Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 60: Hunting God (12): You are the candle, I am the moth

It was noon after leaving Agnes.

It's time for lunch.

Qiao Xun went straight to the restaurant dedicated to serving the staff on the upper deck. The restaurants on the upper deck are not as rich as those in the middle deck. After all, the middle deck gathers passengers from all over the world, and of course there are dishes covering a variety of cuisines, while the upper deck is mainly Western-style food.

Qiao Xun is also trying to save trouble and solve it nearby.

In the restaurant, he simply ordered a set meal.

A considerable part of these ingredients are produced from polluting organisms. Of course, they have been specially treated and there is no hidden danger of pollution. After some polluted creatures are washed with some specific runes, the meat quality will become different, and people who are used to it will like it very much.

There are not many people on the upper deck, so the restaurant environment is very good, quiet and stylish. In the outside world, it can be considered a high-end restaurant.

Qiao Xun sat on the corner of the terrace outside on the second floor. The artificial sunlight from above is genial and warm.

This warm light is not felt in Antarctica.

On one side of the floor-to-ceiling windows is a music corridor, where a band of clockwork men is tirelessly playing elegant music.

It's true that a good dining atmosphere improves appetite.

Soothing music and warm sunshine made Qiao Xun feel more comfortable physically and mentally.

After a while, the clockwork waiters began to serve meals one after another.

Many styles, small weight. Western food is this style.

After a few dishes, the waiter placed a red and blue cocktail on his table.

Qiao Xun paused for a while, looked at the waiter and said:

"I remember, I didn't order wine."

Qiao Xun is generally more particular about what he wants to eat. He is not very demanding about his own food, but he is not the kind of person who eats what others bring to him.

The waiter smiled and replied:

"The customer over there ordered it for you."

Qiao Xun followed the place pointed by the waiter. At a dining table outside the floor-to-ceiling windows on the other side of the terrace, a mature lady is sitting, wearing a lady's hat with a light purple ribbon around her neck, the mist floating down from the lady's hat covers her face, Not sure.

She leaned forward slightly, with her elbows on the edge of the table, her palms clasped against her left face, her legs and knees overlapped, and black trousers covered half of her heels, but it was also obvious that she was wearing a pair of small, low heels. leather shoes.

This kind of dress is relatively retro, and was popular in the West in the seventies and eighties of the last century.

It seems a bit outdated in terms of age. But also score people. Some people dress outdated, it is called retro style, and some people dress outdated and it is called old fashioned.

Obviously, this lady is definitely not old-fashioned.

She just sat there, and everything in that small space seemed to belong to her.

A stranger ordered himself a glass of wine.

If this is a place like a bar, it probably means being interested in people.

But in the restaurant of the train. Maybe there are other meanings.

After a little thought, Qiao Xun picked up the red and blue cocktail in front of him and walked over.

"Hello." He greeted first.

Even sitting in front of him, he still couldn't see his face. The mist on the hat covered half of her face, looming and evoking reverie.

But Qiao Xun felt that this was not the key. He is an evolutionary, a deacon with the fifth-order information talent "True Ru". Even if it was blocking the steel plate, he could see clearly.

The reason could only be that the lady didn't want him to see his face directly.

Just this superficial layer made Qiao Xun realize that this lady is not weak.

She wears bright lipstick, showing her charm like feeling the rich aroma of red wine.

"You can guess why I invited you to drink." She spoke in a mature and magnetic voice.

Joe asked:

"Want to meet me?"

"It's obvious, and it's not something you should answer." There was an unmistakable feeling in her tone.

Qiao Xun's mind was overwhelmed. This tone does not seem to be expressed on purpose, but comes out naturally.

Can it be considered that she is usually so unquestionable?

If so, then she is either high-status or very capable.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"You said so, that guess is meaningless, I will definitely not be able to answer you to your satisfaction."

"Is this giving up?"

"I don't do meaningless things."

She smiled slightly,

"But it makes sense to me."

"non of my business."

"Aren't you thinking of others?"

"Before that, I have to think about myself first. If I don't think clearly about myself, and think about others beyond the bounds, isn't that over-reacting?"

"Isn't it helpful?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I'm not helpful here. Besides, I don't know you."

"Why give a little kindness to strangers?" The mist drifted down, her eyes deep and serene.

"Strangers are also good and bad. For bad people, kindness is the fuel that fuels arrogance."

"Am I good or bad? In your judgment."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"If you're willing to pay me a drink, that's not bad at all."

"It's just not bad. I thought it was good in your opinion."

"If a glass of wine can change a person's nature, then people's hearts are too cheap."

"Indeed. But most people's hearts are really cheap."

"But you are not. Neither am I."

She raised her head slightly, the fog drifted down, and her face became clear.

"You're confident."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"It's not self-confidence, it's self-knowledge."

"There are not many people who can clearly know their inner world."

"Don't the lady know her own heart?"

"I don't understand."

"It's amazing. I thought people like the lady knew exactly what they were thinking."

She changed positions, lying on the back of the chair,

"A person like me? Did you know me so soon?"

Joe Tour said,

"This is a sea train. People who are willing to sit in the restaurant on the upper deck and invite strangers to a glass of wine in this lazy afternoon are not sober people. Besides, the lady's hat It's really beautiful and interesting. It hides you deeply. But the more you hide it, the more it means that you came here and invited me to drink, not just to get to know me? And the tone of your speech ..." He smiled slightly, "It's really fascinating."

After being silent for a while, she narrowed her eyes and laughed.


"Like a moth fascinated by candlelight."

"Moths fly to the flames and burn lives."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"So, I have to stay away from you."

"What if we were friends fighting side by side?"

"Then there is still 9999/10,000th chance of being the enemy."

"Bite the word is inferior."

"What words can't bite is inferiority."

"Great mouth." She laughed, "every sentence is aggressive."

Qiao Xun denied,

"I'm not aggressive. Aggressiveness is also purposeful, but with the ladies, I don't want to have any purpose."

"Aren't you curious what I'm doing with you?"

"Curiosity can be the valve to open wisdom, or it can be the suspension bridge to the abyss."

"You are rational."

"I'm just constantly thinking about what I'm supposed to do."

She tapped the table with her finger lightly, and then smiled and said:

"It was a good afternoon."

"It's unhappy for me, and the pleasant alone time is disturbed."

"That's what you should endure." Her tone suddenly changed.

Qiao Xun paused for a while.


What does this mean? What should I bear?

He was about to say something.

The lady suddenly stood up,

"Maybe, next time, you will meet me again when you turn a corner inadvertently. Whether you are looking forward to it or nervous, you know it yourself."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked into the inner room of the restaurant, and then disappeared from Qiao Xun's sight all of a sudden.

He didn't feel how she disappeared.

strong. This woman is strong.

Qiao Xun sat at the dining table, looking at the motionless cocktail in front of him, his eyes flashing with thought.

He tried his best to deduce who this mysterious lady was.

This time point, this way, this tone...

High status, strong ability...

And the phrase "this is what you should endure" she said...

Qiao Xun gradually had a closer answer in his heart——

No. 2 train conductor, Ms. Anyang.

At the same time, she is also Lu Xianyi's mother.

Just today, Lu Xianyi met her mother. Immediately afterwards, he ran into a strange woman with similar attributes... Qiao Xun felt that there was no problem with this derivation.

Ms. An Yang, is the most appropriate answer.

It's just that he didn't know whether Ms. Anyang came here as "The No. 2 train conductor" or as "Lu Xianyi's mother".

If it is the former, it is more likely to be an idea related to the God-hunting plan;

If it's the latter, it's... normal.

When the mother meets her daughter's lover, it makes perfect sense.

Qiao Xundao did not expect to meet Ms. An Yang in this way.

And Ms. An Yang's ingenious way of testing also made him feel the oppression from a demigod.

Just sitting here, she has the feeling that she can't refuse.

Same as Agnes.

And there's just a face-to-face K of Spades "diplomat". He also gave Qiao Xun a feeling of unquestionable and refusal.

Are demigods like this?

Just thinking about this question, Qiao Xun immediately shook his head and denied it.

At least, he didn't feel the same feeling in Yihong.

I have seen Yihong three times before and after, and each time is a different feeling.

For the first time, it was to meet her automaton. The feeling for Qiao Xun is crazy and insane.

The second time was in Shizuoka, Japan, when he killed Cube 10 Fujiwara Masato. At that time, Yihong was terrifying and powerful, giving Qiao Xun a fatal sense of oppression.

The third time was Kabul in the Akub Khanate, who had just gotten rid of the pursuit of three black leather members and was recovering from her injuries when she appeared. At this time, Yihong...how can I describe it? Qiao Xun thought about it carefully, but he didn't think it was scary anymore. He felt like a bad-hearted sister next door.


"I don't know what she will be like when I see her next time. Don't be in a mess again..."

Qiao Xun felt that to deal with Yihong, he had to make bigger changes.

Thinking about it this way, Agnes is the best of the few demigods that I have come into contact with.

Compared with each other, Qiao Xun's evaluation of Agnes has reached a new level. At least Agnes is willing to put down his body and talk to people.

"I hope Ms. An Yang's first impression of me is not bad..."

Qiao Xun still didn't drink the cocktail in the end.

After he left the restaurant, he didn't wander around, and went straight back to his place.

It is expected that in another two or three days, livestock, passengers and VIPs who have mined, offered bounties and explored in Antarctica will return one after another.

The train will not be as quiet as it is now.


In the evening, the door of Qiao Xun's house was knocked on.

Qiao Xun woke up from the rest and intuitively told him that it was about to start.

After opening the door, sure enough, it was the messenger on the train.

The first letter from the courier since his return to the car. Agnes' letter -

"It feels like I haven't seen you for a long time,"

The first sentence reminded Qiao Xun of Xin Yu, who used to suffer from time loss.

"Although I only saw it in the morning. Are you having a good time? It's probably nothing to do today. However, it may not be after that. Starting from tomorrow, people will return to the train one after another. It will last about five days. After five days, The train will leave the Antarctic, everything will run according to the established order, and there will be a new round of parliament for the VIP seats. Remember what I said before? The real VIP seats are only the first, second and seventh seats because Only they are VIPs with full autonomy. This parliament will change the trajectory of the train, and even the trajectory of the world. The immortals are about to walk beyond the gate of recovery, and overlook the world from the light of immortality. Where will the world go? Road, you may be the most important dispatcher.

"One more thing. The first seat awakens a real demon, the seed of the dream-eating tapir. It has spread to every corner of the world, and as a dream-eating tapir, it can contaminate the dreams of all thinking beings, This will be the right hand of the Eternal. Tonight, you can try to feel the demon first. Go to sleep, and then I will help you find it in your dreams--

"Your dear,


There are two key points to this letter. First, the parliament after the train restarts is the final flashpoint. Before that, it is time to prepare.

Second, the real devil...

See Agnes write the word "devil". Qiao Xun clearly realized that this is not an adjective, but a real mythical creature.

The seed of the dream-eating tapir can pollute the dream.

You need to be in the Seed of Dreams to find it.

but! Agnes overlooked one thing.

Qiao Xun can't dream at all!

Since he started the evolutionary path, he has never dreamed, no matter how long he slept or how much he slept, he would never dream.

If you can't dream, how can you find the seed of the dream-eating tapir?

Qiao Xun wanted to tell Agnes about this problem~www.readwn.com~, but as soon as he walked to the door, an idea popped into his mind.

Dreaming is an involuntary conscious activity. One cannot dream because there is no involuntary conscious activity. All life activities inside and outside the body can be specifically felt and directly controlled. under the control of consciousness. Self-awareness is the highest level of life.

But what if the self-consciousness takes the initiative to dream?

Or, how about taking the initiative to build a dream?

Qiao Xun had read some information in "Tower Network" before, and there are indeed some evolutionary people related to dreams. For example, doctors who treat mental illnesses can subtly affect patients with mental illnesses by regulating changes in dreams, so as to achieve pathological effects.

This generally requires a very strong spiritual talent or information talent.

And these two kinds of talents, Qiao Xun has.

He did it as soon as he thought of it, first cleaned up the environment to ensure that he would not be disturbed, and then he fell into a conscious sleep.

"Zaiyin" and "True Ru" began to try to build a dream.

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