Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 51: Hunting gods (3): deceive gods

Qiao Xun stepped on the water butterfly and approached Harry and Bergmont carefully.

He unfolded the information field released by "True Ru", enveloped the fishing boat where the two of them were, and then gradually informatized everything in it.

One step closer to feel.

Qiao Xun clearly felt the mental and physical state of the two of them.

Their consciousness and body are now very divided. Consciousness is vague and chaotic, and the state is similar to the sleep state of a normal person's brain, while the body autonomously displays normal life activities. But Qiao Xun did not find what was controlling their bodies.

Qiao Xun circled them round and round. Analyze what would happen if you took them straight away.

He tried to simulate it again.

The result is that if he doesn't care about anything else and just takes them away, then their consciousness will stay here.

How is this done?

Joe turned his head to look at the blinding light curtain. The moving song continued to ring. This place is like a pure land, completely undisturbed by the outside world.

It seems that you can only use "numerology to follow the sky".

I hope that this talent that has helped me many times can still be effective.

Qiao Xun lightly landed on the fishing boat, stood at the stern, and then launched "numerology follow the sky", and slowly climbed to Harry and Bergmont along the surface of the boat.

Find the truth, analyze the truth, and then deduce the principle.

As before, Qiao Xun used "numerology to follow the sky" to explore the chaotic and fuzzy consciousness of Harry and Pergmon.

A minute passed,

Five minutes passed,

Ten minutes passed.

It seems that there is no truth.

It seems that Harry and Pergmont have been in this state since they existed.

But not at all.

Qiao Xun was puzzled. The state of the two of Harry is normal under the analysis of "numerology follows the sky".


No, there must be something wrong. Harry of course they don't exist and that's how it is.

Joe took a breath. The reason cannot be found from the problem itself, so it can only be analyzed from the conditions that formed the problem.

Instead of stubbornly starting from Harry and Pergmont himself, he turned his perspective on the sea of ​​immortality.

The sea is calm, the singing is moving, and the floating creatures are beautiful.

He controlled the ambient temperature with "Zhiyang", formed a layer of ice on the sea surface, and then stepped on it.

Gently touch the water with the palm of your hand.

He subconsciously wanted to use "gluttony" to swallow some seawater, and then analyze the ingredients. But suddenly reacted, this is the sea of ​​eternal life, the territory of the eternal life.

If he directly launches "gluttony", will he be known by the Eternals?

He was not quite sure whether the existence outside the palace was the Eternal One after the light curtain. But it must have something to do with the Eternal.

Eternal beings are gods and cannot and cannot be so sloppy on their turf.

After thinking about it, Qiao Xun closed his eyes and felt it quietly.

The sea water seemed to have magical powers, making him feel every inch of his skin soaked. All good things are all around you.

The fragrant grass is clear, the fisherman sings late... It seems that he has gone to the carefree Peach Blossom Land.

Although it feels very good, Qiao Xun is very clear-headed and knows what kind of environment he is actually in.

He wanted to know more clearly how Harry and Pergmont were feeling at the moment.

Therefore, I need to be more involved, open my consciousness more, and further understand and explore.

After removing the fog layer by layer.

His consciousness entered another world. It doesn't seem to be Earth here, there is steel and rock everywhere. There are no plants, there are just rock cities, steel cities, and... dreamers living in the cities.

Outside the city, there are all kinds of fantasy creatures. Among them are the snow bugs and "peeps" that he is familiar with. These fantasy creatures are diverse and have different abilities. Some of them are like the mythical Kun; they swim in the sky, some are like snakes, entrenched on the mountains; some are like earthworms, wriggling in the waves of rocks...

His vision kept changing until he saw a black ocean, with terrifying and huge ocean beasts hiding under the ocean, and ferocious and ferocious birds of prey hovering above the ocean. Lightning, torrential rain, and gusty winds intertwined.

A fishing boat shivered on the waves.

On the fishing boat, it was Harry and Pergmont.

Are they here too?

Qiao Xun controlled his consciousness to approach them.

However, they here are completely different from those on the eternal sea outside.

They are awake and terrified.

Pergmont cried out:

"Crazy, must be crazy! Harry, what the **** is this place!"

"Fuck! How did I know, it was you who drove into this hellish place!" Harry's face was full of horror.

"No, no, there are seas everywhere. Where can you drive in? Is it an illusion?"

"It's not a hallucination, my brain is very clear. The environmental information here is all real! We are indeed in a real world! But I'm sure, this is not the earth. Although I haven't been to all parts of the earth, but roughly Environmental information is common. However, I can't find any environmental information to prove that this is the earth!"

"Damn, **** it! Also, I can't **** use talent!"

Harry said angrily:

"I can't use it either. I still rely on my eyes to judge environmental information!"

Indeed, his prosthetic eye was shining.

"Then quickly use your eyes to find the way back!"

"Can't find, can't find!"

Huge waves. This small fishing boat is really too weak, and it may be smashed at any time.

However, it seems that because of this ship, the fantasy creatures in the sky and under the sea did not attack them directly, but circled around them.

Probably just waiting for them to capsize.

Qiao Xun felt puzzled.

This is indeed the real world. But why are Harry and Begmont here? Still the real body.

Qiao Xun himself is only a conscious body now, unlike Harry and the others.

He now somewhat understands what the suspected immortal being said "they will be devoured to nothing". As long as the ship capsizes, the fantasy creatures that surround them will indeed eat them away in an instant.

Qiao Xun guessed that if Harry and Begmon died here, then they would probably only have their bodies left on the sea of ​​immortality.

Although he didn't understand the principle, he felt that this kind of speculation was probably out of ten.

In this case, the situation is very urgent.

Qiao Xun had to plan for the worst.

He sorted out his thoughts from beginning to end, and felt that he was probably still lacking in strength and could not get in touch with the root cause. Eternals are gods after all, and it is unreasonable to try to tear apart the facade of gods with fifth-order abilities.

There is no way to start, and he is not stubborn, and controls his consciousness back to the real world.

Then, without lingering for a moment, he turned around and quickly crossed the light curtain and went under the huge palace again.

The man seemed to have expected it, and said with a smile:

"What do you think, are you ready to make such a deal?"

Qiao Xun did not answer directly, but instead said:

"What happened to them in another world?"

The man was a little surprised,

"It's amazing that you can find out. I thought it would take at least a demigod to find out. Hehe, I'm not an unreasonable person. For customers, I always respond to requests, but the premise is that you really is my customer."

Joe Tour said:

"I can make a deal with you."

The man smiled slightly,

"Very good, then I can answer your doubts. As you can see, the real sea of ​​immortality is violent and turbulent, and the outside is just its projection on the earth."


"The earth is a perfect world, which can accommodate the projection of any world, even if it is incomplete or broken. Similarly, everything on the earth can be projected onto other worlds. The two people outside are the projection of consciousness into another world. ."

"You created that world?"

"No, the immortal."

"Aren't you an immortal?"

"not quite."

"I don't know what the difference is."

The man continued:

"Okay, the deal is equivalent. I won't give you more information selflessly. Information is priceless."

"Then what are you going to get from me?" Joe asked.

The man said quietly:

"Their importance to you is key. You have to judge well what level of chips they are worth in exchange for."

Qiao Xun felt that the transaction could not be unidirectional.

Since this person proposed the transaction first, then "he" probably had a first purpose.

After understanding this, Qiao Xun said:

"Maybe it's better to decide what you want."

The man thought for a while, then smiled and asked:

"How is your love?"

"My love? What do you mean."

"Anything can be a bargaining chip...a ​​lot of people have traded from me for life, money, health. I give them what I can and take their chips rightfully. The chips can be what they have. Everything, of course, is everything they own, knowledge, wisdom, abilities, emotions..."

This sounds a little dreamy.

With Qiao Xun's current world view, it is unexpected that such an ability still exists. exchange everything...

Is this God?

"Why do you want my love?"

The man smiled and said:

"Because, I feel that your heart is very cold. Maybe, love is not necessary for you. Right?"

Qiao Xun was expressionless.

He scolded in his heart, what **** are you talking about?

"No, get another one."

The man was a little surprised,

"Could it be that you still have any thoughts about love?"

"If you're the boss and I'm the guest, then you shouldn't bother with that."

"Hehe, you know the contractual nature of the transaction very well. Well, since you still yearn for the sweetness of love, you can change it. How about family affection? This doesn't seem to be important to you."

Qiao Xun doesn't understand,

"Why revolve around feelings?"

"Because you are born selfish. Feelings are the easiest thing for you to give up. As my guest, of course I have to take care of your thoughts. After all, what I pay attention to is equal exchange, not profit exploitation."

"That's what the Eternals do?"

The man does not deny,

"I've done countless deals with all kinds of people over the course of my long history."

Although as "he" said, Qiao Xun also felt that his love life was very thin. But that doesn't mean it's not important. For something as abstract as emotion, even if he doesn't understand it, he can't just throw it away at will.

"Change to something substantive."

The man thought about it again and said:

"How about your totem?"

"My totem?"

"Yes, you are the totem of strength."


"Of course, I'm curious, who does your power come from to come here easily."

Hearing what he said, it doesn't seem easy to come here.

Qiao Xun frowned,

"what should I do?"

The man smiled slightly,

"It seems that the two outsiders are very important to you, and you are willing to exchange the most fundamental totem of the evolutionary. Maybe, you are not selfish, I am wrong."

With a wave of his hand, a parchment contract appeared in front of Qiao Xun.

"This is a trading contract. You can put your hand on it, and then rehearse your main advanced talents in your mind. After the contract is completed, the two people outside will return to reality, and you will also lose your totem. ."

"How can I be sure that what you say is true?"

"You can only choose to believe. Don't you?"

Indeed it is.

Qiao Xun had to admit it. If the transaction cannot be completed, nothing will be lost to "him", but for Qiao Xun, he will probably lose two team members.

Is it worth exchanging totems for Harry and Pergmont?

Qiao Xun did not deliberately think about this issue.

After all, not everything can be measured by value.

He reached out and pressed it on the parchment deed.

Like touching the water, soft and slow.

Qiao Xun's mind quickly became active.

The main advanced talent is this thing, he is not lacking!

Don't look at him now that there is only one True Martial route, all other talents are melted. But in fact, he can completely separate the talents of fusion.

What's more, he just harvested a new advanced route a day ago:

The totem of the sixth VIP He Qianlan and its advanced route.

There were originally fifteenth and fourth seats. But unfortunately, they were all crushed by Alcott's real body. At that time, the situation was urgent and there was no time to devour them.

He Qianlan's totem had not been cleaned up before.

At this point, it's time to use it.

[Totem: "Weaving Mother"]

[Main advanced route: "Migration" → "Sewing" → "Capture" → "Spirit Net" → "Rune Chain"]

[Hiding in all the shadowy places, strangling the prey at the fastest speed, leaving no room, and weaving a net of home-like traps for the prey,

【No one will ignore the creativity of Weaver Mother. All her abilities are fully prepared for hunting, maybe she is not the brightest star among the stars, but she must be the bleakest but the craziest one]

Qiao Xun quickly mastered the five talents, and then rehearsed them one by one in his mind.

Then, he felt a tinge of dominance enter his consciousness, taking something away.

After everything was over, he found that he had completely lost his awareness of the totem "Weaving Mother". Only the relevant memory is retained, and there is no other totem information.

When I stopped my attention on the parchment contract in front of me,

The contract has been completed.

The man under the palace smiled slightly,

"Okay guest, our transaction is complete. The two people outside have returned, you can go and verify."

Qiao Xun exited the light curtain for the first time.

Outside, Harry and Begmont on the fishing boat did wake up.

However, they were confused. One moment ago, I was still fighting against the turbulent waves, and the next moment I came to a beautiful and dreamy place.

Qiao Xun passed for the first time,

"Are you two awake?"

Harry and Pergmont were just waking up,

"Team leader, why are you here? What happened?"

Biegmun scratched his head, looked around, and said tangled:

"Could it be that you had a nightmare?"

"It wasn't a dream!" Harry stressed.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"You get out of here first, and I'll explain it to you later."

Afterwards, he showed the two of them the direction and urged them to leave.

Although they were puzzled in their hearts, Harry and Pergmont still obeyed the order, and without looking back, they followed Qiao Xun's instructions and quickly left here.

Qiao Xunben wanted to return to the light curtain and ask some more questions, but this time, the light curtain had a clear resistance to him, preventing him from entering,

From inside came the voice of "him",

"Guest, our deal is over. We'll see you again, but not now."

Qiao Xun could only give up on this.

Since the other party has already expelled the guest, there is no point in continuing to stay.

No matter how many doubts and puzzles there are, you can only gradually understand it later.

For the "Eternals"...

Qiao Xun did think that this would not be the last time he would deal with him.

Perhaps, the "Eternals" have something to do with this split in Antarctica.


In the light curtain, outside the temple.

"He" stood in the light from the crack of the door. Can only stand in this ray of light.

If you get close to here~www.readwn.com~, you will find that "he" has no entity at all, just a projection shaking in the light, just like an honest projector, it is a processed product of light and shadow.

In front of "he" was a parchment contract with a totem inscribed on it.

"He" looked at the totem and whispered,

"Zhimu? It's a lot different from what I thought. It's just the top five talents of Zhimu, how could it be possible to feel the projection of the world. It seems that this is not his real totem."

"He" smiled slightly,

"It's interesting. I cheated in front of me, and it was successful. The last time I was deceived by a customer, it was the little guy with red eyes. When the seeds of the transaction are spread, and when I recover, I will ask you to do another transaction."

Thinking like this, "he" turned around and disappeared into the light.

Then, the gate of the temple slammed shut.

Everything is silent.

The dreamy sea of ​​eternal life continues to rippling with beautiful singing.

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