Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 31: Review work begins

Jiang You stood in the corridor between the first building and the second building.

Seeing Qiao Xun coming out, she immediately greeted her.

"Team Leader, how's it going?"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly.

"No problem. Although I didn't see the general affairs with my own eyes, the initial understanding is a good harvest."

"Wow, I got to know him first. The team leader is really unusual. Ordinary people met with the general manager, and after chatting for a while, they couldn't understand him at all."

"Maybe, I'll think more. Okay, Jiang You, let's go back."


Walking on the road, Qiao Xun asked:

"In this way, I don't need to see other people, manipulate other procedures and so on."

Jiang Cheng's head,

"Yes. You are in the correction team, you just need to say hello to the general affairs staff."

"What about the corrections court?"

"Well...they are different from us. Although cooperation is inevitable, how should I put it...it's like the relationship between the practical school and the academic school."


"Oh, by the way, according to the workflow, in the next month, the VIP seats will be reviewed."

"What about specifics?"

Jiang You said with a smile,

"The relationship between VIP seats and the train is not the same. Just like the relationship between foreign businessmen and the government, they get what they need. The train gives them certain privileges, but they need to contribute to the train accordingly, including but not limited to Paying taxes, expanding the resource market, foreign negotiation... a series of things. When there are too many such things, the personnel structure is complicated, and various problems will arise. For example, VIPs act as compradors to steal train resources, sell them to the external market at low prices, and evade taxes. The review of the VIP seats by the correction team is divided into quarterly review and annual review. The quarterly review only covers industrial resources, and the annual review is a major review.”

Qiao Xun said:

"The current number of VIP seats has been increased from thirty to forty-two, right?"

"Well, there are twelve new seats this year."

"Is their information confidential?"

Jiang Cheng's head,

"Before the review, no one knew the specific list of the VIP seats except for the restraint area, the VIP seat council and the general manager of the correction team. The VIP seats are not a backwater, they are often replaced, and the order is constantly changing."

"What about the ranking indicator?"

"There are a total of 18 indicators, and it would be too complicated to say verbally. The five with the greatest weights are industrial resource income, tax level, external negotiation results, reward task point development, and random event exploration. The order of seats determines the VIP and the train. resource sharing, and the level of power that the train can provide to VIPs.”

Qiao Xun thought about it. The relationship between the VIP seats and the train should be mutually beneficial and symbiotic. Although it is a partition on the train, it is independent most of the time. If the VIP seats do things, if the power requirements do not meet the corresponding level restrictions, then they can not be reviewed. .

he asks:

"What is the role of the Council of VIPs?"

"Forty-two distinguished guests, of course, cannot be of one mind. But to make certain decisions, such as mineral exploration, high-risk pollution areas, and other matters, they need to make decisions together. The parliament appeared under this circumstance, and it was a convention. Here, the second VIP is used as the speaker, and the latter are called members. There are three grades, which are simply classified as ABC. When voting on business decisions, a member of the A-grade has three votes, two of the B-grade, and one of the C-grade. ."

Qiao Xun frowned slightly.

Information in his VIP area is largely opaque. Therefore, he does not know the VIP seats very well.

"Where's the first guest of honor?"

"The first VIP is alone. Because of excessive power and gaps, in order to prevent the situation of one word, he is not allowed to enter the parliament."


Jiang You smiled,

"Of course. No matter how special the VIP area is and how powerful it is, it can't be bigger than the conductor of the train."

"When can I get the VIP list?"

Jiang You said:

"Not at any time until we review them."

"Wouldn't this cause them to use means to cover up their faults?"


"That's for—"

Qiao Xun suddenly figured it out. It's a balance of power! As the topmost area, the restricted area should restrict the power of other areas in order to consolidate its position. It is best to let other partitions check and balance each other. Protecting the list and information of the VIP seats will indeed increase the difficulty of the correction meeting. But the Constraint Zone, on the contrary, is happy to see that the correction will cost more to work. Because if the list and information of the VIP seats are not protected, then with the power of the Correction Council, they can grasp their movements anytime and anywhere.

In this case, can VIPs still be called VIPs? Will VIPs still be willing to maximize their interests under the circumstance of "seeing a traitor"?

Qiao Xun took a breath and said earnestly:

"It seems that these jobs are more difficult than I imagined. We only know who we are reviewing when we review, which limits us."

Jiang You smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter, team leader, just get used to it. Besides, there's nothing wrong with it. The VIPs don't know who will censor them."

"When did the review start?"

"It will start at six in the morning in three days."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Then I need to work harder these days."

Jiang You stood up and said seriously:

"If the team leader needs me, just say it."



In three days,

Qiao Xun had interviews with several of his team members individually to deepen their understanding. Not only ability, but also character, potential, etc. The most important thing is their characteristics.

After Akubai Khanate and his party, Qiao Xun paid more attention to "characteristics".

Not only is the trait the root of evolution, but also the "disturbing trait" that he himself has been mentioned.

What is it that makes people uncomfortable? And Gularan Bomeng, what is the "devil seed" in the mouth of the magician of the Church of Yila, why did he say the word "devil seed" when he found that he had the ability to devour...

There is still too much to think about.

After in-depth contact, Qiao Xun found that Pergmont and Harry are not bad, they are simply emotional. Of course, emotional people are also very easy to get closer, and after getting closer, they are more trustworthy than people with other personalities.

As for the relationship between Mary and Fignes.

Qiao Xun's intention was to have a private interview. But Fignes didn't want to take a step away from Mary at all, and it was said that they washed and slept together.

At first he thought they were young mothers and daughters or sisters or something. But in fact, Fignes was an orphan and grew up in a church, and Mary was a nun at Notre Dame, who was in charge of taking care of Fei.

Not a mother and daughter, but Fei's reliance on Mary is far beyond the level of mother and daughter. Mingming Fei doesn't have any absolute physical needs for Mary, but there seems to be a natural attraction between them.

Mary's talent was awakened in a choir's Christmas song. In that conservative country, her strange changes were banished. Fei naturally left with her.

She did work as a model in Paris for a period of time to support herself and Fei.

Later, when they went to Hawaii for a vacation, they happened to encounter the "Hawaii Bone Whale" incident, which almost sank half of Hawaii. So they were taken in by the sea train.

How should I put it, a nun with a child... It's been quite a bumpy experience.

However, Sister Mary protected and taught very well, allowing Fei to grow up healthy in this experience.

After some exchanges, Qiao Xun found that the experience of everyone coming to the train was quite fantastic.

Biegmen lost the black fist and was traded in the black market;

Harry was originally a deep game house living in the basement of his parents' house, but the federal evolutionary team chose him to do a small experiment. The experiment failed and was identified as dead, and sank in the "inanimate zone" of the Pacific Ocean. In the end, he didn't die, and was salvaged by the passing Hailie;

Shi Qi, an international mercenary without a nationality, after failing to perform his mission, desperately broke into the high-risk reward area in the Hai Lie Circle, and was taken to the train.

Jiang You is an evolutionist with roots and Miaohong. She has been in evolution class since she was a child. During college, she followed the team to the Antarctic on a scientific expedition mission. Come down and be collected by the train;

Morita Takata...he didn't want to say it. Qiao Xun's "True Ru" understanding is also limited, and he can only roughly guess that he may have come to the train during a very special pollution incident.

After in-depth understanding, I think everyone is fine, only Morita Takata and Fei make Qiao Xun feel that it is an unstable factor.

In addition to communicating with the team members, Qiao Xun basically overturned and studied the review report of the VIP seat before the fourth group.

If it is impossible to understand the existing VIP information, it can only be quantified by understanding the previous VIP information.


Three days later at four in the morning.

Qiao Xun woke up on time. Wash and clean.

The review will begin today. There was no change in his mood, and he had experienced a lot of things, big and small. It was difficult for him to have any mood swings with this level of things.

After getting everything ready, there was a knock on the door when he was about to go out.

The messenger came again with a new letter from Agnes.

The same fire seal, the same swashbuckling characters, the same way of presentation——

"My friend, I haven't talked to you for a long time. I still don't have an answer to what I said last time about thinking about the meaning of life. When I have an answer, I will inform you as soon as possible.

"Also, didn't I tell you before, I will tell you the story of my childhood.

"I was born on a September morning in 1512. Maybe I was the daughter of an earl, maybe a marquis, and I don't know if my father did any great things before he died. But none of that. It matters. I spent my childhood among the books in the basement, and Count Heberian thought it was a hopeless shame for a brown-eyed self to give birth to a blue-eyed child. I've seen him about three times. Books My partner and my enemy, they accompanied me through my long childhood, and they showed me how prosperous the world is outside the basement, and if I didn't know it, I would die with a smile. Eighteen years old I am going to marry the son of another earl, an age that was considered too old for marriage at the time, because no one wants to marry a woman with blue eyes. I don't know who the earl is, and I have never met his son, But I know that on the way, I will become the Agnes you know. Because—

"If you want to know what will happen next, please listen to the next breakdown.

"Your dear,

"Agnes Jean Hibernian."

Qiao Xun's eyelids jumped. Because "If you want to know what will happen next, please listen to the breakdown next time." It was clearly written in Chinese, even in a very upright italics, much better than his own writing.

What's the meaning?

Is the letter written out of context?

Those who are out of context have no GG!

"She... doesn't seem to have..."

Good mood in the morning, because this letter has become low.

Of course, he wasn't moved by Agnes' tone of "old man talking about the past", because there was still no important information in this letter. At the very least, nothing Joe Tour needs right now.

Alas, I don't know what Agnes wants to play.

Isn't it really an old woman who has been lonely for too long and has a lot of fun, right?

He put the letter into the Destruction Zhi Xumi of Mosuluo, and then, Qiao Xun consciously dived into the blood jade ring, looked at the state of Ah Nan Nineteen, and chatted with her.

Every day before going to bed and after getting up, he would say hello to her, for fear that this weak fragment of her consciousness would just disappear.

Therefore, Qiao Xun has to update the lies woven for her every day.

Anan Nineteen is like this, living sweetly every day among the beautiful lies.

Feeling her innocence, even the ruthless Qiao Xun couldn't help but think about what to do if the lie was exposed one day.


He is still the first to the fourth group.

Shi Qi is on duty today.

Getting along with Shi Qi alone, the relationship between the two is closer to an equal level. This is also a relationship recognized by Qiao Xun. He knew that he would not stay in the fourth group for too long, so it was necessary to try not to destroy the original relationship structure of the fourth group. He can't do irresponsible things, and he can't just leave a mess.

The team members came one after another.

Before 5:30, all the members of the fourth group assembled.

Then, a secretary of the second secretariat sent them the review list this time.

Forty-two VIPs, excluding the first VIP, the other forty-one VIPs were randomly assigned to ten review groups, leaving two groups free to avoid a work vacuum.

Unfortunately, there was no bye in the fourth group.

He was assigned to four VIPs, ranked seventh, nineteenth, thirty-first, and fortieth~www.readwn.com~ After receiving this list, Shi Qi said:

"Well, I'm lucky, I'm pretty far behind in their respective levels."

A-class VIPs are the second to ninth;

Class B is tenth to twenty-first;

Class C is twenty-second to forty-second.

Looking at it this way, the four VIPs assigned are all in the back.

Jiang You immediately compared the ranking of the VIPs in the last quarterly review, and then said:

"It does not coincide with the VIPs we reviewed last quarter at all. Only the 31st VIP was in the fourth group during last year's annual review, but in the past year, there must have been a lot of changes in the VIP seats, and the reference is of low significance. ."

Qiao Xun said:

"It's best to have a new attitude every time. This kind of random arrangement cannot possibly be the fluke of the same person. Even the same person, even in the past day, cannot be said to be completely unchanged. After all, Evolvers, especially high-level ones, are prone to second-level changes."

Several people nodded.

"Then, everyone, get ready. Set off in half an hour."

Everyone cheered up and jumped in quickly.

Qiao Xun looked at the list and couldn't help but wonder, is the list really random?

It's not that he found anything, it's because he naturally has great malice towards "random".

Because, with any opaque selection method, there is the possibility of manipulation.

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