Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 59: Hunting God (11): Lady Anyang

On the second day of returning to the train, Qiao Xun adjusted quickly, thoroughly purifying the special atmosphere brought from the Antarctic continent.

Refreshing and refreshing.

Standing at the door of the house, he stopped. I wanted to do something, but there was really nothing I could do. As for the Hunting God plan, although I learned about it from Agnes, I still don't know exactly how it works.

Besides, Agnes told him to wait for her letter.

For such an important matter, Qiao Xun has always held the utmost cautious attitude and will never act rashly.

Since there is nothing to do, then think about other things, and do it from your heart.

As if today is a day off after a hard work, take a break.

After going out for breakfast, he left the upper deck and went to the middle deck. It is still a bounty day, so there are no people in the middle-deck carriages, and ordinary passengers are rarely seen. Most of the clockworkers and train staff are dealing with their daily work.

With the identity letter of the upper compartment, it can be said to be unobstructed in the middle compartment.

It's been a long time since I've had alone time alone. Qiao Xun unexpectedly felt that a person is also quite good, free and without restraint.

He entered the entertainment area and planned to go to the chess and card room to play billiards.

Playing billiards is one of his few pastimes. Because when he was a consultant before, he often sat in the office. In order not to have any problems such as lumbar muscle strain and cervical spondylosis, he would play billiards in the chess and card room next to the consultation room in his spare time.

Unlike people, he likes to play billiards alone.

Standing in front of the pool table, Qiao Xun was a little dazed. Then I remembered that it was more than a year before I stood in front of the pool table again.

Time seemed to pass quickly.

He felt that the biggest reason was because of the few months of sleep before. That time was vacant for him, a passage of time without a concrete reference.

For Qiao Xun, every collision between the cue and the billiard ball is like a node in his life. Playing billiards alone, for him, is actually a special time for thinking.

He thought about many things.

Evolution... Pollution... Trait...

The possibility of being promoted to the sixth rank... The root cause of the characteristics of the Seven Sins...

God Hunter Project... Eternal... Agnes...

Several "friends" he has met since his evolution...and, his lover Lu Xianyi...

It's probably called heart-to-heart. When he thought of Lu Xianyi, the concentric ring in the palm of his left hand suddenly began to heat up, and it continued to grow until it became a burning heat.

He stopped what he was doing and spread out his left hand.

A circle of shimmering light rippled in the palm of his hand.

Lu Xianyi told him that when one side of Tongxin Talk had strong emotional fluctuations, it would be passed on to the other side to a certain extent.

"Searing heat... strong emotions..." Qiao Xun stroked Shimmer lightly.

Sink into consciousness and feel it with your heart.

Strong emotions are...

Anger and tension.

Not good. Lu Xianyi's situation is not very good.

If it's just anger, it's probably because she has encountered something unpleasant and has a certain ability to deal with it. But there is still nervousness, which shows that she does not have the confidence to solve what she is facing at the moment.

Qiao Xun looked in the direction of the South Pole and frowned.

What happened to her?

He is still sane. Although he knew that Lu Xianyi was in trouble now, he also knew that it was pointless to worry about it here. Antarctica is so big, and finding her is not something that can be achieved with a single sentence.

However, he didn't have any spare time to continue playing billiards. He sat alone on the leisure sofa next to him, his consciousness penetrated into the concentric circle, and he tried to understand Lu Xianyi's state of mind more clearly.

"Zhenru" and "Zaiyin" can play a very limited role in facing this kind of thing, but the special "numerology follows the sky" still maintains absolute rationality. According to the operation of truth, if the truth exists, then it will not will fall into a useless place.



When he devotes himself to one thing, the ability he shows is beyond what he usually shows.

Although he is still a fifth-order deacon, he has "numerology following the sky", and his perception of the wonderful connection of the concentric circle may have exceeded the scope limited by Lu Xianyi himself.

It's like walking out of the jungle.

Qiao Xun cleared away the thorns and fog, and felt Lu Xianyi at the moment from a long distance.

He felt the violent rune energy surging all over her body, using a very powerful talent. He remembered her saying that this was her creative talent.

A talent that converts runic energy into creativity, and then uses creativity to create at will, like the Creator.

The previous game corridor was also created in this way.

Qiao Xun has thought about whether creativity has a certain similarity with dominance, or, in other words, is a special ability on the same performance track.

She used this ability, which shows that she is indeed facing more serious things at the moment.

Although I really want to take a closer look and see what she has to say and see. But the ability of the fifth-order is limited after all, and it cannot be so meticulous.

Being able to clearly feel the sensory changes of another person separated by hundreds of kilometers is already at the level of a demigod.

She can only feel the changes in her mood and ability with the help of the concentric ring.

Angry, depressed, calm...

There seems to be another kind of consciousness in her sea of ​​consciousness. Fighting for control of the body.

Then there is tension and urgency.

Then, Qiao Xun felt a familiar atmosphere.

"This is... the breath of format transcoding?"

Qiao Xun's eyelids jumped. She was actually forced to use format transcoding to preserve consciousness?


She just unfolded this talent, and didn't really activate it!

As soon as Qiao Xun noticed this, he was immediately expelled by an extremely large force. The connection he established with Lu Xianyi unilaterally with "numerology follows the sky" was cut off at once.

He woke up suddenly.

In an instant, he was sweating profusely.

"Demi god……"

He was sure that what Lu Xianyi faced was a demigod, and there was more than one.

It was a demigod who competed with Lu Xianyi for body control, and it was another demigod who cut off his connection.

He quickly spread out his left hand and continued to feel the concentric rings in his palm.

And now, the emotion he feels is...

Shocked, after the shock is a joy.


The range of emotional changes was a bit large, and Qiao Xun thought for a moment that he had made a mistake. But after feeling the verification again, it is indeed like that.

Lu Xianyi was surprised.

"What will she be surprised by?"

Qiao Xun doesn't know, although there are a few guesses in his head, he is not sure.

However, at the very least, he knew that Lu Xianyi's dangerous situation had been resolved.

Qiao Xun sorted out his feelings from the front to the back, thinking that it might be that Lu Xianyi was suddenly attacked by a demigod, but another demigod helped her.

"It's...a rich and varied experience..."

Qiao Xun breathed a sigh of relief. It's fine if there is no danger. What happened, it won't be too late to ask when she comes back.

Although I don't know what happened. But from a basic point of view, there are still two demigods in the Antarctic continent.

I don't know if these two demigods are related to the recovery of the Eternal.

He thought about it and felt that this matter was not easy, and it was necessary to discuss it with Agnes.

When he thought of it, he did it, and without delay, he set off immediately.


"You came."

Seeing Qiao Xun, Agnes felt in a good mood. She smiled slightly, her neatly tidied blond hair swaying gently.

"Sorry to bother you again."

"Don't say sorry. I'm very happy that you're here. Sometimes no one will come in this room for several years. As you can see, it's long gone. Although I clean it carefully every day, it can't be avoided. Thick dusty breath." Agnes sighed slightly.

It seems that there are not many people who can talk to her.

"Is this the height of the cold?"

Agnes pondered the question of Qiao Xun seriously.

She is indeed a rather strange person. Sometimes she will think seriously about obvious jokes, and sometimes she will take serious inquiries as jokes.

"Well... I'm sorry, my understanding is limited. Being in a high place should be a deeper state."

Qiao Xun smiled dryly,

"You don't have to care so much, I just said something casually."

"Just a word?"

"Well, this is a sentence in an ancient Chinese poem."

Agnes suddenly said in surprise:

"Oh, I remembered, it's 'I want to ride the wind back home, but I'm afraid of Qionglou Yuyu, the heights will be too cold'!"


Qiao Xun touched his nose, and he couldn't understand why Agnes was happy to think of this word. he asks:

"Do you also read ancient words?"

"I read a lot." Agnes lifted his chin slightly.

"Okay... Forget it, you put me in again, I'm here to talk business."

"Isn't that the right thing to do?"


Qiao Xun stopped talking, lest it be endless. He took a breath and briefly stated his feelings just now. Although it was simple, the key content was not missed.

After listening carefully, Agnes thought for a moment and asked:

"Can you feel what happened to the seventh seat?"

Qiao Xun blinked,

"um, yes."

Agnes pursed his lips and said nothing.

But her eyes gave Qiao Xun a feeling that she knew everything.

This inexplicably made Qiao Xun a little embarrassed.

"The seventh seat can now be ruled out," Agnes said.


"Because it was the conductor number two who relieved the crisis for her."

"Second train conductor?"

Agnes nodded,

"Ms. Anyang is a very special person—"

"Wait!" Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows, "An Yang? The No. 2 train captain's name is An Yang?"

Agnes nodded,

"Yes. An Yang, surname An, name Yang. What's the matter? Are you curious about the name, or about her?"

Qiao Xun hissed and said:

"The seventh seat Lu Xianyi's mother is An Yang."

Agnes paused for a moment, and after a while, laughed enthusiastically. A pair of pointed teeth were exposed "openly", but they didn't look hideous.

It was the first time Qiao Xun saw her smile so...happy? It's not good to be happy.

"Oh, oh. It all worked out at once. I said what An Yang did when he left the train for more than ten years. When he came back, he didn't say a word, didn't say anything. After a long time, it turned out that he was going to get married." Agnes held his chin and put his elbows on his knees, "Look, it's all right now, the daughter who was left behind has come to the door. I've already made up a fifty-episode family ethics drama!"

Qiao Xun: "..."

Agnes quickly regained his grace and integrity, and said softly:

"Sorry, I'm a little too involved."

"Put in?"

"Humph. Do you know what Ms. Anyang hated most before?"


"I hate men and children the most. Pff--sorry, I can't help thinking that she has to deal with a man and a child at the same time, she is so busy, complaining all the time, and always has a smile on her face, I can't help thinking. laugh!"

Agnes restrained his smile and did not appear too presumptuous.

"Oh, Ms. Anyang finally turned into what she hated the most." She tsk tsk shook her head.


Qiao Xun has already begun to wonder how Lu Yangyi won a demigod.

No... It seems that I don't know what level Lu Yangyi is. Could it be that he is also a demigod?

Agnes suddenly thought of something, and frowned slightly,

"Oh, the relationship is really messed up." After saying that, she glanced at Qiao Xun slightly.

"What's wrong?"

She lifted her chin,


Qiao Xun rarely complained and muttered:

"I'll ask when the time comes."

Agnes smiled,

"Going around, I almost think the earth is just a small village. However, Ms. Anyang is not as unfeeling as she said, hiding so deeply, leaving me the chores inside and outside the train. One person, when his daughter was killed, ran out the first time. Tsk."

Qiao Xun was still surprised.

He never imagined that Lu Xianyi's mother was actually the No. 2 train conductor. Then why did she say that she felt her mother's breath in the VIP seat?

he asks:

"What is the second train conductor in charge of?"

Agnes replied:

"All passengers on the train, including VIPs."

No wonder.

Agnes finished his jokes and returned to the topic,

"Having said that, the other demigod should be the first seat. It is now clear that the first seat is responsible for presiding over the situation for the Eternals. He originally proposed to create a council to make it easier to act."

"Aren't you going to stop it?"

Agnes shook his head,

"What they did did not violate the power hierarchy of the train, and I certainly have no authority to stop it. You should understand one thing, the train is not a single person."

"I still don't understand what the train system is all about."

"You will understand, but not now." Agnes sighed slightly, "Ms. Anyang was also forced to show up, it seems that we are a little disadvantaged. Of course, only a little bit. I don't expect Anyang to think about it. Ways to prevent the recovery of the Eternals."


"Ms. Anyang is a very proud person. She despises all those who are beyond their own power, even the former **** Eternal, she also despises. In her opinion, whether the Eternal is revived or not will not really bring anything to the world. What fundamental change has come." Agnes did not forget to boast, "She is not as good at talking as I am."

Argenis is really good at talking... how do you say it?



"After being forced to show up, is there a possibility of being parasitized by the memory of the immortal?"

Agnes nodded,

"Yes. Therefore, Ms. Anyang can't be the protagonist of the hunter."

"When were you forced to show up?"

"A year ago, the last match of 'Random Ring'."

Qiao Xun was shocked,

"The one I played?"

Agnes smiled slightly,

"Sorry, I didn't care about you at that time. You said that, it was indeed that one."

Qiao Xun shrugged. He was still a rookie at that time, and it was normal not to be taken seriously.

Argenis explained:

"The first seat awakened the weak **** 'Fear' in advance and placed it in the random event 'Nightmare Invasion'. 'Fear' occupied the body of a passenger. The passenger was completely recovered during the final confrontation with you, I It has to be stopped or else the whole train will go into 'fear'."

Joe Tour said:

"So that's the case... Then, what about God's 'fear' now?"

"Purified by me."

Agnes put it lightly.

Qiao Xun shrank his neck. He is still very awake. Although Agnes is very kind and approachable, he is still a demigod in essence, with a very terrifying strength.

"Ms. Anyang was also forced to show up. So are they targeting the No. 1 train conductor next?"

Agnes smiled and said:

"No, the No. 1 train conductor can't target it."

"So, what kind of person is the conductor No. 1?"

Agnes said:

"I can't tell you because I can't be sure if I've been parasitized by the Eternal's memory."

"That's it."

"Anything else to ask?"

"I want to ask a lot, but I can ask slowly in the future."

Agnes nodded,

"Hmm~www.readwn.com~ Okay."

"Then I'll go first."

"But you haven't finished drinking this watermelon juice."

"Do you have to drink?"


Qiao Xun didn't know if this was Agnes' quirk.

Her firm attitude made him think that the watermelon juice was hiding some secret. But looking at it with "gluttony", it is indeed just plain watermelon juice.

Probably Agnes is the kind of person who can't bear to see that others don't finish their cups of water or drinks.

Also like grandma said to grandson, you must finish the meat in the bowl, no leftovers are allowed!

After seeing Qiao Xun finish drinking the watermelon juice, Agnes smiled with satisfaction.

"I'm leaving."

After that, Qiao Xun left quickly, for fear that Agnes would make him stay for a while longer.

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