Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 50: Hunting God (2): The Ballad of Eternal Life at Sea

After the Antarctic continent was split into three pieces, all people in this extremely cold land encountered the same problem, that is, how to return.

The division of the land itself is not the three parts moving away from the center in a given direction. It was constantly deforming, twisting and spinning before it split. After the complete split, it is difficult to determine the specific plate, and because the pollution atmosphere here is particularly strong, there are various polluting creatures, and strange creatures affected by the dominant force interfere, so it is impossible to simply determine the location through scientific instruments.

Under such circumstances, finding a way back is even more troublesome.

Qiao Xun also had to slow down and compare the environmental information bit by bit.

Phoenix and Alcott had brought him near the fissure of the deep sea before leaving. So, he couldn't go back the same way.

Under the thick snow and fog and the brilliant rune light and aurora, every step must be taken very steadily to ensure that there is no mistake.

In such a situation, it is unavoidable to encounter polluted creatures and strange creatures.

Contaminated creatures are not bad. With his strength, as long as they are not extremely large in number and super powerful, it is not difficult to deal with them. Strange creatures are more troublesome, because most of them are seen for the first time, and they do not understand and have no way of knowing their fighting methods.

About five hours later, he crossed a mountain that broke in the middle.

This mountain is not the evolution of super-giant creatures, but a real Antarctic mountain.

In the broken part in the middle, you can vaguely see a lot of flickering points of rune light. Those are exposed source metal ore.

He didn't have time to explore, so he could only mark it temporarily.

When trying to pass through here, a familiar and unfamiliar feeling suddenly lingered in his heart.

Familiar, because we have encountered;

Unfamiliar, because I don't understand it at all.

Of course, he couldn't ignore this situation.

"Zhenru" continued to search for environmental information, "Zaiyin" followed the familiar feeling and proceeded cautiously.

The cracks in the mountain were not completely covered by the snow of the snow bugs, and blue-gray rocks could be discerned vaguely. Unlike the previous mountain creatures, these rocks are easily broken.

woo~ woo-

oh~ oh—

A special sound rang between the cracks in the mountain. The cavity formed by the crack is a good way to transmit such sound.

Good to hear. Empty and cold.

As if someone was humming something.

The sound seemed to be woven into a provocative cat's tail grass, gradually calming Qiao Xun.

He looked into the depths of the crack, trying to see something.

But not.

The sound attracted his mind, it really made him fascinated.

However, why does the cruel Antarctica have such a moving voice?

This counter-intuitive phenomenon is of course questionable.

Qiao Xun did not go directly into the crack, but climbed up the mountain, followed the edge of the mountain, and headed for the depths. If there is danger, he can cross the mountain as soon as possible and stay away from here.

The beautiful sound continued, echoing in the valley formed by the crack.

After getting closer, I could hear the sound of the waves. Probably after the continent cracked, the frozen layer was destroyed and seawater poured in.

Qiao Xun was on the cliff, using cracks, notches and bumps to advance.

After traveling about 800 meters deep into the crack, he saw a car stuck in a sag.

That was the snow buggy they drove before.

Why are you here?

Are Harry and Pergmont here?

Previously, this car was hidden in the mountain by Qiao Xun. Of course, he had taught Harry and Pergmont how to get the car out.

"True Ru" searches for environmental information.

Let's look first to see if there is any information about their lives, or their spiritual trajectories.

Starting from the snow off-road vehicle, Qiao Xun created an information field, and then simulated scenarios through various information factors still remaining in the environment: mental traces, pollution traces, life information, travel trajectories, etc.

Because the environment of the Antarctic continent changes too fast, the simulated scenario is a little fuzzy, but it is enough.

The scene played in Qiao Xun's mind like a movie.

The earth is shaking and cracking. Begmont and Harry drove the snow buggy, and compared the actual environment according to the previously recorded environmental information to find the route back to the base.

They were moving slowly because the ground cracked and the mountains collapsed.

At a certain period of time, after they came here, they just encountered the scene of the sea water pouring back, and then the same beautiful sound sounded.

The sound seemed to attract them. They drove some distance between the gorges until they could no longer go any further.

Then they got out of the car.

The simulated scenario became more blurred, seemingly disturbed. Qiao Xun concentrated and continued to simulate.

After Harry and the two got out of the car, they headed deep into the gorge.

Going back, the simulation can no longer be continued. Qiao Xun's consciousness returned to reality. He frowned.

It seems that these two people are indeed attracted by that wonderful voice.

There will be no beauty for no reason.

This looks like a trap anyway.

Qiao Xun cheered up and continued to go deeper. Anyway, you have to go and see it. After all, both Harry were his team members.

After going deeper for about a kilometer, the entire mountain crack was so narrow that it could barely accommodate one person. He made his way up the cliff, barely making his way through the final gap.

There seems to be some critical state here.

When he was outside, he didn't have a special feeling, but when he passed through the gap, he immediately felt a very strong feeling.

A vast, swarming scent of pollution swirled around. The field of vision is also extremely wide, and a sea of ​​sparkling light is exposed in front of him.

The appearance of the sea is very dreamy, like being in a place that has been rendered in reality.

The elf-like water butterfly **** its wings on the sea surface. The glowing jellyfish does not rely on the support of water and floats in the air. From time to time, a huge fish jumps out of the sea, and the beautiful scales on its body also emit colorful light. The most attractive thing seems to be the wonderful voice, in such a scene, it becomes even more dreamy.

In the cruel and cold continent of Antarctica, it is truly incredible to have such a place.

Qiao Xun almost held his breath.

It's so beautiful here. He couldn't believe that this would be a scene of natural birth.

He listened carefully to the attractive voice, and followed the trajectory of the sound to search for it.

On the quiet sea, there is an ancient fishing boat.

It seemed that someone was sitting on it.

Qiao Xun stepped forward on the fluttering water butterflies until he could clearly see the people on the fishing boat.

That is, Harry and Pergmont. They seemed to be having a good conversation, rocking the oars slowly.

"Harry, Pergmont, what are you doing?" Joe asked with a frown as he wandered over a water butterfly.

Harry and Bergmont didn't wake up at all, they continued to paddle and chatted with laughter.

Like, totally fascinated.

Qiao Xun frowned even deeper. He is not sure what will happen if he directly breaks this status quo, so he does not dare to act at will.

He thought about it for a while, and chose to continue moving towards the place where the sound came from.

Stepping on one water butterfly after another. He is like a fallen leaf moving with the wind, with a light body.

This sea of ​​dreams is not big, and it's not the kind that can't be seen at a glance.

As he got closer, Qiao Xun finally realized that this beautiful voice was singing.

It is someone or other creature singing.

The light in front was very dazzling, and it was impossible to see what was there.

Qiao Xun walked through carefully.

Everything in front of him became very clear in an instant.

At the end of the sea is a huge palace. The sea water gently beats the warm white steps, and the floating creatures slowly fly around the palace, and the light they emit dyes the white palace colorful. The tall stone pillars supported the palace and stood above the sea, but the majestic momentum was filled with boundless pollution, and bursts of singing came from the palace.

Along with it, there is that familiar yet unfamiliar feeling.

Qiao Xun held his breath.

He suddenly flinched. I don't want to go any further.

Because, this palace reminded him of the huge shrine he saw on the coast of Tateyama City before. Although different, both gave him a "Pandora's Box" general feeling. It seemed that as long as he opened the temple door and walked in, he would encounter something completely uncontrollable.

He didn't want to set foot in the palace and pushed open the gate. But the door opened on its own.

Only one slit was opened. White light shines through the gap.

A man stands in the light.

The light was so dazzling that I couldn't see the figure of this person.

Qiao Xun took a step back, ready to flee.

The man suddenly spoke,

"Do you know what the two people on the boat outside are actually facing?"

The sound seems to have been modified, and there is no specific sound information. Therefore, Qiao Xun was unable to capture the slightest bit of recognizable information through "True Ru".

"Harry and Pergmont?"

"I don't care about their names."

"What are they facing?"

The man said:

"From their point of view, they are sailing on a calm and dreamy sea, with beautiful songs circling their ears, and beautiful floating creatures to their eye, everything is beautiful and dreamy. Unfortunately, there is just one more 'dream', There's an extra 'phantom'. By the time they wake up, they'll probably be gnawed to the bone."

Qiao Xun's heart skipped a beat. Really false!

"What happened to them?"

"Who doesn't like a sweet and carefree dream?" said the person outside the palace: "Perhaps you have thought the same way, if you have a beautiful dream and never wake up, it would be great."

Qiao Xun frowned. Most people who have experienced hardships in life have thought about escaping reality. This is human nature, and it is the embodiment of life seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. It's not something heinous.

He didn't know what this person was going to say with this.

"I've thought about it, but I won't really worry about it. It's my principle to feel the real me." Qiao Xun said.

The man probably laughed,

"Yes. That's right. It's a pity that the two outsiders don't seem to be as determined as you are."

"What did you do to them?"

"This has nothing to do with me. The sea of ​​eternal life has always been like this, floating all over the world, in the deep space of the universe, but this time it happened to be here. It happened to be met by them. I did nothing, and they were willing to sink into it. Is it possible that you also blame me for this?"

When Qiao Xun heard the "Sea of ​​Eternal Life" once, he was suddenly startled and went numb.

There were so many things that happened in front of him, and he took it for granted that he connected them with the "Eternals".

He quickly retreated into the light curtain and asked:

"Who are you?"

"Me? Don't you know me? We had a deal before."



What deal?

Qiao Xun quickly recalled and turned his memory upside down. He suddenly sounded, and he seemed to... In Tateyama City, in exchange for the soul of Gomo Saori, he used a derivative rune called "Friend of Soul". And the totem that derived the original rune before is the immortal.

He also found out the cognitive information digested by "gluttony" at that time——

["Drink this cup of wine called eternal life and make an exchange with me."

"The price this time is... your soul."]

When using the derived rune to retrieve Sasuri's soul, he once felt his consciousness go to a huge throne.

On the throne sits a great being that cannot be seen directly.

And that great existence also said a word in the same unrecognizable voice:

"Drink this cup of wine called immortality. The price this time is... your soul."

Qiao Xun swallowed.

He looked up again at the figure outside the palace.

The man stood in the light, majestic and tall.

"Are you... an immortal?"

The man smiled slightly,

"Maybe, maybe not."

Qiao Xun was not nervous. His idiosyncrasies don't make him nervous either.

At this time, it is meaningless to distinguish between true and false issues.

Here, he really can't feel the environmental information easily, and it seems that it becomes very difficult to do anything.

Can not continue to stay.

"What are your plans?"

The man said:

"Isn't it a slap in the face to say this? You broke into the place where I was sleeping and came to ask me what was my intention?"

"Then I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb your rest."

The man did not deliberately target, his tone was relaxed,

"People who know good manners should have the right to enjoy tolerance. I forgive you. You can leave."

"The two people outside, I will also take them away together."

The man said:

"Of course you can, but what's the price?"

"The price?"

"Yes~www.readwn.com~ They are sinking into the sea of ​​eternal life. I have no obligation to help you pick them up. If you need my help, of course you have to pay a price."

"I'll go get it myself."

"You can try and see if you take away their souls or their bodies."

Qiao Xun frowned, turned around and disappeared into the light curtain.

Afterwards, he left the confines of the palace and returned to the sea of ​​immortality that was dreamy before.

The dark blue of the deep water makes people unable to think about what is under the sea.

Qiao Xun is not in the mood to explore now, so he should solve the situation of Harry and Pergmont first.

He looked forward, and Harry and Pergmont were still swinging their oars, laughing and laughing as they floated on the sea.

Is sinking in the sea of ​​eternal life like this?

What did that person mean when he said that he was devoured and cleaned up?

Qiao Xun took a breath and approached them cautiously.

Behind the light curtain, outside the huge palace.

The invisible existence looked out and whispered softly:

"Unbelievably unrestricted, passed through the wall of immortality directly, and was not affected by the rumor of immortality... It's a special existence, I should think about what to do with you."

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