Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 36: 1 person double sided (2 in 1)

"I need to go out on a mission."

Everyone was sitting around the conference table, and Jiang You was the first to speak.

When Qiao Xun read the work records of the fourth group before, he knew that there were not many off-train tasks for the correction group. There are generally three categories of tasks outside the train:

To collect ore, this is the task of the power area of ​​the bottom carriage;

To reclaim the polluted area, this is the task of the VIP area of ​​the upper deck;

The exploration of special areas is generally the task of the overall planning area and the VIP area.

The correction team performs outbound missions, and normally it is also to investigate other outbound personnel in the train. However, the difference in their own functions has also created a difference in personnel arrangements, and there are also large differences in the corresponding abilities. Therefore, the personnel capabilities of the correction team are mostly related to information, environmental simulation, mental trajectory, ability insight, etc., and are lacking in confrontation.

When performing tasks outside, there will be more or less confrontation with the above.

Therefore, when everyone saw this instruction, they all fell into thinking.

The logo of the constraint area falls on the footnote. This means that this order bypassed the correction meeting and was sent directly to the fourth group.

Although this kind of thing has happened, it is definitely not common, and it is often a major or secret task.

Qiao Xun thought for a while, then asked:

"Which of you know more about carrion mines in Antarctica?"

Shiqi said,

"The carrion mine is a taboo mine, that is, a mine that has a large number of unknown organisms, unknown landforms, and unknown pollution that have not yet been explored. Generally speaking, this kind of mine is reclaimed by the VIP area. The last train passed by The carrion mine was just discovered in Antarctica, and from the records, the VIP seats have tentatively reclaimed it, so the specifics are not clear.”

"Antarctica's extremely dangerous pollution area has always been the most mysterious and dangerous area on the earth's surface. Not only trains, but all countries have lost a lot of researchers and evolutionists there, even now, because of its complex environment and extremely high concentrations It is estimated that about 20% of the polluted atmosphere we have explored is about 20%." Jiang You added.

Harry asked:

"Team leader, what do you think of this order?"

Qiao Xun thought about it and said:

"The direct order from the restraint area is definitely impossible to refuse. But after all, it has something to do with the VIP seats, so other preparations are needed. Our core job is not to explore and reclaim, but to investigate matters related to the VIP seats. "

Harry scratched his head, frowned and said:

"Does the restricted area look at us too much? It is a critically dangerous pollution area, and there are taboo mines."

Shi Qi did not speak, but remained silent. There was a thumping sound at the precise link of the wrist of the left robotic arm. He thought that the arrangement of the restraint area should have something to do with Qiao Xun, the team leader.

You know, it is not clear what Qiao Xun is going to do when he comes to the correction meeting.

He wanted to see how Qiao Xun arranged it.

Just as Qiao Xun was about to speak, the warning light at the door of the office turned on. Someone visits.

A clockwork man from the VIP area.

He brought an invitation letter and called Qiao Xun by name.

Judging from the signs on the outside, this is an open invitation letter, which was filed in the restricted area, so Qiao Xun did not cover it up, and opened it generously:

[The fourth group leader of the Correction Group Correction Group in the Correction District, Mr. Qiao Xun, the VIP area will hold the seventh meeting of this year on time at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. I invite you to be an auditor of the parliament. At that time, with this invitation letter, you can enter the VIP District Council Building

[Inviter: "Lu Xianyi", the seventh seat of the VIP area

【Time: November 21, 2036】

"A member of the auditorium of the VIP seat council." Jiang You said, "Miss Lu invited her."

The VIP seats have always had a fair and open name, so they have never been held in secret, and every time they will openly invite other train personnel to participate.

Every member of parliament has an invitation quota.

There are three seats for Class A, two for Class B, and one for Class C.

However, the auditors are only auditors, they do not have the right to participate in the meeting.

Shi Qi said:

"This council should be discussing matters related to the reclamation of critically polluted areas in Antarctica. The VIP seats are not of one mind. Even if they reclaim critically polluted areas, they will score high."

"I know that." Qiao Xun said: "This node is very special. According to the instructions given to us by the restricted area, this meeting in the VIP area is not expected to be too peaceful." He took a breath and said, "In short, no matter what. In this way, the task is irresistible, it can only be said that it depends on how we arrange it."

Qiao Xun looked at a few team members.

The environment in Antarctica is extremely complex, and there are even two minors among several team members.

Therefore, the arrangement of personnel for outbound tasks needs to be carefully thought out.

Because of this order, the atmosphere of the entire fourth group became slightly heavy. After working for so long in the correction meeting, they all understood that the order directly issued by the constraint area must not be so easy to complete, not even to say that it is completed, it is not easy to do it. The fourth group has the experience of going out to carry out tasks, and it has been completed smoothly, but the extremely dangerous pollution area of ​​Antarctica... It's hard to say.

The next day, Qiao Xun rushed to the office early in the morning.

The team members also knew that he had a habit of getting up early, so Miss Mary, who was on duty, was not surprised.

Phoenix and Mary are inseparable, so the two of them have always been together on duty.

It's 4:30 a.m. train time.

Phoenix is ​​still sleeping in the lounge area. Mary was with her.

After a while, Qiao Xun glanced at the door of the rest area. Mary understood and walked out lightly.

In Qiao Xun's office, the two sat on the reception sofa.

Mary is slender, tall and thin. She has experience in modeling, so her sitting posture is quite work-like, she looks very elegant, and the temperament of an urban beauty is revealed.

"Team leader, what are you looking for from me?" Mary's voice had a slight vibrato.

Qiao Xun squeezed the jade ring on the index finger of his left hand, and after thinking about it, he said:

"Mary, can I learn more about Phoenix's situation?"

Mary smiled and said:

"The team leader is preparing for the next task staff arrangement."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Antarctica's environment is complex and very dangerous. We will most likely enter a critically dangerous zone. Even if it is not an expedition mission, we will inevitably encounter something of an expedition nature. In Fei's case, her cognitive level is suitable for such an environment. Do you have a mission?"

"Fei is always innocent. Most of the time, she always feels harmless and in need of protection. Indeed, she is young and does not understand many things, so I will always be by her side and avoid her. Do something beyond your own knowledge. But if you think she's harmless, you're wrong."

Qiao Xun paused,

"what do you mean?"

Mary ruffled her temples,

"Let's put it this way, team leader. It's not that Fei needs me to protect her because she's too weak, but she's too dangerous, so I have to be by her side all the time."

"But there is no fluctuation of rune energy on her body, and no traces of totems and runes."

Mary was a little surprised,

"Did the team leader actually find out? I thought I hid it well for her. It seems that I underestimated the team leader's ability."

Qiao Xun did not speak.

Mary continued:

"Fei is not weak. In fact, her abilities are more suitable for extremely dangerous places like Antarctica than ours. The team leader will know when the time comes."

Qiao Xun was expressionless,

"Mary, it's not that I don't believe you. However, I need to clarify the abilities of each of you. This task is very important and serious. If the actual situation deviates from what I think, many unpredictable things will happen. So, what kind of ability Fei has, please tell me clearly."

Mary tilted her head slightly in the direction of the office door.

Fei was still sleeping peacefully in the lounge area.

Mary's shoulders sank.

"The seal of the Holy Spirit, has the team leader heard of it?"

Qiao Xun frowned slightly, then shook his head.

Mary said:

"The doll Phoenix has been holding is called Alcott. Actually, that's her sister."

Qiao Xun was a little confused, "Sister?"

"Phoenix and Alcott are twins who were sent to Notre-Dame, where I used to be. I took care of them. When they were three years old, they were adopted by a descendant of nobles from Rome. However, In less than a month, a fire destroyed the house of the descendant of the nobleman. They were safe and sound. However, no one linked this to them. Because of their good looks and smartness, They were adopted by many people one after another, but the results were tragic, and the families who adopted them were all buried in the fire.

"Afterwards, no one was willing to adopt them. Six years ago, when they were five years old, an organization called 'East Royal Court' took them away after negotiating with the Notre Dame where I belonged. After half a year I just learned that they are native evolutionaries, that is, they have been evolutionary since birth, and two people share a long step to ascend to God. This is not normal in itself, and will gradually diverge as they grow, but we do not They didn't understand this, so they created a tragedy. The Eastern Royal Court took them to accept the seal of the Holy Spirit.

"I don't quite understand the principle of the seal of the Holy Spirit, but for them, it is to end the disagreement about ascending the god's long step. I don't know what happened. The result is that only one of the two sisters can survive. Alcott is more sensible. I chose to let my sister live, and the seal of the Holy Spirit blended her life with the long steps of ascending to the gods. Therefore, for Phoenix, her sister Alcott was a totem. After that, there was a change in the Eastern Royal Court, and I took Fei to her. to my side, and to take care of her."

After listening to Mary, Qiao Xun felt inexplicably terrified.

It turned out that the doll in Phoenix's hand was her former sister. No wonder she doesn't allow anyone to touch it.

Qiao Xun thought about it and said,

"But, Phoenix, why does it... feel more... naive? She should be twelve years old, mentally like six or seven years old."

Mary looked a little sad,

"East Royal Court can't completely solve this problem. Phoenix has been very dependent on Alcott since childhood. Although they are the same age, they always give people the feeling that they are two or three years apart. Losing her sister is a huge blow to her. Worried about the negative emotions affecting her, Alcott absorbed her negative emotions and kept her happy all the time. Phoenix's IQ is not six or seven years old, but very smart, but she doesn't have negative emotions, so she looks very smart childish."

"Children's heart?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

Qiao Xun was silent for a while and said:

"In other words, Fei's ability exists in Alcott's body in the form of a companion body?"

"Yes. Alcott absorbed all of Fei's negative emotions, like a pressure doll. That's why I need to follow Fei all the time to make sure there are no surprises."

"But what about your own life, Mary? You can't be with Fei all the time. She needs to really grow up too."

Mary bowed her head, her face hidden in the shadows,

"I'm always looking for a way to really free Alcott. Only when they're really free will I think about other things."

Qiao Xun didn't know what to say.

He also didn't want to play a didactic role, evaluating Mary's choices and giving her some self-righteous truth.

In such a complex environment, there will never be a set of fixed rules of conduct. Everyone has different experiences, and it is very disrespectful to set templates rigidly.

The situation of Phoenix and Alcott was so special that it was a bit confusing for Qiao Xun to understand.

"Mary, you said before that Fei's abilities may be more suitable for a dangerous place like Antarctica than ours. Why?"

Mary said:

"Alcott can absorb negative emotions, not only can affect the Philippines. There are many environmental factors affecting consciousness and spirit in critically polluted areas, so Alcott can play a great role. Moreover, these negative emotions and negative influences , can be transformed into extremely strong rune energy. It is these rune energy that create Fei's exaggerated destructive power, so I have to follow her closely."

Qiao Xun thought about it and said,

"You know more about Fei's situation than we do. But if you have to keep an eye on her, I still don't think it's appropriate to carry out a mission in that environment. Of course, it's not that I don't trust you and Fei. It's just that , the complexity of the mission requires our team to have high mobility and high adaptability. Mary, you and Fei should stay on the train."

Mary pursed her lips.

Logically speaking, it should be a fortunate thing to not have to take risks.

However, for Mary, who grew up at Notre Dame, it was a painful thing to be unable to contribute to the team and help everyone.

She wanted to say loudly to Qiao Xun that she and Fei were not burdensome. However, she really couldn't find a reason to refute Qiao Xun. The task given by the restraint zone is very important. Even if Phoenix is ​​smarter than her peers, her lack of negative emotions is a flaw in itself, which will make her judgment of the environment extremely subjective, and it is difficult to correctly judge the environment independently. Information that needs to be explained by someone else.

At this point, Mary could no longer refute.

The kind Mary never wanted to blame Phoenix, who also suffered misfortune. She had no choice but to blame herself, and to this day she has not found a way to free Sister Fei.

"I'm sorry, Captain," Mary whispered.

Qiao Xun was in a complicated mood.

"Lust" has a clear sense of Mary's emotions.

He also sympathized with Fei's experience and lamented for Mary's hardships over the years.

However, he needs to make rational judgments and be responsible for the entire team. The Philippines has strong destructive power, but performing missions in Antarctica requires more environmental adaptability rather than ignorant power.

No matter how powerful the power is, it will eventually be strangled by the wind and snow on that crazy continent.

"No, Mary, you did nothing wrong."

Mary stood up, bent a little and said:

"Team leader, I follow your arrangement."

After speaking, she turned and left.

After returning to the lounge area, Mary carefully sat on the wicker chair on the balcony.

Phoenix was lying on the sofa in the back, covered with a blanket. She hugged the doll Alcott tightly. She quietly opened her eyes and looked at Mary's slightly hunched back.

"Mary..." she said in a voice only she could hear.

After a while, Phoenix lifts the blanket.

When Mary heard the movement, she immediately turned her head and asked with a smile:

"are you awake?"

"I want to go to the toilet."

"I'll accompany you."

"No, Mary. I can do it alone."

Mary froze for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

Phoenix put on his coat and walked out of the lounge area. But instead of going to the bathroom, she turned around and entered Qiao Xun's office.

Qiao Xun was thinking about something when he suddenly saw the door being gently pushed open.

Phoenix only exposed his head and asked in a low voice:

"Leader, can I come in?"

"Of course, Fei."

Phoenix walked gently into the office.

Joe asked:

"What's wrong with Fei?"

"Team leader. I heard everything you said to Mary just now."

Qiao Xun was a little surprised,

"I should be soundproofed."

Although he did not particularly strengthen the sound insulation method, he was a little surprised when Fei heard it.

Fay put Alcott on her lap and whispered:

"It was Alcott who heard it. Alcott told me."

Tour Joe looked at the doll Alcott. After learning that it was Fei's sister, he could no longer look at it with simple eyes. Alcott is a very common smiling doll, but it has accumulated a lot of negative emotions in its body, and the contrast makes Qiao Xun feel a sense of cognitive misunderstanding.

"So, what does Fei want to say?"

"Team leader, don't blame Mary. Mary has worked very hard. Although she doesn't say anything, I know it." Phoenix is ​​like a child who makes mistakes.

"I don't blame her."

"I know that Mary can live happily. She is so gentle and beautiful, and when she was in Paris, she was always invited to parties and dinners. But always for me, she refused everyone. This Once again, she'll definitely think she's causing trouble for the fourth group."

"We can all understand."

"No, team leader. You all understand, but Mary doesn't. She grew up at Notre Dame, and she has always been very tolerant to others. But human tolerance itself is limited, and the price of being so tolerant to others is, yes She's too strict herself. She doesn't want to bother anyone with anything, even when she's working as a model in Paris. Even her agent, Miss Beth, often says that Mary is too strict, and she's always taking her agent's work while she's not paying attention. Did it together. Mary must have thought she wasn't good enough to help everyone."

Phoenix is ​​not the same as usual. Her way of speaking and tone changed,

"So, Team Leader, I beg you to reconsider."

Qiao Xun was silent for a while before saying,

"But, Phee. Your question."

"Mary always wanted to create an environment where I could grow up healthy without any danger. She was afraid that others would hurt me, and she was afraid that I would hurt others. Of course I, of course I..." Phoenix whispered, "Of course she can't be worried. , so I have to be happy all the time. But...the moment Alcott died, the happiness was false. I knew it."

Qiao Xun gradually understood.

Mary and Phoenix are the same and don't want the other to worry.

"Why not be honest? Phoenix, you can try to communicate with Mary. Show her that you don't need to be protected all the time."

Phoenix didn't say so. But this kind of communication has made Qiao Xun understand that she is actually far more sensible and mature than she looks on the surface.

"But, team leader. Mary will only think that I am trying to be brave and comfort her. Doing so will only make her more worried. My previous experience has left a shadow on her who cares too much about me."

"So, you lack an opportunity."

"Yes, team leader, I am asking you to reconsider."

Qiao Xun looked at Phoenix seriously. Her eyes were calm and deep.

He was sure that he was not talking to a child. Phoenix has a more mature soul in his body.

"Fei, what kind of person are you?" Qiao Xun asked what was in his heart.

Phoenix says:

"I'm just Phoenix."

Qiao Xun's eyes flickered. He tried to see the secret hidden in Phoenix.

After a while, he said:

"I'll think about it."

Phoenix stood up and bowed politely,

"Team leader, even if you still think I'm not suitable for this task, please let Mary come along. She's not a burden."

"Fei, you really gave me a problem."

"The team leader will definitely be able to solve it."

"Everyone in the fourth group, it's amazing."

Phoenix says:

"Everyone has their own side."

Qiao Xun nodded silently.

After that, he thought about it a lot.

It was not until eight o'clock in the morning of the train time that I put away my thoughts and went to the VIP area with the invitation letter.

The council of the VIP area is about to begin.

With the invitation, he made it all the way.

Originally, he planned to go directly to the parliament building in the center of the VIP area, but he met Lu Xianyi on the way.

Or rather, she deliberately waited for him on the way.

She looks completely different today, wearing a black dress, looks like a combination of a bachelor's uniform and an evening dress, very serious and solemn.

The temperament is also completely "rejecting others from thousands of miles away".

To be honest, this made Qiao Xun feel very unfamiliar. It seems that it is not Lu Xianyi, but a high-level executive-like character, who seems to be giving orders at the next moment.

At this time, Qiao Xun realized soberly.

She has been fighting for half a year in various random events, and it is natural that many people will fall at her feet.

She comprehensively explored an extremely dangerous pollution area, and she should have stood on the seventh seat of the VIP seat with a large number of corpses.

When Qiao Xun saw her standing not far in front, he paused for a moment.

Miss Lu is not stupid, she is a person who has three votes in the parliament.

There were countless corpses under her feet. Those corpses surrounded her current status.

Judging by ordinary people's cognition, everyone in the VIP seats is an out-and-out devil.

She is no exception.

Qiao Xun walked up to her.

Lu Xianyi said with a smile, without losing her majesty:

"You came."

Qiao Xun habitually shook his shoulders.

Lu Xianyi turned around and said in a light tone while walking:

"Today's parliament should be ugly, but you can see me alone."

Qiao Xun said with a smile, "Do you want to be so domineering?"

Lu Xianyi crossed her fingers~www.readwn.com~ and put it on her lower abdomen,

"I'm not domineering, but no one supports you."

"So, you invited me to the meeting this time to show that you are covering me?"

"The people in the VIP area are arrogant and arrogant. No matter what you plan to do, they will never cooperate with you. Then, you have to hit it hard in advance, and let them try to attack you before you think about the consequences and whether you can do it yourself. bear it."

"Suddenly I feel very safe."

Lu Xianyi chuckled lightly,

"You always make me feel uneasy. You can't sleep well, and you can't eat well."

"I'm really sorry for you, Miss Lu."

"It's okay, Uncle Joe."

Qiao Xun thought behind her back, Miss Lu today is so serious and dignified, she deserves to be the woman who conquered me.

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