Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 38: Shred the South Pole (1): Frigid Scream

Sigurd watched the performances of the VIPs, and his wrinkled eyes deepened.

"Mr. Speaker, how should the parliament proceed?" the assistant next to him asked, "The seventh VIP is a spoiler right?"

"It seems so right now. She didn't accept our affirmation, or rather," Sigurd lifted her chin, "she saw through our minds."

The collaborative help expression showed some concern,

"She's rising so fast, it's hard to say she's really independent and doesn't have anything to do with anyone."

"But isn't that the result? To the point where she is now, she has not relied on or borrowed from other people's strength."

"Can it only be said that she did get the curtain of the long steps of the gods?"

"Climbing the long steps of the gods will not cast a curtain on anyone. When a person becomes strong, there must be traces to follow. Luck from the sky will only change the situation for a while, and cannot control the true evolutionary path." Sigurd's eyes were wise, " She had better be just a very talented evolutionary, if that's the case, even if she is deliberately targeting us, it doesn't matter, at most accommodate her and take care of her."

"If not?"

"Then destroy her. Antarctica is a land of opportunity. In the past, many people harvested their ideals here, and it is also a land of prosperity. Many evolutionaries who are active in the world today have glimpsed the real evolutionary path here. But it's also a place of destruction."

Co-Assistant asked:

"Then how do we arrange it?"

Sigurd stretched his hands out of his wide robe and stood up.

All the arguing VIPs looked at him.

The speaker stood up and spoke, which means that the final result of this parliament will be reached.

Sigurd said:

"The seventh guest of honor brought a lot of surprises to this accident. It is gratifying that everyone can think more practically about the core interests of the VIP area. However, there must always be a definite answer to the issue. The world is very important, and all countries and forces from all over the world will not ignore this place. It is very important for trains. The fissure in the deep sea is hidden in the depths of Antarctica. It is very important for the VIP area, and it determines whether we can go further. There is a debate about who should take the lead. Since there is no room for failure in the reclamation of the polluted area, then everyone should work together and go together.”

With Sigurd as the mediator, the three major interest groups each stepped down to their own steps.

They don't have much opposition. After all, they also know that Antarctica is too big, and it cannot be easily eaten by any party.

Sigurd laughed again and said:

"I'm getting old too. I've been in this VIP area for too long, and I always want to go outside to see it. So, everyone, please continue to run for the benefit of the VIP area. This parliamentary session is over."

Sigurd's words aroused speculation among the distinguished guests.

Did he say he was old?

Does this mean that you plan to step down as the speaker and choose a successor?

Such conjectures have gradually become mainstream. As a result, several A-level VIPs became more thoughtful. They couldn't help but wonder, if Speaker Sigurd was to choose a successor, what would he value? Perhaps, performance in Antarctica matters.

After Sigurd finished speaking, he left with the clerk and the assistant.

His trembling steps fell even more old in the eyes of the distinguished guests.

But in the corridor behind the parliament building they couldn't see, Sigurd walked steadily, until he was full of energy.

The co-assistant understood Sigurd's intentions. As the speaker, he encouraged all the distinguished guests to do his best in Antarctica.

Parliament ends.

The VIPs left in a hurry, and the VIPs from their respective interest groups quickly found their own groups and found a place to discuss the follow-up together.

There are not many people in the VIP seats, and they are basically concentrated in the C-level.

Like Lu Xianyi, she is alone.

After the meeting, she wandered to the corridor outside the hall, where Qiao Xun met her.

The two left here one after the other.

After getting outside, Lu Xianyi breathed a sigh of relief, and after tensing her shoulders, she asked nervously:

"How are you?"

Qiao Xun looked at her with a wink and said:

"That question should be asked of you."

Lu Xianyi sighed,

"Ah, maybe I'm not very good. I didn't feel much psychological pressure because I acted like that in front of you, but I think highly of myself. I did look like an arrogant villain in the parliament just now."

"Don't mind that."

"Really? Don't you think I'm very different from what I used to be? I've become very... hateful."

Qiao Xun poked his chin,

"It's really nasty."


"But that's for the VIPs in the VIP seats. From my point of view, I can only think, if you do this, are you sure you won't put more pressure on yourself?" Qiao Xun said, "You and I are in different situations. , different identities, although I really want to share some for you, but now, I can't. I still care more about your thoughts. "

Lu Xianyi's shoulders loosened,

"Looks like I'm thinking too much. I thought you might think I'd become unfamiliar, because, well, I also feel that in so many random events, in the critically polluted area of ​​Egypt, I did a lot of Few bad things. If I tell you one by one, you will definitely think, Oh, why is Lu Xianyi so abhorrent!"

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"How could it be? If you have to care about all these things, wouldn't it mean that you trample an ant when you were a child and say that this person is cruel and doesn't love life? Don't frame yourself. From the nature of human beings, you I am not a legal citizen. From the perspective of an evolutionary, it is very reasonable. After all, it is normal to nibble on each other on the road of evolution. If I regard you as a harmless, pure and kind person, And to constrain you with this, it can only be said that I am a complete scum."

Lu Xianyi raised her head and looked at Qiao Xun seriously.

After a while she turned, and her steps became light,

"I do not regret."

"Huh? Don't regret anything?"

"I don't regret liking you. It's because I don't know you well enough. I'm worried that you will stop liking me because of the collapse of your impression of me."

"Then my feelings are too cheap."

"So, I think too much. Indeed, I can be more real in front of you."

"So, you've been disguised before."

"Of course, I won't show my love to you so casually. If you don't dress up beautifully, and don't say some touching words, how can there be an atmosphere? Is it possible that I confessed to you in the way I did at the parliament just now, you Would it be easier to accept me?"

"I won't fall in love with others while others call me a pig."


Qiao Xun paused,

"It's all a trick!"

Lu Xianyi smiled and said:

"This is not a routine, this is called intention, intention! I am very, very careful about this relationship."

Qiao Xun's eyes were warm,


"Let's get down to business. As you can see, some of the most powerful guests are going to Antarctica."

"And you?"

"I'm going too." Lu Xianyi walked in front, her eyes were firm.

"What do you want to do? Just at the council, I seem to know it. Xianyi, what are you going to do? Conflict with Speaker Sigurd, and with the entire VIP seat. This is a lot of pressure."

When asked this question, Qiao Xun's answer to Lu Xianyi was a little nervous. Because he didn't want Lu Xianyi to be the tumor in the VIP area that Agnes said.

Lu Xianyi felt the difference in Qiao Xun's tone. She answered this question seriously:

"A major event is about to happen in the VIP area. In other words, a major event will happen to the entire train. This year's train restructuring has accelerated the process and has had a great impact on the world. Together with the world, there will be a wave of evolution. tide."

"The tide of evolution?"

"Yes, the time for the evolution of the whole people is not far away. The VIP area is the starting point of the evolutionary tide. There are many VIPs in the VIP seats who are linked to external forces and countries, and they are their mouthpieces on the train. You It should be seen that the VIP seats are divided into three major interest groups."


"These three major interest groups correspond to the outside world, which are actually the League of Nations, the Adventist faction group, and the third-party force group. In fact, according to the normal itinerary, the train should be in the high-risk pollution area of ​​Guadonas in southern Africa at this time. The train went directly over there and rushed to Antarctica, just to release what was going to happen in the VIP area to the extremely dangerous pollution area of ​​Antarctica and avoid causing too much damage to the main body of the train."

"so serious?"

"Yes, for some reason, this matter cannot be specifically stated, otherwise it will definitely reveal your plan. Although I don't know what purpose you carry, if you know this in advance, then you will also To be known immediately by the people behind this thing will definitely have an impact on your purpose."

Qiao Xun felt very familiar. He quickly scoured his memory and quickly found familiar places.

He remembered that when he was in Yan City, Xin Yu said that she once knew an evolutionary person.

If you know the Evolver, the Evolver must know you.

At that time, for protection purposes, Xin Yu did not say who the evolutionary was.

Now, after Lu Xianyi mentioned it, it made him feel very familiar, and he couldn't help but wonder, is there a certain connection between the two?

"It sounds dangerous. But why are you involved in this?" Qiao Xun said.

"Because, I feel the connection of blood."


Lu Xianyi's eyes are far away,

"Maybe it has something to do with my mother."

"your mother?"

Lu Xianyi said as she walked, her voice soft,

"Six years ago, I don't know what happened, and my mother suddenly disappeared. It is said that she died in a pollution incident. But I don't think so," she smiled. "Of course, it may just be I was just wishful thinking. After that, the conflict between me and my family continued to deepen. I often ran away from home and hid with Sister Yu every time. Over time, she let me live directly. "

Qiao Xun touched his nose,

"I remember Xin Yu said that you were the one who didn't go away. You stayed in your room every day and didn't go anywhere. She said that you would act like a spoiled child, and if you were cruel, you would be wronged."

Lu Xianyi blushed,

"Stop talking nonsense. Oops, that's all there is to it. After I got to the sea train, the thought that my mother didn't die became deeper and deeper, which was one of the reasons why I didn't get off the train with you in the first place. I arrived at the VIP area. After that, I was sure that my mother must be alive and on the train. So, I have to be involved in this matter. If she doesn't know me, then I have to let her know, if she already knows Then I have to figure out why she doesn't see me."

"There's another reason for that."

"I'm not a fool... There must be a reason for doing things."

Qiao Xun didn't speak any more.

He felt that this matter was getting more and more complicated, and he was somewhat confused about his position in this matter.

We will have to wait until we set foot in Antarctica to find out.

Qiao Xun changed the subject later and said:

"In Yancheng, I have already met your father."

Lu Xianyi's mood has not changed.

"He didn't do anything to you."

"Well... there should be. But, it's not a bad thing. He takes care of me. Also, he's worried about you."

"You don't know how to worry until you lose it." Lu Xianyi looked up at the sky.

"Are you mad at him?"

Lu Xianyi shook her head,

"When I was young, I did hate him. I didn't take care of my family, and I couldn't protect my mother. But now that I've grown up, I can understand him in many things. Originally, the Lu family's position in the Republic was very special, and it was inevitable for him to stand in that position. The earth will sacrifice the ego. And the departure of my mother, I think, he is also powerless. If we look at it now, the republic really cannot tolerate my mother."

"You can understand."

Lu Xianyi snorted softly,

"I'm not an unreasonable person. Tell me a lot of things well, and I'll definitely understand. I don't even want to say it. I always use words like you're young. How can there be no family conflicts?"

"It's a family generation gap."

"Oh, forget it, don't talk about that." Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun and said, "Although I want to stay with you for a while, it's really not the right time. I'll be leaving in the afternoon."

"So anxious? Tomorrow is the official day to get off the bus."

Lu Xianyi smiled and said:

"I'll go find your way first. Give me your hand."

Qiao Xun stretched out his left hand.

Lu Xianyi looked at the jade ring on his index finger and asked curiously:

"I haven't asked before. What is this? Wearing a ring on the index finger seems to mean being single."

Qiao Xun naturally took off the ring, switched to the middle finger, and said:

"It's a space creation. Packing things."

"Is that so..."

Lu Xianyi said, smiled a little, then circled her left index finger around her right middle finger, and then put the exact same ring on her right middle finger.

"Look, it's a couple."


"The form is the form." Lu Xianyi looked at the **** of his right hand with satisfaction.

Then, she grabbed Qiao Xun's left hand and drew a circle on the palm.

The circle quickly showed traces of blue, which faded after a little flare.

"what is this?"

Lu Xianyi said:

"I named it the Rune Concentric Ring."

"It's numb to death."

Lu Xianyi didn't care, she was very happy, "After I go to the extremely dangerous pollution area in Antarctica, I will find a safer way, and then I will find a way to leave marks for you. You can use this concentric ring to check those marks."

"It's been too good for me."

"I don't care about you, who is still kind to you." Lu Xianyi said with a smile, "Okay, that's all, I have to go."

"you alone?"

"Otherwise murmur."


Lu Xianyi turned around and planned to leave.

"Hey!" Qiao Xun stopped her.

Lu Xianyi smiled,

"Don't say anything nasty."

"Don't be too risky."

"Received!" Lu Xianyi gave a serious salute.

Then, she turned and left quickly, without lingering.

Looking at her back, Qiao Xun's expression swayed slightly.

Alone... Now she can go on adventures alone...

It is impossible to say that you are not worried at all. Although Qiao Xun knew that she was not a reckless person, what did not happen could never be firmly engraved in his heart.

Can't stand still anymore.

Qiao Xun quickly returned to the fourth group.

On the way, he thought about Phoenix and Mary over and over again, and finally decided to take them with him. Because the adventure to Antarctica itself is an extremely unknown thing. When the plan lacks specific and detailed logical support, you can only choose to believe in changes.

Phoenix, an unstable factor, will add weight to the change.

Of course, it was also because Phoenix had spoken to him that he had come a step closer to realizing that she wasn't really just a carefree, innocent child.

In the afternoon, the fourth group had a group meeting.

In the evening, a broadcast sounded in the ordinary area of ​​the middle-level carriage, announcing that the annual reward for this year had begun. Participating in this reward could earn rich points, which almost no ordinary passenger would refuse. After all, the annual reward is the most cost-effective, and a simple effort can yield rich rewards. Unless it is really impossible to go, or it is too timid, no passenger will refuse.

At eight o'clock in the evening train time, Qiao Xun received a letter from Agnes again.

Qiao Xun combined what he had learned in the council with what he had learned before, and added his own understanding to explain the particularity and complexity of this outing to the team members in detail.

This will be a far-reaching outing mission.

When he explained in the group meeting that all members of the mission were dispatched, Mary was pleasantly surprised, and Phoenix breathed a sigh of relief.

After the meeting, everyone quickly threw themselves into their work.

The people who can work on the correction team are the very good people on the train who know exactly what to do.

"My friend. Tonight will be the last time you can relax, cheer up, and have more important things to do. Unfortunately, I still can't tell you what to do right now, but don't worry, I'll be behind you all the time."

Agnes still didn't say anything in the letter. This confirmed Lu Xianyi's statement that once he knew about the incident, the people behind it would also know about him.

"Last time I said, I want to tell you about my hatred with Yihong.

"One day in 1874, I woke up from the Beyma cemetery outside Strasbourg, twelve years earlier than the time I had set in advance. Let me rest in peace on earth. That person is Yi Hong, a fledgling exorcist from the Qing Empire, who knows how she, a Qing Dynasty person, became an exorcist in Europe.

"But I, who have lived for hundreds of years, don't want to meet a yellow-haired girl, but she insists that I'm actually dead, but my broken body still holds a ghost, and I stay on the ground like a walking corpse. The entanglement of her was so annoying, and in the end she couldn't stand it anymore. She was slapped to death with a slap. She was tenacious and miraculously survived.

"This is how our hatred ends. In the past 100 years or so, she has hunted and killed me all over the world and has changed countless identities. But I, always Agnes, have never changed.

"I won't be able to write to you for a while. But don't worry, I'll always be behind you.

"Your dear,

"Agnes Jean Hibernian."

Qiao Xun took a sharp breath.

It turns out that not only Agnes is an old woman, but also Yihong.

One lived for more than five hundred years, and the other lived for more than one hundred and sixty years.

When did human lifespan become so worthless?

Qiao Xun felt confused, there really was a way to prolong his life.

He suddenly thought in horror, could someone live for thousands of years?

If there is, what level of living fossil should it be?

From Agnes' description, Yihong seems to be a very vengeful and paranoid person. This made Qiao Xun feel heavy.

I don't know what she will do to herself in the future.

Sleepless nights.

At four in the morning the next day, Qiao Xun activated his mental state and then went to the Correction Club building.

In the next hour, the team members came one after another. Assembled before five o'clock, ready to go.

Check equipment, file, submit paperwork, obtain pass.

After a series of procedures, at 6:00 in the morning, the get-off channel dedicated to the upper compartment was spread out in the cold sea breeze. After extending for more than 100 meters, it transformed into a step and leaned against the frozen ice layer of the Antarctic continent. Below, the icy road that the train ripped apart is particularly terrifying, like the scars of the earth, with the opened ice awls sticking on both sides.

The VIPs who participated in the reclamation work in the VIP area were fully armed and quickly got off the bus with their respective teams.

Qiao Xun looked at the white, snow-covered land in the distance and asked:

"Everyone, are you ready?"

The team members affirmed in their own way.

"This won't be an easy journey." Qiao Xun turned to look at Phoenix next to him.

Phoenix smiled innocently,

"The team leader will protect Fei, right?"

Qiao Xun tightened his eyelids, narrowed slightly, and said with a smile:

"Certainly, Phoenix Elman."

He called Phoenix by his full name.

It fell into the ears of other team members and felt that this was Qiao Xun's affirmation of Phoenix.

But Phoenix himself knew that ~www.readwn.com~ Qiao Xun was telling himself not to forget what they said before.

Joe Tour said:

"Everyone, adjust your cold protection equipment and go."

After a rustling inspection, the members of the fourth group of the correction team stepped up the steps and headed to the Antarctic continent.

As for the ordinary passengers in the middle-level compartment, after accepting the reward mission, they left the humble cabin door and disappeared into the wind and snow one after another.

The bottom car also has people getting off the car, mining livestock, and people related to the power area responsible for ore mining.

This early trip to Antarctica started in a corner of the Antarctic continent and spread rapidly.

The Antarctic continent warmly welcomes every adventurer with a frantic whimper in the wind and snow.

The endless extreme cold has opened its claws in the rolling Antarctic mountains.

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