Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 58: Hunting Gods (10): No. 2 train conductor

The black prison rose from the ground, trapping Sigurd and "Qiao Xun".

Sigurd did not resist. He knew that there would be no problem with the first seat, and there was no need to waste his few energy.

But when he saw Lu Xianyi's "arrogant" rune arrogance, he couldn't help but be startled.

He knew that Lu Xianyi was very strong, and he was able to brush the extremely dangerous pollution area by himself, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

Is this really someone who has just been a VIP for less than a year?

Evolution also has to talk about the basic law. Obviously, Lu Xianyi's growth rate is far beyond his imagination.

are geniuses?

Or is there a great opportunity?

Sigurd felt pity in his heart. It's a pity that Lu Xianyi is not from his own faction. If she is in his own faction, she will definitely be a good helper. Since it is not the same camp, it is obviously difficult to be compatible.

"Qiao Xun" stood in the prison.

Solid walls firmly seal off any space that can move. And the structure of the prison was constantly changing with Lu Xianyi's control, like a super-large mechanical labyrinth.

"You are the first seat?" Lu Xianyi asked with a frown as she stood tall.

"Qiao Xun" looked indifferent, as if completely unaffected by the prison. His voice was low, but penetrating,

"Didn't I already greet you? Ask again, is it a sense of ritual?"

Lu Xianyi's voice was also mixed with the power of runes, echoing and colliding in the prison,

"Being like him, do you think I'll be fooled?"

"Becoming him?" The first seat stroked his face, to be precise, Qiao Xun's face, "Don't be too self-centered. It's not that everyone wants to plot against you. You see his It looks like he occupies a considerable position in your heart at this moment."

"What's the meaning?"

"You have never known your opponent. You don't even know who I am. Miss Lu, this is arrogant and arrogant. Perhaps, the rapid growth in strength has made you a little lost, thinking that you can solve everything by yourself. "You never imagined what you're going to face when you come here to explore this thing."

"So, who are you?"

The first seat said,

"I'm not who I am, and I don't have an identity. Just think of me as a blank piece of paper. You care about what I look like, and I'm what I look like." He smiled slightly, "Or, I...is your weakness. "

Lu Xianyi frowned.

She didn't quite understand the meaning of what the first seat said.

Empty reasoning?

position statement?

"I hate riddlers like you the most."

The first seat shook his head,

"You tell kindergarten children about esoteric science knowledge. In their eyes, you are a riddle man. Your lack of dry knowledge will make you think that everything I say is a riddle. If I were your teacher, That will of course be expressed in words you can understand, but alas, no student will lock a teacher in a prison."

With "euphemistic" words, he satirized that it was not his riddle, but Lu Xianyi's ignorance.

Lu Xianyi's frowning frowned instead. She found that she was indeed a little gaffe, not calm enough.

The first seat smiled and said:

"We should have a good chat. You know, we have no fundamental conflict of interest from beginning to end. I can feel that what you want to explore has nothing to do with what we are doing. Take it easy. ,brat."

Lu Xianyi snorted coldly,

"First, you have to change your face."

The first seat shook his head and said:

"It seems that you still don't understand. I said at the beginning, I have no identity, I am not anyone, I am not even myself. What you see is only what you care about the most. You care about my picture The person represented by the face, can't you only see this face?"

Some circles.

Lu Xianyi asked:

"No identity?"

"Identity is a person's existence. You might as well ask Sigurd, ask him what I am in his eyes at the moment."

Lu Xianyi looked at Sigurd beside him.

Sigurd answered without waiting to ask,

"I respect and love the Eternal, so I can only see the figure in the light."

He didn't lie, indeed, at this moment, the first seat in his eyes was like a shadow puppet silhouette.

"Is this your ability?" Lu Xianyi asked.

The first seat smiled,

"That's my trait. The ultimate trait, boy."

The ultimate feature...

Hearing this, Lu Xianyi was shocked. Generally speaking, every evolutionary person has characteristics, and now the world can use the extreme characteristics to describe, only... sixth-order demigods.

The first seat is a demigod?

Lu Xianyi poured ice water into her brain and immediately calmed down.

No, can't risk it. No matter how powerful his own creativity is, he is still only a fifth-order evolutionary, and he can't fight against the semi-transcendental rune energy.

Also, from the beginning to the end, the first seat was not affected by the pressure inside the prison, which already shows that his strength is unfathomable.

The first seat was very patient. ta is not angry because of Lu Xianyi's previous offense, and wants to find a place or something,

"Are you interested in my characteristics? Maybe we can have a good chat. I don't mind telling good children useful knowledge."

Curious is indeed curious.

But Lu Xianyi was sober. She has always been clear about her position, not with the first and second seats.

"I like to learn by myself." Lu Xianyi refused.

"It's a pity." The first seat sighed, and then smiled, "It's okay. If you're not interested in this, there's another thing."

Lu Xianyi frowned slightly.

The first seat said:

"The thing you care about. The mysterious atmosphere of the VIP seat, your close relative, the matter of Ms. An Yang."

He called out the name An Yang at once, which made Lu Xianyi's heart tremble.

Does he know my mother?

"You... how do you know!" Lu Xianyi asked through gritted teeth.

"Are you interrogating the prisoner?" The first seat smiled.

Lu Xianyi hesitated for a moment, and then released the prison.

In her eyes, the face of the first seat gradually became blurred. Switching back and forth between Qiao Xun and his mother, Anyang.

The first seat said:

"Everyone has secrets in their hearts. Some people can hide them well and deeply, while others are easy to write on their faces. Miss Lu Xianyi, compared with ordinary evolutionaries, you are indeed very outstanding. A rising star. But, you don't seem to be very good at dealing with personal matters, and you are full of weaknesses. These weaknesses, when you meet someone stronger than you, are the scars of failure. Your emotions Too strong, your desire is so prominent that it is written in your eyes, you... longing to see your mother."

Lu Xianyi's pupils trembled, as if she had been thoroughly understood.

The first seat continued:

"You don't have much malice towards the second seat and me, you only have a little bit of malice, and you still want to know more about the VIP seats and... see me showing the face of the person you care about. This is how Childish."

Lu Xianyi did not refute, nor was he angry.

"But fortunately, you recognize mistakes very quickly."

Lu Xianyi raised her eyebrows,

"Are you complimenting me?"

The first seat smiles,

"Yes. No matter how you look at it, they are very good children. Of course good children should be praised well."

Lu Xianyi shook her head,

"I don't care about that."

"Yes, you only care about your mother."

"Don't try to detour me about her."

The most direct way to avoid information-poor scams is to not enter the game in the first place. No matter what the purpose of the first seat, Lu Xianyi did not intend to be held back by his mother's affairs.

The first seat said,

"I think that information itself is valuable. Value will not be generated and circulated for no reason. Of course, I will not use this to blackmail you into doing anything. You will eventually know about Ms. Anyang, and you will not Eager to know from me, right?"

Lu Xianyi didn't understand what he meant? Did you figure it out yourself?

"Then it's not nonsense that you said so much?" Lu Xianyi asked rhetorically.

The first seat shook his head,

"I gave you a chance to learn more, and you still think it's nonsense."

"if not?"

"What a sharp tone."

"You'd better not speak to me in this tone, it will only make you more annoying."

The first seat suddenly smiled,

"I have a way to find your mother An Yang immediately."

Lu Xianyi's eyelids twitched and she continued:

"I do not care."

"It doesn't matter whether you care or not. The important thing is that while you have many weaknesses in yourself, you are also the weaknesses of others." The tone of the first seat became paradoxical.

Lu Xianyi felt uneasy.

She quickly created a huge barrier in front of her, and at the same time, immediately escaped from here.

But, it's still too late.

A spatial tremor ran through her body, knocking her down from the air.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the first seat sounded in her heart,

"In the beginning, your thoughts are too obvious. You should be more cautious, more careful, it is better not to show your face, like your mother, hide in the deepest, hide in the dark and observe everything in the sun, never Put yourself at risk. You have a lot more to learn than your mother."

The semi-transcendental rune energy is not something that Lu Xianyi can block.

She felt the first seat taking over her body.

It was at this time that she understood the characteristics of the first seat.

That can be described as a phrase "from the heart". Everyone sees him differently. It can also be said that he exists in everyone's heart and will appear if necessary.

Just like before, she hoped to see the first seat, and the first seat appeared directly.

No wonder, no wonder there is no first seat figure in the entire VIP seat. He is not a specific person at all, or has been out of the realm of reality, like a thought that lives in someone else's heart, and when this thought is mentioned, he will appear.

At this moment, the idea of ​​the first seat is gradually eating away at her consciousness, taking her body as her own.

The power of the demigods...

Lu Xianyi felt the power of a demigod for the first time. It was like an insurmountable mountain, no matter how she dealt with it, it was like she was touching the air and could do nothing.

The attack of the first seat was something she had never encountered before. Without an entity, no matter how powerful she is, she has nowhere to go.

She couldn't even find him anywhere.

No, you can't sit still!

If this continues, sooner or later, the mind will be completely eaten away. Lu Xianyi was always ready, planning to give up her body and keep her consciousness.

At this moment, the concentric ring in the palm of her right hand became very hot. She recorded her experience as detailed as possible so that Qiao Xun could know her situation at that time.

She didn't want to leave a "sudden disappearance" result.

After Lu Xianyi was fully prepared, he immediately decoded his life information and was ready to upload it to the backup database at any time.

But, just when she really wanted to do it, a gust of wind blew.

In fact, there was no wind blowing, but she felt it was blowing.

The wind blew away all the dust in her heart.

Then she felt the first seat disappear from her consciousness.

Before she could check what was going on, she suddenly heard a satisfied laughter.

The first seat smiled and said:

"Ms. An Yang, it's not your style to expose your weaknesses like this."


Lu Xianyi's heart trembled, and she quickly adjusted her gaze and looked around.


She did not see the figure of the fourth person. But the feeling told her that her mother was nearby.

On the black and broken ground, a gentle voice sounded from nowhere,

"She's not a weakness."

Lu Xianyi felt pain in her heart. Although she hadn't heard her mother's voice for a long time, she recognized it at once when it sounded.

She looked at the first seat. At this time, the appearance of the first seat finally stabilized, and stabilized into the appearance of An Yang.

Seeing that face, Lu Xianyi bit her lip tightly. She wanted to speak loudly, but her instinct told her that it was best not to say a word at this time, otherwise it would cause trouble.

It feels so weird.

A person with a mother's face is the enemy, but a real mother has only a voice.

The sensory dislocation made Lu Xianyi feel like a fire was burning in his throat.

The first seat shook his head and said:

"The moment you stood up for her, didn't you already explain it? Xiboan probably never expected you to appear in such a way. Looking at it this way, the process of the whole thing will speed up a lot."

"What Agnes wants to do has nothing to do with me."

"Even at this time, do you have to stand on the sidelines? Always acting as a neutral party will only be disliked by everyone in the end."

"I'm here only for her, nothing to do with anything else."

The first seat said,

"It's no use trying to get out of the relationship. You show up and use your talent, and that's enough for us."


The other party was silent, and did not answer the first seat's words immediately.

There is no problem with the first seat. All he needs is An Yang to show up and activate his talent. In that case, she would not be able to escape the memory parasitism of the Eternals.

There are three conductors of the train, two of them have been resolved now, one is the No. 2 train conductor, Anyang, and the other is the third train conductor, Agnes.

In this way, the odds increase again.

Only the most mysterious No. 1 train conductor is left.

Sigurd looked at the first seat with respect. He thought to himself that he was indeed a direct believer of the Eternal One, and he took care of the two train conductors without any effort.

In the random event "Nightmare Invasion" last year, the first seat resuscitated a weak god-"Fear", and made it parasitic on an ordinary passenger. "Fear" then erupts in the random event "Random Ring", forcing Agnes to show up.

At this moment, the relationship between the seventh seat and the No. 2 train Chang An Yang was captured again, in order to force An Yang to appear.

For a very small price, in exchange for a very high profit.

This is wisdom, Sigurd thought reverently.

An Yang, who disappeared without a trace, spoke up again,

"I just say one thing, the Eternal One can never verify the true Eternal Life. He is not qualified."

The first seat smiles,

"Don't worry about the train conductor. Sigurd, we should go back and check the results."

Sigurd bowed,

"Okay, dear Mr. Brainless."

The first seat, called by Sigurd, is a brainless man.

He disappeared here instantly.

It was like he appeared suddenly, because of a thought, and disappeared because of a thought.

Sigurd was alone on his way back to the train.

On the blackened and broken ground, Lu Xianyi lowered her head, like a child who made a mistake, and whispered:

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"It's okay, Xianyi. Remember what I said before, growing up is a process of trial and error."

Still a familiar tone, a familiar tenderness.

"I... can I see you?" Lu Xianyi's tone became a little humble.

The daughter looks at the mother and needs to ask carefully.

This in itself is already a distressing thing.

But being rejected is even more painful.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. Not now." An Yang apologized three times in a row.

"When can it be?"

"When you are no longer affected by me."

Lu Xianyi sniffed, lowered her head and said:

"I'm still too weak."

"You are already great. Xianyi, you have to be free, and you have to work hard for yourself. However, I also hope that you can rely on... I'm sorry, my mother should have been your support, but... ...the results are not satisfactory." An Yang said at the end, and smiled slightly self-deprecatingly.

Listening to what she said, her helpless expression appeared in Lu Xianyi's mind.

It seems that all dissatisfaction is dissipated at this moment.

Lu Xianyi laughed happily,

"I have something to rely on."

"Your father?"

"Well... Although it's very disrespectful to say that, but it's not him."

"Huh? Could it be..." An Yang's tone rose.

Lu Xianyi hummed twice, like a child showing off new toys to others.

An Yang's light laughter sounded here,

"I know. However, I'm definitely not good at this level."

"He's fine!" Lu Xianyi said hurriedly.

"Of course, my daughter, how could she like ordinary people?"

"Stop laughing at me."

Lu Xianyi felt that nothing had changed.

Although I haven't seen my mother for six or seven years, my mother is still a gentle and caring mother.

Even though she is very powerful and her identity is very unusual, she is still the mother who speaks softly.

Although I regret not being able to complain to her face to face, I am very satisfied.

Lu Xianyi asked:

"Is it serious? Well... I've caused you trouble. If I break away decisively, you won't have to come out in person."

Anyang says:

"Don't add psychological pressure to yourself, Xianyi. This matter has nothing to do with you, and you don't know about it. Just move on according to your own ideas. Although I can't meet you, I will pay attention to you. growing up, knowing that you are completely unaffected by me."

"How long will it take..." Lu Xianyi looked at the sky.

The sky was overcast, dull and low pressure.

An Yang smiled and said:

"It won't be long."

Anticipation rose in Lu Xianyi's heart.

"Xianyi, I'm leaving." An Yang said.

Lu Xianyi smiled and said:

"You didn't say hello last time you left~www.readwn.com~ I finally say hello this time."

"Mom is a careless bastard. Well, bye."

After speaking, An Yang's breath disappeared.

Not feeling the slightest bit of mother's breath anymore, Lu Xianyi felt a little empty in her heart.

See you next time, I don't know when.

But my mother hasn't changed at all, and it's already a good result.

Lu Xianyi set out on the way home.

She thought, she has to tell Qiao Xun what happened here. Although Qiao Xun didn't say what she was doing, she guessed it to some extent, and most of it had something to do with the preparations for the first and second seats.

What happened here may help Qiao Xun.

Also, my mother said that she would try to test him. You have to tell him in advance, so that he can be a little mentally prepared...

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