Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 61: Hunting Gods (13): My King Never Ends

In the complex and bizarre sea of ​​consciousness, Qiao Xun's consciousness seemed to be immersed in a colorful torrent.

His sea of ​​consciousness is very huge, which is due to the manifestation of his various characteristics in consciousness. There are also a variety of totems, runes, and corresponding talents.

These constitute his present complex sea of ​​consciousness. If an outsider uses his mental ability to enter his consciousness, he will definitely be confused by this complicated structure.

Complicated is complicated, but for him, it is not confusing at all.

"Build a dream..."

His first attempt at such a thing.

If dreams are involuntary conscious activities, then to construct dreams consciously, we must first deconstruct logic. Involuntary conscious activities have no logic. The fundamental difference between a conscious world and a dream state lies in whether it has logic or not. What has structural logic is obviously the spiritual and conscious world, and dreams are chaotic and disorderly.

Deconstructing logic is not difficult for "numerology follow the sky".

Just do the same as deconstructing the inner and outer world channels before. Qiao Xun got started quickly and found a solution immediately.

First establish a spiritual world supported by a normal logic, and then use "numerology to follow the sky" to reverse.

Disrupt the logic line and turn it into a state of complete disorder instantly.

Soon, a rather... strange dream appeared.

The spiritual world that Qiao Xun created at the beginning was adapted from his previous career as a psychologist. The reason why he adapted it instead of following it was also to prevent confusion between dreams and real memories. Dreams and memories are mixed up, and the consequences are still quite serious, and depersonalization is very likely to occur.

After "numerology follows the sky" against the spiritual world, a dream is formed.

In fact, in order to ensure the authenticity of the dream, Qiao Xun did not observe it from the perspective of God, but directly substituted it into self-consciousness.

In other words, for him, yes, he is indeed dreaming, but the dream state is specially constructed.

But the feeling of dreaming is itself erratic.

It was risky because he was not conscious.

The reason why he chose to take the risk is that Agnes said that he would help him find the seed of the dream-eating tapir after he fell into a dream.

Now that you choose to believe in Agnes, let's take a risk.

And the kind Agnes did not let his pigeons go.

After he first entered the dream, a high-level force began to pull away from his consciousness, allowing him to regain the clarity of consciousness. This power is not rune energy, it is more special, and it does not affect his dreams.

In the third party's feelings, he was still dreaming normally.

"Your dream..." Agnes' voice suddenly sounded beside Qiao Xun in the dream.

Qiao Xun, who had just Qingming, was slightly taken aback,

"Why did you suddenly appear?"

Agnes looked at him and blinked,

"Otherwise? There is no door here." Saying that, she knocked on the door.

Joe Tour said:

"The guidance you said is to come to my dream and help me find it?"

In the dream, Agnes was still dressed in the same clothes, but the feeling of decay disappeared. She really looks like an ordinary blond, blue-eyed girl who just came of age now.

Very... special feeling.

She is now more like a fantasy.

Agnes smiled and said:

"I also want to see what dreams you had. Will you have me in your dreams?"

"Aren't you in my dream now?"

"Not this. I just projected it into your dream. I want to see what Agnes himself looks like in your dream."

Qiao Xun picked up his mouth and smiled,

"Then you mustn't see it. I didn't dream of you."

"Oh?" Agnes said. "The dream isn't over yet. Maybe I'll pop out of nowhere."

Qiao Xun raised his chin and said confidently:

"Definitely without you."

"That said, I won't be very happy."

"This is true."

Agnes smiled slightly,

"All right."

She is very obedient to Joe Tour. Almost never argue with Joe Tour. Of course, not obedience or obedience. More precisely, it is accommodating.

She looked forward,

"This is the subject of your dream, right?"

A private nursing home with a mottled exterior. It was the place where Qiao Xun used to work, but in a dream, it was more like an old mental hospital.

Qiao Xun built the dream by himself, and of course he knew what was in the dream. It's just that the way of expression will become unknown because of disorder.

He thought about it and asked:

"How should we find the dream-eating tapir?"

Agnes said:

"The cannibalization of dreams by the dream-eating tapir is manifested in the violation of the main body of the dreamer's consciousness. By tampering, fabricating, and stealing dream fragments, the dreamer is implanted with emotions, memories, feelings, cognition, and beliefs, as well as harming personality and thinking. Activities. The seed of the dream-eating tapir is a demon, and it pays attention to its own interests. As long as it can bring benefits to itself, it will do any kind of content, and it is possible to have beautiful dreams and nightmares.”

"What profit does the devil want?"

"The power of faith, the sense of sin, the primitive instinct... are all what the devil wants. The way the devil grows and evolves is completely different. They do not absorb rune energy, nor do they care about creativity, dominance, execution, spiritual power, etc. The power of efficacy. The power contained in life itself is what they need. Because of this, wherever the devil goes, it is considered to be a curse. Because, relative to life, especially conscious life, They are literally scythes that harvest everything."

"What does it probably want in my dreams?"

Agnes looked at him, then smiled and said:

"Everything. Everything about you is attractive to the dream-eating tapir."


"Your characteristics, your mysterious totem, your special consciousness."

"How exactly does it behave?"

"Enslavement of dreams. It is to have complete control over your dreams. You can do whatever you want. To be specific, let's go and see first."

She said, walking ahead. Under the light white long skirt, the feet wearing lace-trimmed silk cloth shoes stepped on the barren sand outside the clinic, making a humming sound.

Qiao Xun followed behind.

Agnes is not tall. Qiao Xun could clearly see the top of her head.

It is this little head that holds the soul of more than 500 years... Qiao Xun thought for no reason.

"Don't have rude thoughts," Agnes said suddenly in front.

Qiao Xun paused,

"how do you know?"

Agnes turned his head and joked:

"You're really thinking about something rude."

Being caught first, Qiao Xun did not panic and said generously:

"I don't think it's rude to have a five-hundred-year-old soul in your little head."

Agnes said:


Then, she walked quickly into the clinic.

"This counts?" Qiao Xun murmured and quickly followed.

The structure of the clinic is familiar, but the decoration has completely changed.

Big red characters are written on the walls everywhere.

The characters are random, not any kind of human script. In a dream state of disorder, everything is illogical.

Agnes said as he walked,

"Dreams have no logic, but demons have logic."

"So, the clearer the logic, the closer it is to the seed of the dream-eating tapir?"

"Yes, it can also be said that the closer to the real world."

"This is not what the real world looks like at all."

"Then keep looking."

Agnes strolled leisurely, as if he had walked in this dream countless times.

Qiao Xun followed behind with a feeling that she knew more about this dream built by him than he did.

The whispers and screams in the ears mixed into a very distorted sound.

Qiao Xun knew that these voices should have been conversations in the clinic. But in the disordered state, the sound of each unit is disrupted and then randomly arranged.

There are also decorations in the room, etc., which are completely out of order and appear in places where they shouldn't be.

The toilet is placed on the computer, the pen is inserted into the vase, the paintings are pasted between the pages, the patient grows on the wall, the glasses are worn on the soles of the feet, the potted plants are pouring out the sewage, the doorknob is hanging and people are spinning wildly...

The mental pollution impact of pictures and sounds is not small.

Even people like Agnes who have seen many big scenes couldn't help but say:

"Qiao Xun, I really didn't expect you to have such a shocking dream. What the **** are you thinking about in your little head all day?"

Qiao Xun was a little embarrassed.

He found himself pushing too hard. Turn the dream into a complete disorder. In fact, although the dreams of normal people have no logic, they are based on reality to a certain extent, and are not completely disordered at all.

Embarrassed in my heart, but calm on my face,

"Oh, it's a dream, isn't that what it is?"

"You think I haven't had a dream?"

Qiao Xun teased,

"Do vampires dream of black goats that are nocturnal?"

Agnes hesitated and said:


Qiao Xun was stunned,

"I really dreamed of it."

"I've lived for more than five hundred years, and after more than two hundred years of dormancy, there are nearly 130,000 days and nights. Is it strange that in more than 120,000 dreams, there is a black goat that is nocturnal?"


Qiao Xun admitted that he was short-sighted.

However, he felt that Agnes in the dream seemed to be more lively than Agnes in reality...? The tone of speech is also much younger.

He was thinking about the difference between the two Agnes when she suddenly said:

"Attention, normal things are starting to appear."

Qiao Xun hurriedly closed his heart and observed it carefully.

Indeed, the surrounding environment began to normalize.

The big red characters on the walls are getting clearer and clearer, and familiar Chinese characters have appeared. All kinds of decorations gradually appeared in the position where they should have been.

This means that this nightmare of mental pollution is about to end.

After walking for a while, Agnes looked at the front door and said:


Qiao Xun looked over and frowned.

Because this door did not exist in his original dream, it was extra.

The clinic he had stayed in before did not have such a door at all.

Agnes stepped forward and said as he walked:

"As many dreams exist on the earth at the moment, there are as many avatars of the dream-eating tapir seed. Here, it is just one of its many avatars. Solving it will not have any effect on it, but I brought you here only to advance Feel it, not for other things. The seed of the dream-eating tapir can exist in the dream in any form, an item, a person, even a sentence, a beam of light. Although it is said, often, the dream-eating tapir The existence of the incarnation is a person or thing that is very important, influential, and deeply related to the owner of the dream."

She said, pushing open the door to the end of this dream.

The door opened.

Here, is a completely normal consultation room.

Qiao Xun is very familiar with this place. Because this is the clinic where he used to work. The decoration layout has not changed at all.

A man is sitting in his office chair. That person is... Yu Xiaoshu!

Yes, it seems not, because the temperament is different. Yu Xiaoshu is probably a little more clever.

Then this should not be Yu Xiaoshu, but a "pilgrim".

But Qiao Xun couldn't figure out why the "tourist" was a very important, influential and deeply related person to him?

He hadn't even spoken to her much.

Agnes tutted:

"It's not me. What a pity."

Qiao Xun couldn't help but complain,

"It was said that you were not in this dream. Why are you still thinking about this?"

Agnes shook his head and walked in.

"Yu Xiaoshu" sat on the office chair and said:

"You are here, Mr. Qiao Xun, we can start the diagnosis and treatment."

Agnes said to Tour Joe:

"She can't feel my presence. I'm not part of a dream, but a projection of the real world."

Qiao Xun nodded and sat down.

"Yu Xiaoshu" said professionally:

"Mr. Qiao Xun, tell me about your symptoms."

Agnes smiled slightly, which meant that it was up to you.

Qiao Xun thought about it and said to "Yu Xiaoshu":

"I've been terrified of the end of the world lately. Volcanoes will erupt, earthquakes shriek, oceans rage. Am I paranoid?"

"Yu Xiaoshu" shook his head,

"It's not paranoia, because the end of the world is indeed coming."

Qiao Xun paused, a little surprised, and looked at Agnes next to him in confusion.

How could a psychologist say such a thing?

Agnes said:

"This is the ability of the dream-eating tapir seed. If you are not awake, then at this moment, what it says will become part of your memory. That is, by contaminating the dream, it affects the reality. You just need to pierce it."

Qiao Xun continued to say to "Yu Xiaoshu":

"No, I don't think so."

"Yu Xiaoshu"'s expression changed slightly,


"Because I was lying. I was lying to you just now. There is no end of the world. You don't know anything, you can't do anything."

"Yu Xiaoshu"'s expression began to distort, and gradually, a black mist came out of her eyes,

"Liar? No, I smell sober."

Under the black mist, strange shadows gradually emerged. Shadow said grimly:

"Look what I saw, a guy who stayed awake in a dream."

"Are you a dream-eating tapir?"

Angele said gloomily:

"Know me, it looks like you're here for me."

"I just want to meet and see real demons."

"Seeing the devil, there is a price to pay."

"I won't give it, what can you do with me?" Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows.

Angele looked at Qiao Xun through the black fog and said:

"It seems that the devil has been sleeping for too long, and you have forgotten your fear."

"Sleep? If you are strong enough, will you fall asleep?"

Qiao Xun's words were sharp.

Angele screamed:

"You don't understand anything! There is no myth in any mythical world that does not fear the shadow of the devil! It is the devil who connects the unrelated mythical worlds; it is the devil who brings miracles to the earth one after another. Otherwise, the earth will always be a godless land!"

Qiao Xun sneered,

"That's not sleep."

The mentality is very successful.

Angele said fiercely:

"You have to pay the price."

Saying that, the black fog surged wildly, got out of the consultation room, and instantly covered the entire dream.

Then, Agnes immediately said beside him:

"Qiao Xun, enough is enough, it's time to go. It's going to shatter the dream, and everything else in the dream will disappear, including my projection and your subject consciousness. I'm going to take you out."

She stretched out her hand, grabbed Qiao Xun's shoulder, and disappeared with a flash.

Agnes' projection left this dream, but Qiao Xun's subject consciousness did not disappear. Of course, it wasn't that Agnes couldn't be brought out because of his lack of ability, but that Qiao Xun himself rejected her. He chose to stay.

Angele said:

"Follow the dream and smash it together."


All the sounds stopped abruptly, and after a color explosion, the dream returned to pure white.

However, Qiao Xun is still there.

In the pure white space, Angele was stunned, so much so that he muttered to himself:

"Why are you still... you shouldn't..."

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes and said:

"No one can kill me in my dreams. Neither can the devil. You should pay the price."

After he finished speaking, he launched "gluttony" and began to frantically devour Angele, a dream clone.

"Gluttony" is like an invisible giant mouth~www.readwn.com~ gluttonous meals.

However, what surprised Qiao Xun was that Angele did not move and stayed where he was.

Its original ever-changing shape also stopped changing, and a very strong emotion permeated from the black mist.

Perceived through "lust".

It was... shock and ecstasy.

When "Gluttony" devoured the last bit of its body, it seemed to wake up and cried out:

"My king never ends, never ends..."

Speaking of which, Angele was completely swallowed up, and the voice stopped abruptly.

Everything is off.

In Bai Ji's conscious world, Qiao Xun took a deep breath and said:

"The king...its king...who is it?"

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