Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 42: Shred the South Pole (5): The Call of Dominance

The utility room in the corner was swept out.

The four walls are covered with a layer of enhanced runic energy film to reduce the accident factor.

Qiao Xun, Jiang You, Harry and Shi Qi were standing in the room.

Qiao Xun was at the very center, and the snow worm on the back of his hand was still desperately gnawing at his flesh and blood. He controlled the recovery rate of "Sheng Nandou" to the rate of a hundred snow worms.

The four people have been divided.

Qiao Xun acts as the culture medium and analyzer, Harry is in charge of the scenario simulation, Jiang You collects the parameters, and Shi Qi is the last link, making corresponding defense equipment according to the collected parameters.

"Sheng Nandou" first analyzed the life information of snow worms, and then Qiao Xun found that they were not life, but life-like.

That is to say, there are life activities of ordinary organisms, and the form and expression are almost the same, but they do not have the ability to express genes independently.

It is even said that the elements that make them up are not organic.

After thinking about it carefully, Qiao Xun thought that the snow worm should be something between a machine and life.

Since it is something made by the "Eternals", it must have a manufacturing principle and control basis.

Qiao Xun then used "numerology to follow the sky" to analyze.

The process is a bit like parsing derived runes, but the principle is different.

Gradually, he discovered that the snow worms have the ability to move according to a special power. That kind of power, he thought, should be dominance.

Once it lacks dominance, the snow worm will lose its mobility and become a complete inorganic substance, free in the atmosphere.

The role of dominance enables them to cohere together and show a certain ability to move.

Simple analogy, like electrical appliances and electricity. An electrical appliance without electricity is just a bunch of inorganic things that are pieced together. When electricity is turned on, it can make its inner program work.

Of course, this is just a simple analogy. After all, electrical appliances are built to convert electrical energy into other forms of energy.

The relationship between snow worms and dominance is more complicated.

After some analysis, Qiao Xun basically understood how the snow bugs moved. He wanted to further explore dominance, but "numerology follows the sky" seems to have encountered some bottleneck. In the process of analysis, there is always a layer of obscure obstacles that cannot be overcome.

Tried several times in a row, still to no avail.

Qiao Xun had to give up. He thought about it too, if dominance was so easy to understand, it wouldn't be the first time that he understood this concept until today.

If not, don't waste time.

Qiao Xun wrapped the snow worm's activity pattern analyzed by "numerology following the sky" in "Zaiyin", and then passed it to Harry.

Haley's spirits were instantly lifted, urging his talent to perform situational reality simulations.

In his simulations, the behavior of the snow worms was magnified, manifesting in detail, down to the magnitude of each bite. More importantly, the way they destroy living matter is different from the common methods of high temperature and high pressure, denaturation, and mechanical damage. The destruction method of the snow worm is to extract the energy carried by the living matter itself, so that the living matter becomes inactive, and then mechanically destroys it with its fangs. Then, after a special transformation in their bodies, the extracted energy is converted into that complex force.

That is, they are able to convert general power into dominance.

Conversion relationships, principles and proportions are not clear.

Jiang You collected various parameters on the side.

Shi Qi and Qiao Xun began to discuss,

"In terms of performance, the underlying logic is to absorb energy. If we want to make equipment that resists snow bugs, we can use materials with high structural strength to build it."

Qiao Xun thought about it and said:

"Structurally strong materials combined with a large area of ​​coverage are basically equivalent to wearing full body armor. This affects our movement, and also considers the damage to the material structure using talent. What we need to build is absolutely safe. equipment, not just defense."

"The truth is this truth, but how should it be implemented?"

"Try it with a source metal base."

The structural strength of the source metal base is very high, especially the base with high concentration of source metal, which can withstand a lot of rune energy itself.

Shi Qi said:

"But we lack professional craftsmanship talent. The source metal substrate cannot be processed with ordinary machines."

"Can derivative runes work? Use derivative runes to structure the bottom layer, and then infuse the rune energy. It's enough to make the bricks fly. As long as the rune energy is strong enough, the source metal base can move even if it is strong."

Shi Qi spread his hands,

"Neither of us will. The research on derivative runes is much more complicated than normal runes."

"I'm coming." Qiao Xun did not hide his clumsiness.

Everyone was surprised,

"The leader will also engrave derivative runes?"

"It's been researched before."

"The team leader really hides it." Jiang You clicked his tongue.

Just do it.

Several people quickly rummaged and found a source metal base of about 100 kilograms. After a selection, the high-concentration source metal substrates are displayed in the utility room.

Although Qiao Xun has completely mastered the derivative rune of "please stay for a while". But the inscription is the first inscription.

He did not inscribe the rune channel according to the function of the derivative rune itself, but combined the status quo to fully meet their needs.

There is "geometric manipulation", which is completely fine in configuration.

In order to minimize the impact of wearing this protective suit on movement, it needs to fit the body structure of each team member. After explaining the reasons, Qiao Xun fully collected the physical data of each team member.

The team members accepted it.

It can be said that Qiao Xun knows their own bodies better than them.

With Shi Qi's cooperation and division of labor, the construction of the defense suit began.

Shi Qi integrated the source metal base, and Qiao Xun inscribed the derived rune channel on it.

One is born, the second is cooked.

Qiao Xun's learning ability is very strong, and he is very familiar with it very quickly.

Pieces of custom clothing have been released one after another.

The face is the hardest part of the manufacturing process. Because not everyone is gifted with information detection or mental navigation, the field of view provided by the eyes is still the primary field of view. This requires the face protection to be made transparent.

This is not realistic. Not so much time for nanoscale crafting.

Therefore, Qiao Xun carefully designed the rune channel on the face, which can directly collect light signals, smell signals and sound signals.

Two hours later, all eight custom defense suits were completed.

After everyone tried it on, they were once again shocked by Qiao Xun's ability.

"It's too exaggerated!" Jiang You said.

"What's wrong?"

"Wearing this suit, it feels like my own body. Team leader, how did you do it? The best source metal base craft designer I've ever seen is not as good as you."

Qiao Xun said:

"Thousands of trials and hardships, water droplets pass through the stone."

Jiang You said intoxicated:

"I have to wonder if you know my body better than me, team leader. The fit of every inch of skin is perfect, and there is no feeling of wearing an extra piece of clothing."

Qiao Xun said in his heart, no doubt, that is.

Harry stroked his chest muscles and drooled:

"I feel like the team leader is touching me."

Everyone looked at him in disgust.

"Okay, everyone, the actual test is the key, go out and try it."

In order to prevent accidents, Qiao Xun was tested alone.

After opening the door, you can see that the outside has been completely covered with snow bugs.

They pile up on the ground, no different from ordinary snow.

However, when Qiao Xun stepped on it, the chain reaction of screams generally sounded in pieces.

Where is this snow, it is clearly a white hell.

Countless roars and whimpers were woven into a spiritual death song.

The snow worms found life and rushed over.

But soon, like the animals smelling disgusted food, they scattered again.

Every time Qiao Xun took a step, the piled up snow bugs collapsed into a pit.

In a few minutes of testing, Qiao Xun made every part of his body come into contact with the snow bugs. The result is the same, they are not interested.

For the safety of the team members, he conducted further tests. Let's see if the snow bugs actually get into this derivative rune resistance suit and see if there is a structural breakdown.

Fortunately, the protective clothing is strictly manufactured and the quality control is intact.

Later, he let the other team members go outside to adapt.

The adaptation process lasted an hour.

After completely solving the snow bug crisis, the time has come to the early morning of the next day.

The sky was still the same dark. The snow worms kept falling from the sky without any signs of stopping.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but think that the sudden arrival of snow worms should also be a difficult problem for the VIPs in the VIP area.

This can be regarded as the dismount of the extremely dangerous pollution area.

Lu Xianyi's words... Qiao Xun believed her. Even he didn't know how strong she was, so he would have no problem dealing with snow bugs.

After a tiring day, the fourth group went back to their bedrooms and took a short rest.

Qiao Xun is not sleepy, sitting in the living room, feeling the snow bug disaster outside.

In order to save energy, the lights are basically turned off.

After a while, there was a rustling sound from the bedroom corridor.

Phoenix came over with Alcott in his arms. With her messy hair and the gesture of holding the doll, she resembled a child who dared not sleep alone because he was afraid of the dark.

But her eyes have already written, she is not here to act like a spoiled child.

"Can't sleep?" Joe asked.

Phoenix sat next to him and said:

"The investigation will officially begin soon."


"Take me with you. I'll go out with you."

Qiao Xun shook his head and said:

"If I bring you, Mary will be with you. I expected four people to the maximum. Jiang You, Pergmont and Harry are more suitable."

Phoenix lowered his head and said:

"I'll make it clear to Mary."

"But why?"

"I won't lie to you. In addition to the investigative work, I have a little selfishness."


Then, Fei stretched out a hand.

Then Qiao Xun was horrified to see some snow worms crawling on her palm.


"Shh, team leader, be quiet."

"Why don't they hurt you?"

Phoenix shook his head and said:

"I don't know either. But I feel like, deep down, there must be something about me."

"How does it feel?"

Phoenix looked at Alcott,

"Vaguely, but I'm sure it wasn't hostile. Leader, I've always wanted to know where Alcott and I came from. But never had the chance. Maybe the process of finding out why would be dangerous, but I will Go. I'm going to give Alcott's death an explanation, I don't want her to not even know why she died."

Qiao Xun looked at Alcott in her arms.

"But, Fei, what about Mary? She cares about you so much. If you have to take risks... I, as the team leader, can't explain it to her."

"Team leader, I will explain everything to Mary. Mary should have let go of my burden long ago. I dragged her down for too long."


Phoenix stood up and said seriously:

"Team leader, I'm really causing you trouble." She bent down sincerely, her messy hair hanging down, "If I don't figure this out, I'll be confused for the rest of my life, and I'll be a drag on Mary for the rest of my life. In between, there must be a complete liberation.”

Qiao Xun nodded after pondering for a long time,

"Fei, I can't give you more commitments. If you've already figured it out, then you may still need to do your own things. As the leader of the fourth group, my top priority is the first investigation. Mission and the entire fourth group. Of course, just as your friend, I will personally provide you with some help."

"Thank you, team leader. Not many people want to be friends with me."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"Because you're willing to be honest with me."

"Whether or not I can fulfill my wish, I will sincerely thank you."

Phoenix's eyes were firm.

Seeing this kind of look on a teenage boy, Qiao Xun could no longer speak to her with the attitude of an elder.

"Fei, go and have a good talk with Mary."

Phoenix nodded, turned and left.

In the dim living room, Qiao Xun was lying on the warm pad, looking at the quiet corridor of the bedroom.

Some team members are resting, some are meditating, some are worried, and some are arguing excitedly.

He closed his eyes and didn't want to think about it any more.

Because he knows that when the time comes, everything will become normal again.

At half past five in the morning, the urgent bell rang.

The team members walked out of the bedroom one after another, and after quickly cleaning up, they gathered in the living room.

Qiao Xun said seriously:

"Everyone, we are about to start the investigation mission. The carrion mine is still some distance away. In the next period of time, we will be divided into two groups, one group will stay at the base to provide logistics and support, and the other group will conduct the main investigation work on the front line. After comprehensive consideration, I decided that Shi Qi, Morita Takata, Jiang You, and Mary would be stationed at the temporary base, Shi Qi would be in charge, and I, Begmon, Harry, and Phoenix would conduct the investigation."

At this arrangement, all the team members were stunned.

Jiang You asked weakly:

"Team leader, are you sure you're right? Take Mary and Fei apart?"

She looked at Mary and Fee again. Mary looked pained but did not resist, Fee was very determined.

The smart Jiang You immediately knew that something must have happened before.

Qiao Xun explained:

"I've had a lot of discussions with Phoenix that she has the ability to get to the front and," he said after a pause, "Phoenix can act independently."

Mary's shoulders trembled, and she said with a smile:

"Yes, I think so."

Everyone could clearly see the way she smiled reluctantly.

The relationship between Mary and Fei has always been a crux of the group, and it is worthy of recognition that there is such a change now.

However, they were already used to binding Mary and Fei, and they were not used to it for a while.

Qiao Xun looked at Shi Qi,

"It's your hard work here."

Shi Qi nodded affirmatively.

"Don't worry, I will try my best."

Afterwards, Qiao Xun gave everyone a detailed task breakdown.

Detailed but not long-winded, the arrangement was completed in just half an hour.

Then, it's time to set off.

Bergmon drove out of the equipment area a snow buggy constructed from derived runes.

Qiao Xun and Harry got into the car.

In the snow, Mary squatted down, squeezed Fei's hand, frowned and said:

"Fei, no matter what, I will wait for you."

Phoenix's expression was calm, completely different from the usual laughing at her. She said softly:

"Mary, stop thinking about me. Think about yourself."

Mary's heart tingled, she smiled reluctantly, and nodded.

Phoenix boarded the snowmobile without looking back.

Then, Pergmont roared, stepped on the accelerator, and galloped away.

After the derivative runes are driven, the tires spurt out high-efficiency rune energy, strangling all obstacles, and slamming into the thick snow like a tofu.

In the back seat, Phoenix lowered his head, his tiny eyebrows furrowed.

Joe asked:

"Fei, are you okay?"

"I'm actually still a little reluctant."

"It's human nature. However, it's not impossible to go back."

Phoenix didn't speak.

On the co-pilot, Harry stopped teasing her and said comfortably:

"It's okay, Fei~www.readwn.com~ This is the only way to grow up. We all come here."

"Harry is just an idiot, why teach me a lesson!" Phoenix retorted after sniffing.

Begmont laughed and mocked Harry.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the car is much more relaxed.

Qiao Xun looked at Phoenix's delicate profile and felt that she was also a very gentle child, after all, she grew up under the care of Mary.

Mary was indeed the most virgin person Joan had ever seen.

Certainly not a pejorative Madonna.

He looked outside, a vast white patch covered the ground, and a black patch covered the sky.

Loud, chaotic whispers vibrate in the air, and the rolling mountains in the fog are full of madness,

For the time being, everything is unknown.

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