Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 53: Hunting Gods (5): Relieve with Memories

It was still dark, but the snow was still falling, and the ground was still dark.

All parts of the world are caught in this unprecedented catastrophe. With such a large-scale natural disaster, mass extinction is inevitable.

When human beings are struggling to cope with their own situation, it is difficult to mention the slogan of "protecting animals". What worries humans even more is whether those dead animals will have death mutations.

Death Variation is a term unique to Contaminated creatures.

That is, some animals, even dead, may be contaminated by escaping runes, and then reawaken as contaminated creatures.

This is something that countries have to beware of.

The southern coastal area of ​​the Republic.

Seawalls built from the source metal base surround the entire coastline. The Great Wall, named the Great Coastal Wall, was built to deal with various pollution incidents from the ocean.

The republic is not immune to the global catastrophe caused by the split of the Antarctic. The overwhelming tsunami washed the Great Wall on the coast again and again.

Fortunately, the geographical location of the Republic is good, with the buffer of the first and second island chains, the tsunami and earthquake caused by the cracking of the Antarctic have already attenuated a lot when they are transmitted to the mainland of the Republic.

But even so, the Great Wall of the Coast has suffered a lot of damage. The reason is that this disaster is not a simple natural disaster, but is mixed with rune energy.

If it is just a simple natural disaster, with so many evolutionaries dealing with it, there will be basically no loss.

But not.

Even the republic has been hit so hard, as can be imagined elsewhere. In some places near Antarctica, many small countries have lost contact.

Other countries are too busy with their own problems to support them.

In such a situation, one can only seek more blessings from oneself.

On the west coast of the Southern Continent of the Republic, a group of evolutionists from the engineering department directed workers to repair the damaged part of the Great Wall on the coast.

Along with the tsunami, it is not only seawater and fish and shrimp that come to land, but also many polluting organisms in the ocean. Therefore, a group of control teams roamed the coastline to eliminate polluting organisms.

A camouflage off-road vehicle drives slowly on the polluted sand, with long tire tracks behind it.

There are four people in the car.

This is the standard control squad staffing.

Leaders, guides, sentries and warriors.

There are quite a few control teams driving along the coastline like this. After all, the coastline of the Republic is very long.

In the back seat, Gomo Sayori leaned against the window and looked at the sea.

It was evening, but there was no sunset to watch. After the Antarctic split, there was continuous heavy rain, and everywhere was dark and gloomy. The turbulent ocean vented boundless energy. Under the sea, there were all kinds of ferocious polluting creatures.

Saori looked at the sea, gradually becoming a little dazed.

A girl about her age sat next to her. His name is Qin Gushan, and he is the guide in the team.

Seeing that Sa Xuli was in a daze, Qin Gushan asked curiously:

"Captain, what are you thinking?"

Saori came back to her senses and closed her eyes,


In front of the co-pilot is a young man of about twenty years old. His name is Zhang Zian, a sentinel in the team, he turned his head and said:

"Captain, is it nothing? I think you've been in a daze for a long time."

Saori exhaled,

"What can I think? It's nothing, don't worry. There's nothing to do, nothing to say, so I'll just be in a daze."

"Haha, the captain likes to be in a daze. When there is nothing to do, she is in a daze." It was Kong Tian, ​​who was driving in the driver's seat, who was a soldier in the team. He was the oldest, looking like he was thirty years old.

In terms of age, Saxuli is the youngest in the team except Qin Gushan.

But she was the leader of the control team, the captain, the commander.

Although she is young, she already has a wealth of combat experience and is quite good.

Qin Gushan asked curiously:

"Are you homesick? Captain probably hasn't been home for a long time."

Saori looked at the roof of the car and said:

"Yes I do."

"When everything is over, you can go home, and then you can reunite with your family." Qin Gushan said with a smile. The youngest girl squinted her eyes into slits when she smiled.

Zhang Zian said:

"It's hard to say when it will end. Maybe it will be a few years or more."

Kong Tian smiled and said:

"Don't be too pessimistic. It might end tomorrow."

"How is that possible! Optimism is not lack of heart. How could this situation end tomorrow?" Zhang Zian retorted, then turned to look at Sauli, "Captain, you said yes."

Saori thought for a while,

"It probably won't end any time soon."

Qin Gushan put his face on his hands and complained:

"I don't know what happened to Antarctica... Suddenly something happened."

"There will be more and more such things." Zhang Zian said.

"Is it really the end?" Qin Gushan's eyes showed confusion.

Sayori showed maturity that was not in line with her age, and said seriously to everyone:

"Don't worry too much. We should do our own thing first."

"It seems that no polluting organisms will come ashore today." Zhang Zian said, "I have been paying attention to the environmental information on this route, and it has not changed much compared to yesterday."

"Don't let your guard down."

"Okay... the captain is really strict." Zhang Zi'an nuanced.

Saori suddenly froze, as if she was stimulated by something, her emotions rose instantly, her tone suddenly increased, and she said loudly:

"Do you think it's bad that I'm strict with you? Do you know how dangerous you are doing? I've said it at the beginning, and I've said it many times, don't take the task of controlling the squad as a child's play, don't take your daily life The ramblings of life are brought to the mission! This is no child's play! You must know that any omission on your part can cause a lot of damage. The last time you checked that beach hotel was because you left a room and we were polluted Creature sneak attack! But we were lucky and escaped. If we only lost equipment and property, we can slowly recover it! But have you ever thought about it, we can't be lucky every time! If there is a slight error, people will die! Do you want it? Go to the center to see how many evolutionaries die every day because of pollution incidents!"

Sasori's sudden irritability frightened the other three.

In their eyes, the young leader has always been gentle and easy-going, and although serious about things, he is also very talkative and not aggressive.

It was the first time they had seen Saori berating someone so angrily.

After she finished speaking, Zhang Zian was also frightened and didn't know what to say.

The atmosphere in the car became stiff.

Saori lowered her shoulders, supported her forehead, and said in a low voice:

"I'm sorry, I'm too aggressive."

Zhang Zian smiled shyly,

"No, Captain, you're right. I was really careless, and I should apologize. I'll pay more attention in the future."

Saori didn't speak, her head bowed, her hair hanging down her shoulders.

Qin Gushan next to him frowned. As a guide, she has a sharper perception. From her point of view, the captain seemed to have a very heavy heart.

"Captain~" Qin Gushan's tone was soft, she wanted to comfort some Sayuri, "Are you okay?"

Saori closed her eyes, her brows were almost knitted together,

"I'm fine."

"It's not an okay expression."

"Sorry for worrying you." Saori said apologetically.

"No. I just think that since we are on the same team and we are players who get along day and night, we should help and support each other. I am very grateful to the captain for training and teaching me over the past six months. If it weren't for you, I guess I still don't know how Use your own abilities. Also Zhang Zian and Lao Kong, we have all been taught by you a lot. Maybe, with my ability, I can't help you too much, but I will try my best." Qin Gushan Looking at his fingers, he said softly, "Captain should have a lot of things on his mind~"

Sasori was stunned and asked:

"Is it obvious?"

"No one will be in a daze all the time. Just now, we usually make mistakes. Although you will be very strict with it, you won't be so... strange. It feels like you have accumulated too much depression, and suddenly broke out. ."

Qin Gushan deserves to be a guide trained by Sa Xuli, and the analysis is very accurate.

So Saori couldn't justify anything anymore.

"My mother always told me to learn to talk and communicate, not to keep things in your heart and turn yourself into a pressure pot."

Kong Tian is the oldest person in the team, and his ability may be lacking due to his awakening, but his social attributes as a person are sufficient. He slowed down the meaning of Qin Gushan's expression, so as not to embarrass Sa Xuli, he said with a smile:

"Captain, everyone cares about you very much. People, there are always various problems."

Gomo Sayori's expression softened.

"Well, thank you for your concern."

Qin Gushan puffed out his cheeks,

"Captain, don't always say thank you. You're too polite, how can you always say thank you to your friends."

Gomo Sayori's expression flickered.

Someone had said that to her before. The face of that person became clearer and clearer in his mind, and it lingered.

She took a long breath, lay on the back of the seat, looked straight ahead, and after a while, said leisurely:

"I once lost someone who was very important to me, and it didn't feel good... So, I don't want to lose you again. The world of the evolutionary is very dangerous, so dangerous that you can't go with a normal heart. Looking forward to the sun tomorrow. Just be careful, be careful, be careful."

"Is it the captain's former teammate?" Qin Gushan asked.

Sayuri Gomo shook her head,

"It's a teacher. An existence like an enlightenment teacher took me into the world of the evolutionary."

"That ta should be very powerful. The captain is so powerful, and the captain's enlightenment teacher must also be very powerful."

"Yes, great. But he died anyway."

Qin Gushan felt Sa Xuli's depressed mood and wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know how to comfort her, so he said after a while:

"I will be very careful not to let the captain be sad for me."

Saori turned her head to look at her.

Qin Gushan's expression was extraordinarily serious, as if he was competing with something.

Sayuri chuckled.


"Of course it's serious! The captain is getting better soon." Qin Gushan clenched his fists with ten fingers and prayed: "The Jade Emperor, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Tathagata Buddha, and God, please come and bless our captain. , quickly become happy."

Zhang Zian complained:

"How can you ask God to bless you like this. Why are you fighting here?"

"If you want to take care of it, it's you who made the captain unhappy!"


Saori pursed her lips and said nothing.

She leaned against the window, looking at the rough sea.

Thoughts drifted away.



Antarctic continent.

Qiao Xun took a short rest and recovered his mental state.

Harry and Begmont, who were in the same dormitory, were still sleeping soundly. Compared to Qiao Xun, they need more rest time.

Qiao Xun put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

Outside the dormitory is a long and narrow corridor, and the end of the corridor is lit with light.

From there came a thriving message of life.

Qiao Xun took a step and walked over lightly.

This is a growing room, with several rows of cultivating racks on which are petri dishes, and some young shoots grow in them. I haven't seen the green Qiao Xun for a long time, and I feel refreshed.

In the corner of the cultivation room, there is a workbench,

At this moment, Mary was lying on the workbench, looking like she was asleep.

Qiao Xun walked into the breeding room.

He deliberately walked lightly, but Mary was awakened.

Mary straightened up and rubbed her eyes. She looked haggard and her eyes were slightly red.

"Sorry to disturb you." Qiao Xun said.

Mary took a breath and tried to open her eyes,

"No. I fell asleep accidentally."

"If you're tired, go to bed."

"Hmm... Today's nutrient solution has not been prepared yet, so I can't rest. It's better to let the vegetables grow earlier. If you always eat freeze-dried food and canned food, you will be in a bad mood." Continue to fiddle with writing bottles and cans.

"Mary, about Fei, I have something to tell you."

Mary froze, smiled and said:

"Isn't it all finished?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No. You are special to Fei, and of course there are some special words."

Mary suddenly froze.

She could feel her concentration a little bit. This is a sign of depression.

But soon, she recovered,

"Is the leader finished?"

"Mary, I haven't started talking yet."

"...Sorry. I lost my mind."

Qiao Xun leaned against the wall and said slowly:

"Fei always felt that she was holding you down. She felt that you should have had a better life. She finally asked me to tell you that you were free."

"But I... never felt that she was a burden." Mary said with her head lowered.

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"As a middleman, it seems to me that you both think too much about each other without knowing it. She doesn't want to worry about you, and you try to create an environment where she can grow up safely. Now I think of what Fei said when she asked to go out together. Only then did I understand. She was actually ready to leave at that time. It is difficult for me to say whether this result was what she wanted, but it was her own choice. "

Mary looked up, as if recalling something, and after a while she said:

"I won't restrict her choice by my own will. It's just that I'm used to having her by my side, and suddenly everything has changed, and I can't adapt for the time being. For me, Fei's own thoughts are the most important, and she used to be reluctant to express herself. She never said what she wanted to do. Now that she has found her own way, I should be happy for her."

"Does this count as mutual relief?"

Mary shook her head,

"No, I'm never tired of her. All I can say is... let it go."

"Mary, you are a good man."

Mary held her chin and asked with a smile:

"Is this a good person card?"

Joe smiled.

"Okay, Team Leader, I'll let you worry." Mary stretched her shoulders. "You really don't have to worry about me. If I were the emotionally vulnerable kind of person, I wouldn't have survived on the train. Of course, very Thank you for thinking of me."

"You are my team member and my friend."

Mary smiled and said:

"It's an honour."

Seeing that Mary was in good condition, Qiao Xun gradually felt relieved~www.readwn.com~ He was about to change the subject and say something else to ease the atmosphere, but Jiang You suddenly walked in from the outside and said:

"Team leader, I have sorted out the investigation report of the carrion mine and passed it back to the train. Then, the restraint area gave us new instructions."

Qiao Xun suddenly became serious,

"How to say?"

Jiang You said:

"It's confidential, I don't have the authority, so I can't read it, team leader, please read it."

She handed over a piece of paper showing a piece of cognitive code.

Qiao Xun looked at it with "True Ru" and felt the special label of the No. 1 train captain, indicating that this cognitive code really came from the constraint area:

[1. Please continue to be stationed in the Antarctic by the fourth correction team, and cooperate with the energy collection officer in the power area to develop the carrion mine. The energy collection officer will arrive at your location one day later;

[2. Qiao Xun, the team leader, please set off immediately and return to the sea train]

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