Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 45: Shred the South Pole (8): Underground Creatures

The mountain is in front of you.

Biegmun hit full horsepower and drove the snowmobile down a **** over a cliff. Behind the cliff, there is a huge inclined surface, very flat, not like a natural formation.

At the same time, there is a unique smell in the air,

The smell of rotting meat.

Everyone immediately understood that they had arrived at the carrion mine.

According to the records they could find, the carrion mine got its name because of the strong smell of decay that permeated the inside of the mine.

"There's no snow here!" exclaimed Pergmont.

Qiao Xun also noticed this.

Although snow bugs keep falling from the sky, there is just no snow on the ground here.

He opened the door and walked out, then squatted on the ground to observe.

After the snow bug touched the ground, it "melted" immediately.

He reached out and touched the ground, and "Zaiyin" began to spread. Feel it carefully, don't miss any corner.

Then, Qiao Xun gradually discovered that there was no soil here, it was all rocks, and the rocks were something he had never seen before. He looked forward, and under the heavy snow, the carrion mine was located in a crack in a mountain. And this whole mountain is made of hard rock.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, it is impossible to see the whole picture of the mountain, but just where you can see it, there is a feeling of "solemn mixed with ferociousness" everywhere, just like the evil beast is wearing a noble royal robe.

Qiao Xun has a feeling that maybe this mountain is not formed naturally.

He turned back and said:

"Just get off here."

The three got out of the car.

Pergmont moved his muscles and bones, and said with a long breath:

"Finally, I can move about. It's uncomfortable to be stuck in the car."

Harry's color was a little whitish. He listened, analyzed, and simulated so many sounds that the information was about to burst his head. If it weren't for Phoenix's help, he might have gone mad in those whimpering murmurs.

"I seem to be throwing up." He tried to throw up a few times, but nothing came out.

Those disgusting things are in his head, not in his stomach.

Begmont patted him on the shoulder, laughed and said:

"Harry, you're too weak. Just need more exercise."

"Stop talking nonsense. You're just driving and doing nothing. Of course, it's easy. When I asked you to be me, I guess you'd already become a dumb **** who only knows how to smirk."

Begmont shrugged,

"No matter how hard you work, how much can a team leader do? The team leader alone has penetrated the monster attack for more than 100 kilometers, but it's still good."

"The leader is the leader, I am me!"

Joe Tour said:

"Okay, don't let your guard down."

He looked at Phoenix, and she looked all right. She seems to be traveling, her eyes are like crescent moons.

However, he does not think Phoenix is ​​really so easy.

"Fei, are you okay?"

Phoenix said with a smile:

"I am very well."

Qiao Xun took a deep look at her and said nothing. What can be said, he has said it many times before, and it is meaningless to repeat it many times. Phoenix isn't just here to investigate, but her own purpose.

He used "geometric manipulation" to reorganize the structure of the snowmobile, and then melted it into the mountain to hide it.

"What kind of talent is this?" Pergmont asked in amazement.

"Controlling object structure and spatial parameters."

"How much talent does the team leader have?" A question mark appeared on Pergmont's head.

Joe Tour said:

"Not much, but enough for now."

"All right."

The same as the fifth order, there is also a huge gap. Bigmont readily accepts the gap.

Harry looked at the huge crack in front of the mountain and asked:

"Is that the entrance?"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Judging from the overflowing breath, there is the highest concentration."

"I always felt it was more than a mountain."

Bergmont nodded in agreement, "Like a huge mountain fortress."

"But who would build such a big fort? I don't know. Also, this is not the center of Antarctica. There are more mountains in the center."

Joe Tour said:

"Go in and see."

The four began to march towards the crack in the mountain.

Begmont was at the front, Harry second, Phoenix third, and Joe Tour at the back.

After getting closer, I could clearly feel the hugeness of this crack, the width of 50 meters, and the height of which I couldn't see the top at a glance.

"Someone has already come, and it was half a day ago." Harry said immediately after feeling other traces.

Joe nodded. He felt it too. Someone passes by and is an evolutionary. If you don't deliberately clean up and cover up, the energy, spirit, and trajectory created during the journey will remain.

He went one step closer to dismantling these trajectories.

Under the careful identification of "True Ru", he found that the people represented by these trajectories had been seen before. He quickly understood that it was the VIP guests who entered the carrion mine one step ahead of them.

"It's the VIPs."

Begmont asked:

"Are they so fast? Half a day faster than us. Are you lucky not to encounter those monsters?"

Qiao Xun analyzed it, and then said:

"Probably not. After all, the Antarctic extremely dangerous polluted area is not just discovered. The VIPs in the VIP seats are responsible for exploring the polluted area. They may have been there before, and they have rich experience in exploring polluted areas. Besides, they also Not weak."

Harry also agrees with Qiao Xun's analysis,

"What do you think, the instructions given by the restraint area said that there was a smear incident of VIPs in the carrion mine, which means that some of them must have come here."

"But they arrived first, will they cover up the taint incident?"

Joe Tour said:

"Whether they cover it up or not, we tacitly assume that it has been covered up. The investigation itself is to find out what is hidden."

Phoenix went on to say:

"There is a more special breath in it. Well, it's not a human breath, and I haven't felt it before."

"Is it a polluting creature?" Qiao Xun asked.

Phoenix shook his head,

"It's different from rune energy pollution in the conventional sense."

"Maybe it's an unknown protist again. Anyway, it won't go well. Cheer up everyone."

They keep going.

The further you go inside, the wider the field of vision becomes. Moreover, there is a particularly large range of rune light inside, which is lit on the inner stone wall, with various colors, and the overall tone is white when interwoven together.

Harry is still responsible for recording all environmental information to prevent getting lost.

Biegmun stretched out his burly frame and made the way ahead.

After about 100 meters in depth, after crossing a ten-meter-high **** of about 30 degrees, the scene suddenly became clear.

It's hard to imagine what the inside of this big mountain is like without actually seeing it all.

The interior of the entire mountain is almost hollow, with dozens of irregular huge stone pillars supporting the mountain.

"Do you think it would have been natural?" asked Pergmont.

No one could say such a thing.

Qiao Xun took a cursory look. The hollow inside was oval, the deepest was about five kilometers long, and the shortest was two kilometers. Pieces of rune light jumped on the stone wall, and the rich rotten breath made everything show a feeling of decay and corrosion. Dozens of huge stone pillars crisscrossed with special gray plants grow.

Like a vine, but without many extranodal branches, and without leaves. After they wrapped the stone pillars round and round, they spread out in a spiral shape. The dry condition makes it impossible to tell whether it is dead or alive at first glance.

Qiao Xun felt it and was still alive. So he asked Phoenix:

"Are these creatures you're talking about?"

Phoenix thought about it and shook his head,

"No. It's more complicated, and it should be able to move."

Qiao Xun nodded and said:

"Go down and have a look first."

They slid down a huge sloping stone pillar and sliced ​​inch by inch the densely growing gray plants.

The incision leaked a thick, fishy-smelling fluid like an abscess bursting open.

Biegmon opened the way ahead, deliberately creating a simple wind field with rune energy to prevent these liquids from contaminating his body.

Joe looked around and said:

"They heal very quickly."

The healing method of plants is also very unique. A large number of lotus root-like silk threads grow from the incision, which are then connected to each other and then closed. The liquid that burst out flows back in again.

Nothing offensive.

Qiao Xun has an inexplicable feeling that these plants are a bit like... capillaries.

The characteristics are similar, the healing speed is fast, and the distribution is dense.

He tried to devour a little vegetable liquid,

[grey body]


[The liquid of life flowing on the earth has long been forgotten]

Not much information.

But there is still information available. It can be seen from the "liquid of life flowing on the earth" that these plant liquids are indeed related to life.

Qiao Xun thought for a while, and couldn't think of them as plants.

The closer you get to the bottom of the pit, the stronger the rotten smell.

Begmon said in amazement:

"It's so high! It's 500 meters down, and I can't see the end. Besides, the smell is too strong."

Qiao Xun looked down. Indeed, the pure naked eye still can't see to the end. The interference of the rune light on the vision makes it difficult for him to judge the height. He can only use the "geometric manipulation" of the perception of space to capture distance information.

After about 1,200 meters, they reached a platform.

Just a platform, not a bottom.

The runic light color here is lavender mixed with burgundy, and is still flashing. It has the paper gold vibe of a bar.

The platform is large and has an entrance.

Harry frowned and said:

"The environmental information is too complicated, and I feel a little overwhelmed."

Qiao Xun gave him a spiritual boost.

"Much better," Harry continued.

"Want to go in and see?" asked Pergmont.


Pergmont nodded and made his way to the entrance in front of the platform.

The entrance is very regular, square, about five meters high and three meters wide.

As soon as you enter, you immediately feel the rich rune energy.

"It's a mine!" Pergmont shouted.

Under the intermixing of rune lights, the four of them clearly saw that the source metal ores were dotted inside a hollow ellipsoid space like stars. Some are embedded in stone walls, some are suspended in the air, and some are scattered on the ground.

"A lot of mines!" said Pergmont. "It's worth a small mine."

Qiao Xun frowned,

"Would mines be like this under natural conditions?"

Harry shook his head,

"It's more like someone dug the mine out of the ground and cut it up and kept it here."

Qiao Xun then walked out of here, stood on the large platform outside, looked up and down, left and right, and was surprised to find that there are so many platforms like this in this big hole...

If you expand your field of vision, you will find it looks like a beehive.

If each platform represents a small mining point, then the amount of source metal ores is extremely large!

This is definitely bigger than any mine in Sea Train.

But at the same time, he also knows that this mine has been developed. What kind of force has such a powerful force to develop this mine into this?

Qiao Xun looked around the world's major forces and felt that no one could do it.

Neither can the most powerful republics and federations.

Not to mention that the mine itself is located in the Antarctic extremely dangerous area, this development method alone cannot be realized by ordinary technology.

Inside, Biegmun said curiously:

"These source metal ores are cut fairly evenly, and they have good technical skills."

"Have the carrion mines been developed? No, I remember last year's Antarctic review report only said that new mines had been discovered, using the term 'carrion' instead." Harry frowned.

Biegmun reached out and grabbed a suspended ore.

The moment he grabbed the ore, the surrounding rune light suddenly bloomed, like a fireworks explosion, accompanied by a very high-frequency sound.

Qiao Xun outside was shocked,

"What's wrong?"

Begmont shouted,

"I touched the ore and this happened!"

"Leave now!"

The three hurried out.

Then, the platform is folded upwards. Begmont grabbed Phoenix and Harry and jumped to the huge sloping stone pillar.

The folded up platform completely obscures the space filled with ore.

call out!

An ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded, and then a white light shot out from the chaotic rune light below the hollow.

The white light caused a heat wave at an extremely fast speed.

Qiao Xun's pupils contracted,

"Get out of the way!"

It's too late.

The white light pierced through Pergmont in the blink of an eye, pinning him to a large crooked stone pillar.

Harry hugged Phoenix and jumped away.

Qiao Xun launched "Master" and quickly drew a few stones to catch them.

Bergmont was nailed to the stone pillar, and he was nailed to a spear made of ore.

"Are you okay?!" Qiao Xun asked loudly, taking Harry and Phoenix over.

Pergmont held the spear in both hands. He felt that the spear seemed to have a special power that was corroding the runic energy in his body.

No delay.

With a loud roar, he pulled out his spear with all his might, and then threw it away. At the same time, he turned over and climbed up the big stone pillar, and ran along the curved stone pillar to Qiao Xun's side.

There was a hole in his chest and there were still burn marks.

Qiao Xun immediately cured him with "Sheng Nandou".

Although Begmon is big, he is not brainless, and immediately said to Qiao Xun:

"That kind of attack corrupts runic energy."

Then, one after another, white light shot up and attacked them.

The four people ran and avoided the huge curved stone pillar.

Phoenix panted:

"There are creatures underneath, and it's the kind I felt before!"

"It seems to be the aborigines here." Qiao Xun's eyes flickered, "The goal of the four people running together is too big, separate! Fei, follow me, Begmont and Harry together!"

"Okay!" Pergmon responded, grabbed Harry and started running.

"Come on, you're going to crush me!" Harry cursed.

"Stop being a bitch! Do you want to get shot through?"

Phoenix is ​​not good at moving at high speed.

Qiao Xun said to her:

"Fei, don't resist my talent!"


Afterwards, Qiao Xun controlled the magnetic field around her with "Master" and moved her at high speed.

"Fei, do you have any other feelings?"

The underground rune light was too messy, which greatly affected Qiao Xun's judgment.

Phoenix frowned,

"Those creatures are approaching us. They are very good at moving in this environment, and they are very fast! Also! They have a human breath on them, and they have come into contact with humans!"

"Will it be those VIPs?"

"Probably yes!"

After thinking about it, Qiao Xun asked:

"Fei, can you judge the level of their abilities?"

Phoenix curled up slightly, resting his chin on Alcott's head, and said a few seconds later:

"There are a lot of them, and their individual abilities are not strong, but their attack methods are very special and can corrode rune energy."

The dense spears were projected from below and stuck on the stone wall.

Qiao Xun compared the speed of fire of the spear. The speed is getting faster and faster, indicating that they are getting closer and closer.

He analyzed the path up and out of here again. You can only run on the criss-crossing stone pillars, there is no other way. There are many paths that are made up of many stone pillars.

no! At this speed, it is impossible to leave here, and sooner or later, it will be surrounded.

Being surrounded is the worst possible outcome. Even if they are surrounded, they cannot be wiped out.

Qiao Xun thought for a while and said to Phoenix:

"Fiy, get ready! The adventure is about to begin."

"Ready at all the time!"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, and then shouted to Pergmon:

"Pergmont, take Harry out first!"

"Okay!" Pergmont didn't ask the reason, but obeyed the instructions. He started to accelerate.

Later, Qiao Xun turned over and jumped out of the stone pillar, and "Zhiyang" pulled out a huge rune energy group.

He got into this energy group and accelerated sharply, like a meteorite, madly falling towards the big hole in the mountain.

Under the high-speed movement of the rune energy group, a huge heat wave and rune noise were set off, attacking everything indiscriminately.

Stone walls, stone pillars, mine platforms... Under the attack, they shattered inch by inch. The gravel crashed down.

Phoenix opened her mouth wide~www.readwn.com~ widened her eyes, her breathing was a little difficult due to the high-speed fall, but she still shouted:

"So exciting!"

She had never experienced such a thing before, and was always worried that she would lose control and cause trouble to others.

The dazzling silver-blue light blasted out of the runic energies, swooping past the spear-projecting creatures.

In the brief moment of contact, Qiao Xun captured their images:

It was a group of rickety humanoids with short fleshy wings and large canine teeth, with moist, folded skin.

They screamed, made some weird syllables from their mouths, and threw spears at Qiao Xun in unison.

The spear quickly climbed the white light in flight, and it was this kind of white light that could erode the rune energy. The spear pierced through Qiao Xun's rune energy group. But fortunately, there were constantly falling gravel to cover, and there were not many spears that penetrated the rune energy group, which did not pose much threat to Qiao Xun.

The speed was very fast, and with a bang, Qiao Xun and Phoenix fell deeply under the traction of the rune energy group.

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