Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 57: Hunting Gods (9): True Demon Species

The cold wind whistled, and the earth was blackened.

Sigurd climbed the black mountain with some difficulty.

It looks like a silent volcanic crater, and the rugged rocks are embedded in the stone walls, showing strangeness.

"What is this place?" The accompanying assistant felt a strong sense of unease here and couldn't help asking.

Sigurd's eyes were not as cloudy as before, and gradually became clearer.

"This is where the devil sleeps."

"Demon?" The accompanying assistant felt that the demon spoken by Mr. Speaker should not be a description.

Sigurd's eyes became clearer and clearer, as if there was light shining in it,

"The devil. The real devil."

"I heard it for the first time."

"It does not matter."

"But, what are we doing here?"

"Awaken the demon species. Let the nightmare spread all over the world and make the final preparations for the recovery of the Eternal."

The accompanying assistant frowned,


"The road to the recovery of the great **** will definitely be blocked by the little ones. Awakening the demons is to make it more difficult for them to feel the immortals. The demons are the incarnation of the curse and the best weapon to destroy faith. "

"what should we do?"

Sigurd turned his head and glanced at him,

"Sleeping demons need a straightforward awakening ritual. Burning souls and turbulent runes are perfect."

The accompanying assistant paused,

"what is that?"

Sigurd smiled, his eyes rolled up like an old fox. But his tone was still soft, with a miraculous ability to soothe people's hearts.

"Ask your own heart. Feel whether your soul is burning and your runes are surging."

The accompanying assistant swallowed, his voice trembling, his neck tense,

"Mr. Speaker..."

"It's alright, it's obviously worth it. Your traces will forever be etched on the bottom of the Eternal's feet, and you're an integral part of his recovery. It's glorious."

The accompanying assistant laughed dryly,

"But me, but my totem is not an immortal."

"The Eternals embrace all things."

The accompanying assistant was completely frightened. He felt what the uneasy aura was, that was... death was approaching!

"No, Mr. Speaker, you didn't tell me to do this before you came!"

Sigurd's hunky body gradually grew taller. He raised his chest and looked up, full of energy,

"Your choice doesn't matter."

"No!" The accompanying assistant's face flushed red, he roared, and frantically ran back to the road.

But when he was running wildly, those jagged, claws and claws suddenly twisted and screamed. They "came to life" one after another, shuttled on the stone wall, blocked the way of the accompanying assistant, stretched out their charred minions, and tightly grasped his limbs and neck.


He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. These jagged rocks were also made of dominance, and they easily invaded his body and corroded the rune energy.

"Mr. Speaker, don't..." His tone gradually weakened.

Sigurd turned a deaf ear, and his eyes seemed to be welded, unchanged. He said aloud:

"It is an honor to be the bricks of the temple."

As he spoke, he shook his fingers that were as dry as old twigs.

The gloomy wind was blowing, and black mist gushed out from the surroundings, gathering the light.

Evil, disgusting appearance, thriving in the dark fog.

"Ah!" The accompanying assistant finally called out loudly.

Terrible and desperate.

This is the last whimper of life.

A wisp of colored smoke was drawn out of the accompanying assistant's body. In academic terms, this is the representation of life information, and in layman's terms, this is his burning soul.

Sigurd devoutly sent this soul to the disgusting existence in the black mist.

He said earnestly and devoutly:

"The noble and evil seed of the dream-eating tapir, Lord Angele, your first waking sleep should begin with this fiery soul. This will be the ideal start of your new life cycle."

The seed of the dream-eating tapir, Angele, the distorted shadow in the black mist moved.

So, the black mountain began to collapse.

"Weak human, is this the price you pay?" Angele's voice was very vague, just in terms of tone, it was a good bass, but it seemed to have a special power, which made people start to feel in their hearts after hearing it. Plant the seeds of fear.

Sigurd is not affected,

"No, Lord Angele. This wonderful world, countless beautiful dreams, is the price."

"I refuse. I only obey the orders of the seven kings." Angele's voice echoed in the black mist.

Sigurd smiled and said:

"Lord Angele, the Seven Kings are long gone. You are free."

"Loyalty is the devil's only advantage."

"But, who can you be loyal to? Gluttony · Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies? Lust · Asmodeus? Greed · Evil God Mammon? Lazy · Great Demon Lord Beliel? Or something else? They have long been in the mythical world. It has disappeared forever. Loyalty is a virtue, but stupid loyalty is not. And, are you willing to sleep here forever, guarding kings who don't exist, until the noble character of being a demon is devoured in history? ?Lord Angele, you have brought nightmares to countless people. I believe that you should have a better choice."

In the black mist, the figure of the Dream-Eating Tapir Seed twisted. No matter what shape it changes, it always gives a strong sense of disgust.

"My king..."

"Lord Angele, your kings, are gone. You don't need to show your heart to anyone."

Perhaps, the seed of the dream-eating tapir itself knows that the seven kings of original sin have long since died.

It sank for a long time in the dark fog,

"No one can deny the shadow that the Seven Kings once brought to the world."

"Of course, Lord Angele. To this day, there are still many worlds lingering in their shadows."

"Weak human. I know perfectly well that this is a deal."

Sigurd smiled and said,

"Lord Angele is unparalleled. This is indeed a deal."

"The immortal is still as unbeatable as a little strong. In the current situation, he can be the first to find the most suitable recovery method."

"So, is Lord Angele willing to make this deal? We all get what we need. We need you to pollute the dreams of human beings on Earth, and you can be free."

"Freedom? Can freedom fall from the sky?" Angele sneered.

"But, look. The sky is falling, and freedom might really fall from the sky."

Angele twisted and rolled in the black mist. It only began to feel the outside world. After a while, it was shocked:

"You opened the deep sea crack?"

Sigurd smiled,

"Of course. How can you create the most perfect place for life if you don't do that?"

"It's crazy. It's the land of fallen angels over there..."

"Fallen angels and demons are indeed inextricably intertwined." Sigurd's tone gradually became restless and hurried, "Lord Angele, why don't we change this place together? Why not restore the glory of the gods What? Maybe, I mean maybe, when the great revival of the mythical world comes, your kings will sit on the throne again."

King, sit on the throne again...

This short sentence seems to have a fatal attraction to Angele.

The shadow distortion in the black fog keeps getting bigger and bigger. The sound of Jie Jie gnawing came out, causing the fine rubble on the top of the mountain to shatter into sand.

"I made this deal."

Sigurd smiled like a flower.

Then, a wisp of dominant power descended from the sky, covering the entire mountaintop.

A roll of parchment paper slowly rolled out.

Angele left his mark on it.

Sigurd said:

"Lord Angele, you are free. Countless beautiful dreams are waiting for you. Eternals will accompany you and travel in beautiful dreams."

The black mountain collapsed in an instant. The charred gravel flew everywhere, some fell into the cracks in the deep sea and were annihilated by the dominant force, and some shot to the glaciers in the Antarctic, so that people who were still in the Antarctic saw a... black snow.

After the mountain collapsed, a huge rune passage was seen.

At the top of the rune passage, a cloud of black mist is imprisoned—the seed of the dream-eating tapir, Angele.

Seeing this rune passage, Sigurd couldn't help swallowing.

"My God, what a terrible rune. Is this the rune planted by Archangel Gabriel?"

Angele, the seed of the dream-eating tapir, smiled grimly and said:

"Can you solve it? Kid, you have said so much nonsense. If you can't even solve this rune, it will make people laugh out loud."

Sigurd smiled,

"You underestimate us. Maybe I can't, but after preparing for it for so long, of course it won't stop here."

He grabbed his shoulder blade with his right hand and pulled it off with a little force.


Like this shoulder blade is just a small pendant mounted on him.

Sigurd threw the scapula into the vast rune tunnel.

Then, the rune channel began to disintegrate from top to bottom.

"What is that?" Angele clearly felt that the rune channel that bound him was loosening, and couldn't help but be surprised.

A single bone can disintegrate the forbidden rune planted by the Archangel himself?

"You've been sleeping so long that you don't even recognize this?"

After Angele's twisting figure calmed down a little, it trembled violently.

"That's the bone of the Father!"


"You... how did you get it?"

"The answer to this question is not within the scope of transactions."

Angele was silent. It fully affirms their strength and indeed has the ability to do such a thing. To be able to get the bones of the heavenly father can already be said to be a proof of strength, no matter what method is used.

become free.

Angele forgot how long he slept here.

Now, finally free.

But...it wasn't very happy.

"Yeah, I'm free... But what about the kings? Is it really a kind of freedom to survive in a world without kings?"

Angele doesn't quite know the difference. The long sleep has left many things lost.

Now, bit by bit, it has to find it back.

It would be great if the traces of the king could be found.

Thinking like this, this dream-eating tapir seed, a demon in the true sense, disappeared from the center of the Antarctic. It has no physical body, but in an instant, its footprints have spread all over the world.

The collapse of the black mountain caused another riot in Antarctica.

However, this riot was much smaller than before, and it didn't last long. So, most people thought it was just the aftermath of a mess.

Sigurd slowly fell from the sky.

The footsteps stepped on the fine gravel, making a tickling sound.

He didn't move on because someone was standing in front of him blocking his way.

"Seventh seat, Miss Lu." Sigurd said with a smile, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

Lu Xianyi was never polite, nor did she say hypocritical words, she went straight to the topic,

"I witnessed the whole process."

Sigurd was a little surprised.

The whole process?

This meant that she was following behind him in the first place, and he didn't notice her.

Sigurd knew that Lu Xianyi's ability was unusual, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

Sigurd's expression did not change,

"So, does Miss Lu have any ideas?"

"Demon, Eternal, Archangel, Bone of the Father. I thought I was listening to a fairy tale."

Sigurd said with a smile:

"Those are myths. But it was never stipulated that myths could not be real."

"Yes. The world is more wonderful than I imagined. Countless mythical worlds surround the earth, right?"

"You're smart enough to analyze so much from just a few words."

Lu Xianyi inhaled a little,

"As filthy as your plans seem to me, I'm not a messenger of justice. There are a few things I want to make clear."

Sigurd narrowed his eyes. He is not sure what Lu Xianyi's abilities are and what is his purpose. For those who are approaching immortality to recover, it is best not to make any noise. It is best to keep everything stable. Let's listen to what she wants to know first.

"What's up?"

"First of all, who is the first seat of the VIP seat?"

"Is this important to you?"

Lu Xianyi frowned,

"If it's not necessary, please tell me directly."

Sigurd said with a smile:

"I said you don't understand."

"Then I'll dig out your brain and see for myself." Lu Xianyi said with a frown.

Sigurd shrugged,

"You're not a lady."

With a move from Lu Xianyi, a black prison rose from the ground, covering Sigurd.

"Okay!" Sigurd said quickly, "Calm down, calm down. Both VIPs, why kill each other."

"Sigurd, this is really not your style. You are like a stinky fish in a tank now." Lu Xianyi said in disgust.

Sigurd said:

"It does take some effort to play the role of the speaker, otherwise, it will not be convincing to the distinguished guests from all over the world."

"Just a bunch of puppets. The only real VIPs are you and the first seat."

"Aren't you?" He then said to himself, "Oh, yes, a clean person like you will definitely not join forces with us."

Lu Xianyi squeezed his right hand, and the prison that trapped Sigurd began to close.

Feeling the oppression, Sigurd hurriedly said,

"Calm down! I'll tell you who the first seat is right away!"

Lu Xianyi did not stop.

She wouldn't stop until she heard the answer.

"The first seat, just...behind you!"

Of course Lu Xianyi wouldn't believe such childish tricks.

However, the sound of a voice made her almost tremble in her soul,

"Beautiful lady, are you looking for me?"

Lu Xianyi turned around suddenly, and immediately saw a man standing not far away.

Her heart trembled involuntarily, her breathing became more and more basic, she swallowed her saliva, and asked in confusion:

"Qiao Xun? Are you the first VIP?"

His clean face and deep eyes are familiar and natural.

Lu Xianyi couldn't help covering her chest. She suddenly became sad.

what is this?

Why would he be the first?

She frowned, and her face that had been decisive and cold became weak and reserved.

"This, why?"

"I said, everyone has their own secrets." Qiao Xun said softly.

He walked slowly towards Lu Xianyi.

Lu Xianyi didn't know what to do. Neither is going back, nor is going in. He stood there bewildered, his mind in a mess.

Qiao Xun walked up to her, stretched out his hand, smiled and said:

"Maybe, we should get to know each other better."

Lu Xianyi's pupils were trembling.

Looking at Qiao Xun's outstretched hand, she didn't know what to do for a while.

She had an inexplicable feeling that her trust had collapsed.

feeling bad. It was as if the other party had carefully crafted a net to bind her tightly.

Do not!

No, Qiao Xun will not give me this feeling...

Lu Xianyi held her right hand tightly.

right hand...


She reacted suddenly. I have a concentric ring with Qiao Xun!

She immediately activated the concentric ring in her right hand~www.readwn.com~ and cried out in her heart:

"Qiao Xun, is that you?"

Standing in front of him, Qiao Xun still smiled and stretched out his hand, unmoved.

is a liar! Lu Xianyi was horrified.

She suddenly became very hateful, and she really hated this guy with Qiao Xun's face.

Her eyes became very dark, and she said angrily:

"Don't smear my impression of him, you **** bastard!"

The runic energy exploded around her.

A huge prison rose from the ground, instantly engulfing Qiao Xun in front of him.

The surging rune energy will destroy everything in the prison.

Lu Xianyi's body was suspended in the air, looking down at the black prison below.

At this moment, she is the creator, wantonly "drawing the ground into a prison".

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