Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 28: tauren fantasy

At 4:30 a.m. train time, Qiao Xun woke up on time, washed and prepared, and went to the correction area with the transfer paperwork.

First, go to the personnel management office established in each region to report and check the information.

Then, the Personnel Management Office has the authority to grant a pass and an identity tag to Qiao Xun.

The identification tag of the fourth group leader is a badge inscribed with runic characters. This runic character is also from the hands of the first train captain. After feeling the complex and huge information, Qiao Xun became more and more curious about the No. 1 train captain.

After pinning the badge to his chest, Qiao Xun went to the correction meeting.

The overall configuration of the building where the Correction Club is located is like a huge hexagon, distributed in a ring, with a large square in the middle. There is nothing on the square, not even the plants for decoration, it is a completely empty square.

The building of the Correction Society is all white, with a very serious decoration and structure, and various portraits are regularly hung on the walls.

The images are very rich.

Monsters, landscapes, portraits...

Abstract, realistic, absurd...

There are all kinds. Moreover, these are by no means ordinary portraits, and contain very rich connotations, including but not limited to totems, runes, and some extraordinary plane records.

Qiao Xun felt that just by looking at these portraits, he might be able to gain a lot of knowledge about "pollution and evolution".

Of course, I came to the Correction Club building for work, not to appreciate paintings.

Correcting his gaze, Qiao Xun walked into the building where the fourth team was located.

The Correction Society has set up two authorities in total.

Correction Group and Correction Court. They are located in the first and second buildings and the third and fourth buildings of the Correction Building, respectively. The other two buildings are where the archives are managed and other places that have nothing to do with authority.

The division of labor is clear, the correction team does things, and the court decision is corrected.

Qiao Xun is a member of the correction team. The correction team consists of twelve teams, whose daily work is to picket and correct all errors and problems within the train.

Twelve groups do not have ad hoc job distinctions and are of equal rank. On top of the twelve groups, there is the general management department of the correction group, which is responsible for managing and coordinating the internal and external affairs of the correction group.

The fourth group is in the first building of the Correction Council building, and the entrance is on the left hand side of the gate.

There are six floors in total, with two groups on each floor.

second floor,

Fourth group.

In the office of about 400 square meters, the lights are still on. The door was closed.

Qiao Xun knocked on the door slightly, then pushed in.


There is a more obvious smell of paper and ink in the writing room. The main light was off, only the wall light was on.

Stand at the door and look inside. The layout is very modern, it looks like some kind of studio, various documents are placed on the desk, and some strange equipment is displayed in the storage area near the corner, the upper left is a simulation room, and the upper right is the rest area .

He walked in, and footsteps sounded.

Then, in the upper right rest area, there was a rustling sound, and then a lazy voice sounded:

"Ah, who is it? It's so early."

Qiao Xun looked at the time, it was 5:20 in the morning.

He didn't say a word, just walked in slightly. The team leader's office is independent, in the middle and front.

"Mary? Or Pergmont..." The voice of the lounge area sounded again.

Qiao Xun didn't answer, and continued inside.

The people in the rest area finally woke up, came out immediately, and asked:

"Who are you?"

Qiao Xun looked forward.

A woman with an East Asian face stood at the door of the lounge area. He probably just woke up, his hair is still a little messy, and his eyes are not completely clear.


Jiang You was stunned for a moment, his gaze lowered slightly, and he immediately saw the team leader badge on Qiao Xun's chest. She paused for a moment, took a sharp breath, her pupils shrank,

"Team leader?"

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Have I disturbed your rest?"

Jiang You quickly said,

"No no."

She realized that she was in an indecent appearance now, got into the rest area, and said loudly, "Team leader, wait a moment, I'll be ready soon."

A rustling sound rang out. Two minutes later, Jiang You came out again. Dress up and dress up. She introduced:

"Hello team leader, my name is Jiang You, and I'm your team member."

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Hello, hello, my name is Qiao Xun."

"Yesterday, the former team leader has already introduced you to us." Jiang You said while rubbing his neck with a smile, "We originally planned to visit you yesterday, but due to various accidents, we didn't make it anyway."

"It's ok."

Jiang You trotted, ran past Qiao Xun, turned on the light at the door of the office, and said while cleaning up:

"It was my turn to be on duty yesterday, so I stayed. Everyone was supposed to go to work on time at six o'clock, but I didn't expect the team leader to come so early."

"Hehe, I'm looking forward to the new job, and I came early."

Jiang You asked:

"Do you want some tea, team leader?"

"sorry to bother you."

"No la."

Jiang You walked into the rest area again and started to make tea, while saying:

"The team leader looks very young and handsome."

Qiao Xun felt that this team member was quite familiar and had a cheerful personality. The impulsive team member Shi Qi said should not be her.

"well enough."

Jiang You made the hot tea and asked:

"Want me to carry you into the office? Or in the lounge area."

"Just in the lounge area."

With that said, Qiao Xun also walked in.

The lounge area is no different from a normal living room.

The steaming hot tea is wafting.

Jiang You, this single eyelid girl has obvious dimples when she smiles,

"Besides the old team leader, I was the first to speak to the team leader. Now I have to show off. Ah, no, I can't call the old team leader anymore... um, Brother Chi."

"There's nothing to brag about."

"That must be because I was one step ahead of them to get closer to the team leader." Jiang You said happily, touching the tip of his nose with his palms.

Under the perception of "lust", Jiang You was indeed happy.

Qiao Xun thought that she was probably the type of person who had a good relationship with everyone in a group. Good at communication.

"Oh yes, team leader." Jiang You said, walked outside and brought in a list, "This is the list of members of our team. Personally, I think you'd better look it up in advance."

Joe Patrol took over the list.

There are seven people in total, and he is ten people.

The personnel arrangement of the correction meeting is to adopt more precision than quantity, so there are not too many members in each group.

Qiao Xun read it at a glance, and remembered everyone, including their abilities and positions in the group.

For him who has "True Ru", this is an easy thing to do.

"It's over!" Jiang You said with his eyes wide open.


Jiang Advantage nodded, not too surprised. After all, they are all evolutionaries, and it is not very strange to have the ability to read instantly.

"What do you say, team leader. Some team members may not welcome you too much. Just... Pergmont and Harry. The rest of the team members are fine."

Pergmont Forens and Harry Patch. Responsible for intelligence collection and retrieval and situational reality simulation in the group respectively.

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Actually, it's totally unwelcome."

Jiang You quickly waved his hand,

"Team leader, don't think they are bad guys."

"Shi Qi already told me yesterday. Thank you for your reminder, don't worry, I'm measured."

"That's good. I still don't want to see conflicts within the group."

"Have a heart."

"No. Oh, by the way, the team leader and your job-related documents are all on your desk."

"Okay, then I'll go take a look first."

"Well, call me something."

Qiao Xun nodded and walked to the office.

It's clean and tidy inside. The smell is also very fresh, it should be cleaned carefully.

There are some fun gadgets in there, though.

As soon as he walked in, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

On the wall behind the office desk, there is a bull skull ornament with sharp horns.

He walked over and got a little closer to the skeletal ornament.

"Zaiyin" clings to it, and then drills into every crevice of the bones.

"True Ru" quickly retrieved the information:

【Extraordinary substance (pollution)】

【Tauren Fantasy】

[Totem: Hand of Monlisdian]

[The great orc beliefs, world pioneers, and spiritual voyage Monlis Dian will not spare any betrayal. He will peep into the back of everyone's head with angry eyes, instilling disaster and misfortune.

[The tauren was once active in Monlisdian's world, but eventually betrayed him. Therefore, he punished the tauren to live in a fantasy world forever and could not escape.

[Every tauren's head hides a trace of bad fantasy. Better not to fall into it]

Qiao Xun immediately knew that if the average person sat in front of the head of this tauren for an hour, they would fall into that bad fantasy under the influence of little by little, which would cause embarrassment at light level, and damage to consciousness at worst.

He felt it a little, but it wasn't too serious.

At most, I fell into an illusion full of "love temptation", thinking that there are beautiful women who are going to take off their clothes with me.

Consciousness will not be injured, but making a fool of yourself is certain.

"It seems that some people really don't welcome you..."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said to the outside:

"Jiang You."

"Hey, team leader." Jiang You came over immediately, "Is something wrong?"

"This decoration is very beautiful." Qiao Xun pointed at the Tauren Fantasy and said with a smile.

Jiang You looked confused,

"Ah, the team leader really thinks it looks good. Harry put it on when he was cleaning the office yesterday. This thing is his treasure. It came from hunting outside before. We also bet that the team leader will like it."

Looking at Jiang You's performance, she didn't know that there were little tricks in this tauren fantasy.

"Is it Harry, then I have to thank him well."

"That guy is also very strange. He keeps saying that you are not welcome to the team leader, but it turns out that it is the fastest to give gifts by yourself."

This is not a gift...

Qiao Xunban sat down right in front of the desk, and the tauren behind him imagined that the curved horns and empty eyes were facing the back of his head.

As soon as he sat down, he immediately felt strange rune fluctuations trying to get into his brain.

Without saying a word, Qiao Xun stopped him directly with "Zaiyin".

Then, with a normal face, he began to check the job issues that he needed to be responsible for.

Half an hour later, the other members of the fourth group did not come one after another, but came together.

The remaining six people walked into the office together, with Shi Qi in the front.

As soon as Jiang You saw them, he immediately went up and said that the new team leader Qiao Xun had arrived.

Shi Qi didn't expect Qiao Xun to come here so early. Originally, Shi Qi had gathered several team members early in the morning to unify a good attitude and avoid impulsive guys from causing trouble.

Everyone looked at the center and front office in unison.

Shi Qi said:

"Pergmont, Harry, remember what I said yesterday."

Biegmun, a large, bald man with strong muscles propped up the uniform. His square face was covered with brown beards, the bridge of his nose covered with tiny freckles moved, and he tilted his eyes and said:

"Remember, remember. But, who cares that the fourth group has a real leader?"

Harry laughed immediately. He looks much more normal, but his left eye is not a normal human eye at first glance. It is the same as Shi Qi's right hand, a "technology-driven rune" mechanical eye.

"Stop talking man, we've got to be honest."

Shi Qi frowned slightly.

"Two, if you don't want to stay in the fourth group, you can apply for a change of place."

As soon as the old team leader said such serious words, the two immediately shut up.

Mary Geran sneered:

"Two idiots, if the fourth group is destroyed one day, it must be your fault."

Mary Gean was a European with brown hair, tall and tall, about 1.85 meters. She was also a model. Because of the female body proportions, she looked significantly taller than Shi Qi, who was 1.78 meters. Her tall figure made her slightly hunched.

"Mary is right."

Next to Mary was a little girl who was only twelve or thirteen years old, not only like a doll, but also holding a doll in her hand.

Mary smiled,

"Fei, you won't make our new leader sad, will you."

Phoenix Elman nodded and said:

"Only Harry and Pergmont make it sad. People are supposed to get along with each other."

Mary glared at Pergmont and Harry,

"The two of them together are in their fifties, and they are not yet sensible."

Big Pergmont said solemnly:

"Fei, people never get along peacefully. What we need is a fight, a never-ending fight!"

"Humph!" Phoenix turned his head away.

Harry laughed,

"Pergmont, don't scare the little one. The little one is still thriving in the warm sunshine."

Morita Takata, who speaks less, is a boy of about sixteen years old, with a pot head and glasses, like a high school student who is studying hard. He's not too loud,

"Let's go and say hello to the team leader first."

"Oh hoo!" Harry twisted his mechanical eyes, shouted, strode away and walked towards the office.

Big Begmun squeezed his shoulders and followed.

Mary asked worriedly:

"Gumi... Shi Qi, what if the two of them really get into trouble?"

Fickness squeezed Mary's pant legs, also a little nervous.

Morita Takata looked at Shi Qi. I hope the old team leader can give an answer.

Shi Qi lowered his eyes slightly.

"Why don't you take a look at the ability of this new team leader? If you can't deal with Pergmon and Harry... The fourth team may have problems."

Jiang You smiled and said:

"I think the new team leader is very good, with a good attitude and kindness, and he is also very handsome."

"Wow, is that a handsome guy!" Stars appeared in Phoenix's eyes.

Jiang You pinched Phoenix's face,

"It's Fei's favorite cool guy!"

"I'm going to see it!"

Phoenix immediately dragged Mary and ran towards Qiao Xun's office.

"Slow down, Fei!"

Jiang You held his chin behind his head and asked:

"Brother Chi, when will Fei let go of Mary and grow up? Why can't a little guy with such potential be independent?"

"Fei's situation is more complicated. Sigh, I don't know if the new team leader can handle it."

Morita Takata doesn't talk much, but every time he speaks, it is useful information.

"I feel that the new team leader is surprising."

Jiang You looked serious,

"Your wife said so~www.readwn.com~ I'm really looking forward to it."

Takata Morita, the only evolutionary person in the fourth group who can capture the "advance information of the critical point".

Shi Qi's eyes were complicated.

He always took Qiao Xun's words to heart:

"The things arranged in the restraint area..."

What's going on in the restraint zone?

Will the new team leader come with some important mission?

As the former team leader, Shi Qi knew where Qiao Xun came from.

The second carriage of the livestock area, the place where a major accident had just happened, and was taken over by the restraint area over the correction area, the control area, and the power area.


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