Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 40: Shred the South Pole (3): Moment of Eternity

Dazzling white light overflowed the ground.

The fourth group slid down the hills on the swept floor. With the help of powerful floor-skimming skills, they are all like skiers.

In this special C-shaped valley notch, the wind is much smaller, and the range and duration of the cold current close to the ground are not large.

This abandoned private site leans on a **** of about 75°. The rear is wrapped with a thick insulation layer, and the two sides are close to the mountain. The tall steel plates on both sides should have the function of keeping out the cold, but there is probably no one. Used, abandoned, and has climbed a very thick layer of ice.

As soon as they entered the range of the site, everyone found that the foundation was made of source metal base and dense wires. This is an infrastructure technology based on the properties of the source metal substrate. It is paved in important areas of various countries.

This alone shows that the cost of this private site is definitely not low. There should be a dedicated company behind it.

Looking at the main entrance, the mark engraved on the wall also shows this.

It was a blue coiled serpentine mark.

Qiao Xun immediately remembered the information he had seen in "Tower Network" before. This mark is the mark of World Snake Life Technologies.

The World Snake Life Technology Company is not affiliated with any country, and is essentially an organization on the Adventist side. However, they are committed to researching various technologies related to "pollution and evolution", including but not limited to derivative rune equipment, gene needles, pollution implantation, totem decoding, talent grafting and other gray technologies.

clack clack-

Entering the interior of the site, everyone's hard snow boots stepped on the ice ballast, making a crisp sound.

Qiao Xun raised his vigilance and paid attention to all the environmental information he could perceive around him.

It is true that there is no life breath, but the rune energy of fixed frequency also exists.

He was at the forefront. At the main entrance, he pointed at the world snake mark with his finger, and "Zhiyang" wrapped some rune energy to lift the frozen layer outside the wall.

The ice layer slipped and fell behind, and the mark of the world snake was clearly placed in front of everyone.

Jiang You frowned and said:

"The mark is familiar."

"Have you seen it?" Joe asked.

Jiang You thought for a while and then said:

"I remember that the lab I was in before should have cooperated with the organization behind this mark."

"What laboratory?"

"The Fifth Institute of Pathology in the Blue Shell Region."

Qiao Xun paused, "From Yandu City?"

Jiang advantage head.

Na Qiao Xun basically determined that Jiang You's previous laboratory was the same as the Research Institute of the Third Pathological Hospital of Yanbei City, which belonged to the organization of the Gongjin R&D Committee.

I never thought that such a professional and popular organization would cooperate with World Snake Life Technology Company.

Think about it too, the gene melting pot plan is on the table, what else is impossible?

Under the wave of pollution, no one will be clean.

Joe patrolled up the steps.

The entire site is made of special materials and craftsmanship, which is inseparable from reinforced concrete. Specially designed to deal with polluting the environment.

The front door was blocked. Qiao Xun had to use the rune energy to push away.

The ice layer just peeled off, and it made a rhythmic sound.

Because of the special structure, the interior is windowless and a bit dark. But this doesn't matter.

As soon as the door opened, Qiao Xun frowned.

He walked in immediately. The crew followed behind.

There is a very smoky smell in it, like fertilizer.

The team members were stunned when they entered.

Because, the facilities in the room are complete, but they are all sealed by ice. Tables and chairs, power modules, instruments, etc., are all neatly arranged, and a layer of ice with a uniform thickness to almost no difference completely covers everything inside. Even people who are working....

Yes, there are people inside, in work clothes. Or stand, or sit, or operate the instrument carefully, or record the workflow with a pen...

There are six people in total, each performing their duties in this room.

They were covered by a layer of ice with a uniform thickness, and they were no longer alive, but they still retained their previous movements and demeanor. I can clearly see their expressions through the ice, serious, nervous, expectant, curious...

If you skim off the ice, it's like time has stopped.

"It's... incredible!" Harry said, staring.

"Are they frozen to death?" Jiang You asked.

Joe Tour said:

"It's not frozen to death. If it is really frozen to death, it will only be shrunk into a ball."

Shi Qi thought about it and said:

"It seemed like something suddenly happened, and then it was over. So, things in the room were frozen at the moment."

Qiao Xun nodded, and he walked in, in front of a person who was operating the instrument.

This is a woman with short hair. Through the ice layer, I could clearly see her hair strands, perhaps because she was too serious, her lips were dry and peeling. Her light-colored eyes also stared at the instrument in her hand. It seems that she is planning to cut the rune channel in a broken source metal. But everything that happened suddenly hit the pause button on a physical level and froze her.

Qiao Xun drew a trace of runic energy on the ice on her fingers for a moment.

Then, the stillness was broken, and fine cracks spread from the fingers. In less than five seconds, the ice layer shattered and turned into countless ice crystals.

At the same time, the woman's body shattered along with it.

From the process of smashing, Qiao Xun figured out one thing. This is indeed not a natural phenomenon, but it is not caused by rune energy, it is a more special force, very chaotic and disordered.

Shi Qi said:

"Maybe they don't even know they're dead yet, judging from their expressions."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Probably. It's hard to react to something that happens suddenly."

"If this is not a natural phenomenon, but man-made, or other polluting creatures, then its power should be very terrifying, at least I can't do it." Shi Qi said.

Jiang You asked:

"Is this still an innate ability in the conventional sense?"

Qiao Xun shook his head and said,

"It's more complicated. In my opinion, this is a power I've never seen before. It's very chaotic, the frequency is very high, and there is no regularity. It's not like the rune energy frequency guided by talent is fixed."

His words made the expressions of the others even more solemn.

Qiao Xun exhaled,

"Okay guys, there's no point in tangling with this. All we can do is stay here at our own pace."

"Then what to do with these ice men?"

Qiao Xun thought about it,

"Check carefully to see if there is any noteworthy information on them. Then, focus on cleaning. These ices are not ordinary ice, it is better to remove them all. Also, check the rooms of other buildings to ensure that no unknown is left behind. space."

Several people moved quickly.

There are three separate buildings in this site, which are living, working and equipment areas.

Eight people were divided into three groups to examine carefully.

Qiao Xun and Jiang You are in charge of the equipment area on the left.

This building is obviously taller and more complete in structure. From the perspective of power modules and pipelines, it also supports derivative rune equipment. The results that I saw after opening the door and entering also confirmed the conjecture.

Two snowmobiles were parked side by side in the outermost garage.

Qiao Xun and the two came here first.

"Zhenru" and "Zaiyin" probed from different angles and methods. Results soon.

Joe Tour said:

"These two cars are derived rune equipment."

"It's really extravagant." Jiang You slammed, "It can be said that it is quite grand to put the derivative runes on the vehicle. It seems that this world snake life technology company is very rich."

"Indeed. However, it can also be seen from this point that the power to freeze this place is very strong. Such good conditions were completely destroyed by the group."

Jiang You said:

"It's still on the fringes of the critically endangered pollution zone. Our target carrion mines are close to the center."

Qiao Xun activated the atmosphere and asked with a smile:

"Shouldn't you, a researcher, expect more?"

Jiang You touched his cold nose and said:

"I'm still afraid. The Antarctic continent was very dangerous before it was polluted. I don't know how many scientific expedition personnel were buried here. Now it is a critically dangerous pollution area. So far, there has not been any investigation on the central area. Who knows where it is. What is there?"

"The world has become like this, and it's not surprising that anything appears."

"I always thought about what the world would be like if all those legendary mythical creatures appeared one day."

"Such a small earth can't hold them."

"So, the universe is so big, and we may have to face more than just polluted creatures on the earth... My worldview has been shattered and recast many times."

Qiao Xun was also very worried.

"Humans have not yet started their interstellar journey. If they face threats from outside the earth like this...it may indeed be very difficult."

The two chatted while checking in the equipment area.

There are "True Ru" and "Zaiyin", and it is basically impossible to omit them.

What Qiao Xun cared more about was what equipment could be used.

After cleaning up, he found that most of the equipment was ineffective due to freezing. However, gear loaded with derived runes can still be used. Because the derived runes are to be loaded, the structure is different, and most of the materials are source metal bases.

After coding the equipment, the two peeled off the ice cover of the entire equipment area building.

They also know that if the ice cap is only removed, it will be frozen again after a few hours at most.

All, they went deeper and found the building's cold protection activation device.

After repairing the damaged parts of the pipeline, Qiao Xun used "Zhiyang" to draw the rune energy to cover the entire pipeline system for preheating. Finally, the cold protection function was activated, and then they found that this site was so extravagant that the energy was directly used as the source metal. Just three meters below the site, eight large pots were buried, with a large amount of source metal accumulated inside, enough for the site to last more than a year.

The more I understand this station, the more I feel that the World Snake Life Company has deep pockets.

Restoration work on the site continued for four hours until eight o'clock in the evening.

However, it was still bright at this time.

When the cold protection function is activated, the place is filled with heating.

The living area is a bungalow with an area of ​​more than 120 square meters. It has complete facilities and is no different from an ordinary family.

"This is much more luxurious than those national-level scientific research sites." Jiang You said, "It's really rich."

In the warm air, Harry came alive and said with great enjoyment:

"It's a different experience."

In a world of ice and snow, having warm air is a great luxury.

Shi Qi is more concerned about their situation. He put a stack of thawed log records on the table and said:

"This is what I found in the work area with Mary and Faye. We've already searched it, you guys have a look."

Everyone cheered up and began to open these logs.

After ten minutes, everyone saw it almost, and all of them showed heavy expressions on their faces.

Shi Qi said:

"As I guessed, building a private site at this location is no ordinary scientific research."

Joe Tour said:

"From these records, they should be investigating a special force."

"The special power...the kind that freezes them," Harry said, frowning.

Qiao Xun nodded, "The frequency is extremely high, disordered, and extremely unstable."

From the record, the site was established and officially put into use on January 2, 2035, but the log only ended on February 7.

"Look at this." Jiang You took a breath and said.

She put out a notepad. This is a diary.

Recording started on January 2nd and was normal until February 6th.

But on February 6th—

"Bonings and Jagland came back from outside. They brought back a special stone they said they found in a crack in the ice, and they both used icebreakers to get it out. The stone is beautiful, ellipsoid-shaped. , has the pattern of willow leaves, the two ends are slightly sharp, but not thorny, and can show a faint fluorescence under the illumination of red light, the fluorescence looks like many luminous fine points. But unfortunately, we Before I could study it well, it was lost by Slieya, who was in charge of the warehouse. I gave Slieya a good reprimand, after all, he can lose a stone now, and he might lose his life at some point. On the Antarctic continent, any laxity is a precursor to death."

The diary ends here. There are no records after that.

Jiang You said cautiously,

"That stone should be unusual."

Shi Qi frowned.

"The stone was brought back on February 6, and then the entire site was attacked by special forces on February 7. Could this be a coincidence?"

Joe Tour said:

"In a place like this, any coincidence has to be treated as a special event. If you think about it, you can see that it is impossible to form a stone of this shape under natural conditions."

Feeling that the atmosphere was a little heavy, Qiao Xun did not continue to speak. This is the first day, so don't add psychological pressure to them.

"Okay everyone, let's take a good rest first and then arrange the follow-up work and tasks."

Harry's mechanical eye immediately turned,

"Eat hot pot!"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly~www.readwn.com~ of course. "

I bring a lot of living materials, so cooking a hot pot in the ice and snow is not a luxury.

Moreover, this site has a lot of living materials, after all, it has only been used for more than a month.

The matter of packing dinner was handed over to Mary, who has rich experience in housework, and Jiang You helped her.

The other team members were playing cards outside.

Qiao Xun couldn't stay, no matter where he was, he was not used to being too relaxed.

A person walked out of the bungalow in the living area and came outside.

Little is known about Antarctica. In fact, this is the case all over the world. This continent has been very mysterious since its discovery, and has always been synonymous with "mineral rich" and "dangerous". Everyone knows that there must be very precious resources here, but they can't get over the danger here.

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