Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 29: The double admiration of strength and charm (2 in 1 8,000 words)

Although the roaring noise outside the office has become weaker in Qiao Xun's ears, his sensitive hearing and strong ability to analyze environmental information still allow him to distinguish those words.

The voices, tones, and attitudes of different people made him instinctively start to build portraits in his mind.

Only with a reasonable analysis of the characters can we better explore the way of communication.

Undisguised at all, there were even footsteps approaching the office with a particularly heavy intention.

Qiao Xun raised his head.

The door of the office was suddenly pushed open by Pergmon, and his tall and sturdy body almost filled the door.

Harry pushed and shouted from behind:

"Pergmont, don't you care about your figure?"

There was no knock on the door...

Pergmont took a big step, raised his head high, stood as if he was standing in a military position, and then suddenly raised his right foot and stepped on it, and suddenly the gray tower on the sole of the shoe came out, and it opened from all sides. He gave a military salute, then smiled and said:

"Hello team leader!"

Harry followed suit, but when he saw Qiao Xun sitting on the seat perfectly, the mechanical eye immediately turned around.

"Hello team leader!"

The fluttered dust fell on Qiao Xun's desk.

Qiao Xun tapped the table with the index finger and **** of his right hand. The layer of ash was immediately bounced off. He smiled and said:

"How are you. Pergmont, and Harry."

Pergmont exclaimed:

"The team leader knows my name, I'm very happy!"

"Me too!" Harry said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Mary and Fignes trotted into the office behind.

Fignes' eyelashes are long and curved upwards, supporting the already small eyes even bigger, and the pupils without bloodshot and mottled colors are translucent. She held the doll in one hand and the hem of Mary's uniform in the other,

"Wow! Really handsome team leader!"

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Thank you, Phoenix."

"Call me Fei, the handsome guy helps." Phoenix said shyly, covering half of his face with a doll in a blue and white dress.

"Thank you, Fei."

Pergmont patted the top of Phoenix's head,

"Phoenix, muscles are the beauty of a man!"

"Stupid Pergmont, you stained my hair! Your hands are all sweaty!"

"It's normal for a man to sweat a little. Phoenix, you should exercise with me too."

"The big guy is ugly!"

Compared with these people, Mary is much more mature and intellectual. She lifted her temples, which had fallen down from the trot, and smiled,

"Qiao Xun team leader, it's a pleasure to work with you."

"Me too, Miss Mary."

"The team leader can just call me Mary."

After that, Jiang You, Shi Qi, and Morita Takata also came in.

Jiang You and Shi Qi had known Qiao Xun, and it was just Takata Morita who introduced themselves.

This shy teenager feels very different to Qiao Xun. The rune breath surging around him was something he had never felt before. From the perception of "truth", the breath is related to information, but it is very... ethereal, illusory, and there is a sense of separation between dreams and reality.

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Now our fourth group has all arrived. Begmon, Harry, Mary, Phoenix, Jiang You, Morita Takata, and Shi Qi. Hello, my name is Qiao Xun, I used to be the first in the livestock area. Working in the second carriage, through the arrangement of the restraint area, I came here to serve as the team leader of the fourth group. It is a pleasure to meet you and I am looking forward to working with you."

Shi Qi was originally the last team leader, so it was time for him to speak, but Pergmont took the lead and asked worriedly:

"Livestock area, that team leader, you won't be infected with some unclean rune breath, right? The livestock area is very dirty. I went to the fifth carriage of the livestock area to investigate, and it almost stinks me to death."

As a member of the correction team, the intelligence-related personnel, it is impossible for them to say things like "I almost stink to death" after being affected by the dirty environment.

Pergmont said so, the end is not the second half of the sentence, but the first half of the sentence.

He used the word "contagion". This word is usually only used with negative events such as "epidemic" and "plague".

His attitude was so obvious that it couldn't be clearer.

So much so that Shi Qi's expression changed suddenly after he finished saying those words. Mary frowned and glanced at Pergmont. Even the optimist Jiang You shrank his head, a little nervous.

Harry paid attention to the tauren fantasy behind Qiao Xun, his expression did not change.

Phoenix couldn't have imagined that it was so complicated, Morita Takata was very introverted and looked a little distracted.

The expressions of several people were completely different, and they were clearly placed in front of Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun knew that in the face of Pergmon's provocation, he needed a reasonable way to deal with it. It is necessary to be harmonious so that the atmosphere does not become tense, or to lose the majesty of being a new team leader.

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"If you can't even deal with the polluted rune breath, then I'm probably not qualified to be your team leader. Pergmon, thank you for your concern, you've been to the livestock area and it's fine, how could I be in trouble? What?" He narrowed his eyes slightly, his tone still harmonious, "You said, right?"

Pergmon laughed,

"My physique is definitely fine. But the team leader, who has thin arms and thin legs, is probably a little less resistant."

"If muscle is the only indicator of physical fitness, then the meteorological species may have already dominated the earth. Also, the polluted creatures of the order Kangaroo may have overturned the island of Australia by fighting."

Phoenix's mind wasn't complicated, but he just thought that Qiao Xun was funny and giggled.

The little guy's crisp and clean laughter did not carry any hostility, and was full of happiness and joy.

This smile has become the best embellishment of Qiao Xun's words, making the power of language even higher.

Pergmont held his breath. Generally speaking, when you use muscles to represent strength, you can't get the upper hand in words, so you should start a one-on-one fight irritably, shouting words such as "if you are a man, be tough."

But Pergmont's brain doesn't grow in muscles.

Shi Qi, the old team leader, didn't dare to ignore it yesterday. Can only quickly find an excuse to step down,

"Haha, the team leader is really funny. Talking so powerfully, it must be healthy and strong!"

After speaking, he quickly glanced at Harry next to him, and seemed to say, "Hey man, I'm gone, I'm behind you."

Mary smiled and patted Phoenix's head, and whispered:

"Fei is awesome."

"Ehhh, why are you praising Fei all of a sudden?" Feikenis asked curiously.

"Because Fei is always worthy of praise."


Fei's compliments from adults were very useful, and she showed a little embarrassment.

As an old senior, Shi Qi had to come out at this time to make a clearance. Clap your hands, then say:

"Okay, alright, everyone, let's get to know each other like this. Don't crowd it all in the team leader's office. We still have work at hand. If you have anything to say, just come to the team leader and say it alone."

Jiang You was the most cooperative. The dimples on his face showed, and he went out full of energy.

After that, several people walked out one after another.

Harry remained in the office.

When Shi Qi left, he whispered:

"Harry, don't forget what I said yesterday."

"I just want to have a good conversation with the new team leader."

Shi Qi looked at Qiao Xun with worried eyes. The latter nodded and smiled.

Then, only Xun and Harry were left in the office.

Qiao Xun waved his hand and said:

"Please sit down. If you have anything to say, say it slowly."

Harry vomited, sat on the sofa, and then sank. Very casual.

"Team leader, this office is okay."

"Well, it's pretty good."

"Hey, that's fine. I was afraid that the team leader would not be satisfied, so I put a lot of effort into decorating it yesterday."

"Thank you for your hard work, I feel good."

Harry pinched his nose, tapped the mechanical eye with his finger, and did not start blinking feedback.

"That's good, after all, Team Leader Shi Qi didn't care so much when we were sitting here before. Team Leader Shi Qi is a good person. He usually takes care of us very much. He is also very capable and has a sense of responsibility. Last night, He also called us to say that he wanted to make a good impression on you, the group leader, and not make you feel that the fourth group was a mixed bag."

Qiao Xun nodded and agreed:

"Shi Qi is indeed a person with great leadership skills and intelligence."

"Smart?" Harry frowned.

This kind of praise is completely the praise of the superior to the inferior.

This attitude is a natural attitude of the team leader, but it makes Harry very uncomfortable. He sighed and waved his hands,

"But, obviously such a capable team leader has to sit outside with us."

As soon as these words are said, it is basically a clear meaning.

Harry's mechanical eye can be synchronized with the normal eye or not. At this time, out of sync, the normal right eye drooped down, but the mechanical eye looked straight at Qiao Xun.

"Harry. Before I came, I met Shi Qi first. At that time, I thought, since everyone is working with Shi Qi, they will probably learn the good qualities of him. For example, self-confidence, for example, positive, for example, polite, For example, being serious and pragmatic. I met you today, and it looks like you are sure. Jiang You is very confident, Gui Tai is very serious and pragmatic, Mary is polite and elegant, Fei is very active, cute and potential. Looking at it this way, you really have Learn from Shi Qi's excellence."

Qiao Xun praised several team members, but did not mention Pergmont and Harry. But the tone is very sincere, and there is no room for Harry to refute.

Qiao Xun smiled,

"It seems that my original worry is unnecessary. After all, my team members are so friendly."

The brilliance of Harry's mechanical eyes increased slightly.

"Team leader, we all hope that the leader of Shi Qi can have a good future. Originally, we thought that he would be promoted to the general management department of the correction society. We don't understand why the restraint area has to make such a decision. In my opinion Come, your joining will not make the fourth group stronger, but will affect the atmosphere of our work."

"Harry, so, are you going to embarrass Shi Qi or embarrass me."

"Team leader, you don't need to put pressure on the old team leader. The fourth group used to be like a big family, which is rare in the whole correction meeting. After all, the atmosphere of the sea train is quite special. The fourth group can have such a The atmosphere, the team leader Shi Qi contributed greatly. Just imagine, an outsider suddenly came to a harmonious family, and he had to act as the head of the family, what would you think?"

Qiao Xun's expression was calm,

"Of course it will be disturbing. But, Harry, do you think you are contributing to the harmony of this family?"

Harry was stunned,

"I just feel bad for Team Leader Shi Qi. Team Leader Shi Qi doesn't want to destroy the atmosphere in the group, and some words can only be kept in his heart. But if we don't say anything, who will care about what he thinks?"

"You might as well ask Shi Qi what he is thinking now."

Harry remembered that Shi Qi said "everything went well" yesterday, he shook his head,

"No, it's just that Team Leader Shi Qi intends to suffer alone."

Qiao Xun looked at him, his eyes gradually became pale,

"I remember that you were in charge of simulating the reality of the situation in the group. What does a simulator need to do when simulating a situation? Absolutely objective, without any subjective imagination, absolutely in accordance with actual intelligence logic, without excessive inferences. Harry, you Do you think your current state is suitable for this job? In other words, do you think you have over-associated Shi Qi's thoughts. What makes you feel that he is suffering alone, and what makes you feel that I am Didn't you have in-depth communication with him before you came?"

Harry frowned.

Indeed, he could not find any actual evidence to refute Qiao Xun's words. Because this is itself an emotional association.

"Situational reality simulation has nothing to do with my relationship with Team Leader Shi Qi!"

Qiao Xun said,

"The influence of runes on people under the totem is to magnify the characteristics. We often say that evolution itself is the use and feedback of the body's rune energy. A person's emotions, social relationships, and the influence of others on themselves will be different. The angle affects a person's characteristics. This trait will be magnified with the use of runes again and again. Pollution alienation means that the trait is magnified to break through the limits of the body and will. Harry, will the situational reality simulation have nothing to do with your trait? "

Qiao Xun's understanding of runes and totems is beyond Harry's imagination.

Even some of the knowledge was something Harry had never received. This cutting-edge academic knowledge, as well as Qiao Xun's own understanding under the "truth", is very forward-looking.

The professional knowledge was crushed, and Harry had no way to refute it.

But of course he wouldn't be convinced.

"No, you can't just sit here with just one mouth for granted!" Harry stood up, "As a correction team, we won't only be on the train!"

Qiao Xun crossed his hands and asked with a smile:

"Then, what do I need to prove?"

"As a team leader, if you work outside the train. You need to coordinate the overall situation to avoid putting us in a dangerous situation. If you can't have a reasonable judgment of the environment, it is not suitable to be a team leader."

"It's really important."

Qiao Xun began to think.

Harry's eyes flashed when he saw Qiao Xun's performance.

Yes, it is now!

His left eye, the mechanical eye, turned frantically. The mysterious mechanical structure composed of special materials extracts the rune energy in the body and presents it in the mechanical eyes in a unique way, like a holographic projection, the rune energy is embodied.

This is a situational reality simulation.

And at this moment, what Harry is simulating is... the scene of a beautiful woman taking a bath.

Somewhere in the entertainment city in the middle compartment, he has seen such a scene with his own eyes, so he can ensure that the simulated scene is 100% realistic.

When Harry saw Qiao Xun, he immediately narrowed his eyes and thought... Sure enough, it's just an embroidered pillow, and he can't even detect the interference of consciousness in the bull's head. What are you talking about team leader, let's be ugly, let everyone see , the leader of Shi Qi is much better than you.

The scene of the beautiful woman taking a bath is completely simulated in front of Qiao Xun.

The beauty who just got out of the bath walked to him step by step without any clothes on.

Qiao Xun remained motionless, as if possessed by a demon.

Harry moistened his throat and planned to invite everyone to take a look. Just as he opened his mouth, he suddenly had an electric current applied to his entire body, and collapsed on the sofa after a brief convulsion.

After regaining his senses, he only felt a little dizzy, and then found himself lying on the big soft bed.

A woman with a naked back slept next to her.

The woman turned around, her tone was lazy, her eyes woke up,

"Well... what's the matter, my dear?"

Harry felt his head cluttered and said:

"Probably had a bad dream."

The woman rolled over and pressed against Harry, her tone moist,

"Then use the warmth of the morning to dispel the bad last night."

She started kissing Harry.

The soft and numb feeling quickly made Harry fall. Everything is comforting. The warm morning light, the beautiful bedside person, the spacious and comfortable big bed...

Suddenly, the sound of glass breaking suddenly sounded.

Harry woke up with a start and saw Qiao Xun sitting at the desk and smiling.

Qiao Xun said:

"Harry, although I know you're going through something wonderful, I still have to disturb you. After all, it's not a secret place, and everyone can come in at any time."

Harry was stunned for a moment, then snapped back to his senses. He found himself taking off his coat and trousers.

"Do not!"

He exclaimed.

When the voice reached the outside, the team members rushed over to ask:

"Team Leader, what's wrong?"

Qiao Xun said,

"It's alright, don't worry."

"Are you really okay?" Jiang You asked worriedly.

"It's okay, trust me."

A few people then dispersed one after another.

Harry got dressed in a panic, blushed, and asked,


Qiao Xun stood up, stroking the bull head decoration on the wall,

"Harry, I like the gift you gave me. Then of course I have to return the gift." Qiao Xun turned to look at Harry with a smile, "You said yes."

"You already found out!"

"After all, as a team leader, you must have a very high ability to identify the environment. I don't know if my ability will satisfy you."

Harry was embarrassed. Qiao Xun's ability was indeed beyond his expectations. Not only could he see through it easily, but he could also counterattack quietly.

"Then why did you wake me up? You could have called everyone over and let me make a fool of myself in front of them," Harry said.

He himself wanted to make Qiao Xun embarrassed.

Qiao Xun sat down, resting his elbows on the table,

"Harry, we are members of a group. Why should we hold such a big prejudice before everything starts? You are a member of my group, and I can understand your grievances for Shi Qi, of course I don't. hurt you."

Harry was silent for a long time and said:


"It doesn't matter, everyone makes mistakes. Those who make mistakes will not be hated, but those who know their mistakes and never change them will."

Qiao Xun's generosity made Harry even more guilty.

Yes, there are 10,000 ways for Qiao Xun to make him die. However, without hesitation, he chose to retain his dignity.

Harry stood up and said sincerely:

"Shi Qi is right, you will indeed be a very good team leader."

"Harry, I didn't come here on purpose to be the team leader, I hope you understand."

After Harry put aside his prejudice, he also wanted to understand. How can the restricted area condone the existence of related households... After all, the train conductors are so rational and great.

"I look forward to the future work."

"Me too."

Harry was completely convinced. Not only Qiao Xun's strength, but also his character.

After he walked out of the office, Pergmont immediately came over and took his shoulders,

"Harry, how is it, did your plan succeed?"

Harry exhaled and said solemnly:

"Bergmont, the new team leader deserves our serious work."


"Don't, let's work hard, don't let the team leader think that we are really lazy and unemployed."

The big Biegmen couldn't figure out the specific reason, but since everyone thought the new team leader was fine, then it was fine.

In the workshop, Jiang You saw this situation, smiled and said to Mary and Shi Qi:

"It seems that Team Leader Qiao is more powerful than we thought."

Shi Qi nodded and said nothing. After all, the restraint area was personally transferred.

Mary sits gracefully, her slender and white neck is slightly tensed,

"Well. Don't you think Team Leader Qiao has a special charm?"

Phoenix said:

"he is handsome!"

"I didn't say that."

"But he's really handsome."

A few words but no nonsense. Morita Takata raised her head and said sternly:

"Genetic attraction."

Everyone looked at him.

Morita Takashi rarely jokingly said:

"My guess."

"Did you feel something?" Jiang You asked curiously.

Morita Takata shook his head,

"The new team leader is too far away... I feel like he's covered in a very thick fog. I can't see anything, but it feels like he'll be a good guy."

"Nice people are not suitable for sea trains," said Mary.

"It's a good person for us, probably." Morita Takata was very uncertain.

Shi Qi said:

"Don't think too much. Anyway, we spend a lot of time together, and we will get to know each other slowly in the future."

Jiang You puffed out his mouth,

"All right."

Phoenix looked at the doll in his hand and said with a smile:

"Alcott, do you think the new team leader is good?"

The delicate doll in her hand suddenly flashed a human-like expression for a moment.

Then, Phoenix said:

"Alcott said that Team Leader Shuai is very good."

Everyone looked at each other, smiled, and dispersed to work.

Then, only Phoenix and Mary are left here.

Phoenix suddenly grabbed Mary's waist tightly and whispered nervously:

"Mary, I'm a bad boy, I lied."

"What's the matter, Fei?"

"Alcott didn't say the new leader was fine, she said, it's scary."

Mary opened her mouth slightly, surprised, she quickly reacted, raised a finger, and said softly:

"Fei, don't tell anyone else."

"All right."

After Phoenix nodded in agreement, he began to comfort his doll, Alcott Ellman.

Mary was a little uneasy.

Having watched Phoenix grow up, she knew how special Fei's doll, Alcott, was.

There are not many people who can make Alcott feel terrible.


After solving the problems of Pergmon and Harry, the entire fourth group entered the state. When Qiao Xun saw their respective abilities, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In the morning, when he saw the team lineup, he was still a little skeptical.

After all, no matter what the members of the group look at... they are not very professional.

An introverted Morita Takata is no more than a high school student, and a Phoenix is ​​a completely innocent and ignorant child.

And Begmont, who is obsessed with muscles, is actually engaged in the most meticulous intelligence work.

No one who sees this lineup thinks that it will have something to do with "correcting all train problems and faults".

However, people really can't look at appearances.

It is this team with distinct characteristics, which is unbelievably professional at work.

As soon as the big, carefree Pergmon entered the state, he was just like a teenage girl in a macho holster. She was very thoughtful, and she was very picky about details. The text layout of the archive file had to be redone if it was a little skewed.

The introverted Takata Morita is engaged in information positioning and information calculation. He works very enthusiastically.

In other words, Phoenix has nothing to do. But Shi Qi said that Fei is very important to the team. She is equivalent to controlling the guide in the team. She can ensure that everyone's work efficiency is always at the peak, and when they are outside, she can also protect everyone's conscious world from being disturbed.

Usually it is a mascot, but in action it is a talisman.

Jiang You is also a workaholic. As a clerk, she edits documents just like a humanoid computer.

Shi Qi is in charge of the cooperation and communication between the fourth group and other groups, and most of the time is not in the office.

Only Mary looks like a normal person.

With an elegant and generous temperament, she sits on the balcony to work, with brewed coffee next to her, like a pretty urban beauty.

Qiao Xun was able to see that, each of his team members possessed unique skills.

No wonder it works for the train in the upper deck.

They are all core talents.

On the contrary, Qiao Xun, the team leader, has nothing to do.

Sitting in the office, he couldn't help thinking, Agnes was right, he could really spend a relatively relaxing time.

It's just, I don't know how long it will be easy.

In the morning, he learned about his position and the usual work of the fourth group. It's not difficult for him.

During the noon break, of course his new team leader had to sit with everyone and have a good chat.

He is the best at chatting.

Measure of measure, attitude and tone, use of words to form sentences... These are all familiar to him when he was a psychologist. With "lust" and a more accurate control of other people's emotions, the knowledge of chatting will become more proficient.

No one would feel uncomfortable chatting with Qiao Xun, except his enemies.

Harry, who was still a little guilty and embarrassed, quickly let go of the awkwardness during the exchange.

Communication and communication can solve the vast majority of interpersonal problems. This sentence is correct.

The in-depth communication also allowed Qiao Xun to understand his team members better.

He is not idle, "True Ru" is full, and he knows the totem and rune talents of the team members thoroughly.

It was Morita Takata and Phoenix who made him want to explore more deeply.

Morita Takata's brand new rune aura was something he had never seen before. It is related to information, but Qiao Xun has come into contact with a lot of information talents, all of which have nothing to do with his breath.

And Phoenix... very special. Because, she has no totem, no rune, no talent, no rune energy on her body, and she didn't even open the long step of the gods. It is really clean like a piece of white paper, and the mind is innocent. There is always a beautiful smile on the face of the pink and jade carving. Anyone who sees it will have a desire to protect it.

The noon break is over.

In the afternoon, Jiang You knocked on the door of the office,

"Team leader, as requested, you need to go to the second building to see the general affairs."

The General Manager is in charge of the entire Correction Team of the Correction Society, and there is a corresponding position in the Correction Court next door, called the General Manager.

The general affairs and the general manager are the two highest-ranking people in the correction area.

The rank of the entire train is also second only to the three conductors and the general secretary of the restricted area secretariat.


Jiang You said:

"Team leader, I'll take you there."

"sorry to bother you."

Jiang You took Qiao Xun out of the first building and went to the second building next to him.

On the way, she said:

"Team leader, you may not know it when you first arrived. The general manager of the correction team is a very serious person, and, how should I put it... In front of him, it's best not to lie. Everyone says that he has the ability to see through everything, but I don't think so. I have communicated with him directly, and I am not sure. But it is best to be careful."

"Are the consequences of lying serious?"

"The correction team. It is to correct the problems of the train and other people's faults. If there is a problem with the correction team itself, it will be very troublesome. Therefore, the internal regulations given by the general affairs are very strict, and the work can not be smooth, but if there is a false report , the end is directly dismissed and rushed into the livestock area."

"so serious?"

"Yeah~www.readwn.com~ I've seen it three times in my first year in office. So, it's best not to hide anything."

Qiao Xun asked with a smile,

"Does the general affairs have the authority to make such regulations? I remember that regulations should be made by the restricted area. Only the restricted area has the legislative power."

"I don't know this very well. Anyway, the internal rules of the correction team are like this. They are much stricter than the correction court next door."

"Internal regulations..."

Qiao Xun looked at the upper floors of the second building.

You can't hide it from the general affairs... The general affairs have the ability to see through everything...

He took a breath.

If the general manager asked why he came here, how should he answer?

No matter what, he is definitely on Agnes' side.

Moreover, the internal regulations of the correction group are determined to be in line with the requirements of the constraint area?

Qiao Xun doubted this. After all, this "as long as the report is concealed, roll directly into the livestock area" is a totalitarian performance no matter how you look at it. Totalitarian behavior, on the train is aimed at the middle and lower compartments.

In the upper compartment, even in the restricted area, there are no totalitarian regulations where the three conductors sit.

After communicating with the secretary of the general affairs on the first floor of the second building, the secretary contacted the general affairs.

After a few minutes, permission was granted.

Under the leadership of the secretary, Qiao Xun came to the general affairs office.

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