Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 32: My family has been a worker from generation to generation, and I'm afraid of being

All eight, except Fignes, were in uniform.

The muscles of the big Biegmun are squeezed into the custom uniform, and he has the feeling of "beast turned into a gentleman".

Standing at the front of this team with a relatively large difference in appearance and body shape, Qiao Xun felt inexplicably an invisible pressure.

Indeed, when you go out with this team, you will have a feeling that you will immediately go to the square and start tidying up.

Mary took Fignes' hand and said to Xun Qiao:

"Team leader, I actually want to wear nun clothes."

Qiao Xun thought about the appearance of Mary, a 1.85-meter female model in a nun's clothes, with sharp edges and corners, her face with outstanding facial features was covered by a nun's hood, and her slender but not thin body was shrouded in a loose robe. ...is really exciting and exciting. As a woman, Mary used to be a nun, worked as a model, never married, but with children, her youth and maturity are superimposed on her body, and she is full of charm.

A woman like Mary can definitely be said to be a high-quality modern woman, and there will definitely be many people pursuing her. But listening to her, she has never experienced a serious relationship.

According to Qiao Xun's analysis, it is probably because of Fei.

She pays too much attention to Fei and has no time to take care of her own affairs.

Joe asked:


Mary smiled. Having learned expression management, she has a habit of showing a flawless smile when she smiles.

"That might put some pressure on the distinguished guests. I can torture their conscience in the name of God. After all, vampires have no way to hide before God."

This is clearly a joke.

All of a sudden it made everyone laugh.

The tense atmosphere suddenly loosened.

Xun Qiao noticed Mary's intentions and smiled kindly at her.

As expected of a woman who has raised children, her mind is indeed very delicate, and she simply understands the atmosphere.

But the big man Pergmon was a little honest, and actually said:

"I also really want to see Mary in a nun's dress."


Everyone looked at him pitifully.

Bergmont touched his biceps and expressed his incomprehension.

"Pergmont, does your brain really grow in your muscles?" Harry asked.

Bergamot was stunned.

Qiao Xun laughed twice, then said:

"If Miss Mary wears a nun's uniform, then we men will have no way to hide in advance. In order not to hurt the enemy, we will lose eight hundred, so let's just leave it like this."

Mary blinked,

"You've won the team leader. Also, thank you."

"So are we. All right, everyone, let's go."

Except for Pergmon, who was still stunned, everyone took it seriously.

Take the special train of the correction team, after submitting the documents, the site is released, and everyone enters the VIP area.

The architectural style of the VIP area is not under the unified management of the train, and it depends entirely on the VIP's own preferences.

Therefore, after the checkpoint is released, as soon as you enter the VIP area and look around, you will immediately see buildings with very different styles.

Chinese gardens, European castles, modern industry, classical industry, mechanical technology, cyber technology...

The mainstream architectural styles in the world are basically here. Because there are no restrictions on architectural regulations, you can design houses as you like, and all the consequences are borne by the VIPs themselves. This is like the ancient division of conferring titles, with different levels and different power ranges. Likewise, each VIP has autonomy within its own jurisdiction.

To put it simply, he is the owner of the manor.

The "domestic animals" of the train have their personalities destroyed and all their rights lost, which is vividly reflected in the VIP area.

Every VIP in the VIP area can rent livestock from the livestock area to their own jurisdiction at a cost.

Of course, it's a lease, not a purchase. Therefore, the VIP needs to ensure that the body of the livestock is complete, and nothing else. Huge amounts of resources will be paid in the event of something like a livestock death. This "huge amount" is not arrogant, it is really painful for the VIPs.

After all, livestock are the resources of the train. Even slaves are slaves to trains.

In the special car, Qiao Xun said:

"Forty and thirty-first, two VIPs, we are divided into two teams."

Shi Qi nodded,

"These two VIPs are ranked at the bottom of the list. They are both C-level and have the lowest power level, so they can't be hidden."

Qiao Xun continued to arrange:

"I, Harry, and Jiang You's team went to the thirty-first VIP district, and Shi Qi took the others to the fortieth district."

Mary expressed doubts,

"You are few, shouldn't you go to the jurisdiction of the 40th VIP at the back?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"It has nothing to do with the number of people, it's about the arrangement of abilities. Mary and Fei, you two must be on the same team. Then you need a team leader. Shi Qi is definitely the most suitable. Responsible."

Morita Takashi rarely asked:

"And me?"

Qiao Xun thought about it,

"If you're too tall, you don't need to activate your abilities for the time being."

"Why?" The pupils under Morita Takata's glasses trembled slightly.

"Your ability is not information in the conventional sense, it is very special. The review of the VIP is a review of the situation in the past year, which is an established information, and the possibility that the fortieth VIP needs to show your ability is relatively low. Of course, if you need to, you can naturally perform."

Although Morita Takata wanted to contribute to the team, he admitted that Qiao Xun was right. The 40th VIP probably didn't need his abilities.

"All right."

Shi Qi asked:

"Where are you? You also need the same staffing."

Qiao Xun nodded and continued,

"Yes. I have already thought about this. Jiang You's ability is relatively comprehensive, and he is inclined to systematic academic research. There is no problem in classifying information. Harry's scenario simulation can be verified twice. My words , as an assistant.”

"Auxiliary?" Shi Qi wondered. This positioning is relatively rare, for the review task.

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"I have the ability to gain mental strength. It's no problem to provide boosts for Jiang You and Harry."

Jiang You said expectantly:

"Mental gain, it's rare. I want to experience the ability of the team leader in advance, it will definitely be very comfortable."

Mary quipped:

"Jiang You, don't be so strange."

"Oh, that's what it means." Jiang You was not shy either. However, it is really difficult to ask a female engineer to find some suitable adjectives. "It is. Mental gain can be regarded as a comprehensive improvement of spiritual feelings. If the gain effect of the team leader is positive, it will indeed be A comfortable experience.”

"Don't be addicted." Mary's eyes were watery.

"Mary is really a dirty guy!" Jiang You said with contempt.

Mary looked at Jiang You like a child.

"Okay. Do you have any other ideas?" Qiao Xun asked.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and there is no objection.

Qiao Xun clapped his hands, then acted.

"After the settlement, we will gather directly at the site outside the seventeenth VIP area."

The eight-man team quickly split into two teams of five plus three.

Put on the tag, and rush to their respective destinations with great momentum.

Other corrective groups also started.

Suddenly, the entire VIP area became restless.

The VIP area is very large, so even if there are forty-two large manors, it is still not crowded. The VIP jurisdictions are even separated from each other by a certain distance. In this part of the distance, there are some public facilities for VIPs, such as golf courses, casinos, talent simulation fields, etc.

The thirty-first VIP area in charge of the three-man team of Qiao Xun is in the middle of the second row of the VIP area.

It was a large modern villa. Beach style, straight and spacious asphalt road, palm trees planted on both sides, and even a small sandy beach, using source metal ore as the power material to create 100% simulated waves and sea breeze, even smell, temperature, humidity and The base biomes are all simulated together.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a large ecological ball.

Walking on the asphalt road outside, looking at the beach in the distance, Qiao Xun said:

"The beach alone will consume a lot of money in a year."

Jiang You roughly calculated and then said:

"At least 1,000 tons of low-concentration crystalline source metal ore is consumed a year. The entire 31st seat area should be 2,500 tons. This consumption in the VIP area is considered to be the upper level."

"According to this calculation, the total consumption of the VIP area is about 70,000 tons a year?"

Jiang Shengli nodded and continued:

"And the whole train, just the consumption of driving force, is 200,000 tons a year."

Qiao Xun clicked his tongue,

"The consumption of VIP seats is almost pure enjoyment consumption. It hardly brings any production value."


"The livestock in the lower compartment are desperately smelting minerals to support the meaningless consumption of the VIP area. I have to say that Mary is right in saying that they are vampires."

Jiang You said with a smile,

"This is exactly what the restraint area is happy to see. The entire Hailei is such a society, relying on constant plundering and squeezing to maintain its own operation. Most of the VIPs in the VIP seats are official and unofficial figures from various countries. The train also relies on them to communicate and negotiate with the outside world. If the negotiation is good, the train can plunder resources at a lower cost. If the negotiation is not good, it will pay a more serious price, especially the evolutionary resources."

Qiao Xun declined to comment. He was far less powerful than the three conductors, and couldn't see the train from their point of view. If you only judge by your own worldview, then most of the things in the world should be denounced.

So there is a saying that don't just live in your own worldview.

From a distance, you can see someone greet you at the entrance of the precinct.

The clockworkers stand in a line, and the livestock stand in a line. In the middle is the 31st VIP and its managers and cronies.

Jiang You immediately said:

"This person was the thirty-third guest of honor last year, and his name is Carnegie Woods."

Qiao Xun said:

"Do not miss any detail while working."


Jiang You and Harry nodded. Jiang You is quite versatile in the group and can do everything.

Seriously began to search for all the information traces, every tip of her hair climbed a touch of silver blue. She deliberately controlled this change to minimize the intensity of the silver-blue rune light, which looked like ordinary highlights.

The three stepped forward, and Qiao Xun directly revealed his documents and certificates, and said solemnly:

"Hello, VIP. We are the fourth group of the Correction Group, and we will conduct an annual review for you."

Carnegie Woods is slightly shorter and slightly fatter, wearing a Chinese jacket and a pair of cloth shoes. It looks like a master of health care martial arts. The eyebrows on his left eye fell out, replaced by a silvery-blue runic light.

This is called rune display. It is part of the body's alienation during evolution. Body tissue is tampered with by runic energies.

If it is completely alienated, then the whole person will only have the appearance of "initial human form", which looks like a piece of human-shaped source metal. If also tainted by the Tainted Rune, it will savagely transform, possibly into any bizarre shape.

Carnegie smiled and said:

"We've been waiting for a long time. Please."

He turned sideways, and personally led the three of Qiao Xun into the mansion.

There is no need to describe the interior of the villa. The ultimate luxury has no limit to the sense of design. It makes people feel like they are in a DIY construction game, and they still feel 100%.

Jiang You solemnly said to Carnegie:

"VIP, we need all your information this year except your personal life."

The review of the correction team does not include "protecting personal privacy", and the scope of private life is only food, clothing, accommodation, transportation and entertainment. Everything else, like itineraries, decisions within the jurisdiction, leases of livestock, progress in reclaiming polluted areas outside, etc., are all reviewed.

Moreover, this kind of information cannot be submitted on paper.

It is to directly extract memory information and edit it into cognitive code. If traces of amnestics are found, they are marked as smears, regardless of what was deleted.

Any out-of-authority violations in the cognitive code will also be marked as tainted.

After the taint is weighted according to the indicator, it will get a percentile score.

The score will relate to the next year's power range. If you fail, the VIP seat will be directly deprived.

Carnegie said frankly:

"Of course, it has already been prepared for you."

Saying that, he clapped his hands. A domestic animal servant walked into the guest room with a silver tray in hand, opened the lid after reaching the three of them, and a piece of cognitive code recorded on the pure embryo of the source metal lay quietly in the tray.

Qiao Xun patted Jiang You on the shoulder and said:

"let's start."

This is not to take advantage of it, but to maximize the spiritual gain of "Nantou" through contact.

Jiang You's face turned red, and the mist in his eyes quickly covered it up.

She only felt that her whole body seemed to be floating in the clouds, and her spiritual freedom was about to break through the sky.

Is this the team leader's mental gain?

So strong!

And, it's so comfortable~

Harry watched from the side and wondered, is it so cool? He followed Yueyue and looked at Qiao Xun.

The eager look in his eyes made Qiao Xun feel like a prisoner of labor who has never tasted meat after more than ten years in prison.

With the blessing of Qiao Xun, Jiang You's work efficiency broke through the limit one after another, his consciousness wandered in the cognitive code, and he quickly went through everything Carnegie had done this year. This guy seems to be showing that he is cooperating with the train safely, and even his personal life is included.

Jiang You watched Carnegie's absurd life.

All kinds of negative garbage, such as extravagant pleasures, rotten sensual affairs, etc., have been passed over by Jiang You.

Jiang You only felt that this person's XP was disgusting.

Carnegie knew what Jiang You had seen, and raised the corners of his mouth. He didn't hide his playfulness at all, and the obscene slur towards Jiang You almost came out of his eyes.

Jiang You's expression didn't change.

Since you are doing this job, you will inevitably encounter this kind of thing. The VIP area itself is the opposite of the correction area. There is also no rule that VIPs can't look at members of the Correction Club with this look.

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ten minutes later, after Jiang You passed through a lot of information, fine beads of sweat were already dripping from his forehead.

Qiao Xun handed her the sweat towel,

"Thanks for your hard work."

Jiang You wiped his sweat, then said:

"Team leader, no stains have been found so far. No obvious editing marks have been found."

Carnegie spread his hands and laughed,

"My little C-class VIP is conscientious and conscientious, how dare I gossip."

Qiao Xun didn't talk to him, and according to the procedure, said to Harry:

"Harry, carry out a scenario simulation and a second verification. Pay attention to whether it conforms to the logical changes and physical rules of reality."

"Okay team leader." Harry said excitedly, "Go ahead, touch me!"

Qiao Xun immediately glanced at him with disgust, and then gave him a spiritual boost out of thin air.

Harry strongly condemned,

"Team leader, why! You've already touched Jiang You!"

Jiang You gritted his teeth and said:

"Just a pat on the shoulder!"

After Harry thought about "gender opposition" for a while, he started the scenario simulation.

To simulate the situation of a year, it is of course impossible to play it slowly.

Harry pulled the speed to the limit.

There is a mental gain effect, and he is extremely excited.

The simulation speed is pulled to the extreme.

At the ratio of 1:100000, the time span of a year is shortened to more than five minutes.

Played a year of cognitive code in more than five minutes. The speed is so fast that it is difficult for the naked eye to distinguish the changes in the picture.

But those present were not ordinary naked eyes.

Naturally, those absurd pictures in the simulated scene were captured.

Then, Carnegie's humiliation towards Jiang You was magnified.

Harry's scenario simulation is very stable, which shows that the things in the cognitive code are indeed real, and there is no possibility of fabrication. Unless, Carnegie's ability to fabricate is so powerful that he can completely ignore Harry's ability.

But Harry is not weak. If Carnegie had that ability, he wouldn't be the thirty-first VIP.

Carnegie smiled and said:

"How about it, the leader of the fourth group, there are two other team members."

His fat fingers tapped against the sofa.

Although he was very unhappy with his attitude. But he really had no problem.

Harry raised his eyebrows and said:

"People always make mistakes. If you didn't get the handle this time, it doesn't mean you'll be safe next time."

After a long laugh, Carnegie said solemnly:

"Mr. team member, don't wrong the good people. My family has been working class for generations, but I haven't done anything to **** the marrow out of my bones."

"The working class wouldn't build such a big manor and keep so many servants." Although Harry had used underhand tricks against Qiao Xun, his sense of justice was actually very strong.

In his many years of game house life, he also likes to watch hot-blooded young manga, naturally he was influenced by the protagonists with a strong sense of justice.

Carnegie bared his teeth and said:

"The working class also needs to enjoy it."

Jiang You shook his head and said:

"Harry, stop talking nonsense with him."

Carnegie continued, looking at Jiang You with a smile,

"Beautiful lady, I hope you like those pictures. If you have time, we can lie on the beach and sunbathe together."

Qiao Xun stood up, blocked Jiang You behind him, then looked at Carnegie and said:

"VIP Carnegie, now, in the name of the fourth group leader, I'm launching an in-depth review of you."

Carnegie's expression remained unchanged, and he snorted coldly:

"To stand out for your little beauty team members? Mr. team leader, don't be too arrogant."

Jiang You pulled Qiao Xun's arm from behind and said:

"Team leader, there's no need to waste time here. It's just a wretched man who relies on luck."

"Luck? Just words from the jealousy's anger." Carnegie habitually shook the red wine glass.

These red wines contain the blood of livestock. He bought the blood of the livestock at a price that pleased him.

Qiao Xun's expression remained unchanged, and he said formally:

"The job of the Correction Club has always been to remove all the bugs from the train. I only do things within the scope of my duties. Mr. Carnegie, I will personally conduct an in-depth review of you next time. I hope you will cooperate with me."

Jiang You and Harry stopped talking when they heard that the team leader was going to take action in person.

They were also curious about the abilities of the new team leader.

Carnegie said disdainfully:

"I have been a VIP for four years. Although the annual indicators are not high, I have never had a stain. Why, how can you create a stain out of thin air?"

Qiao Xun walked in front of Carnegie.

Carnegie suddenly felt submerged in deep water. When he was nervous, he immediately collapsed on the sofa, and the "red" wine in the glass was poured all over.

"F**K, do you dare to take action against me in my jurisdiction! Come on, come and vent your anger on your team! I want to see how courageous you **** is!" He cursed angrily.

Qiao Xun's expression was calm,

"VIP Carnegie, I'm just doing a routine review. What are you panicking about?"

"If you can't find out that I am tainted, I will immediately sue you in the correction court! You have insulted me, and you should compensate me for a large amount of mental damages!" Carnegie said with his eyes wide open.

Qiao Xun's eyes became very cold.

This coldness made Carnegie very disgusted, as if the body fat was useless.

Qiao Xun did not speak, and began to examine.

His target is only one person, and that is the rune alienation part of Carnegie's eyebrows.

"Zaiyin" poured into it, and the purpose was very strong.

That's because Qiao Xun has long known that there is something hidden in the alienated part of Carnegie's eyebrows.

It was discovered when Jiang You was searching for information.

I have to say, Carnegie is very good at hiding. Even the fully open "True Ru" is difficult to penetrate into the depths. Qiao Xun still captured his emotions through "lust" and found that he had a very strong sense of sarcasm, so he continued to investigate with high intensity.

When approaching Carnegie, Qiao Xun displayed the information field of "truth".

Everything at Carnegie becomes a visual display of information.

Then, he found something hidden in the alienated part of the rune - the second memory group.

Similar to the role of the "adjunct brain". It's an evolutionary route. But unexpectedly, Carnegie can hide it in the rune alienation part that is not controlled by the body.

"Zaiyin" explored it, and "numerology follows the sky" followed after a while before he figured it out.

Carnegie deliberately alienated this part of the body. He has the innate ability to control the evolution of alienation. As soon as this ability was determined, Qiao Xun immediately knew that it was a talent of faith, and the totem was related to the field of body modification.

Then it has to be reminiscent of the "Eagle of Breka".

The legendary **** of flesh who pecks the flesh of life.

After figuring this out, Carnegie was worthless to Qiao Xun.

Then, Joe asked:

"Jiang You, can we trace the tainted events that were not this year?"

Jiang Cheng's head,

"There is no time limit. There are cases where there is no review in the previous year, and the review is done in the next year."

Hearing this, Carnegie swallowed.

"Haha, I still want to sing double reeds to scare me."

Qiao Xun looked at Carnegie, not wanting to waste any expression on him, without hesitation, "Zaiyin" wrapped the second memory group and yanked it violently.

Then, Carnegie's eyes fell into a brief void.

Qiao Xun threw the second memory group in front of Jiang You,

"Search this."

Jiang You and Harry's expressions became very serious, and they started quickly.

Afterwards, Carnegie recovered, tearing his throat and shouting:

"Bastard, what have you done!"

Qiao Xun clapped his hands and said softly:

"Send you to hell."

"No! You are breaking the rules, breaking the rules!"

Carnegie ran over like crazy to stop Jiang You and Harry.

Qiao Xun stomped his foot, and "Zhiyang" weaved a rune energy net to bind him.

"Carnegie VIP, don't try to provoke the correction team."

"No! You are acting in violation of regulations, and I'm going to correct the court and sue you!" Carnegie was stunned.

The three turned a deaf ear to his loss of control.

Three minutes later, Jiang You said:

"Team leader, after a search, it was determined that during the four-year period of Carnegie's VIP seats, there were a total of 120 cases including but not limited to stealing mines, evading taxes, killing livestock without consent, and creating false high-risk pollution areas. Thirteen stains."

Jiang You quickly listed detailed taint records.

When Carnegie saw the record, he slumped on the ground and cried:

"My family, my family has been working class for generations, poor... I'm afraid of being poor."

Qiao Xun didn't even look at him, stepped out and said,

"Notify the Correctional Court to come and arrest the person."

Jiang You and Harry looked at each other, and quickly reported the record to the Correction Court. The verification was completed immediately, and the application for the label "lock" of the No. 3 train captain was approved, which was used to lock Carnegie's Ascension Rank to prevent him from Desperate to make any destructive and suicidal actions.

Suicide is illegal on trains. No one is allowed to die until the debt of the train has been repaid.

Later, Jiang You and Harry chased Qiao Xun away.

Jiang You swallowed his saliva,

"Do you think that the team leader... not only looks handsome, but also works well."

Harry's mechanical eyes radiated light from the base,

"Stop talking, I've fallen."

Jiang You kicked him and ran away.

"Disgusting guy, don't take half a step near the team leader!"

"Why!" Harry yelled from behind.


At the station outside the seventeenth VIP area, the three of Qiao Xun who quickly solved the task stood here waiting for another team.

Jiang You, who loves to laugh, is embarrassed to laugh out loud.

"Team leader, um... thank you."

Qiao Xun smiled and asked:

"no need thank me?"

Harry came to interrupt, and said solemnly:

"Team leader, although you didn't touch me, I'm cool too!"

Qiao Xun paused, then politely said:

"Then you won't have another chance to be happy in the future."

"Don't, give me a foundation!"

Jiang You said angrily:

"Harry, don't interrupt, okay?"

"Certainly not."

Jiang You was stunned for a while, but after reacting, he punched Harry in the nose.

"If you spray yellow waste again, I'll let you change a mechanical nose."

Harry was not convinced,

"I didn't say anything! You wore yellow glasses yourself!"

Jiang You didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and continued to say to Qiao Xun:

"Well, actually, it's like that kind of thing. We as censors have experienced it a lot. Basically, we just endure it for a while. After all, the VIPs themselves are opposed to us."

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Not to mention that you are my team member, letting that kind of person live on the train is an insult to my work in itself."

Jiang You suddenly felt very secure. The word sense of security is alien to a place like a train.

But indeed, she felt a sense of security in Qiao Xun.

After thinking about it, she thought again, if she was on the opposite side of Qiao Xun, it must be a strong sense of crisis...

Hiss - terrifying.

Jiang You asked:

"However, how did you find out?"

Qiao Xun said:

"When judging environmental information, don't ignore one thing. Human characteristics are also part of the complex environment. There is an obvious rune alienation between Carnegie's eyebrows, which is part of the environment and cannot be missed."

"Well, it seems that I still need to learn."

Harry also got serious,

"The team leader's thinking angle feels very different from ours."

"What's the difference?"

"Most of us think about problems from the perspective of purpose. The team leader's words... I can't tell, but it's very comprehensive."


It was probably greed.

Ten minutes later, Shi Qi's team came here.

Shi Qi was a little surprised.

"You guys are actually faster than us. Three people reviewing the thirty-first seat is faster than five of us reviewing the fortieth seat!"

Jiang You said happily:

"The team leader's credit! His mental boosting effect is very strong, um... It's really addicting."

Mary asked curiously:

"Where is the addiction?"

Jiang You raised her pinky thumb and despised Mary.


Mary covered her mouth and laughed. Fei stared at the adults in confusion.

Jiang You continued:

"Also, the thirty-first seat we reviewed is completely finished, one hundred and twenty-three stains! Enough for him to work on the train for 100,000 years."

"So many!" Everyone was surprised.

"Yeah~www.readwn.com~ For four full years, the thirty-first seat has escaped the review for four years, and has always been a clean guest before. This time, I'll finally be sacked."

"The previous one was also reviewed? How did you do it?" Mary asked.

When reviewing VIPs, the larger the time span, the harder it is to review. The Correction Society itself is already considering whether to conduct a major review every six months, and the review of the first four years will inevitably arouse strong curiosity.

Jiang You said it one by one.

Then, the eyes of everyone looking at Qiao Xun were not right.

Shi Qi was even more certain in his heart that the team leader was indeed here to do something big.

Harry said smugly:

"You can't imagine how handsome the team leader was back then!"

Fei's eyes lit up,

"How handsome and how handsome?"

"I'll tell you if Fei kisses me."

"Ah, I'm dead." Phoenix immediately closed his eyes and fell on Mary.

Pergmont laughed and mocked Harry.

Qiao Xun watched all this... Indeed, the atmosphere in his group was different from other groups. Other groups basically just want to complete the work quickly, and there is basically no atmosphere construction within the group.

This has something to do with Shi Qi's ability and the special nature of Phoenix, the mascot.

In a trance, Qiao Xun had the illusion that he was not actually on the sea train.

"Okay everyone. Let's go, and try to complete all the reviews within today."

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