Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 43: Shred the South Pole (6): Continental Distortion

In the extremely hazardous pollution area, the body temperature drops by one degree for every kilometer or so close to the central area.

This decline is extremely abnormal, and it also shows that there is an abnormal energy with extremely strong influence in the pollution center at this moment.

Of course, if it is only a change in temperature, it is not enough to say that it is a critically hazardous pollution area. For the four people in the car, the most obvious feeling was the increasing concentration of polluted air, accompanied by a chaotic and harsh electric current.

There are countless whispers and screams hidden in the sound of the electric current.

Those voices were like a thread, intertwined and rubbed against the nerves.

This gave Pergmont and Harry an unbearable headache ahead.

It's too thick, and the nerve-like muddy feeling is too thick. It's like moving slowly in a swamp pool with extremely strong viscosity. With a little force, it will probably sink uncontrollably.

But the two of them didn't notice the feeling themselves. That neurotic headache was altered by some force into pleasure.

Just like taking drugs, the body is clearly suffering, but the feedback from the brain is not pleasant.

Biegmun drove dazedly ahead. Fortunately, the road is not very bumpy, and the performance of the snow buggy with the derivative runes is strong enough to avoid driving accidents.

It was Qiao Xun who first noticed this situation, and hurriedly wrapped their consciousness with "Sheng Nandou" to isolate the abnormal influence, and they came back to their senses.

"Are you all right?" Joe asked.

Begmon broke out in a cold sweat, and his scalp contracted and twitched involuntarily.

"It's terrible, it feels like soaking in a hot spring to **** Ma Fei."

Harry rubbed his temples,

"I'm better, but also lethargic."

Joe asked:

"Did you hear anything?"

"..." Pergmont thought for a while and said, "It's hard to describe it directly. In my intuitive experience, the sound I heard should be that of being set on a fire. There are hundreds, no, thousands of people around. They say different things, but every sentence is accusatory and abusive."

"Where's Harry?"

Harry's ability is spiritual and informational, so he described it in more detail:

"What I heard was the voices of the patients who were about to undergo leukotomy. From the number, there should be fourteen people, lining up to enter a room. In the room, the configuration of the surgical team was very simple..." Harry went into great detail about what he heard, even saying what everyone said, and finally he said: "I can be sure that what I heard must have happened in reality. This kind of reality cannot be simulated. Yes. No matter how real the simulated scene is, it still needs to be based on a certain logic, and there is no logic in reality. Logic is the way and way for humans to understand things, not specific objects. The voices I heard have no specific target objects.”

"What happened in reality?"

Harry nodded. He frowned tightly,

"Judging from Pergmont's reaction, everyone should hear it differently. Just, I don't know where these sounds come from."

Qiao Xun thought about it and said:

"White matter surgery was popular in the 1930s and 1940s. Although it exists now, the grand occasion of a dozen people queuing up for surgery as you mentioned will never happen."

"In other words, what I heard was the voice of the past?"

"It should be. What Pergmont said about being set on fire may have been a previous witch hunt, or a pagan trial or something."

Harry tensed his shoulders, his pupils trembled,

"I can't imagine the sound of the past, why it sounded again in Antarctica. Moreover, it gives people such a bad feeling. This is much more serious than polluting the environment and polluting the atmosphere."

"Mental pollution has always been extremely destructive."

Qiao Xun thought of dominance again. Could this voice have been preserved by dominance, or drawn from history?

He suddenly felt that Phoenix was a little too quiet, and turned to look at her.

She sat obediently to the side, her posture was straight, her eyes were straight ahead, but she was absent-minded. His chest rose and fell steadily.

"Fei, what are you thinking?"

Phoenix slightly tilted his head to look at Qiao Xun and said:

"Team leader, what do you think is the meaning of life?"

Qiao Xun was stunned.

If Phoenix were an ordinary child, he would think that this is the idea in the formation process of the classic view of life and death in the growth period of young children and teenagers.

Most people have this period.

But Phoenix is ​​no ordinary kid. Qiao Xun thought for a while, but instead of answering directly, he asked instead:

"What do you think?"

Phoenix shook his head,

"I don't know. It's hard for me to think about this question in a realistic sense. I think I have the answer to this question, but it's hidden so deeply that I can't even notice it myself. Team leader, Mary told you about my childhood. From my birth, I seem to have assumed some kind of realistic meaning. That is probably the meaning of my life.”

Phoenix rarely speaks like this. Therefore, when she said it without hesitation, Pergmon and Harry in front were stunned.

They felt that Fei was not quite what they knew.

Joe Tour said:

"I can't control your will. But, Faye, you shouldn't let yourself down. Mary, me, and the rest of the team, you don't need to give us any promises, and we'll never give you ideas. The shackles on you. Just be worthy of yourself."

Phoenix lowered his head and said:

"The team leader speaks very straightforwardly."

"I won't coax you like a child. You should be more real. The situation between you and Mary has nothing to do with your own choice. At this time, you should be more worthy of your choice."

"I understand."

"I'm willing to believe you, but you don't have to be responsible for my beliefs. Likewise, we're not responsible for your personal wishes, so Fei, think about some things before you do them."

Phoenix nodded earnestly.

Harry asked:

"What is Fei going to do? Has something happened?"

Phoenix shook his head,

"It's none of your business, Harry."

"But we are teammates."

"does not matter."

"Okay." Harry didn't ask too much, thinking that was probably privacy.

After Biegmen drove forward for about five kilometers, Qiao Xun suddenly felt a little heat in the palm of his left hand.

The rune concentric ring that Lu Xianyi left him responded. He stopped Pergmont:

"Pergmont, stop for a moment."

Biegmun stepped on the brakes, and the rune energy poured into the derived rune channel, locking the ice layer.

Then Qiao Xun opened the side door,

"You stay in the car, I'll go down for a while."

"Good leader!"

After Qiao Xun got out of the car, he turned his head to look around.

White visual pollution spreads across the land. Countless snow bugs cover layer after layer of frozen ground.

His legs immediately fell into it.

"Zhiyang" controls the rune energy and condenses an ice road.

Qiao Xun stepped on the ice road, feeling the reaction of the rune concentric ring to move forward.

Now it seems that the concentric ring is really not a random name that Lu Xianyi gave. When he reacted, he really felt the mood of Lu Xianyi when he passed by.

Very quiet, but also very cold.

Qiao Xun stroked the concentric ring in the palm of his left hand, feeling Lu Xianyi's mood at that time, but her fiery appearance unconsciously appeared in his mind.

After walking about fifty meters, he stopped and turned his left hand down.

Afterwards, an icicle penetrated the ice and frozen soil, lifting the accumulated snow bugs and growing.

Holding the icicle in his left hand, the rune concentric ring reacted, and Lu Xianyi's voice sounded in his mind,

"Qiao Xun, if you find this mark, then please carefully engrave the way back, not just the route, before too long has passed. The spatial structure here has been tampered with by a force, surrounding The mountains on the mainland will constantly change position, which may affect the way when they arrive. I believe you."

Her voice was serious.

Qiao Xun frowned. Power should mean dominance.

Has the structure of space been tampered with?

Qiao Xun didn't know much about space, so he did not immediately notice the problem that Lu Xianyi said. He then used "numerology to follow the sky" to penetrate the frozen soil and ice, and after five minutes of careful feeling, he did find that the leylines were surging slowly.

The intuitive feeling of surging is imperceptible in a short period of time, but if you stretch the time scale, you will find that this kind of change is too exaggerated for the entire Antarctic continent.

He couldn't imagine what kind of force would cause the entire Antarctic continent to move.

In short, Lu Xianyi's mark was a big help.

Qiao Xun realized the seriousness of the changes in the mainland and hurried back to the car.

It's not too far away from the base now, and the change is not big. If this is known only for a few hours at night, the true route is almost completely lost.

"Leader, did you find anything?" Harry asked.

Qiao Xun didn't have time to explain, and said solemnly:

"Harry, hurry up and simulate the environment along the way from the base we left to the present, and then record it in your consciousness alone."

Harry nodded and immediately began to simulate.

Qiao Xun, on the other hand, combines "Zaiyin" with "geometric manipulation", leaving an all-round monitoring space, covering the entire snow off-road vehicle, and recording the environment along the way without leaving any dead ends.

"What is this doing?" Phoenix asked.

Joe Tour said:

"The Antarctic continent is undergoing structural changes. We need to keep all the information on the road firmly in mind to avoid finding the way back."

"Are structural changes happening across the continent?"


"Oh my God, what a huge amount of power that requires!" Phoenix was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

Joe Tour said:

"This trip to Antarctica was more complicated than I thought at first."

"Even if it's a critically polluted area, it wouldn't be like this." Begmont couldn't help but say, "It's not that I haven't been to a critically polluted area before, but there is no such exaggeration. I always thought that the changes in the mainland would start from Geographical scale, viewed in 10,000 years as the smallest unit.”

"This is inherently extraordinary and cannot be viewed with common sense."

"It hasn't arrived at the carrion mine..." Harry muttered, "I don't know what the restraint zone is thinking, let us investigate, do you think so highly of us?"

Qiao Xun did not comment on this.

He personally thinks that the restricted area may just find a reason for him to come to the Antarctic continent through a reasonable way.

The specific things to be involved in will not be as simple as investigating a carrion mine.

Later, Qiao Xun sent the news back to the temporary base through the rune signal meter, so that Shi Qi and the others were prepared to take precautions, strictly record the changes around the base, and required to always be able to determine the geographical position of the base in Antarctica.

There are so many things to watch out for, cold, mental pollution, continental changes, snow bugs...

Begmon, who was driving, was tense, driving in a white visual pollution, it was really easy to get tired.

Fortunately, Qiao Xun gave him a mental healing every once in a while, so that he would not drive to the point of collapse.

After a few hours, they were already 100 kilometers away from the base, and they could vaguely see the rolling mountains.

At this time, Harry suddenly said:

"Environmental pollution values ​​and ambient rune concentrations began to soar, accompanied by a large number of signs of life."

In this case, there is a wave of pollution in the vicinity.

Qiao Xun immediately said:

"Don't stop, increase the horsepower."

Biegmont stomped the accelerator to the bottom. The engine frantically smashed the source metal and stimulated the rune energy.

Immediately afterwards, the rumbling sound of a fighter jet flying over the ground sounded at a low altitude, the snow worms piled up on the ground screamed wildly, and the whispers of mental pollution were as if they were about to pry their heads open.

"Fei!" Qiao Xun shouted.

Phoenix responded quickly. Her consciousness is connected with Alcott, creating a special field that absorbs all spiritual pollution.

Then, Pergmont looked into the rearview mirror and said loudly:

"There is an abnormality in the rear!"

The scope of Qiao Xun's "truth" kept expanding until he found the anomaly that Bergmont said.

It was a bunch of bouncing eyeballs.

Much like the Eye Coconut he had seen before. But these eyeballs have a flesh-and-blood nerve line between each other. The connection of the nerves means that they are not discrete individuals, but a whole.

Countless eyeballs, like glass beads that fell on the floor, smashed into the snow bug pile, and when they jumped up again, they were covered in snow bugs.

Snow bugs don't gnaw at them.

They came fast towards the snow buggy. The optic nerve cords tug at each other, making them look like a huge, physically uncomfortable web. Every eyeball was as if it had been extremely frightened. The pupils contracted almost to one point, surrounded by a dense circle of color particles, rolling in the eyeballs like sand.

"What is that?!" Harry exclaimed in shock, "It's disgusting."

"Since the environmental pollution values ​​have changed, they should be polluting organisms."

"But I've never seen such a polluting creature!"

"Before the Antarctic continent was polluted, there were creatures that we didn't understand, let alone now."

Begmont exclaimed:

"Team leader, no! The air here is like jelly! The performance of the off-road vehicle is affected, and the speed cannot be raised."

Countless eyeball creatures woven into a huge net, overwhelming the sky.

Qiao Xun stabilized their emotions,

"Pergmont, you don't have to worry about anything else, just drive. Harry, continue to observe the environment to see if there are other conditions. Take care of them, Phee."

After he finished speaking, he opened the door, rolled over and climbed onto the small shelf above the off-road vehicle.

Phoenix banged on the roof and shouted:

"Team leader, you have to be careful!"

It was too late for Qiao Xun to answer, because the dense eyeballs had completely surrounded them.

Every eye looked at them in horror. He was obviously frightened, but kept approaching.


The friction between the eyeballs was unpleasant, like fingernails scratching a blackboard.

"Devil!" A voice suddenly sounded out of nowhere.

Subsequently, these eyeballs changed from "frightened" to "angry".

They looked at Qiao Xun angrily, as if Qiao Xun had committed an absolutely unforgivable sin.

The raging fire burned in angry eyes.

Qiao Xun just watched it for less than a second, and suddenly a scorching flame burned in his eyes, it was a real, physical burning.

"Burn him!"

Twisted screams converged into one sentence.

It burned too fast, and by the time Qiao Xun responded, his eyes were already burned to ashes.

Lost vision, but not lost talent.

He mobilized the rune energy to regenerate the eyeball for the first time, and then used the "master" to control the magnetic field, twisting the optic nerve wires connected between all the eyeballs into a single strand and twisting them into a huge eyeball.

Each small eyeball is a compound eye on this giant eyeball.

"Space Jump" stepped into this giant eye more than ten meters high, and then injected a large amount of rune energy into it, and then exploded.

The eyeballs exploded to pieces immediately, and the thick blue-black juice was like an abscess bursting, sprinkled on the white snow, pouring out a hell-like drawing.

Qiao Xun launched "gluttony" for the first time, devoured them completely, and then turned around and jumped onto the off-road vehicle again.

Rolling into the back seat, he exhaled,


The three who watched the whole thing through the rearview mirror took a deep breath.

so strong...

Phoenix says:

"Team leader, how can you do everything~www.readwn.com~ I thought you were better at assisting..."


Harry said worriedly:

"I feel like we're not going to have just this one attack."

"Indeed, there is no slack, Harry."

Harry went on to say:

"Team Leader, I think it is necessary to think about those eyes just now. Do you think that they... are very similar to the voice messages that Pergmon had described before... Many people gathered around the criminals who were burned at the stake, accusing them angrily. . When I see them, I always have a sense of seeing reality, which makes me feel a little sick."

Qiao Xun thought about it carefully. indeed.

During the battle with the eyeball creature, he heard two distorted voices of "devil" and "burn him".

Indeed, it fits Pergmont's description very well.

He calmed down a little, feeling the cognitive information of "gluttony" devouring the eyeball creatures.

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