Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 46: Shred the South Pole (9): City of Interrogation and Dreamers


The high-efficiency rune energy group slammed on the ground, and the huge impact force instantly shredded the outer energy film, and the rune energy contained in it was vented to the surroundings. The blinding silver-blue runic light was the only color here for a short time.

The rock base cracked like a spider web, and the base with a radius of about 30 meters collapsed down to a depth of 10 meters.

Part of the rocky base that hit in the middle was crushed to pieces, and the shock wave spread around.

The smoke was thick and heavy.

During the collapse, Qiao Xun squatted halfway to relieve the load caused by the pouring of high-efficiency rune energy to the greatest extent possible. Phoenix was well protected by him and was unharmed, but the hair that Mary had combed was completely messed up by the high-speed fall.

"Are you all right? Fei!" Joe asked.

Fei narrowed his eyes and said excitedly:

"I'm very good!"

Afterwards, Qiao Xun grabbed her, and with a flickering figure, he left the collapse and went outside.

Bang bang bang!

Immediately after, the gravel fell from the sky, and the dumplings were generally smashed around. The disintegrating rock debris created a second round of thick smoke.


Screams and unfamiliar syllables came from the high smoke.

It was those humanoids who came after them.

"Go on! Fei!"

Qiao Xun grabbed Fei, relied on the "master", locked her to his side, and quickly disappeared into the smoke.

The bottom of the inner space of this mountain is wider than imagined, and the overall structure is very regular and strict, which seems to show that there is an underground civilization here.

Those human-like underground creatures may be the leaders of underground civilization.

It's too late to think too much, the first thing is to solve the problem of being hunted down.

After Qiao Xun took Phoenix out of the smoke, he immediately analyzed the environment.

If the entire space is compared to a gourd, then the top of the mountain on the surface is mostly the mouth of a gourd. It's very big down here, and the climate is completely different from the surface. It can't be said to be warm, but it must not be cold. It is about 15 degrees below zero. The air is counterintuitively damp, but there is no water flow. off-white rock. These rocks are unique in shape and have obvious traces of carving and forging. After running for about 200 meters, Qiao Xun crossed a winding sheep intestines path, and then suddenly a bright scene came.

The entire person's field of vision immediately widened to no dead ends.

What appeared before them was a huge city. The whole city is grayish-white and made of rock. Hundreds of huge stone pillars were erected on the surface of the city, plugged straight into the sky, and at a height of about 500 meters, a huge platform was supported, and there were many overpasses hanging in the air around the platform. One end of these overpasses is a huge platform, and the other end is submerged into the stone walls at the edge of the city, and I don't know where to go. At the same time, every distance from the overpass, there are small spiral stone pillars connected to the city ground, and it can be vaguely seen that many humanoids are sliding fast on those small spiral stone pillars.

This should be the transportation system of this underground civilization.

Extend in all directions.

"It's beyond imagination~" Phoenix snorted softly.

After feeling the pressure of attention from the rear, Qiao Xun said:

"We have to dress up."

"Dress up like these creatures?"

"Try it."

Qiao Xun put the Phoenix aside, and then changed their appearance and posture with "geometric manipulation", approaching the humanoids here until there was no difference.

"It's disgusting." Phoenix said disgustedly, feeling the damp, wrinkled skin.

"Better not to speak. They don't speak the same language as ours."

Phoenix says:

"But there will always be times when you need to talk, what will you do then?"

"Take your time, mix in first and then learn slowly."


Then Qiao Xun, who was simulated as an underground creature, took Phoenix and slowly slid down from a small spiral stone pillar.

I encountered several underground creatures in the middle, and judging from their performance, they did not see through the simulation of the two.

A few minutes later, they reached the ground of the rocky city.

The buildings in the city are not tall, mostly cylindrical and ellipsoid. Not a structural building, but a monolithic building, where rooms are built by digging holes inside.

On the street on the surface, the two slowly moved forward together. Both of them have strong learning ability, learning the gestures and movements of other underground creatures.




Qiao Xun analyzed these unfamiliar syllables. With the mental fluctuations of "True Ru" to the underground creatures, distinguish the meanings represented by different syllables.

When analyzing the language, Qiao Xun felt that these underground creatures seemed to be a little excited, even excited.

They seem to be congratulating something. What did this thing bring them.


There was a sudden and sharp whistling sound from behind.

Qiao Xun knew that the pursuers were chasing after him, so he grabbed Phoenix and stepped aside to make way for them.

A group of pursuers armed with spears quickly ran past them without seeing them.

Phoenix winked at Qiao Xun, indicating that they were safe.

Qiao Xun nodded. He looked at the spears in the hands of the chasing soldiers and thought, is it not a one-time consumable, or is the thrown spear with white light just a mimesis?

The two moved on.

They roamed the rocky city at will as if they were shopping.

There is absolutely no trace of human civilization here, not even a similar place. The food, clothing, shelter and transportation of these creatures are completely different.

At the same time, "Gluttony" gradually parsed out relatively complete cognitive information by devouring all kinds of breaths in the air little by little.

【City of Interrogation】


[There is eternal order, immortal life and faithful faith. Perhaps only the "Eternal" himself knows how many cities of interrogation he has built, and how many "dreamers" live in these cities. Maybe just like his name "Eternal Life", he devoted his life to creating a real "Eternal Life", snow bugs, "peeps", "dreamers"... and countless others. things, are repeatedly verifying his original conjecture about "immortality"]


【Borderline Human】

[Totem: "Eternal Life"]

[For dreamers, being able to believe in immortals is the greatest luck. They have no material desires, and have abandoned all biological instincts. In other words, the belief in immortals is their instinct. They spend their entire lives in the City of Interrogation, but this is not a **** to them. They have endless lifespans, do not die naturally, and do not have the instinct to reproduce. They always maintain the same number of races. Unless a dreamer dies unexpectedly, they are instructed to give birth. Dreamers have no gender distinction and can reproduce independently. Dreamers of childbearing age have significant differences in physical appearance]

Eternal again.

This city of interrogation was built by the Eternals. These underground creatures, who have become Dreamers, are also the family of the Eternals.

Contacting the previous snow bugs and "peeping", Qiao Xun found that they have a common feature, that is, they do not die naturally, have no lifespan limit, and are immortalized in different forms.

The cognitive information of "gluttony" says that this is the conjecture of "eternal life" being verified by "eternal life".

The concept of "eternal life" is too vague for Qiao Xun.

He couldn't imagine immortality, and he couldn't even feel it.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are common sense in his concept. It is impossible for him to break this common sense easily and recognize completely opposite things.

While he was thinking about these things, Phoenix suddenly grabbed his hand.

Surprised, he turned to look at her.

Suddenly, Phoenix's voice sounded in his heart,

"Team leader, I almost understand the language of these underground creatures. I'll share it with you."

so fast?

Even though Phoenix is ​​now a mimesis of a dreamer, her eyes still have the kindness and appeal of her nature.

Some unique syllables, words and phrases, the Ganges sands are generally surging in Qiao Xun's mind.

Fortunately, he has "True Ru" to screen. If he is an ordinary person, he will probably have a headache for these huge phrases and syllables.

About ten minutes later, Qiao Xun completely mastered the language of the dreamers.

This is a derived language embodied by their beliefs. The manifestation of faith is the ability of the family of the faith.

He tried to speak in a new language,


Phoenix smiled and nodded.


Qiao Xun gave a slight look, and the large canine teeth on both sides showed more.

"Phoenix, you are awesome!"

"Don't praise me like a child." Phoenix said disgustedly, "It's not like you don't know what I really look like."

"But you are indeed a child." Qiao Xun resented.

"Forget it, I'm not arguing with you about this." Phoenix released Qiao Xun's hand and asked, "So, what are we going to do now?"

"It's really confusing. Where is this for investigation work?"

Phoenix's eyes lit up,

"Like an adventure!"

"Do you like adventure?" Qiao Xun felt that exciting things seemed to make her very excited.

Phoenix said as he walked,

"You can think of me as a bird in a cage. Now that the cage is open, of course I want to spread my wings and fly." She looked up, "Flying very high...far..."

She froze for a while, then hurriedly said:

"Don't tell Mary these things."


"She must feel guilty when she hears this."

"Okay. I can't tell you about you. Sometimes you're like an adult, and Mary is like a child."

Phoenix rubbed his nose,

"Don't speak ill of Mary. Mary is the best person."

In terms of single character, Mary is indeed quite commendable that Qiao Xun has seen.

Phoenix didn't want to go on talking about this kind of thing, and instead asked:

"What about Pergmont and Harry?"

"Although they often damage each other, their ability to complement each other is quite high. If they are together, their combat effectiveness is very objective. If they don't mess around, there should be no danger."

Qiao Xun looked at Phoenix and asked:

"Do you have any special feelings here?"

"Yes." Phoenix said firmly, "I feel closer to my life experience!"

Qiao Xun's heart skipped a beat.



At this time, Phoenix is ​​like a child again, his eyes are as pure and firm as he firmly believes that there is Ultraman in the world.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the avenue next to it—

"Messenger from heaven!"

Qiao Xun and Phoenix looked sideways, their jaws dropped in shock.

On the rocky plank road, which is not flat but not potholes, a rough rock car was dragged slowly by about twenty dreamers. The wheels and the bearings of the wheels are all stone. In this city of interrogation, except for the dreamers themselves, only stones can be seen.

And on the rock car, eight dreamers stood neatly in the corners, acting as guards.

They protect three humans in the middle of the rock cart and a dreamer with a scepter and a crown on his head.

The three human beings, Qiao Xun is very familiar with, the three distinguished guests of the official VIP seat:

The fourth, sixth and fifteenth seats.

At this moment, surrounded by a group of dreamers, they waved to the dreamers who were excitedly worshipping on both sides of the road.

"Messenger from heaven!"

"Messenger from heaven!"

"I love the gods!"

"I have prayed for countless years, longing to see the gods! Messengers from the sky, you will definitely convey my wishes!"

"Messenger from heaven, please look at me one more time!"


On both sides of the road, the dreamers express their love as frantically as possible. This is the "love" of Eros. They waved their hands, flaunted their canine teeth, and made a piercing, high-pitched bark, eager for the messengers in the sky to pay more attention to them for a moment, and showed their unique charm just like a courtship.

But the messenger in the sky will not stay for a moment longer.

They are human beings, they are human beings living under the sun, how can they look at the dirty creatures below for a moment?

"VIP..." Phoenix hissed inhalation, "they actually appear here righteously?"

"Receive attention." Qiao Xun said, "It seems that they have somehow made these creatures think that they are messengers sent by the gods."

Phoenix said,

"Sure enough, faith is the best anesthetic. From this point of view, the restraint area is right. The VIP seats do have shameful activities in the carrion mine."

Qiao Xun thought more.

He watched the parliament completely. There are vital interests of the VIP area in the Antarctic extremely dangerous pollution area. The three major interest groups come here ~www.readwn.com~ for the interests hidden in the deep sea cracks.

As for what the Yuanhai crack is, Qiao Xun has yet to see anything.

He says:

"Come on, follow them and see what they're up to."

Phoenix nodded, and with Qiao Xun leaned into the crowd of fanatical dreamers.

They also shouted together and went mad together.

Surrounded by huge rock carts riding on messengers from the sky.

From the direction, the rock car will carry the three distinguished guests and the dreamer who is distinguished at first sight, to the most central... hub of this city of interrogation.

Qiao Xun didn't know how to describe the most central thing, so let's think of it as the hub.

It was a huge sphere that was slowly rotating, with a symmetrical and sharp spear running through the sphere.

Every hour, the long spear blasted out white light.

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