Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 56: Hunting Gods (8): The Broken Chosen Land

Now, the snow-capped Antarctic can be described as a white hell.

There are traces of contaminating creatures everywhere. The awakening of the three "mountains" in Antarctica and the rupture of the continental plate have exposed those silent polluting creatures and strange creatures one after another. This is like a person who has been disturbed by sleep, of course, has a violent fire.

This is miserable for those who carry out surveys, mining, bounties and other tasks and tasks on the Antarctic continent.

Anyway, it can be expected that there will be a lot of ordinary passengers sleeping forever on this continent for the large reward offered by the sea train this time. Of course, this is not a great thing for Hai Lie, after all, the most important thing is people.

On the base of the fourth group, the energy collector and a team of people have begun to cooperate with Shi Qi to reclaim the exposed carrion mine.

With the prior experience of Harry and Pergmont, you can avoid many risks on the road.

Of course, this is just a tiny fraction of the entire Antarctic continent. In other places, there are also relevant investigators from various forces and countries to explore and understand related matters in Antarctica.

In this icy world, everyone is busy and nervous.

No one knows whether Antarctica, which has been peaceful for a while, will suddenly break apart again.


The seawater poured in due to the rupture of the plate has been frozen at ultra-low temperature, and the frozen layer is still spreading down with time. Perhaps, it is not impossible for a frozen layer of tens of meters to appear.

In the middle is a large crack, which is called the Abyss Sea Crack by those who know the inside story.

As for why it is called "Yuanhai", there is no specific and detailed explanation yet.

The fissure in the deep sea continuously spews high-efficiency energy, which is the form of energy embodied by dominance. After the dominance rises to the atmosphere, it spreads to the whole world, and the collision with the rune energy stimulates the gorgeous rune aurora. These runic aurora manifestations look like the sky is falling and something is about to fall from the sky.

This has plunged the world into a kind of doomsday panic.

No one wants to go near the chasm of the deep sea, because the power of dominance can erode the runic energy.

Ordinary people are better at coping with dominance than evolutionaries, because they don't have rune energy. Of course, no ordinary person can withstand the low temperature of more than 100 degrees below zero in the central Antarctic region.

But at this moment, two people walked slowly on the strange black layers of rock on the edge of the crack.

One old and one young.

It was the second guest of honor, Speaker Sigurd and his accompanying assistants.

Sigurd is indeed very old, his face is full of wrinkles, his waist is bent down physically, and his eyes are full of tiredness.

"It looks so kind here."

The more serious and serious accompanying assistant asked:

"Has Mr. Speaker been here before?"

"I didn't come here, I came from here."

"From this crack?"

Sigurd stood still for a moment. Although they are relative to the entire crack, the position is at the edge of the crack, but there is still a distance from the crack. He looked at the crack area that showed a certain distortion in the visual representation, took a breath and said:

"Yeah, I've been here for so long, I almost forgot this fact."

"What's over the crack?"

"Over there..." Sigurd said quietly: "It's the place of the broken God's choice. It's the place of fallen angels."

"Fallen Angel?" The accompanying assistant's tone was somewhat curious and yearning.

Sigurd said:

"Don't have any illusions about fallen angels. Media works under the multi-cultural human beings sometimes describe and interpret fallen angels as evil and cruel characters, or even characters with special charm. However, the real fallen angels can only be Spread disaster after disaster."

The accompanying assistant still couldn't feel the heaviness from Sigurd's description, and asked slightly confused:

"Then will they come?"

Sigurd did not answer the question. But he said silently in his heart, it will definitely happen... The Abyss Sea Fissure is prepared for this... Calamity will definitely come to the earth.

The two did not speak, and after walking forward silently for a while, the accompanying assistant asked again:

"Mr. Speaker, how long do we have to go?"

"You should be more patient."

"I know. Just wanted to have a more precise target."

"Then people like you are definitely not qualified to experience eternal life."

The accompanying assistant laughed and laughed,

"Of course I don't. It's almost enough to live."

"Indeed, vulgar life thinks this way." Sigurd's old eyes looked forward, and in front of him was an endless layer of charred rock. However, the further forward, the higher the altitude, this is a steep slope. Big, but not low altitude black mountain, "Come on. Climb up that mountain...you can see everything."

The accompanying assistant did not understand what this meant. He just nodded silently.

Because of the existence of dominance, there are no polluting creatures here.

So, they walked all the way without encountering anything.

Different from the white pollution in the icy world, here is black pollution.

The accompanying assistant slowed down for half a beat, and only after walking a long distance did he exclaim:

"Then Mr. Speaker, you are a fallen angel."

Sigurd said:

"No, I'm human."

"Didn't you say that the end of the crack is where the fallen angels are?"

"Will there be only demons in hell?"

"And there are people who are suffering."

Sigurd said:

"Probably, for people, just staying in **** is already suffering."

The accompanying assistant nodded.

Sigurd sighed,

"Wait, when the immortals recover, everything will change. The earth will become the most ideal place for life, with abundant rune energy and higher dominance, and enough belief, then everyone can be In evolution, everyone can start from the earth and grow step by step until they reach the world to which their totem belongs. Everyone can achieve what they want and can show their most suitable ideal values. Isn't this the most wonderful the world?"

The accompanying assistant looked forward to the world described by Sigurd,

"Indeed, wonderful. Not like now."

"Vulgar people always associate immortality with immortality, but this is unrealistic in itself. Immortality of spirit and individual value is the most ideal immortality. Eternals... Eternals can create such a world!" Sigurd's eyes lit up.

"Eternals, what kind of gods are they?"

"Perhaps, you should feel it yourself. Of course, the brilliance of God is not something I can describe clearly."

They move on.


The trajectory, the breath... spread in the air and inscribed on the ground.

These are the signs of pursuit.

On the blackened rock layer, Lu Xianyi slowly advanced. She has a layer of fluorescence on her body, which is used to resist the erosion of dominance.

Different from the source metal base defense suit constructed by Qiao Xun, the fluorescence on Lu Xianyi's body enhanced the efficiency of the rune energy, which could minimize the erosion of dominance efficiency.

While paying attention to the movement of the crack in the deep sea next to her, she looked for traces and breaths left in the air and on the ground.

That's a trace of Sigurd.

It is her temporary plan to pursue this trace until she finds Sigurd.

Why did Sigurd command a group of VIPs to wake up the three super-giant creatures, and who was he serving. She wants to know.

The fundamental purpose that everyone wants to know is that she wants to find the trace of her mother.

She clearly noticed that her mother was on the train, or even beside her, but she couldn't see it, which made her very painful.

Her impression of her mother, An Yang, remained more than six years ago. She was not yet fifteen years old at the time.

The mother in my memory is very laughable, very gentle, and always patiently answers all her doubts. It was her only support and consolation during the most painful period of awakening her talent.

After her mother left, she lost her trust and kept spinning in the whirlpool of youth.

Now that she thinks about it, during the period after losing her mother, the reason why she became dependent on Xin Yu was probably because of Xin Yu's mature charm, which gave her some illusions as a mother.


She was thinking, if her mother never left, what would she be like now?

Maybe, I won't follow Xin Yu on adventures,

Maybe, I won't meet Qiao Xun,


Of course, Lu Xianyi is by no means the kind of person who uses "if" to deny the present.

However, the habit of being a guide in the past always made her preset multiple force fields for one thing, keep multiple conjectures, and deduce multiple results.


It's better not to think about impossible things, be serious, be serious about Lu Xianyi.

After adjusting her mentality, she continued to follow the traces of Sigurd.

In front, is a black mountain.


The Republic, Yandu City, Gongjin R&D Committee,

Equipment Development Department,

Ministry Zhang Office,

Lu Yang sat on the office chair at one end. One after another, the application instructions for derivative rune equipment passed through him.

In fact, after this year, the research on derivative rune equipment has made great progress, and the control is not so strict, so there is no need to go through his review every time.

However, it is true that some equipment specifications are extremely high, and he still needs to look at them.

After the split of Antarctica, the coastal areas of the Republic are facing threats from the ocean everywhere, as well as refugee flows from some neighboring countries. The border defenses in the western and southwestern regions are also facing severe problems.

Large and small pollution incidents require more and more derivative rune equipment.

Especially the big island in the southeast waters. It is an island itself and has poor resistance to marine threats. Some internal and external things have not been along the same lines for the time being, resulting in all kinds of problems popping up all at once.

It's not just Lu Yangyi who is busy, the whole country is busy now.

Despite this year's hype, "Pollution and Evolution" has taken root. But when such a big event like the end of the day happens, chaos cannot be avoided.

However, the republic is relatively stable, at least there is no scene of separatist forces from all over the world.

There was a short period of time today with little work.

It was rare for Lu Yang to relax. He, who didn't smoke often, couldn't help but light one, and the cigarette was curled up in a fog.

He got up and walked to the private locker next to him, opened the drawer, and took out a small tin box.

The iron box is a little old, and the paint flowers on it have fallen off a lot.

Open the box, there are various small objects, broken pencils, toy parts, hair ropes, buttons, yellowed photos...

Lu Yangyi is a nostalgic person.

He took out a photo of a family of three.

The young Lu Xianyi smiled like a flower, and compared her heart to the camera. The wife next to her...but she couldn't see her face, it was blurred.

This is definitely not because Lu Yangyi is a cruel person, and his wife can't see his wife when he leaves.

But because of the unique ability of his wife, An Yang...

He knew that it was An Yang who didn't want to leave traces of her here.

"Going clean...I don't even give you a chance to think. It's okay to be like this to me. Are you so cruel to Xianyi?"

Lu Yang sighed. He continued to rummage in the old iron box and found more than a dozen photos.

All belong to Lu Xianyi.

From her birth until she was fourteen years old, there were fifteen pictures in total.

From infancy, to childhood, to teenage.

Only fourteen years old.

After the age of fourteen, there was no chance to take pictures of her again.

Lu Yangyi's expression swayed slightly. He found that he almost couldn't remember how old his daughter was...

"Sea train...Xianyi, I hope you don't run into your mother..."

Lu Yang let out a breath. The matter of the sea train is not something he can control, and he can only pin a hopeless hope in this regard.

He put all these photos in the iron box, and then, rummaging in his pocket, he found another picture.

This is Qiao Xun's ID photo.

Looking at Qiao Xun's serious face in the photo, Lu Yang felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Logically speaking, he didn't know Qiao Xun very well. But as soon as I saw Qiao Xun's face, I thought of how he was desperate to destroy the War Seeds... At first, he just went to the Akuba Khanate to avoid the gene melting pot...

Lu Yangyi couldn't let go. I always think that maybe with Qiao Xun's talent, participating in the gene melting pot project can easily pass.

Maybe, without sending him to the Akub Khanate, he'd be... alive.

But now, he can't even own his own tombstone.

Lu Yang knew that his daughter was not a person who was good at making friends. Since Qiao Xun is her friend, it is very important to her.

Maybe, when she comes back, knowing that her friend died because of her father's wrong decision...probably will be even more reluctant to get along with him.


Lu Yang sighed and put this ID photo into the iron box.

He turned to look at the mirror on the wall next to him. In the mirror, all kinds of things this year have made him a lot older.

The temples have been dyed white.

dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the office door.

"Please come in." Lu Yang regained his expression every second.

A man with a thin face walked in. His appearance shows a kind of feminine feeling, but this femininity will not give people the feeling of femininity, but it does resemble the villain in film and television dramas.

"Lu Bu."

Lu Yang smiled slightly,

"It's Si Ling, you don't usually come to the ministry. Is there something wrong this time?"

Si Ling, talent pool sequence 11 - owner of "Whale World", creator of Night Watch Street, the only sixth-order evolutionary of the space system talent in the Republic.

Si Ling's voice has a rustling feeling, and the words are more dense.

"About the Eternals."

Lu Yangyi immediately became serious,

"Sit down quickly and have a good talk."

Si Ling waved his hand, this room was immediately locked by the closed space, and he lost contact with the outside.

"Sorry, Lu Bu, for a moment to interrupt your other work."

"It's okay, it's okay, the things of the immortal are more important."

Si Ling sat down without saying a word of nonsense.

"The Eternals are indeed recovering. The Eastern Royal Court in Romania has already sensed it through the consciousness hub. Our arrangements must be put on the itinerary quickly. Today, I'm here to discuss with you the use of the two derivative rune equipment."

Lu Yang frowned,

"The republic is very large and there are many people. It is estimated that the population will have to be relocated at that time."

"The migration population is certain. The scope of my talents is limited, and even with equipment, it cannot cover all regions."

"Looking at it this way, it is mainly the coastal areas~www.readwn.com~ is similar. This is also a trend, and the coastal areas of various countries are moving inland."

"It's a hassle."

Shi Ling nodded,

"Of course, it's not just us who are planning for it. As far as I know, the movement of the sea train and the black leather should be the biggest. On Hailie's side, Ms. An... Can Lu Bu still be in touch?"

Lu Yang shook his head.

"Yes, it's Ms. An after all." Si Ling's mouth squeezed slightly.

Lu Yang took a breath,

"Okay, Si Ling, let's study the use of those two pieces of equipment in detail."


Then, Si Ling waved his hand, and everything in the room immediately began to change, quickly turning into a huge sand table.

The two began to conduct detailed deductions against the sand table.

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