Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 47: Shred the South Pole (10): Father's Spear and Mother's Ball

The giant rock car moved slowly.

On the roads that are not very smooth, the rollers made of rocks bump all the way. On the rock cart, three distinguished guests sat in a row on one side, and on the other side was the old dreamer, the wielder of the scepter, and the most honorable dreamer in the city of interrogation—the high priest. In the language of the dreamers, it is called Yevyeko.

The fourth guest of honor, Hodge Bilson, was a man in his fifties.

There are some traces of runes on his face, running from the nose down the apple muscle to the sides, and then reuniting at the tip of the chin, which makes his face appear to be two parts put together.

Hodge also confided in the language of dreamers,

"High priest, dreamers are still pious."

Yevyeko's skin is not damp, nor so wrinkled, and his appearance is closer to that of a human being, but the sharp and shiny canine teeth are still very inconsistent. Its voice was low and hoarse,

"No matter how long it has passed, even if the mountain collapses and the city of interrogation dissipates, our faith in God remains the same." It closed its eyes, as if listening to something, and then said slowly, "This is the eternal life of faith."

Hodge's pair of light-colored pupils reflected different colors, and he seemed to have become pious,

"Yes, believe in eternal life."

He looked at the huge ball and the glowing spear in the center of the city and asked:

"Is your history recorded there?"

Yevyeko nodded,

"Yes, heavenly messengers. A precious legacy left to us by Father Mombatore and Mother Yellis. The Spear of Mombatore is our most powerful weapon, and the Sphere of Yellis nurtures our infinite lifespan. They have witnessed and recorded everything that the dreamer has in the city of interrogation. Over the long years, every dreamer will gradually forget the past, but the Sphere of Jellis and the Spear of Mobata will not."

"It's amazing, it's amazing."

Hearing the compliments of the angel from heaven, Yevye was excited. He said enthusiastically:

"In the long and long history, we have never stopped exploring the footprints of the gods. Look at this city of interrogation, look at those zenith pillars, which we have poured bit by bit with our hands. Here is a dream The cradle of Chinese civilization will also be the starting point for God to come to the world.”

Hodge's eyes dimmed,

"God is watching all this."

Yevye can enjoy saying in general:

"That is the greatest gift to us."

Hodge smiled slightly, then he looked at the woman sitting on the left, He Qianlan, the sixth seat of the VIP seat. She is not young, she is already forty-five years old, but probably thanks to her unique innate ability related to vitality, she does not look old, and her mature temperament is placed on her young face, even if her appearance is not very attractive , also has a strong sexual charm.

However, this is useless to the dreamers.

He Qianlan crossed her hands and put it on her knees, and asked with a smile:

"Then, noble high priest, have you ever left this city in such a long time?"

"Never," Yevyeko said. "We never aspired to any place other than the City of Interrogation."

He Qianlan's eyes gradually became serious,

"But before we came, we had already felt it. Maybe some dreamers who were not firm in their beliefs had left here."

Yevyeko said solemnly:

"No, heavenly messengers. Dreamers who are not convinced have long been pierced by the spear of Mobata. I am quite sure. If anyone leaves here, the Sphere of Jelis will tell us, but the past Over the years, every time the number of dreamers decreased, the corresponding corpses were found."

"The city is not solid."

He Qianlan's implication was that the Ball of Yelis would also go wrong.

Yevyeko glanced at the center of the city and said again with certainty:

"Can't go wrong."

"Having lived here for too long, maybe your thinking has been solidified."

Yefuye couldn't understand what He Qianlan meant. Did she mean to say that their belief in God was foolish?

No, this is impossible!

"Messenger from heaven, you really misunderstood us. Although you are instructed by God to inform us of God's will, you must not violate our belief. Faith in eternal life is the absolute will of God to dreamers. . That's immaculate."

Yevyeko tapped the scepter and said angrily:

"Last time, according to your instructions, we have hollowed out the mountain outside the city of interrogation, and have collected those luminous stones. This time, in any case, you should not condemn the violation of our faith. Heavenly messengers, know that we have lost many dreamers in order to dig up the mountains and find those shining stones. Even today, there are still hundreds of dreamers in childbirth."

He Qianlan said softly:

"I'm sorry, High Priest. We have no intention of offending your beliefs. But God does take your purity very seriously. Any dreamer who tries to go against God's will is not allowed, do you agree?"

Yevye can answer,


"And the way you control the city and the people is through the spear of Mombata and the ball of Yelis, right?"


"Then, what if Spear and Ball really go wrong?"


"If it's wrong, wouldn't it be blasphemy against God? Even if there is a slight possibility, neither your late father Mobato nor mother Jellis can feel at ease."

Yevyeko hesitated,

"But, in the long years, there is indeed no mistake."

"But you've never verified it yourself."

"Because it can't be wrong, of course no verification is required."

Yevyeke still believes in this.

He Qianlan glanced at Hodge. Hodge nodded slightly.

As a result, He Qianlan's eyes became more serious, even with a hint of cruelty. She said quietly:

"High Priest Yevyeko, God does not allow blasphemy!"

Yevjek paused,

"Angel from heaven, why are you?"

"Yes, you firmly believe that father and mother are absolutely right. But, do you think that father and mother have surpassed God!"

This remark was like a thunderbolt, and Yevye could not accept it, and it immediately said:

"Absolutely not!"

"Then, why do you keep defending Mombatore and Jelis? The gods you believe in, or father and mother?"

"Of course God."

He Qianlan immediately stood up,

"Then, you should lift the seal and let all dreamers in the city witness that the Spear of Mobat and the Sphere of Yeris are indeed correct."

"Release the seal?!" Yevyeke was shocked and scared. It stamped the scepter in its hand anxiously and said, "That will alarm father and mother! Messenger of heaven, please take back your instructions."

He Qianlan shook her head,

"It must be done."

"But our father Mobato and mother Yelis have been sleeping for a long time. If they are awakened just like this, they will definitely think that I cannot protect the nation and the city of interrogation."

He Qianlan asked,

"So, High Priest Yevyeke, are you worried that you will no longer be able to serve as High Priest?"


"This is selfish desire!" He Qianlan sternly condemned, "You can't put the safety of the people and the city at risk for your own selfish desires."

Yefuye didn't understand why he suddenly gave himself such a big hat. Of course it did not dare to wear it, and immediately put it aside,

"No, I don't think so."

"Then lift the seal." He Qianlan's eyes were cold and stern, unable to resist.

Yevyeko's otherwise smooth skin quickly climbed up into layers of folds visibly to the naked eye.

It does not understand why the heavenly messenger would give such a polar opposite choice.

Could it be that there is no choice but to lift the seal?

But how can it defy the messenger of God. Isn't that the same as disobeying God's will?

"Okay..." Yevye said weakly.

He Qianlan changed her expression and said with a smile:

"High Priest Yevyeko, you are sensible."

Yevye can force a smile.

The giant rock car slowly approached the center of the city of interrogation.

Beneath the crowd, cheering and fanatical dreamers.

Of course, there were two strange guys mixed in.

The three VIPs felt that they were all ordinary dreamers, so there was no special means to prevent the sound from being transmitted.

Their conversation with the high priest Yevyeke was completely captured by Qiao Xun's "True Ru".

The sound information wafting through the air is too easy to interpret.

Qiao Xun didn't even do any special manipulation, he knew what they wanted to do.

The conversation between the distinguished guests and the high priest revealed a lot.

First, when the last train passed here, the VIP area had already discovered this place, and in some way it became the "messenger from the sky" in the eyes of the dreamers. At that time, the VIP instructed them to dig the carrion mine and divide it up. source metal ore.

But these were not reported to the train.

Second, the direct targets of the three VIPs this time were the Mobato Spear and the Ball of Yelis in the center of the city.

Those two things are supporting the core of the city of interrogation. The white light that can erode the rune energy on the spear thrown by the dreamers who were chasing Qiao Xun before came from the spear of Mobat, which is a powerful weapon for the dreamers.

And the Sphere of Jellis records the number of dreamers' races, giving them eternal life and all the resources they need to continue life.

As to why they asked the high priest to lift the seal of the spear and the ball, it was not revealed in the conversation.

However, judging from the reaction of the high priest, lifting the seal must have bad consequences.

Qiao Xun didn't forget that his own job was investigation, so he sorted out all these voice messages clearly.

These are direct evidence of a major stain on the VIPs.

The giant rock car is not very fast. The purpose of riding this thing is more for a sense of ceremony.

Two hours later, they arrived at the center of the city of interrogation.

A huge stone pillar supports the platform on which the Spear of Mobatore and the Sphere of Jelis are placed. On one side of the stone pillars are straight and spacious steps.

After disembarking from the rock cart, the three distinguished guests and the high priest Yevyeko ascended the steps with cheers and fiery gazes.

More than a thousand steps, they walked solemnly and solemnly.

Everything looked, indeed, normal.

After reaching the platform, Yevyeke lowered his scepter and said to the dreamers below:

"Dreamers, my faith lives on and our passion lives on."

The dreamers roared and cheered, flocking to the stone pillars beneath the platform.

Qiao Xun grabbed Phoenix tightly to prevent it from being washed away.

They were forced to the edge of the stone pillar by the group of dreamers.

It was at this time that he felt a trace of warmth in the palm of his left hand again.

Lu Xianyi's concentric rings reacted again.

This shows that there are marks left by her around.

"Has she been here before?" Qiao Xun was surprised.

He looked left and right and saw that the dreamers were watching the platform, and no one cared about him.

Then, following the guidance of the concentric rings, he slowly squeezed forward in the group of dreamers.

"What's wrong? Team leader." Phoenix asked.

Joe Tour said:

"Fei, there is a special discovery. You grab me and don't get lost."

"I'm not a child!"

Qiao Xun didn't argue with her, and continued to follow the directions in the crowded group of dreamers.

In this kind of place, he is not good at using talent. It's easy to expose.

Finally, when approaching the steps leading to the platform, the guide stopped.

He pressed the palm of his left hand on a step as if nothing had happened, and then, Lu Xianyi's voice sounded in his mind, along with her surprised mood at the time.

Along with that feeling, Qiao Xun listened carefully to her voice,

"Qiao Xun, I didn't plan to stay here, because I found something more serious. However, I think you may come here, and you may have some doubts. Let me tell you what I found. As you can see , here is a closed city of faith and civilization. The creatures here are not normal lives, they are life-like, artificially created species, relatively low-level, and only live for faith. But they did develop a certain civilization. , although very deformed. In my observation, the **** and spears on the platform are the key to supporting them and the existence of the city. At the same time, there is also a very large will connected, which makes me shudder, in fact , Everywhere in the polluted area, I have felt that will. Maybe, if the status quo here is broken, something will happen. However, I have no time to verify."

Lu Xianyi seemed to be in a hurry.

What more serious thing did she discover?

Qiao Xun was a little worried about her.

As for the "gigantic will" she said, in his opinion, it should be referring to the "eternal one".

It seems that the Antarctic extremely dangerous pollution area is full of traces of immortals.

What kind of **** is that?

While thinking about this, Yevyeko's voice came from the platform again,

"Dreamers, witness the traces of our former fathers and mothers together. The spear of Mobat and the sphere of Jelis are pure and noble from beginning to end!"

"eternal life!"

The dreamer shouted this slogan vigorously.

On the platform, Yevyeko said to the three distinguished guests,

"Heavenly messengers, Mombatore and Jellis must be pure!"

He Qianlan smiled slightly,

"Please, High Priest."

Hodge said:

"We're all looking forward to it."

Even if Yevyeke was still a little reluctant, but now, there are the cheers of the people below, and the attention of the angels in the sky next to it.

Had to lift the seal. If it takes a step back, it is immediately swallowed up by frenzy and seriousness.

Yevyeko, holding the scepter, came to the tip below the spear of Mobato.

The spear and the ball were huge, and Yevyeko stood underneath like an ant.

It raised the scepter and touched the tip.

Then, a ray of light bloomed at the junction.

Light engulfs everything.

The dreamers have to look away~www.readwn.com~ This intense light is too dazzling for them living underground.

Threads of runes swept away from Yevyeko.

Runes are sent from the scepter to the ball and spear.

Subsequently, these runes rapidly enlarged at an astonishing speed and covered the entire ball and spear.

Hodge's eyes glowed,

"It's time to start. Ben, inform the other two teams that the third mountain is ready."

Ben Taylor was the name of the fifteenth guest of honor, a young man. He followed the orders of Hodge and He Qianlan.


Ben closed his eyes, and the sea of ​​consciousness spread out under the influence of his unique talent, quickly weaving into a spiritual network, penetrating this mountain in an instant, and sending information to two mountains far away in other parts of the Antarctic.

The information is:

"Get ready, start moving, and shred the Antarctic!"

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