Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 52: Hunting Gods (4): A Disturbing "Prophecy"

Exit the sea of ​​eternal life and go out along the narrow gap in the mountain.

The outside feels different from the inside.

Qiao Xun exhaled heavily.

Although the sea of ​​immortality is very beautiful, the singing is very moving, and everything is like a fairyland, it is really difficult to make him feel a little joy there.

The sky outside is still dark, the Antarctic continent is divided, but the sky is not. The gorgeous aurora in the sky is not the sun after all, and it is difficult to pass through the thick dark clouds, dyeing the white continent a bright purple and red.

Harry and Begmont were outside, and when they saw Qiao Xun coming out of the gorge, they hurried forward to meet them.

"Team leader, you came out too!" Harry looked nervous.

Qiao Xun nodded and then asked:

"Are you two hurt?"

Begmun scratched his head,

"The body is not affected, but the spirit is injured."

"Injured?" Qiao Xun frowned.

Harry shook his head,

"Don't listen to his nonsense. Our spirits were not attacked, but we just encountered some unimaginable things and were a little scared."

Qiao Xun also felt a little tired. In the past two days, he has spent most of his time tense, preparing for battle all the time.

"Okay, you two, let's go back."

Harry looked around, paused, and then asked:

"Team leader, what about Fei?"


Qiao Xun's eyelids trembled and drooped down.

This look made Harry and Pergmont uneasy. They swallowed and waited nervously for answers.

Qiao Xun recalled Phoenix's expression when he entered the fissure in the deep sea. She said almost desperately: tell everyone, she is dead.

Looking at the two of them, Qiao Xun knew that it would be bad to say that she died so simply.

He sighed and said:

"Get in the car and get out of here first."

Because of the way he looked at the two of them, he quickly passed them and walked out of the crack in the mountain.

Harry and Bigmont looked at each other.

They didn't say anything, but they were all the same, and their hearts became heavy.

Looking up at the sky, it seemed even more gloomy.

The temperature also kept dropping, and it was probably another cold wave.

On the way back, Biegmont was still driving, and Halli compared the environmental information to find the way back to the base.

Fortunately, they and the base were not separated into two continents.

Along the way, the short hills and tall snow-capped mountains basically collapsed to varying degrees, some almost fell to the ground, while others were squeezed higher under the collision of plate migration.

The changes in the environment made it impossible for them to travel fast and drive slowly on this messy land.

Although it is messy at the moment, they all know that it will not be long before the new snow piles are pressed down, and the Antarctic will be the same again.

There is no communication.

Qiao Xun closed his eyes and lay in the back seat, looking like he was resting.

Harry looked at Qiao Xun from the rearview mirror, and his mood became heavier. What happened to Fei? Why does the team leader look so heavy?

What did they experience in the hollow of the mountain?


The way back was very difficult, and it took them a day and a night to find the location of the base.

The snow off-road vehicle also suffered a certain degree of damage. When driving, it would make a cool sound, like a tractor, dragging three people back to the base.

When there were more than ten kilometers away from the base, Harry contacted Jiang You, and Jiang You immediately notified the others.

So, when they arrived at the base, everything was ready for them.

In the dim weather, Shi Qi, wearing a protective suit, stood outside and rounded the gate of the base.

Bergmont kicked the accelerator and drove into the yard outside the base.

Then, the four people who stayed at the base rushed over.

Shi Qi asked:

"How are you all doing?"

The three got out of the car. They all looked tired, not in good spirits, like they had been devastated.

Mary circled the car, then got into the car and rummaged again. Finally, her tone trembled, and she asked nervously:

"Where's Fei?"

At this time, several other talents discovered that Fei did not come back with him.

Qiao Xun frowned and said in a low voice:

"Go ahead and prepare for the meeting."

After he finished speaking, he walked into the living area first.

Outside, Mary looked at Pergmont and Harry.

Harry smiled wryly and said:

"Sorry Mary, a lot has happened. Begmont and I are separated from the team leader and Fei, and the team leader has not told us the specific situation."

Mary's heart immediately seized. She tried her best to stabilize her emotions and said with a reluctant smile:

"You've worked hard. Then, let's listen to what the team leader has to say."

Because Fei didn't come back, everyone's heart was heavy, and they didn't even say greetings to each other.

One after another, everyone packed up and entered the living room of the living area.

The atmosphere was dull.

Qiao Xun sat alone on one side, and the others sat on the other side.

He inhaled a little and said:

"Everyone, a lot has happened in Antarctica, and our investigations have inevitably been affected. As your team leader, I have an obligation to tell you what we've been through, what we're going through, and what we're going to experience. Knowing the code, it contains the general situation of our investigation work to the carrion mine."

After finishing speaking, he recovered and compiled a series of rune codes with runes, created an information field with "True Ru", and then mapped it into the sea of ​​consciousness of everyone.

Then, five minutes of silence followed.

In five minutes, the content contained in the cognitive code was completely felt by them.

From the initial departure of the four of Qiao Xun from the base, to the "peeping" attack on the way, to entering the carrion mine and being attacked by the Dreamers, they were forced to split into two teams, and then to the encounter between Qiao Xun and Phoenix in the City of Interrogation, Finally, it is the scene where Phoenix and Alcott enter the fissure of the deep sea together.

Qiao Xun did not follow Phoenix's words and told them that she was dead.

From Phoenix's point of view, everyone no longer cares about her, and no longer has more entanglements for her, which is in line with her character.

But, for others, knowing the truth is the most important thing.

For better or worse.

Everyone is a fifth-order evolutionary, not some ignorant children, not some vases that are knocked down after being hit. In this cruel evolutionary world, the truth is more valuable than everything, even the cruel truth is far greater than the beautiful lie.

The truth is the knife, but the lie is the poison.

As Qiao Xun predicted, the moment others saw Alcott's real body, they all showed instinctive disgust and disgust.

Even if two or three days had passed, Qiao Xun couldn't imagine how a beast like Alcott could exist. It seems to be the aggregate of all evil and filth. On the contrary, Phoenix's real body is so holy, beautiful and pure.

These encounters are too bizarre.

So that after reading the cognitive code, everyone has not recovered for a long time.

Whether it is the collapse of underground creatures and civilization, or the extreme difference between Phoenix and Alcott, or the disintegration of the Antarctic continent, the cracks in the deep sea illuminate the sky to deliver disasters... They all impacted their worldview heavily.

Jiang You's eyes were still a little dull, and he murmured:

"too crazy……"

Harry took a deep breath and said:

"Team leader, I really didn't expect you to go through so many things later."

"Fei..." Shi Qi glanced at Mary, who was in a daze, then looked at Qiao Xun and asked, "Does the team leader know about Fei?"

Qiao Xun didn't hide any more,

"Phoenix talked to me alone before leaving. She said a lot, the most important of which was that she wanted to know who she was." He looked at Mary and whispered, "Mary."

Mary was startled, as if she had been frightened suddenly, and she was shaking all over.

"I am here."

"Mary Fei, do you want to tell everyone about it?" Qiao Xun asked, "her past affairs."

Mary looked at Qiao Xun helplessly, tears welling in her eyes.

This was the first time everyone saw Mary with such a pitiful expression.

Joe Tour said:

"Sorry. If you don't mind, let me speak."

Mary stood up and covered her mouth, her voice trembling,

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I... go to the bathroom." Then, she went out in a panic.

Fei's departure was a big blow to Mary.

As the team leader, Qiao Xun felt a little more ruthless at this time and could not let the team be shaken. He was meticulous, calm and serious about Phoenix and Mary's life experience.

Knowing the present, others truly recognize Mary and Faye's past. It is also more understandable why the relationship between Mary and Fei is so special.

After listening to this, everyone was more worried about Mary.

Jiang You asked:

"Or, let me comfort you? I'm also a woman, maybe..."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No. Mary has to take a good look at herself, and take a good look at this matter. Comforting is futile, making her feel better doesn't make any sense, she has to figure it out."

"Is this cruel to Mary?"

Qiao Xun paused.

Cruel indeed. It would be an understatement to say that Fey was half of Mary's life.

But he still affirmed:

"The evolutionary world is inherently cruel. Losing friends, lovers, and relatives is something we need to realize and accept in advance."

"Okay." Jiang You lowered his head and whispered.

Shi Qi changed the subject and asked:

"Then, what do you think of Fei's situation, team leader?"

Qiao Xun combined his knowledge from various parties and said:

"The deep sea fissure in the center of Antarctica is a passage to another world. The identities of Phoenix and Alcott are inherently confusing. When Fei left, she obviously knew who she was, so she would She resolutely entered the fissure of the deep sea. Perhaps, the other world connected by the fissure of the deep sea is her real home."

He sighed and continued:

"Originally, Fei wanted me to tell you that she died, so don't miss her. Probably, she is also entangled and helpless about her true identity and Phoenix's identity. I don't know what she will face, what will happen to her. , but since she chose to enter the deep sea crack, she might be ready."

Although "another world" is a bit complicated to understand, the focus of Qiao Xun's words is Phoenix's understanding of his true body.

After thinking about it, everyone really couldn't evaluate Phoenix's choice.

Do you want her to stay with them?

However, can Fei, who has recognized her identity, still get along with them?

This is an unanswered question.

No matter what, Fei has chosen to leave Earth and return to her true identity. She made a choice about her own affairs, and for her, everyone can only hope for goodbye.

Jiang You whispered:

"I still won't get used to it if I think about it. However, I think Fei must be reluctant to bear it."

"She might have something to deal with," Harry said.

Morita Takata, who did not speak much, suddenly said in a loud voice:

"Fei! Will be back."

Everyone looked at him.

He hurriedly lowered his head,

"I just hope she'll come back. Sorry."

"It's okay, Mrs. We all hope she will come back."

Qiao Xun looked at your wife and couldn't help but think, he probably found something else.

Looking at your wife, Qiao Xun recalled what he said when he first arrived in the critically polluted area: "The earth is cracking, the mountains are collapsing, the sky is shaking with runes, and the light is shining on the world."

As it stands, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

The earth is cracking, and the South Pole is indeed split into three large pieces.

The mountains are collapsing, and there are indeed three large mountains where the evolution of super-giant creatures collapsed and awakened.

The sky stirred with runes, and now the entire southern hemisphere sky was filled with the light of dominance gushing out from the cracks in the deep sea. Such light will indeed gradually spread to the world.

Not at all.

Gui Tai really has the ability to "predict the future". However, according to his own words, that is not a prediction, but a symptom of something to be seen.

In this way, what he said "Fei will definitely come back" is probably not just a joke.

After a while, Mary came back.

There were still drops of water on her temples, probably from washing her face. The eyes were slightly red, and there was a trace of tears in the corners of the eyes that had not been washed.

Jiang You asked:

"Is Mary okay?"

Mary forced a smile,

"It's not good, but don't worry about me. Fei told me a lot of her thoughts before she set out on the trip. She wanted to know who she was and to live more freely. Now, she knows. It doesn't matter who she is, it doesn't matter to me. Indeed, her wish has come true."

Jiang You said:

"Mary, don't blame yourself. Fee doesn't feel like you're holding her down."

"Thank you Xiaoyou, I know what I know."

"Mary~" Jiang You made a nasal voice, feeling a little uncomfortable.

After that, Qiao Xun described the investigation in more detail, and Jiang You was responsible for organizing it into an investigation report.

The investigation of the carrion mine has temporarily come to an end.

After the meeting, Qiao Xun stopped Harry and Begmon.

Also tell them about what happened in the sea of ​​eternal life before.

"Team leader." Harry and Begmont sat upright.

Joe asked:

"What the **** happened to you in that place?"

Harry said it one by one.

After they left the carrion mine, they were ready to return to the base to call for support. But on the way, I heard the moving singing from the sea of ​​eternal life. They didn't feel anything at first, but when they woke up, they found that they had already faced all kinds of fantasy creatures on the turbulent sea.

They really don't know what's going on in the middle.

Qiao Xun frowned.

It's weird. He had thought they were deluded. But in fact, from the moment they heard the song, consciousness and body had been separated.

According to the existence of the suspected immortal, they were projected into another world.

how did you do that?

Projected to another world, where it is still an entity.

Qiao Xun can't imagine what kind of talent can achieve this level.

This may already fall under the category of "God".

Unable to get more information from Harry and the two, Qiao Xun put this matter on hold for the time being.

You can't make a fat man with one bite of food. For the same reason, it is impossible to understand such complex knowledge in one or two sentences.

He's not a **** person who doesn't do futile tortured thinking.

After that, Mary cooked a hot meal for the three who had just returned.

After the hardships and hardships, it is easy to be satisfied to have a delicious hot meal.

After dinner, Harry and Begmon went to rest.

Shi Qi repaired the snowmobile in the equipment area.

Jiang You is sorting out the investigation report.

Morita Takata sat alone in the corner holding a booklet and kept writing something.

Joe wandered over.

Morita Takata asked in a low voice:

"Isn't the team leader resting? You must be tired too."

"Well, but there's something else."

"Ask me?" Gui Tai sniffed.

Qiao Xun found a stool, sat in front of him, smiled and asked softly:

"Your wife, do you think Fei will come back?"

"No...don't know." He looked a little scared.

Joe Tour said:

"Our companion, your wife. If you have anything on your mind, you can tell me."

Guitai became very tangled, he grabbed the pen tightly, stretched his knuckles white,

"Team leader... Fei, maybe it's more different than we thought?"


"I can't tell. But!" He said quickly. "But, she'll be back. Just, maybe... no, I can't say that. Fei is a nice person. I can't speak ill of her."

"Bad words?"

"Team leader~www.readwn.com~ No matter what happens to Fei. She should still like us, right?"

"Yes. She is kind."

Gui Tai lowered his head and muttered:

"I hope she's always kind... Team leader, I don't know more."

Qiao Xun did not ask too much and said:

"Well, Mrs. Gui, you can talk to me at any time if you have any troubles."

He stopped disturbing and left.

always kind...

Why does this always make people feel uncomfortable?

Qiao Xun felt a little worried when he thought about Fei's expression of pain and despair when he left.

He is also not sure what form, what, and what position he will see when he sees Fei again.

After all, it is life in a different world.

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