Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 41: Shred the South Pole (4): Pets of the "Eternals"

Looking up at the sky, the original sunny weather has disappeared, replaced by heavy clouds.

It's going to snow.

He was relieved, and the sound of the electric current that never disappeared as soon as it crossed the glial line immediately took over his brain.

He listened carefully, trying to discern where the voices were coming from and what message they were conveying.

However, it's too messy.

It seems that there are tens of thousands of people whispering in their ears, and if you want to distinguish each sound clearly, you will definitely go crazy.

Qiao Xun was not paranoid about taking this risk.

The temperature continues to drop.

After a while, Jiang You shouted at the door:

"Team leader, it's time for dinner."

Qiao Xun responded with a sound, turned and walked towards the warm living area. Just after turning around and not taking a few steps, heavy snow came in an instant, and it fell on the ground like a goose feather.

At the same time, the temperature plummeted.

Jiang You said at the door:

"Ah, it's snowing."

As she said that, she reached out to pick up a snowflake.

Qiao Xun suddenly felt a strong crisis, and after being frozen in the snow for a moment, he suddenly shouted:

"Come in!"

Jiang You was frightened, but the literacy of the fifth-order evolutionary was still there, so he hurriedly retreated into the room.

At the same time, Qiao Xun didn't stop at all, driving the rune energy to act on every muscle, bursting in with amazing speed and rushing in.

But inevitably, some snowflakes fell on him,

Afterwards, Jiang You saw the snowflakes falling on Qiao Xun frantically gnawing at Qiao Xun's clothes, and at the same time made a piercing screeching sound.

"Team leader!" Jiang You shouted.

Qiao Xun said solemnly:

"Don't come near me!"

The other team members heard the sound and ran over one after another.

"what happened?"

"What is that! Snowflake?" Harry exclaimed when he saw the flesh and blood on Qiao Xun's body quickly disappearing.

Qiao Xun drew a circle in front of him with rune energy. He looked at the snowflake on the back of his hand frantically eating his own flesh, frowned and said:

"It's not snow."

He picked up a snowflake and took a closer look. This is a small transparent and whitish bug.

The thickness is less than 0.5 mm, white crystalline flakes, almost the same shape as snowflakes, but not ice clean with suspended particles. It can be seen that there are slender blood vessels inside the crystal, with blue-white blood flowing. There were gaps everywhere, and tiny fangs protruded from the gaps. At this moment, Qiao Xun's flesh and blood hang on these fangs.

"Team leader, what are you going to do?" Shi Qi asked nervously.

Those snowflake-like bugs gnawed too fast, and they devoured half of Qiao Xun's shoulders in just ten seconds.

Qiao Xun frowned, and then launched "gluttony".

In the face of stronger swallowing power, these insects have no resistance, like melting snow, they are quickly swallowed up.

At the same time, cognitive information is fed back in consciousness——

【Snow bug】

【Marginal Atmospheric Creatures】

[Totem: "Eternal Life"]

[As a pet kept by the "Eternals", most of the time, snow worms are in a dormant period. Their genes do not set a death program, they will not die naturally, and the population size is determined by the will of the "eternal". The dormant snow worms are in a gaseous state and float in the air with the polluted atmosphere. Only under the influence of "dominant power" will they condense into a solid state and land. They only have the most basic life instincts, and they can devour all life substances, including rune energy]

The last time I saw the term "marginal state" was the marginal state deep diver.

This time, marginal atmospheric creatures appeared again.

It seems that there are indeed unknown creatures in the atmosphere.

And what Qiao Xun cares about most is "dominance".

For the first time he knew dominance. what is this? A thing, or a power like runic power? Or is it a more abstract force?

"Team leader, how are you?" the team members asked nervously outside the rune energy circle.

In their eyes, Qiao Xun was covered with white snow at first, and the snow melted his body frantically. At a certain moment, the snow melted quickly, but his body was mottled, the flesh and blood on half of his shoulders were gnawed in a mess, and there were holes everywhere.

Qiao Xun urged "Sheng Nandou" to start the treatment,

"I'm fine."

He checked it out, made sure there were no surviving snow bugs, touched the rune energy circle, and said:

"This is not snow, it is a creature. It can devour all life and energy, including rune energy. You must not be touched by them."

"Creatures?! Falling down like snow, how exaggerated the order of magnitude is!" Jiang You exclaimed.

Qiao Xun said solemnly,

"Don't worry about this for now, you quickly spread out and carefully check whether there are any loopholes in the bungalow, and make sure that they don't get in through some gaps."


The team members spread out to check carefully.

Use innate abilities, high-tech equipment, and all means to eliminate all hidden dangers.

Qiao Xun, while repairing the injury, used "Zhenyang" to deliver a layer of rune energy film to cover the outer edge of the entire living area.

Shi Qi noticed this and said in surprise:

"Team leader, your ability to control rune energy is very strong!"

"Well, this is not a solution. Those things can eat rune energy, I can only temporarily block them."

"Then we have to figure out a way to not let them trap us here. And who knows if these things are some kind of omen."

Qiao Xun frowned. The second half of Shi Qi's sentence was what he was most concerned about.

According to the analysis of "gluttony", the snow worms are dormant most of the time, and will only condense under the influence of dominance. Since these snow worms fell from the sky, there must be a dominant influence.

What exactly is dominance?

Perhaps, the researchers at this site were frozen because of their dominance. After all, the power to freeze them is not a talent associated with rune energy, but more disorderly and chaotic.

If the conjecture is correct, it means that the dominance is quite strong and unstoppable.

Who knows what form the dominance will take.

It took another half hour of work before and after, and it was time to clean up.

Due to the special structure of the source metal pipes, the rooms in the living area have no windows, and the outer edge of the building is wrapped by Qiao Xun with a rune energy film. Therefore, it is difficult for the team members to observe the outside scene. Under the comfort of the food , they gradually relaxed a little bit.

Qiao Xun could see clearly. The number of snow bugs is so huge that he can observe the place, all of which are densely packed with bugs, covering the sky.

They are covered in mouthparts, baring fangs, and gnawing at everything with a shriek. Countless screams gathered together and turned into gusts of overcast wind, which literally made this place in the extreme daytime look like a blizzard night.

There is no end in sight.

Everything around that could accommodate footsteps was occupied by snow worms. They pile up together like snow. But Qiao Xun can imagine that if anyone accidentally falls into these "snowdrifts", they will be devoured immediately.

There is no doubt that the current situation is that it is blocked by the heavy "snow".

The members of the four groups can only squeeze in this bungalow for the time being.

After dinner, Qiao Xun made clear the current situation. He didn't want to disturb the appetite when everyone was eating.


After listening to Qiao Xun's description, everyone's sense of gain after being full and warm disappeared, and they all frowned.

Jiang You said:

"The last time the train passed through Antarctica, from the experience of ordinary passengers, I have never encountered such a situation." She thought for a while, and then added: "This should be a recent situation, and, think about it. Would it be related to the fact that the Confinement Zone suddenly asked us to investigate in Antarctica? I always feel that the atmosphere of the recent train is very strange.”

"The atmosphere of the train is strange?" Qiao Xun was puzzled.

"Yes, it's very strange. The train has been very strange since it was restructured a year ago. There are all kinds of problems. This time it arrived at the South Pole two months earlier. There are VIP areas and so on, carrion mines and so on. It feels like something is going to happen." Jiang You said about his feelings, "The most curious thing is the attitude of the three train captains. From the restraint area, the train conductors' evaluation of the current situation of the train is equivalent to... rest assured. This year has not passed."

Qiao Xun thought about it and asked again:

"What do the three train conductors usually look like in your eyes?"

When Shi Qi heard this question, he glanced at Qiao Xun thoughtfully. He was wondering if Qiao Xun was testing everyone's attitude, but he couldn't be sure, so he didn't speak.

Other team members have used positive words such as "mysterious", "powerful", "reliable", "the pillar of the train"...etc.

Qiao Xun probably felt that in a dystopian place like the train, the three most powerful managers had a good reputation. This phenomenon is also quite strange. Shouldn't it be "tyrant", "privileged", "slave owner" or something like that?

As far as Agnes is concerned, although Qiao Xun did not feel any villainous temperament in her, he did not feel that this guy who had lived for hundreds of years was a pure leader.

Qiao Xun did not scatter on this topic, but got back to the point,

"In general, my rune energy film alone won't last long. After all, I have to maintain my personal fighting ability."

"What about the heating system in the living area? The energy of the heating system comes from the rune energy of the source metal." Mary offered her own opinion.

Qiao Xun probably calculated it.

"The consumption of the rune energy film is very large. According to this consumption rate, it is estimated that it will not last for a week. Moreover, the pipeline threads in the living area are very limited. If I use the rune energy of these heating threads, it will inevitably affect the heating. "

"It's nothing to us to get a little cold." Pergmont said, taunting Harry by the way, "It's just that Harry, who has thin arms and legs, doesn't know if he can handle it."

"Go away, I'll be fine even if you freeze to death." Harry cursed angrily.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"That's not the problem. The main thing is that we are on a mission and can't be stuck here forever."

"Yeah." Pergmont scratched his head.

"So, we still have to find a way to deal with these snow bugs."

Jiang You spreads his hands,

"But it's the first time we've met, so it's really inexperienced."

Qiao Xun stood up and said:

"Snow bugs can fall from the sky, but not experience. Specific problems require specific research to solve. Jiang You come with me."

"Good leader!"

Jiang You is still very relaxed. It's not that this girl has a big heart. In her words, being anxious will not increase the answering rate of questions. Only with a calm mind can you better think about problems. It is precisely because of her calm personality that the fourth group of materials is basically kept and sorted by her.

The two came to the entrance. The others stood behind, with a distance in the middle.

Qiao Xun gave Jiang You three layers of rune energy protection, and then said:

"For research, there must be samples, so it is necessary to get some snow bugs."

"What shall we preserve?"

Qiao Xun did not rush to answer. He opened the door, and the wind outside immediately blew in, bringing in densely packed snow worms, which were like floating catkins, and at the same time made a sharp whistle.

The snow worm landed on Qiao Xun. He did not rush to clear it, but nourished it with the flesh.

"Team leader, do you want it!" Jiang You asked with wide eyes.

Joe Tour said:

"These snow worms seem to have very short lives. Without continuous flesh and energy replenishment, they can only survive for a minute. This is also a last resort."

"Can't you use frozen meat from the kitchen?"

Qiao Xun shook his head, "Frozen meat no longer has the breath of life."

"It's so picky! Isn't this kind of survivability not extinct?"

If it is a normal creature, of course it is extinct.

But the number of snow bugs is controlled by the "Eternals".

It is hard to say what kind of **** the "Eternal One" is. About him, Qiao Xun has only learned about him in the derivative rune of the scavenger in Guanshan City. Anyway, judging from the cognitive information of "gluttony", it is not low, and it seems that he has the ability to control the exchange of materials.

He couldn't help but wonder, could the appearance of the snow worms be... the resurrection of the "Eternals"? Or to put it another way... awake?

"Team leader, you are so brave! I definitely can't stand those bugs falling on me." Jiang You was full of admiration.

"You are too delicate."

Jiang You scratched his head, "I'm just afraid of bugs. The fear engraved in my DNA, if you let me fight other monsters, there's definitely no problem, except for bugs."

Qiao Xun didn't say much. Everyone has their own fears. Afraid of the dark, of heights, of deep water, of spiders, of snakes...

He subconsciously thinks about what he is afraid of...

Maybe not yet.

About a hundred snow worms were raised on the back of his hand. They devoured this fresh flesh frantically. This reminded him of the four plants in Yandu City. His flesh is deadly attractive to tainted creatures, but not to snow worms, which behave quite plainly.

Strictly speaking, snow worms should be creatures with the characteristics of life. Created by the "Eternals".

Then, he covered the back of his hand with a rune energy film to prevent the snow bugs from escaping.

The other team members trembled when they saw the scene where the backs of his hands were covered with dense snow bugs~www.readwn.com~. In particular, Pergmon was a little terrified. Seeing such a scene, he couldn't help but his heart beat faster, his pores shrunk, and cold sweat was secreted.

It may not feel like a pile of snow worms alone, but the way the snow worms bite a hole in the back of the hand, and then wriggle through the riddled muscles, is disgusting.

Therefore, the image of Qiao Xun is even taller in their eyes.

After all, as a team leader, he can completely let team members be the culture medium. If he does it in person, it will be very sacrificial.

But Qiao Xun didn't think so. He just wanted to get in touch with the snow bugs more closely, so he could learn more about their properties.

"Zaiyin", "Zhenru" and "Numerology Follow the Sky" had already started to operate when the snow worms ate his flesh and blood.

Without the sacrifice of harvest, Qiao Xun will not do it at all.

Not a hero after all.

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