change yet.

Joe asked:

"Why are you here?"

"Aonoisenonyum ~rhiseoseknlosiaao~"

Shadow said.

"Numerology follows the sky" is translated, "If I say it, can you keep me?"

This kind of thing is really like a child can say it.

Qiao Xun said fiercely:

"I don't know if I can stay or not, if I don't say it, hum!"

"No. I said yes, I said yes. I... just follow my brother to the mountain, the same as yesterday, go to the mountain. There are many shiny stones in the mountain, very beautiful, green, white, and beautiful. There is a big piece like water, all of them, everywhere. My brother is going to dig those stones and give them to the rice dragon Sisi. It seems to be called this name... My brother said, if he doesn't dig these stones, I will I'm going to be sent to Daolong Sisi. I don't want to leave Grandpa Amu and my brother, I want to help my brother, but I'm too weak, so I have to dig those kind of very small rocks, maybe... um, Big Finger So big. I found a very beautiful and beautiful stone, with many colors like flying insects. It was very beautiful, so I went to dig it. It was about to be dug out, but the mountain fell down. Everyone started to run, and my brother was there. Call my name, I heard it, I thought, but I was speechless, as if something heavy hit me, probably my back, it hurt. It hurt so much that I forgot to cry, so I just Just looking at the beautiful stones. Then I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I came here."

What kind of past is contained in this shadow, perhaps it has been expressed in these crude and childish words.

Qiao Xun tried to speculate on the birth of the shadow.

Those beautiful stones are probably jade penetrated by rune energy. From another perspective, it may be a source metal without totems and runes.

The mountain collapsed, possibly related to over-excavation, or something else.

The owner of the shadow, a child, died in that landslide. By some chance, consciousness was preserved in the blood jade.

And this piece of blood jade cast the ring in the palm of Qiao Xun's hand.

Qiao Xun thought about it and asked:

"Do you know how long you have slept?"

"Half a day?"

This answer made Qiao Xun pause.

Without getting a reply from Qiao Xun, the shadow's tone became tense,

"Could it be one day?! No, I will definitely be scolded by Grandpa Amu after sleeping for so long. A child who sleeps late is not a good child."

Should not be ah. Qiao Xun thought, is it possible that this little guy has only woken up from sleep? But from the previous performance, it is not like a child who just woke up.

he asks,

"Have you met anyone else here?"

"No. However, I have had many, many dreams, and there are many people in my dreams, they beat my little house with all kinds of things, and all kinds of people put all kinds of things in my little house. There are weird things in the house, I don't know how to use them, but they don't see me, hehe."

Those should not be dreams. If you beat it, it should be the construction process, and putting things may be the process of other owners of this ring.

Are those just dreams for the little ones?

Qiao Xun probes the shadow with "True Ru".

Probably too long ago, the traces of information have long disappeared, and there is no way to understand the past. It's just that the conscious expression that detects the shadows is very unstable, which may be what makes those things mistaken for dreams.

"The Yin and Zhou Dynasties... more than three thousand years ago, even longer than the history of the Kushan Empire and the Parth Empire..."

Qiao Xun gradually figured out a time line. Nearly 2,000 years ago was the period when the gods first came into being, and more than 3,000 years ago was the period when the gods sprouted.

This little guy hidden in the ring, for him, may represent a corner to explore the secrets of the more distant past.

Qiao Xun's tone softened,

"Do you remember who you are?"

"Of course I remember, how could I forget my name? My name is A'Nan Nineteen. Because I am in the stockade... um, how should I put it, it's a new... generation, it's so complicated, it's the nineteenth child! Ah Nan means girl, and when I'm nine years old, I can choose a name, I am now... I am now, six years old? Seven years old? In short, a child."

"Nan Nineteen?"

"Mmmm." Anan Nineteen looked very happy, "Everyone calls me Nineteen. You can too."



"Do you want to go home?"

"Ah! Could it be!" Nineteen became nervous and asked cautiously, "Am I not at home?"


"But I can't. If I don't go home, I will be eaten by ugly adults! I have to go home quickly, just go home quickly."

This blurred shadow moves in the folded space, unable to get out of this "little house" anyway.


"I... woo, I can't find my way home. Did Grandpa Em want me? And brother, brother... Don't you want Nineteen?"

"Nineteen." Qiao Xun said softly: "Grandpa Amu, and brother, they don't want to hand the nineteen to the Daolongshi company, so they are digging a lot of stones. They asked me to take care of the nineteen, so let's wait. Oh them."

"How long will it take them to come back?"

"Nineteen is very important, so they have to dig a lot of rocks."

"Can you come back tomorrow?"


Simple-minded children can't hold words like probably, maybe, maybe, maybe in their heads.

Anan Nineteen just heard "Can" and "Can", so she laughed happily.

"I'll be very good, and I won't trouble you."

"Well, thank you Nineteen. Nineteen stay here, I'm leaving."

"But how did I find you?"

Qiao Xun used "Zaiyin" to leave a monitoring space, and then said:

"You just call my name, Qiao Xun."

"You can't call your lord's name directly. I'll call you brother too. That way, I'll have two brothers!"

She sounded happy.


"Okay, okay!"

"I'm leaving."

"Mmmm, brother should also look at me more, I'm afraid of being alone."


Qiao Xun exited the folding space of the blood jade ring.

Anan nineteen.

Unexpectedly, a ray of dead souls from three thousand years ago can survive until now.

Nineteen's shaky shadow, I don't know if it will suddenly disappear.

To be able to span three thousand years is a miracle no matter what.

It's just that the miracle itself lived three thousand years ago.

Presumably, telling her the cruel truth will knock her down in an instant and scatter in the "little house".

Qiao Xun looked at the ring in his palm for a long time, and finally put it on the index finger of his left hand. In this way, you can hear Nineteen calling him for the first time.

Wonderful things always happen inadvertently~www.readwn.com~ Before opening the box, Qiao Xun did not expect that there would be a ring with such a strong story inside;

Before entering the ring, I didn't expect that there would be a little pitiful hidden inside.

On the way to the new place, in this cold tin box, Qiao Xun sat safely on the hard chair, and his heart became calmer.

The evil desires in the hearts of those brewing and fermenting in the livestock area quietly disappeared.



(Note: Today is also an update. Yesterday I went out and forgot to close the window. The male cat jumped out of the window to have a private meeting with the little female cat. It took two hours to find it. After finishing it, it was eleven o’clock, so I just wrote it. Chapter 1. The stupid thing has been taught a lesson, let it be the father-in-law immediately next month! Don't worry, we will resume normal updates tomorrow)


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