Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 37: on the opposite side of the entire parliament

After passing through a transparent and bright promenade, the parliamentary hall is revealed.

Eighteen meters high, circular layout, and transparent deep aisles make the entire hall look extra spacious. There are no chandeliers or wall lamps directly in sight, but the hall is very bright, as if the walls can directly emit light.

Forty-two seats, divided into three rings, are located in the center of the hall, and the highest ring outside is the seat of the auditors.

In the center is the seats for the Speaker and the Speaker's Secretary, on a high platform like a fountain.

At this moment, the clockwork staff are busy making final preparations.

Some VIPs are already seated. They showed their postures and expressions, or sat upright, or relaxed, or sat in their seats languidly.

Qiao Xun took a cursory look. The 40th and 17th VIP seats reviewed by the fourth group have already been placed. However, because the 31st VIP seat was liquidated, the 40th VIP seat is now in the end. thirty-nine.

After showing the invitation letter, Qiao Xun walked into the hall with Lu Xianyi.

As soon as they came in, they immediately attracted a lot of attention. For a while, the VIPs in the VIP seats were talking a lot, and they seemed to have all kinds of eyes.

Qiao Xun pricked up his ears.

There is no doubt that the more clear information in the mixed voices.

"The seventh seat is here."

"The one behind her is the attendant she invited?"

"Yes. However, I remember that he was the leader of the fourth group of the correction group." It was the seventeenth guest of honor who spoke.

"Correction team?! What is the seventh seat thinking, actually inviting people from the correction team! Could it be that she thinks the conflict between the VIP seats and the correction team is not deep enough?"

"Compared to this, it's more worth thinking about why she invited the auditors in this council. In the previous councils, she didn't invite anyone."

"What do you think this reveals?"

"No one can guess the seventh seat. Her light is too dazzling, who can see her true face?"

"There's always a way. The brighter the person, the faster it burns."


The complicated voices were discussing Lu Xianyi and Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun listened and could feel their attitude. These VIPs didn't care much about him, guessing what Lu Xianyi, the seventh VIP, had invited to attend this time, discussing her deeds and the various changes brought to the VIP council.

Not a very positive review.

Just a few words, you can feel how much malice other VIPs hold towards Lu Xianyi.

Lu Xianyi's extremely fast promotion speed undoubtedly squeezed the interests of other VIPs.

However, no matter how much malice others harbored, Lu Xianyi never put his extra eyes on anyone for a moment. As she walked, she said:

"This is the Parliament of VIP seats. In fact, the people sitting here don't necessarily have the ability to match it. Everyone becomes a VIP and will try to secure their seats. Under the fixed-seat system, the best way It is to suppress the ordinary passengers who hit the VIP seats. Therefore, they often use the information difference of random events to thicken the barriers. In short, most of them are just a lucky group of wine bags and rice bags.”

Qiao Xun would not really think so.

For the current Lu Xianyi, it is true that most VIPs are not qualified to comment on her. Of course she can say that they are wine bags and rice bags, after all, the vision patterns are quite different.

But for Qiao Xun, who wants to understand the entire VIP seat, no subjective cognition should be set up for any VIP.

"Looks like they have a big opinion of you."

"Cake is passive, of course there are big opinions."

"You've been through a lot." Qiao Xun's voice was low.

Lu Xianyi said softly:

"I'm sure, so are you. Each of us has a reason we have to rush forward."

"A peaceful life is really hard to come by."


Lu Xianyi's whole portrait seems to have switched modes. Usually she is closer.

Qiao Xun can also understand. After all, it was always impossible for her to face so many malicious people.

Smiling doesn't solve any problem.

You can't convince a bunch of wicked people with a kind smile, you have to be more wicked than them.

Qiao Xun stopped and found an empty seat on the outermost seat to sit down.

Lu Xianyi sat down on the seventh seat with a blank expression while everyone was watching. Since she sat down, she has been crossing her fingers, holding her elbows, and not looking sideways.

One after another, the distinguished guests appeared one after another.

Forty-two VIPs, all different. Perhaps some of them share similar qualities, but there is never any evidence that they are of one mind.

Because most of the C-level VIPs are people who have recently been promoted from the general area to the VIP area, they are still in a marginal position in the parliament for the time being.

She was the only one who rose to the seventh seat in half a year like Lu Xianyi. Otherwise, it would not have suffered so much criticism in the VIP area.

Qiao Xun's eyes wandered on the third to ninth and eighth A-level VIPs.

Compared with B-level and C-level, they are much more restrained and more serious and serious.

At 8:00 in the morning, the second VIP, who is also the Speaker of the Council, Lanlin Sigurd appeared.

This means that this parliamentary session officially begins.

The moment he appeared, the entire parliament hall was instantly silent. No one wants to make any noise that would disturb the parliamentary process.

Lanlin Sigurd looked like an old magician in the movie and TV series, and he was well dressed, with a black drop-pointed hat with a large brim and a loose gray-blue robe. If you hold a staff in your hand, there will be no sense of disobedience.

His long, messy white beard covered most of his chin, and his old and wise eyes could penetrate everything.

The clerk, the preacher, and his assistants took their places one after another.

The official opening speech lasted five minutes.

The speaker stated the scale, effectiveness, general topic and seriousness of the conference in standard English.

Therefore, everyone knows that this session is extremely important, and the topics to be discussed are also of turning significance.

Lanlin Sigurd's voice was hoarse, but powerful. He says:

"I don't intend to disturb the secrets of your respective jurisdictions, but there are indeed things that we need to sit together and discuss seriously. Distinguished guests, I sincerely thank you and I am willing to come and discuss. I am also honored to be able to discuss it again. As the speaker, I am facing the same thing as you. In the past year, we have witnessed too many incredible things, such as the reorganization of trains, the flourishing of ordinary districts, and the great changes in the world structure... So far, we are very clear I feel that the sound of the sea train is gradually becoming louder and even shocking all over the world. This is closely related to everyone present, and our expectations are highly integrated with the bearing of the train.

"Here, we should give special praise to the distinguished guests who have made a significant contribution to the VIP area.

"The nineteenth guest of honor, Mr. Yenochnev Kurs-Greza, has witnessed the reclamation of the Hawaiian worm mine;

"The eleventh guest of honor, Ms. Teas Uma, successfully created a random event of a nightmare invasion;

"The twenty-fourth VIP, Ms. Kumi Erase, broke through the floodlight real whale shark blockade at the Cape of Good Hope and opened up a new train route;


Speaker Sigurd gave praise to some of the distinguished guests in succession according to the size of the influence.

At the same time, some VIPs were also criticized. Not only did they not bring any substantial benefits to the VIP area, but instead caused losses to be severely corrected.

Halfway through, not a single VIP dared to stand up and refute.

While Sigurd spoke, everyone else fell silent.

At the end, Sigurd spoke of the seventh guest of honor alone:

"As the seventh VIP of the newly promoted VIP, Miss Lu Xianyi. I want to say, maybe, everyone should follow her. With her amazing ability, she has completed the fastest promotion since the establishment of the VIP area. Supported by solid achievements. The reclamation work in Egypt's critically polluted area is a brilliance that she cannot erase. In the past year, trains have passed through Egypt again and again, but they have never conducted a comprehensive and thorough exploration of that land. Miss did it. She deserves all the respect she deserves."

As the speaker, Sigurd spoke highly of Lu Xianyi.

The speaker's attitude, without a doubt, is a powerful affirmation of her.

If she is someone who has been in the VIP area for a few years, of course, other VIPs will also cast a respectful look at her. However, she has only been here for half a year.

It is unknown what is in the heart of this VIP who has never made a formal statement, and what kind of ideology is dormant under her glorious exterior.

Even, no one dared to be sure whether she was completely on the big boat of the VIP area's interests.

Under such circumstances, Sigurd's high affirmation undoubtedly caused an uproar in the hearts of other VIPs.

Shouldn't you, as the Speaker, be more careful with this newly-appointed guest?

Are you not afraid that she does not represent the core interests of the VIP area?

Are you not afraid that she will set foot in the more central position of the VIP area with a very special purpose?

Those VIPs who were looking forward to Mr. Speaker's suppression of Lu Xianyi were disappointed. The unbalanced feeling quickly turned into resentment towards Lu Xianyi. They wouldn't try to challenge the authority of the speaker, but they had to hate Lu Xianyi's existence even more.

Sigurd said nothing. His eyes looked distant.

After the conclusion of the year, it is the official topic.

The first issue: Should the relationship between the VIP area and the train be adjusted as the train is restructured?

The train was remodeled at the end of last year, and it has been just over a year now.

The status of the restructured train has risen in the world. Originally, it was just a train running in the shadows. At this moment, it is traveling around the world in a big way, plundering the world's resources without any pretense. The relationship between the VIP area and the train has always been to get what they need.

However, after the train is restructured, the pie of interest is getting bigger and bigger, and the VIP area that participates in the division needs to think carefully about whether their contribution to the train can get a bigger pie of interest in the current environment and situation.

On this issue, the distinguished guests expressed their opinions one after another.

In Qiao Xun's eyes, this is a group movie with intricate relationships.

The appearance of VIPs with different appearances trying to gain interests and positioning rights is worth analyzing. Evolution is not a one-way road to black. The VIPs in the VIP seats are the upper class in the current evolutionary world, the elite layer, and the decision-making leadership layer. Analyzing their cognitive components provides a better understanding of where the evolutionary world is headed.

At the end of the agenda, it is necessary to express a position with votes.

In the end, the reformists won 41 to 23 votes on this issue. It is necessary to adjust the relationship between the VIP area and the train.

The second issue: Does the structure of the VIP area need to be revised?

To modify the structure, in plain words, is to change the existing equivalence relationship.

This is undoubtedly a shock to the status of A-class VIPs.

Therefore, all the A-level VIPs and more than half of the B-level VIPs voted against it.

Therefore, this issue is terminated.

In this issue, Qiao Xun can feel the influence of A-level VIPs on the parliament. No wonder they were so different from other VIPs. They are the core decision-making level of the parliament.

In the continuous observation, Qiao Xun also gradually noticed that the A-level VIPs were divided into factions, and the B-level and C-level VIPs under it depended on this faction division.

This is the different interest groups in the decision-making level.

In the VIP area where interests are being eroded fiercely, it is inevitable to gather together for warmth.

Qiao Xun thought that not being linked to any interest group might be the real reason why Lu Xianyi was hostile. A person with an unclear position or no position, but also a very powerful person, why not make people afraid?

Without the deep binding of interests, she cannot be restrained.

How could such an uncontrollable person suddenly appear in the VIP area, which was originally a check and balance.

Putting himself in Lu Xianyi's point of view, even Qiao Xun felt the pressure.

Next comes the third issue:

Reclamation plans for critically polluted areas in Antarctica.

This is an open issue. All VIPs can put forward their own reclamation plans and arrangements, and then conduct integrated discussions and then vote, and the final approved plans and arrangements will be held by subsequent VIPs.

Don't even think about it, this open issue is a collision between interest groups divided by eight A-level VIPs.

The reclamation of critically polluted areas is very important to the guests. The abundant resources in the polluted area determine their promotion space, and it is also a key indicator for obtaining a higher power level.

Eight VIPs, three interest groups.

Qiao Xun distinguished the leaders of three interest groups from their speeches.

The third seat and the eighth seat are one side;

The fourth and sixth seats are one party;

The fifth, ninth, and tenth seats are one-sided.

The three interest groups check and balance each other, and there is no very obvious stratification of strength and weakness.

Under such circumstances, Lu Xianyi, the seventh seat with extremely strong ability, seemed out of place. Her entry into any interest group is a break in the balance. Therefore, she is not welcomed by any interest group.

However, in Qiao Xun's view, Lu Xianyi does not need to rely on any interest group.

Each of the three interest groups presented plans to reclaim critically polluted areas in Antarctica.

From the general direction to the small details, nothing is missing.

It is even said that the plans of the three interest groups are very similar. And the final vote was even very close. Make the competition extremely fierce.

From the top to the bottom of the three parties, the distinguished guests spoke one after another, and sharp voices came one after another in the parliament hall.

The verbal attack and the game of consciousness that seemed to pierce the wall made the auditors feel very depressed. There is a feeling that this VIP seat is about to fall apart immediately.

Finally, Chancellor Sigurd struck the hammer and said:

"Everyone, I can feel your enthusiasm. But please understand that no matter who is in charge of the reclamation of the critically polluted area, it will determine whether the VIP area has enough bargaining chips to negotiate with the train. If we If the reclamation has been successfully completed, it is only natural that there should be a place for the VIP area in the discussion of the future route of the train. If it fails, the VIP area will no longer be able to break through higher power restrictions in a short period of time.”

Sigurd's words are clear. The VIP area wants to get the real decision-making power of a part of the train from the constraint area, not just the right to divide the interests of the outer edge of the core.

He then looked at Lu Xianyi, who had been silent, and said:

"The seventh VIP, Miss Lu Xianyi, I think you may have some ideas."

Everyone looked at her.

The focus of the audience and the pressure of fierce competition all shifted to her.

Lu Xianyi, dressed in solemn black clothes, sat in her seat without standing up.

Just when everyone felt that she was about to give up speaking. She spoke, to the surprise of the others. Because, in the parliament, it is a conventional rule that only the speaker can sit and speak, and other people, even the third VIP, need to stand up when speaking.

Sitting and speaking is a subordinate to the status of the speaker under the checks and balances of power.

However, what surprised them even more was still to come.

Lu Xianyi looked around at everyone, then made no secret of her mockery, and said in a very bad tone:

"Discussing matters with everyone here is like pouring swill into the trough of a pigsty. No matter how much swill a pig eats, and no matter how fat it grows, it can only stay in the pigsty forever. It's time. You're still complacent about gnawing at the same kind of bone in the swill today when others have raised their butcher knives."

She said it so viciously and fiercely that the VIPs did not respond for a while.

No matter how noisy the parliament is, there has never been such a face-ripping speech directed at everyone.

Qiao Xun, who was listening outside, was also stunned.

He thought that Lu Xianyi would be very tough, but what is this AOE attack with no dead ends?

"What did you say!" A VIP in a certain interest group who was in charge of confrontation stood up and shouted, "The seventh VIP, do you know that your words and deeds are an insult to members of the parliament!"

Lu Xianyi squinted at him without giving him the slightest respect.

"You are just a clown, and you are not qualified to argue with me. Let your master, the fourth VIP, stand up and talk to me."

The word "Master" carries a very humiliating element. Lu Xianyi also completely ignored the unspoken rules of the parliament, that is, not to clarify the interests of VIPs. She clearly pointed out that the face-toting VIP was attached to the fourth VIP.

"Lu Xianyi, you must be responsible for your unreasonable actions!"

Lu Xianyi said:

"Responsible? Excuse me, what did I do wrong and what should I be responsible for?"

"You humiliated the council!"

"Does the statutes of Parliament say that I am not allowed to speak like this?"


The statutes of Parliament certainly do not specifically state that everyone is to speak in a civilized manner or anything like that. But this should have been an unspoken rule.

As if deliberately disrupting the situation, Lu Xianyi brazenly broke the unspoken rules that the VIPs used to maintain the legitimacy of the parliament and the honorable status of the members.

The fourth VIP was also a woman, but she was much older than Lu Xianyi. After all, it took many years of hard work to get the fourth seat.

Gulliverja Zigurd said:

"Mr. Speaker, I think that Miss Lu Xianyi may be tired, so she is so relaxed. She may not be suitable for today's meeting."

The fourth seat did not communicate directly with Lu Xianyi, but instead directed the conflict to the speaker.

In such a high position as the fourth seat, Gulliverya knew that if she didn't go out in person, she would definitely be at the back.

Sigurd looked at Lu Xianyi with deep eyes.

Lu Xianyi responded calmly,

"Mr. Speaker, you should understand that what they are arguing has nothing to do with the core interests of the VIP area."

Sigurd smiled slightly,

"I want to hear your opinion. Seat 7, what do you think are the core interests of the VIP area?"

Lu Xianyi said:

"What the train wants to do, what it wants to get, what is our core interest."

"What about specifics?"

Lu Xianyi smiled,

"Then you have to ask the restraint zone."

"That's why we need to adjust our relationship with the constraint area. That way, we can better fight for our core interests."

"Having said that, Mr. Speaker seems to be very clear about the core interests of the VIP area."

Sigurd looked at Lu Xianyi and said after a while:

"Seventh seat, you are really surprising."

"No, this is no surprise to Mr. Speaker. We all know who Parliament is for."

Sigurd said with a smile:

"Of course it is for the distinguished guests here."

"Really? Mr. Speaker."


"I think so too." Lu Xianyi smiled and did not continue.

The ambiguous conversation between the two made the restless VIPs calm down.

It's true that Lu Xianyi's words are hard to hear. But after thinking about it, what she said, apart from being full of malice, wouldn't it have any other meaning?

Who is the council in the VIP area serving?

This question was placed in front of them, let them take it seriously. The wise VIPs were horrified to discover that this question was too bizarre.

The original purpose of the council was to allow VIPs to gain more rights and interests from the train, and to have more consistent value goals in external exploration.

Equivalent to the role of trade unions in all walks of life.

But the parliament has been established for so long, why is the VIP area more marginalized in the train than before? It seems that twelve new seats have been added to the train, which has expanded the influence of the VIP area. In fact, the overall power level of the VIP area has not changed, but it has diluted and differentiated the power level of other VIPs.

The existence of the parliament has made such internal friction even more intense. In particular, the existence of the ABC level has made the power level continue to concentrate on the VIPs in the front seats.

The final result of the continuous centralization of power is only one——


In the outside world, existences such as parliaments generally have additional supervisory parties to limit centralization. It could be the legislature or the prosecution.

In the VIP area, there is no such institution.

After that, the intensity of the discussion on Issue 3 gradually decreased. The three major interest groups were originally competing with each other, but in the end, they turned into buck-passing.

As for Lu Xianyi, who made a rude remark, no one even cared about her previous nasty remarks~www.readwn.com~ The situation on the field changed, which was very clear in the eyes of an onlooker like Qiao Xun.

With the help of the extremely strong information talent of "True Ru", he quickly went through the analysis and conjectures over and over again in his mind.

In the end, he probably guessed Lu Xianyi's intention.

She may want to shake the authority of the VIP district council.

But what is the purpose of shaking the authority of parliament?

Qiao Xun looked at Lu Xianyi's figure and fell into thought.

At a certain moment, Lu Xianyi turned around and happened to meet his eyes.

She smiled slightly, with tenderness in her eyes. It's completely different from berating and mocking a group of VIPs.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but ask in his heart:

Lu Xianyi, what are you trying to do?

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