Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 54: Hunting gods (6): The best candidate for hunting gods

Going back to the train now?

And this sentence is followed by an exclamation mark, emphasizing the importance and urgency.

This shows that all the sea trains at the moment must and also need his business very much.

After Qiao Xun frowned slightly, he immediately called all the team members without any unnecessary entanglement and hesitation.

Explain with them the new designation arrangement for the restraint area.

After Qiao Xun handed over the temporary command of the fourth group to Shi Qi, he didn't wait for a moment and set off immediately.

There is nothing in the fourth group that needs to be specially arranged by him. The investigation of the carrion mine has been completed, and the situation in Phoenix has been settled at this stage. Mary's state has also returned to normal. Moreover, after the split of the Antarctic, some unknown dangers have become known, and it seems that the situation has become more Complicated, but actually with clear precautions.

Therefore, it only took ten minutes from receiving the order to Qiao Xun's departure.

He was on foot.

The way back to the sea train was much easier to walk, so he almost didn't stop and was not hindered by anything. It took him only three hours to return alone on the previous day's journey.

After leaving the range of the extremely dangerous pollution area, the whispers in his ears gradually disappeared, and the dull pressure was relieved.

On the periphery of the polluted area, separated by a section of road, you can see ordinary passengers accepting the bounty task. Most of them hunted and killed polluted creatures to collect tissue materials, search for scattered rune fragments, dig exotic metal ores, etc. to collect mining bounties. Like reclaiming polluted areas, it is still beyond the ability of ordinary passengers to deal with it.

Looking at it from a distance, the sea train really looks like a black dragon lying on the sea. Even if it is parked now, it is in a semi-resting state.

Due to the division of the continent, the surrounding glaciers almost collapsed, and a large number of huge ice floes floated on the sea surface. With the impact of bursts of rune energy, they collided with the sea train. However, there was no damage to the hard sea train, and it was even difficult to shake.

Qiao Xun quickly stepped onto the train, and after verifying his identity, he went from the steel steps to the highest upper carriage.

The familiar smell of the train came to me.

Accustomed to the white pollution of ice and snow, even a place like the sea train can't help but give people a feeling of healing.

Taking the rail elevator, Qiao Xun came to the restricted area.

No matter how crazy and cruel the Antarctic continent is outside, the train remains unchanged and will not be affected in any way. Everything here is still in order, and it is like two different worlds from the outside.

Because of the command verification in the restricted area, it didn't take long for Qiao Xun to enter the restricted area smoothly.

As soon as he entered, a clockwork steward came up to him,

"Is that Mr. Qiao Xun?"

"it's me."

The flight attendant had a standard smile on his face,

"plz follow me."

There is no purpose, just a "please come with me".

Generally speaking, under normal circumstances, any clockworker does something with a clear purpose.

Now, either the situation is special, or the clockworker is special.

Qiao Xun followed behind, looking at the clockwork flight attendant.

Soon, he realized that this clockwork man was indeed different. Because there is no clockwork behind her.

This special clockwork flight attendant didn't say a word the whole time, and took Qiao Xun into the building in the restricted area. Go straight through the outside work area and into the backyard.

The backyard is huge, but there are only a few single-family homes. The rest of the place is empty, so simple that it can even be said to be simple.

It was the first time for Qiao Xun to come here.

After the clockwork flight attendant took him to a single-family house, he knocked on the door and said:

"Train conductor, Mr. Qiao Xun is here."

The voice fell, and the door opened.

A smell of dust came out. To be precise, it should be the smell of decay.

This breath...

It's Agnes.

Her breath was so special, so special that Qiao Xun only felt it once, and he couldn't forget it.

Did she call him back?

"Please come in, Mr. Qiao Xun." The clockwork flight attendant waved his hand. She had no intention of going in.


After Qiao Xun replied politely, he walked in.

When he walked in, the door creaked shut.

There is no light inside, and the "smell of dust" is more intense. This made Qiao Xun feel a little choked, and soon he felt a little short of breath.

But as a beam of light shone down from above the high darkness, the feeling of shortness of breath disappeared instantly.


Under that beam of light, Agnes sat upright on the leather sofa, wearing a white dress, quietly and elegantly.

She is holding a book in her hand. The cover of the book is also very old, probably hundreds of years old.

Seeing her, Qiao Xun was inexplicably relieved.

Such a scene reminded him of a letter Agnes had written to him earlier. She said that her childhood and girlhood were spent in the basement library.

Probably, for many days and months during that time, she was like this, sitting upright and reading quietly.

Agnes closed the book, put it aside, smiled and said to Qiao Xun:

"Welcome back."

Agnes' long blond hair draped over his shoulders. Her dress is still simple and elegant, with no hairstyle and makeup, and she dresses very everyday.

She went on to say:

"You're still wearing clothes in the snow."

Joe came over as soon as he toured the train, and didn't have time to clean up. he asks:

"What's the matter with me coming back in such a hurry?"

"Sit down."

After a short pause, Qiao Xun walked to the sofa next to him and sat down.

very cold.

Agnes waved his hand, and a cup of crimson drink appeared in front of Qiao Xun.

"Please taste it."

"Watermelon juice?"

Agnes smiled without saying a word.

Qiao Xun picked it up carefully, and took a shallow sip.

It is indeed watermelon juice.

He asked curiously:

"Vampires like to drink watermelon juice?"

"No, it's just that I like it. Besides, isn't this crimson color easy to associate with blood? A vampire drinking blood is more in line with people's imagination."

"What does it matter?"

Agnes smiled slightly,

"In the past period of time, when everyone thinks of me, the image of me opening my **** mouth and gulping blood is disgusting."

"Are you really like that?"

"Is my mouth big?" Agnes opened his mouth.

The sharp canine teeth were clearly exposed.

Agnes is not tall, and his skeleton is relatively thin. Her mouth is not big at all, even a little small.

Qiao Xun was annoyed,

"It's okay. But you're used to drinking watermelon juice, so that you can look like people imagine a vampire?"

Agnes smiled and said:

"It's a lot of fun to meet other people's humble stereotypes and see the 'as expected' look on their faces on the road."

Qiao Xun thought for a while, then shook his head and said:

"I can't understand."

"It's ok."

"Let's get down to business, what did you call me back for?"

Agnes said softly,

"I'm bored and want to see you."

Qiao Xun's expression froze,


Just because of this? Call me back so urgently?

He looked awkwardly at Agnes.

Agnes immediately said:


"It's not funny."

"Really? Sorry." Agnes took a sip of the watermelon juice in front of him, his eyelids drooping slightly.

This expression...

Give Qiao Xun a feeling that grandparents want to play with their grandchildren, but are out of place because of the generation gap.

Substituting into this conjecture, Qiao Xun suddenly felt that Agnes was a bit like an empty nester who was out of touch with the mainstream of society.

I feel...a little pathetic...

She did live hundreds of years.

Qiao Xun took a breath and whispered:

"Actually, it's pretty funny."

Agnes looked at Joe Xun strangely.

Qiao Xun was a little embarrassed for no reason.

He quickly took a deep breath and adjusted his mind.

He also didn't understand why, in front of Agnes, everything felt a little unnatural. It doesn't look like he is calm and calm in the face of other people at all.

His career as a psychologist, coupled with his evolved traits, keeps him calm most of the time.

However, these seem to be useless in front of Agnes.

Agnes chuckled lightly,

"You're so cute."


Hearing this description, Qiao Xun felt a little ashamed.

The last time I was described this way was in my childhood.

However, Agnes said that he did not feel any violation.

"Phew... ah, Your Excellency Hibo'an, don't say that to me."

"You can just call me Agnes."

"Ag... Nice?"

After Qiao Xun called out, he felt inexplicably disrespectful. It's like calling people's grandparents by their names.

Agnes said:

"Well. I wrote you a few letters before, but I didn't get a chance to reply. Do you have any special questions about this?"

"First of all, why didn't you give me a chance to reply?"

"I have the ability to guarantee that only you can see the letter to you. But you have no ability to guarantee that the letter to me can only be seen by me."

Qiao Xun whispered softly,

"How do you know I can't..."

"Hehe, don't complain like a child." Agnes pursed his lips and laughed.


Qiao Xun found that he was really being manipulated by Agnes.

It's true that some can't play this hundred-year-old old monster. After living for hundreds of years, he is still a demigod.

Qiao Xun calmed down and continued to ask:

"Um...'Red', oh no, did Yihong also live to be over a hundred years old?"

"Yes. In the past 100 years, she has been entangled with me and has changed about a dozen identities."

"Didn't you think about killing her directly?"

"With fatalism, she can't die."

"Fatalism, what is it?"

"The word destiny, if it is not a god, maybe it is really impossible to understand. Even me, it is very difficult to understand, let alone dictate it to you. If this can be explained clearly in a few words, it will not bother me. It's been many years."

"Why is she pestering you?"

Agnes thought about it and said:

"You can understand it as a paranoid delusion that Girls' Generation's wishes failed to come true, and then gradually fell."

As a former psychologist, Qiao Xun can easily understand.

Most people have had this experience. Just like him, when he was a child, he always wanted to play with a certain kind of toy, but due to the financial constraints, he could not achieve it. When he grew up, he had plenty of money. Even if he was past the age of playing with toys, he especially wanted to satisfy the one who once played with toys. desire.

According to Hong, this... is probably paranoid.

Qiao Xun is also not good for evaluation. He didn't know Yihong well, and he hardly had a good conversation with her.

"Why is she staring at me?"

Agnes said in dismay:

"Do you only care about Yihong? I have written a few letters with you, mentioning my past experience. Is there anything you want to know about it?"

"This..." Qiao Xun said hurriedly, "I didn't mean that. I should ask you something."

Agnes pursed his lips and smiled.


Qiao Xun looked at her blue eyes and laughed dryly.

She continued:

"Yihong is a psychopath. Sometimes she does things for no purpose. But your words may have something to do with your characteristics."

"My traits?"

"Disturbing qualities. Silence like an abyss, vast like a starry sky, a whirlpool of desire, an endless sinking."

This is not a good review.

It is almost to say that Qiao Xun is a complete demon.

"But, what do these represent?"

"Qiao Xun, don't always think about knowing everything all at once." Agnes' eyes became more mysterious and moving, "The more you can't wait, the more disrespectful you are, the closer you are to the abyss. A person The situation and the secret he knows are directly proportional to his ability, if the difference between the ability and the situation and the secret is too great, it will not end well."

"But..." Qiao Xun was a little confused.

Agnes said with a smile,

"It's alright. I know what you're worried about. You're uneasy about your situation, with so many unknowns all around you that make you tense all the time and feel like you can relax a little, maybe you'll be Eaten until there is no scum left."

Qiao Xun forced a smile.

There was a hint of tenderness in Agnes' eyes,

"The old me, when I first became a vampire and gained supernatural powers, was just like you, uneasy and confused about everything. I know that feeling. I can't help you much with this, but if it's just the mind The comfort from above can still be done.”

Qiao Xun remembered that she had said at the beginning that if she felt tired, she would come to her to have a rest.

"I don't understand. For a stranger, why do you care so much?"

Agnes' eyes became very distant. She probably recalled the past,

"Take this as a way to put my mind at ease."

Qiao Xun was silent for a while and asked:

"The process of becoming a vampire should be painful."

"Pain?" Agnes' eyes were gloomy. "It's really uncomfortable. Because it brought me hundreds of years of loneliness."

For Agnes, the biggest pain is still endless loneliness.

Probably only at this time, she will show some flaws. At any other time, she felt insurmountable.

"I... I'm not good at saying anything about it. If you really want to relax your heart, if you want to relax, it must be self-pleasure and hypocritical." Qiao Xun said softly, "My ability is limited, and I don't know how to make a demigod. I feel better. However, if you really regard me as a friend, I will listen to your thoughts very carefully and try to make you... not so lonely."

He said, laughing at himself,

"Probably I'm overwhelmed."

Agnes smiled slightly,

"Hundreds of years have passed, and there's nothing bad about it. You don't have to pay attention to my nonsense. Just treat it as a babbler's gossip."

She no longer gave Qiao Xun a chance to continue, and continued:

"It's the right thing to talk about. You can't always gossip."


"I have read your investigations in Antarctica. Everything is proceeding step by step. I called you back this time to prepare for the follow-up. However, before that, I want to ask you another thing."


"Have you been to the Sea of ​​Eternal Life?"

Qiao Xun suddenly came to the spirit,

"how do you know?"

"Because the taste of the sea of ​​eternal life is unique~www.readwn.com~ Agni said with a smile: "Also, since you reacted all at once, it also means that you know the name of sea of ​​eternal life. Have you communicated with the Eternals, or even traded? "

"I've been there, but I met by accident..." Qiao Xun briefly recounted his experience of entering the sea of ​​immortality and interacting with the immortal.

Agnes thought for a while after listening, and said softly:

"It looks like it's doomed."

"What is destined?"

Agnes' voice became erratic, dreamlike,

"Best for hunting gods."


Agnes smiled, and his fangs became playful.

"You, my dear friend, Qiao Xun."

When she said this, her sapphire eyes were full of fantasy.

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